STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Force of Nature" #40277-261 Written by Naren Shankar Directed by Bob Lederman THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT SEPTEMBER 17, 1993 STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Force of Nature" CAST PICARD PRAK RIKER RABAL DATA SEROVA BEVERLY TROI WORF GEORDI Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. SECURITY SPOT STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Force of Nature" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE GEORDI'S QUARTERS/BEDROOM ALIEN SHIP OBSERVATION LOUNGE ENGINEERING JEFFERIES TUBE DATA'S QUARTERS STELLAR PHOTOGRAPHY LAB READY ROOM TEN FORWARD STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Force of Nature" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE HEKARAS huh-CARE-us RABAL ruh-BALL SEROVA suh-ROE-va TETRYON TEH-tree-on VERTERON VURR-ter-on STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "Force of Nature" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. GEORDI'S QUARTERS - ANGLE ON DOOR The door CHIME sounds. GEORDI (O.S.) (harried) Come in! The DOOR OPENS and DATA ENTERS. He looks around the room for a moment -- it's apparently empty. DATA Geordi... ? GEORDI (O.S.) I'm in here... The voice is coming from the bedroom. As Data moves toward it, he sees PIECES OF A BROKEN VASE strewn all over the floor. 2 THE BEDROOM Data ENTERS the bedroom to see GEORDI on his hands and knees, looking at something under the bed. GEORDI I've got her now, Data... she's trapped. DATA (puzzled) Who? Geordi gives him a sharp look. GEORDI Your demented cat. Data moves to the other side of the bed and peers curiously underneath. DATA I do not understand. Why is Spot under the bed? STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: GEORDI Probably because she knows I'll kill her if I get my hands on her. DATA Has Spot been misbehaving? GEORDI That's putting it mildly. So far she's broken a vase and a teapot, destroyed my couch by using it as a scratching post, and coughed up hairballs on my carpet. DATA These incidents are common to cat owners. When you borrowed Spot, you said you wanted to experience the full range of feline behavior before getting a cat yourself. GEORDI Yeah, well, I don't think I'm ready for one. You can take her back, with my blessings. A beat as Data stares under the bed. GEORDI Well? Go ahead -- call her. DATA Spot does not respond to verbal commands. GEORDI She won't come when you call her? DATA No. GEORDI Data, have you ever considered training her? DATA (pondering) I have never found it to be necessary. GEORDI Necessary? That cat is out of control. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI (Cont'd) Half the time I wasn't sure if she was going to lick me or scratch my face off. DATA I have never experienced that kind of behavior from Spot. (beat) Although she does have the unfortunate habit of jumping onto my computer console when I am working. GEORDI There, see? She needs training. RIKER'S COM VOICE Riker to senior staff. Please report to the observation lounge. Mission briefing in ten minutes. GEORDI Okay, we have to get her out from under there. I'll scare her -- you grab her when she comes out. DATA I do not think it would be wise to startle her -- But Geordi makes his move. GEORDI Now! SPOT goes streaking out from under the bed -- not toward Data -- and dashes into the other room. GEORDI Uh-oh... There's a resounding CRASH from the next room. Geordi casts a baleful eye at Data. GEORDI Training. (beat) Definitely. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (3) Off Data's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 3 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 47310.2. We are investigating the disappearance of the Medical Transport Fleming somewhere in the Hekaras Corridor. Our search is complicated by the unique properties of this particular region of space. 4 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE PICARD, RIKER, Data, TROI, BEVERLY, WORF, and Geordi are seated at the conference table. The mood is upbeat -- even though the mission is serious, it's still fairly routine. RIKER The Fleming's last contact with Starfleet was four days ago. They didn't report anything out of the ordinary when they entered the Corridor... Riker nods to Data who rises and moves to the large monitor which is displaying an OKUDAGRAM of a subspace map of the Hekaras Corridor. The graphic indicates a long, path-like trail threading its way through several star systems. DATA The unusually intense tetryon fields in this sector pose a severe navigational hazard to warpdriven vessels... Data indicates the path-like structure on the graphic. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT ONE 6. 4 CONTINUED: DATA (continuing) The Hekaras Corridor is the only route through the area which is free of tetryon fields. Ships travelling at warp must use the Corridor to ensure safe passage through the region. PICARD How long will it take to complete a level-one search? DATA At least two days, sir. The Corridor is over twelve lightyears long, and the surrounding tetryon interference will limit our sensor range. Picard nods and Data takes his seat. WORF Could we send out reconnaissance probes to supplement the sensors? GEORDI They won't be very effective. The interference will make it difficult to maintain contact with the probes; the best we can do is to try increasing the sensor efficiency. (beat; to Picard) We're installing multi-phase buffers on all the sensor modules. It should help a little. Troi, meanwhile, has been studying the graphic. TROI Hekaras Two is inhabited, isn't it? Maybe they've had contact with the Fleming. Riker shakes his head. RIKER They haven't. I've already spoken with the Hekaran government. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/24/93 - ACT ONE 7. 4 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (Cont'd) According to them, only one ship has passed through their system in the last week... and that was a Ferengi trader. Beverly reacts. BEVERLY The Fleming was carrying a supply of bio-mimetic gel... it's rare and quite valuable. Do you think it's possible the Ferengi could have hijacked it? RIKER (considers) I wouldn't put it past them. (beat; to Picard) We should be prepared for that contingency. PICARD Agreed. Picard makes his decisions. PICARD (continuing) All right then. Mister Worf, initiate your search pattern. Let's head in. The meeting breaks up. CUT TO: 4A INT. ENGINEERING Geordi is at the warp core. The DILITHIUM CHAMBER is open and he is working intently on the innards with a TECH TOOL. Several N.D.s are working in the b.g. Data ENTERS and moves to Geordi. DATA Geordi, we have experienced a slight drop in sensor efficiency. Commander Riker would like us to examine the phase buffers. Geordi does not look up from his work immediately. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/24/93 - ACT ONE 7A. 4A CONTINUED: GEORDI No problem, Data... I'll be with you in a minute... Geordi works another beat and then turns to an N.D. GEORDI (continuing) All right, Hansen, transfer EPS conduit thirteen through the stabilizer matrix. VOICE (O.C.) Aye, sir. Geordi closes the chamber, moves to another console and continues working. Data follows him, curious. DATA Geordi, is there a problem with the engines? GEORDI No, not really... DATA Then why are you stabilizing the EPS conduit? A beat. Geordi looks up from the console. GEORDI I'm just trying to get a slightly higher power conversion level... DATA (considering it) That would not affect the engines in any way. GEORDI I know. That's not the point. Data seems puzzled. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/24/93 - ACT ONE 7B. 4A CONTINUED: (2) DATA Then... what is "the point?" GEORDI (a bit evasive) I just... want the best conversion level I can get. DATA Why? There is a beat. Somewhat reluctantly... GEORDI It's the Intrepid. (off Data's reaction) Their Chief Engineer is Commander Donald Kaplan. We went through the Academy together. And... I kind of like to make sure our power conversion level is... a little higher than theirs. DATA I understand. You are in competition with Mister Kaplan. Geordi doesn't want to admit to that. GEORDI No, it's not really a competition... (beat) This is the flagship. It just seems to me -- we should be better than the rest. DATA That does sound like a competitive position. GEORDI It's more a matter of personal pride. I mean... these are my engines. DATA But you are trying to outperform the Intrepid. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/24/93 - ACT ONE 7C. 4A CONTINUED: (3) GEORDI Well... yeah. Geordi works the console for a beat. GEORDI Computer. How much have the conversion levels increased? COMPUTER VOICE Levels are unchanged. Geordi's frustration is evident as Data waits patiently. GEORDI All right, we'll deal with of this later... Geordi grabs a TECH TOOL and moves toward the Jefferies tube. GEORDI (continuing) Let's take a look at those sensors. Data and Geordi EXIT into the Jefferies tube. 5 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Geordi and Data are moving through a section of the VERTICAL JEFFERIES TUBE. They stop at a junction, and Geordi opens a MEESPANEL. He begins to work on it with a TECH TOOL as Data monitors his progress with a TRICORDER. GEORDI Okay -- how's that? DATA The phase buffer is functioning within normal parameters. Sensor efficiency has increased six-point-seven percent. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/23/93 - ACT ONE 8. 5 CONTINUED: Geordi closes the panel, still not quite satisfied. GEORDI Only six-point-seven? One of the stages must still be out of alignment... (beat) Let's check out junction A-nine. Data acknowledges and they begin to climb down the tube. DATA Geordi, I have taken your suggestion regarding Spot. GEORDI What suggestion? DATA I have begun to train her. I am currently testing several techniques. Geordi isn't really interested to hear about Data's cat. GEORDI Really... Data continues talking as they move into a horizontal section... 6 ANOTHER JEFFERIES TUBE - HORIZONTAL SECTION Moving along the tube... DATA I began with simple conditioned response exercises and followed with various environmental enhancements. Next I intend to explore bio-conditioning devices. GEORDI Devices? DATA Such as sensor nets for behavior modification... or bio-feedback motivators... (beat) Unfortunately, I have been largely unsuccessful... STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/23/93 - ACT ONE 9. 6 CONTINUED: Geordi stops at a MEESPANEL and opens it up. He takes out his (TECH) tool and begins working. GEORDI (kidding) How about a phaser? A low stun setting at the right moment might do the trick... Data reacts -- he's taking the suggestion seriously. DATA Geordi. I will not stun my cat. GEORDI I was just kidding... Geordi works for another moment, then closes the panel. GEORDI This isn't it, either. DATA There is clearly a misalignment somewhere in this system. GEORDI That's for sure... (thinks) There's one more possibility... let's take a look at junction C-twelve... They move off down the tube... 6A JEFFERIES TUBE - ANOTHER SECTION moving along the tube... DATA I am somewhat concerned that my training efforts will ultimately fail... GEORDI Well, maybe you're just going about it the wrong way. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/23/93 - ACT ONE 9A. 6A CONTINUED: DATA I have consulted numerous animal behavior manuals; several of them claim that cats are inherently untrainable. GEORDI I don't believe that. My sister didn't know a thing about animals and she was able to train her cat. How complicated could it be? DATA (curious) What did she train her cat to do? GEORDI (thinks about it) Well... her cat would jump into her arms on command. Data is intrigued by the notion. DATA That is interesting. Perhaps I could modify your sister's technique to keep Spot off my console. Do you know how she was able to train her cat? GEORDI (amused) Well, as I recall, she had to walk around for about two months with a piece of tuna in her blouse... Data reacts. In the meantime, they have reached another MEESPANEL. Geordi opens it and checks it out... GEORDI I was right... this buffer is out of alignment... (beat, works) All right... how's that? Data scans the panel with his tricorder. DATA The phase alignment is stabilizing... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/23/93 - ACT ONE 9B. 6A CONTINUED: (2) DATA (Cont'd) (beat) However, sensor efficiency has only increased an additional one-point-three percent. GEORDI Well, that's not much, but every little bit helps. RIKER'S COM VOICE Riker to Data. DATA (taps combadge) Data here. RIKER'S COM VOICE We're picking up a ship ahead on long range sensors. If you and Geordi are through down there, we'd like to have you on the Bridge. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/23/93 - ACT ONE 10. 6A CONTINUED: (3) Data looks at Geordi who closes the panel. GEORDI We've squeezed as much out of these systems as we're going to get. DATA (to com) Acknowledged, sir. We are on our way. Data moves off down the tube. Geordi takes one last, satisfied look at his repair and then follows Data down the tube. CUT TO: 7 INT. BRIDGE Picard and Riker are at their command stations; Worf is working his console at Tactical; various N.D.s are at the other stations. WORF We are within visual range, sir. PICARD On screen. Worf works his console and... 8 THE MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) activates, showing a Ferengi ship drifting in space. The ship is completely dark and there is no glow from its warp engines. 9 RESUME SCENE Data and Geordi ENTER from the aft Turbolift; Geordi moves to Aft Science and Data moves to Ops, relieving the N.D. as Riker examines the readout of his chair console. RIKER (to Picard) This is the same Ferengi ship that entered the Corridor a week ago. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT ONE 11. 9 CONTINUED: Geordi studies his console closely. GEORDI Captain, there are no emissions from their plasma vents. Their warp drive must be completely inactive. DATA (off console) That is correct, sir. Their impulse systems appear to be down as well... power generation is at extremely low levels. PICARD What about life signs? DATA (off console) Life support is also functioning, at low levels. There are approximately four-hundred fifty Ferengi on board. That is a standard complement for a vessel of this class. A puzzling beat. PICARD Mister Worf, open a hailing frequency. A beat as Worf works his console. WORF No response on any channel, sir. GEORDI (off console) I'm not reading any subspace emissions from their ship at all, sir. It looks like every one of their field coils has been overloaded. RIKER That would explain why they didn't respond to our hails... STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT ONE 12. 9 CONTINUED: (2) DATA It would also explain the failure of their warp drive. A beat. GEORDI Sir, the Feregni sensors are still functioning. I could modify one of our deflector emitters to transmit old-style delta waves... if I modulate that with a com signal, the Ferengi should be able to pick it up. PICARD Make it so. Geordi moves to another console and begins working. RIKER (to Picard) Well, if they did hijack the Fleming, they certainly didn't get very far with the cargo. PICARD Mister Worf, have tractor beams standing by... we may have to take them under tow... (beat) Helm, bring us within tractor range... WORF (puzzled, off console) Captain, I am picking up power emissions from the Ferengi ship... (urgently) They are locking weapons! PICARD (quickly) Raise shields -- Picard barely gets the words out as the SHIP SHAKES from the blast. The RED ALERT lights flash and the KLAXONS sound. OFF reactions. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT TWO 13. ACT TWO FADE IN: 10 INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS The SHIP SHAKES again as another blast from the Ferengi vessel connects. Picard and Riker quickly bark out their orders. RIKER Ready phasers. Prepare to return fire. PICARD Target their weapons array only. WORF Phasers locked. PICARD Fire. 11 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) fires its phasers, hitting the Ferengi ship. 12 INT. BRIDGE DATA Direct hit. (beat) Their weapon systems are down. PICARD (to Worf) Damage report. WORF (off console) We sustained minimal damage on decks five and seven, sir. DATA Sir, the Ferengi ship's power has stabilized... they appear to have impulse capability. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT TWO 14. 12 CONTINUED: RIKER (to Picard) They were just playing dead... conserving power until we got in close enough. PICARD But why attack us in the first place? RIKER Somehow I don't think they're going to let us beam over and ask them... Picard turns to Geordi who's still working. PICARD Mister La Forge, how are you coming with that com link? GEORDI Almost ready, sir... Geordi tinkers with the console for a quick beat and then steps back. GEORDI (continuing) We can give it a try. PICARD Open a channel. Geordi works his console. 13 THE MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) comes on. The image is unrecognizable, almost completely obscured by "snow". 14 ON GEORDI as he works his panel, attempting to clear the image. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT TWO 15. 15 INCLUDE THE MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as it gradually clears to show the grainy, staticfilled image of the Ferengi commander, DAIMON PRAK (NOTE: the visual should be clearly inferior to our normal Viewscreen image). He doesn't look happy. PICARD This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Enterprise. Please explain your attack on my ship. PRAK (outraged) Our attack? We were defending ourselves. Do you deny that you are responsible for disabling my vessel? Picard exchanges a glance with Riker -- what is this guy talking about? PICARD Your ship was adrift and your communications inoperative. We were attempting to ascertain your status. PRAK (doesn't buy it) You were attempting to move in for the kill. (beat) Do not toy with me, Picard... we are obviously at your mercy. But know this: when the Ferengi Council learns of your actions, they will consider this an act of war. PICARD Daimon, there has clearly been a misunderstanding here. I believe it would be in everyone's best interests if you came aboard and we discussed the situation. PRAK I see no reason to trust you, hewman. Picard wants to get to the bottom of this -- but he's going to have to force Prak to accept his help. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT TWO 16. 15 CONTINUED: PICARD Then I suppose we'll be on our way... (beat) If you wish, I'll relay your position to your government... in case you're unable to complete repairs... and remain stranded here. Prak wavers -- he really isn't ready to take that chance. PRAK Perhaps it would be better to discuss the situation... Off Prak's reaction. CUT TO: 16 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) and the Ferengi ship. 17 INT. READY ROOM Picard, Riker, and Prak. PRAK We detected what appeared to be a Federation signal buoy. When we approached it, it emitted a massive verteron pulse... our warp drive, our sensors, our communications systems were all disabled. (beat) We assumed we were the victims of a new Federation weapon. PICARD Daimon Prak. The Federation established this Corridor to ensure a safe route through the sector. We have nothing to gain from mining it. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT TWO 17. 17 CONTINUED: RIKER Whatever happened to your ship may not be an isolated incident. A Federation Medical transport was recently lost in the Corridor. PRAK We passed a Federation ship several days ago. It did not appear to be in any distress. Picard and Riker react. RIKER Can you give us an idea of their heading? Prak smiles -- finally, he's got a way to be one-up. PRAK It's possible that information was recorded in our sensor logs, Commander. (beat) Unfortunately, my entire crew is occupied with our repairs. I don't know if there will be time to search our records. It's obvious what Prak is getting at. PICARD Perhaps if we assigned an engineering team to assist with the repair efforts... would that give you time to retrieve your logs? Prak seems quite satisfied with the arrangement. PRAK I believe it would, Captain. 18 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS Spot is sitting on Data's desk as Data stands nearby. DATA Spot -- down. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/24/93 - ACT TWO 18. 18 CONTINUED: Spot stares at him. DATA (continuing) Spot -- down. Spot does nothing. Data approaches Spot and as he lifts the cat off the desk, he repeats the command. DATA (continuing) Spot -- down. Data sets the cat on the floor and then points to the desk. DATA (continuing) This is up. Up is no. Data points to the floor. DATA (continuing) This is down. (strokes Spot) Down is good. The door CHIMES. DATA (continuing) Come in. The DOORS OPEN and Geordi ENTERS, carrying a PADD. As Geordi speaks, Data picks up Spot and places her on the desk. GEORDI Data. I had another idea that might help boost our power conversion levels. Could you give me a hand? DATA I would be happy to. Geordi notices Spot sitting on the console. GEORDI Don't tell me you're training her to use the console. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT TWO 19. 18 CONTINUED: (2) DATA As part of her training program, I am teaching Spot to jump down from the desk on my command. GEORDI How's it going? DATA I have not been entirely successful... Spot MEOWS loudly. In response, Data moves to the replicator. Spot jumps off the desk and moves to a certain place on the floor and waits. Data speaks to the replicator. DATA (continuing) Feline supplement two-hundred twenty-one. We HEAR the replicator activating. Data picks up a BOWL OF FOOD and sets it down in front of Spot, who begins to eat. GEORDI That cat has definitely got a mind of her own, Data. Maybe she's just not trainable. Spot MEOWS twice. Data now moves to a shelf and picks up a small BALL OF YARN... DATA I suppose I must accept that possibility. It may be that Spot lacks the intelligence necessary to learn the appropriate responses to my commands. Data places the yarn in front of Spot who begins to play with it. Geordi watches, amused. GEORDI Maybe. (beat) But I think your training is coming along quite nicely. Data seems puzzled and then looks at Spot with a thoughtful expression. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/24/93 - ACT TWO 20. 18 CONTINUED: (3) GEORDI (continuing) Come on, Data, let's go. Geordi moves for the door. With a final backward glance at the cat, Data follows Geordi and they EXIT. 18A INT. ENGINEERING Data and Geordi are working at the pool table. GEORDI Okay, Data, keep the EPS flow constant while I re-modulate the power taps. Data turns to the work. DATA This procedure could only boost the conversion level by -- point-eight percent. GEORDI That's all right... it might be enough. DATA Enough? Geordi picks up a nearby PADD and hands it to Data. GEORDI Commander Kaplan just sent me this on subspace. Data reads off the PADD. DATA "La Forge. I've got Intrepid's power conversion level up to ninety-seven-point-one percent. Maybe you should try cleaning your plasma grid once in a while." GEORDI Can you believe the nerve of this guy... ? DATA We perform maintenance on the plasma grid at regular intervals. GEORDI Of course we do -- he's just trying to get me angry. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/24/93 - ACT TWO 20A. 18A CONTINUED: Geordi works for another beat before hitting a final button on the console. GEORDI That should do it... (to computer) Computer, what is the current power conversion level? COMPUTER VOICE Power conversion level is ninety-seven-point-two percent. A triumphant grin breaks across Geordi's face. GEORDI Too bad, Mister Kaplan... Data reacts to the obvious glee in Geordi's voice, and Geordi looks sheepishly back. Off expressions. CUT TO: 19 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (STOCK OPTICAL) at impulse as it approaches a DEBRIS FIELD (as seen in "Face of the Enemy"). PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate, 47311.4. Based on the Ferengi sensor logs, we have traced the Fleming's most likely course. It now appears that the vessel may have come to an unfortunate end. 20 INT. BRIDGE - AFT SCIENCE Picard and Data are studying an OKUDAGRAM on the monitor which shows a line indicating the course of the Fleming through the Corridor; the line passes near a debris field. PICARD What's the origin of this debris field? STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/24/93 - ACT TWO 20B. 20 CONTINUED: DATA Unknown, sir. It does not appear on any Federation charts of the Corridor. PICARD Could it be what's left of the Fleming? DATA It is a possibility. The debris consists primarily of duranium and poly-composite fragments which suggests it could be from a ship. Furthermore, the field contains sufficient mass to account for the Fleming. A grim beat. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT TWO 21. 20 CONTINUED: PICARD All right... let's take a closer look. Perhaps we can find something to give us a positive identification. Picard moves back to his command position and joins Riker; Data returns to Ops; Worf is at Tactical. PICARD (continuing) Helm, plot a course through the debris field. Ahead slow. Data works his console as the Enterprise begins slowly moving into the debris field. DATA Captain, I am picking up a small, metallic object, approximately three-point-five meters in diameter... RIKER It could be a ship's log recorder... or a probe casing. DATA (off console) I do not believe so... it is emitting an unusual signal ... (urgently) Sir, it is beginning to generate a verteron field. Picard and Riker react. PICARD Shields up! Full reverse, now! But the realization comes too late. Suddenly, an INTENSE WHITE LIGHT fills the Bridge for several seconds, accompanied by a HIGH-PITCHED SOUND (note: there is no ship shake). When the effect subsides, the Bridge lights are dimmed and many of the consoles are dark. PICARD (continuing, to Worf) Damage report. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/17/93 - ACT TWO 22. 20 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Warp engines are off-line... shields are down... all subspace systems are inoperative... RIKER Just like the Ferengi ship. DATA Captain, there is an unidentified vessel heading toward us... two life forms aboard... PICARD On screen. 21 THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) A small alien ship stands facing the Enterprise. 22 INT. BRIDGE DATA (off console) They are initiating their Transporter systems... PICARD (to Worf) Can you get any power to the shields? Worf works his console in frustration. WORF No sir. RIKER (to com) All decks... security alert! The ship goes to RED ALERT. DATA We are being boarded... A tense beat... where are they going to materialize? GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge to Bridge... we've got intruders in Main Engineering... STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/20/93 - ACT TWO 23. 23 INT. ENGINEERING - ON GEORDI Geordi is in his office, staring through the glass at the now-inactive warp core. GEORDI (continuing, to com) We need a security team down here... WORF'S COM VOICE It's on the way... As Geordi moves out of his office... 24 WIDEN TO INCLUDE THE WARP CORE TWO HUMANOID ALIENS, a male, RABAL, and a female, SEROVA, are standing in front of the inactive core. GEORDI What do you want? RABAL We're trying to make you listen... SEROVA You are killing us. TWO N.D. SECURITY GUARDS ENTER with PHASERS drawn. Off Geordi's stunned reaction. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 25 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Data, and Geordi are at the table with Rabal and Serova. The two N.D. Security Guards stand nearby, phasers holstered, closely flanking the aliens. PICARD (hard, to Rabal) You've made a very serious accusation. I want you to explain it. Rabal is a mature, reasonable man but he's extremely passionate and determined. RABAL Captain, according to our research, warp fields are causing a dangerous reaction in this region of space. Serova is younger than Rabal, and she seems more determined and less inclined to listen to reason. SEROVA Our planet is already being affected. We have measured large gravitational shifts throughout our system. RABAL If something isn't done, our planet will become uninhabitable. There's a beat as Picard considers the implications of what they're saying. If they are right, then the situation demands study. Geordi, however, is openly skeptical of their claims. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT THREE 25. 25 CONTINUED: GEORDI Captain, I've heard this theory before. Their research was evaluated by the Federation Science Council a few years ago. Their claims just didn't hold up. Serova bristles. SEROVA That research was only preliminary. Our original analysis was incomplete... Picard understands their position, but he doesn't care for their methods. PICARD Doctor, if you wanted us to review your research, you could have placed a request through the Science Council. RABAL Their resources are limited. It would have taken over a year before they dispatched a science ship to come and evaluate our work. SEROVA We were not willing to wait any longer. (beat) We knew that if we disabled enough ships, Starfleet would come. Then at least we would be able to present our case... STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT THREE 26. 25 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER That's how you rationalize these attacks? SEROVA Neither you nor the Ferengi suffered any casualties, Commander. The actual damage to your vessels was negligible. RABAL We dispersed verteron probes in the Corridor only to disable warpdriven ships... nothing more. RIKER You can call it whatever you like. The fact remains that you deliberately disguised your probes. You made them look like signal markers... You hid them in debris fields... You mined the Corridor. There's an uncomfortable silence. Both Rabal and Serova realize they've taken some pretty extreme measures, but they're not going to apologize for it. A beat as Picard considers his options. PICARD (continuing) Mister La Forge, how long do you estimate it will take to restore the engines? GEORDI Their verteron pulse overloaded our field coils, sir... it'll take at least thirty-six hours to get underway. Picard turns to Rabal and Serova. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/20/93 - ACT THREE 27. 25 CONTINUED: (3) SEROVA I know precisely how our pulse affected your field coils. With my help, your ship could be operational in ten hours... (beat) Provided you agree to review our research. Picard fixes Serova with a hard stare; he is not going to be forced into this. PICARD Because of the seriousness of your claims, I'm willing to listen to your case. But make no mistake. Our priority here is the recovery of the Fleming. (beat) I expect you to help us restore our systems and deactivate all your remaining probes in the Corridor... (beat) If you do not, I will put you both in the brig and take you to the nearest Starbase where you'll face charges for what you've done. Serova is unrepentant and she's not backing down; Rabal, however, is willing to compromise. RABAL My sister and I have no wish to impede your rescue efforts -- SEROVA Rabal, don't. The probes are the only leverage we have. If we -- RABAL (silences her) Serova. (to Picard) We will do as you ask, Captain, but please... re-examine our data. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT THREE 28. 25 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD We will, Doctor. Part of our job is to maintain an open mind... even under these circumstances. (beat) Mister La Forge, take them to Engineering and get the core back on-line. Geordi isn't happy at the prospect of working with these people, but there isn't much of a choice. GEORDI Yes, sir. PICARD Mister Data, begin a review of their research. I'd like your report as soon as possible. Data nods, then Data, Geordi, Rabal, and Serova EXIT, followed by Worf and the Security Guards. Off Riker and Picard's expressions. CUT TO: 26 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi, Rabal, and Serova are working in and around the area of the warp core. All three have PADDS. The warp core is still dark. Serova works a console and the warp core begins to PULSE SLOWLY. She checks a panel. SEROVA There... shields have been restored. You'll be able to reengage your engines in... approximately eight hours. Geordi checks the panel himself. GEORDI (irritated) You know, even after we get the engines on-line, it's going to take a week to recalibrate them properly... SEROVA I'm sorry you've been inconvenienced. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/20/93 - ACT THREE 29. 26 CONTINUED: SEROVA (Cont'd) But that's all it is -- an inconvenience. Our concerns are far more important than the condition of your engines. GEORDI What if the Fleming had been transporting perishable supplies... or was on an emergency mission? Your little plan might have cost a lot of lives. SEROVA That didn't happen, Commander. And saving lives is precisely what we're trying to do. GEORDI Well, you have an interesting way of going about it. Serova regards him intently, frustrated by his seeming intransigence. SEROVA There's no point talking to you. You've already decided not to listen. She EXITS, leaving Rabal and a frustrated Geordi. RABAL Commander... I know my sister can be somewhat -- aggravating... GEORDI I'd have to agree with that... RABAL But please try to understand... she believes profoundly in this cause. She has sworn to dedicate her life to exposing the dangers of warp drive. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/20/93 - ACT THREE 30. 26 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Warp drive has been around for three centuries. It's a proven technology... RABAL You sound like I did... about four years ago... GEORDI You mean you didn't believe her, either? RABAL No. What I didn't realize... was how brilliant my sister is. It took two years of study for me even to grasp the principles behind her theoretical models... they're that sophisticated. GEORDI Well, our Commander Data is no slouch. If there's anything there, he'll find it. RABAL I hope so. (beat) Because once we persuade Starfleet to stop warp travel through the Corridor... we will have to convince our own people to give up warp drive completely. It's an unexpected notion. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT THREE 31. 26 CONTINUED: (3) GEORDI Hekaras Two is the only inhabited world in this region. Without warp drive, you'd be completely isolated from the rest of the Federation. Are you really willing to take that step? RABAL Yes. And if you were in my position, I hope you'd be willing to do the same. Rabal EXITS. Off Geordi's expression. CUT TO: 27 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) and the alien ship. 28 INT. STELLAR CARTOGRAPHY LAB Data is giving his report to Picard as Rabal and Serova listen anxiously. Data is standing in front of a monitor which displays a SUBSPACE FIELD MAP of the Corridor (NOTE: this OKUDAGRAM should be based on the map seen in Act 1); several pocket-like regions inside the Corridor are highlighted. DATA According to Serova and Rabal's theory, there are regions of potential subspace instability within the Corridor... Data indicates the pockets on the map. DATA (continuing) They believe that if these regions continue to be exposed to warp field energy, they will rupture -- subspace will extrude into normal space, forming a rift. Picard studies the graphic. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT THREE 32. 28 CONTINUED: PICARD I see. It's like pacing up and down on a carpet... eventually, you wear a hole in it. DATA The analogy is essentially correct. PICARD Can their theory be proven? DATA At this time, there is insufficient evidence to do so... Rabal is visibly disappointed by Data's pronouncement; Serova's expression is unreadable. DATA (continuing) In order to determine whether or not a rift would form, we would have to expose a region of the Corridor to warp field energy approximately one-million times greater than that normally generated by a starship. RABAL Commander, we believe the warp field effect is cumulative. Each starship that passes through the Corridor at warp brings us one step closer to forming a rift. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT THREE 33. 28 CONTINUED: (2) DATA I agree that is a possibility. (to Picard) Captain, I suggest we ask the Federation Science Council to send a research vessel to this area. A more detailed investigation would resolve many of our questions. That's not enough to satisfy Serova. SEROVA That's your response? More research? More delays? I suppose I shouldn't have expected anything different. Before he can respond, Picard is interrupted by the COM. RIKER'S COM VOICE Bridge to Captain Picard. PICARD (taps combadge) Go ahead. INTERCUT: 29 INT. BRIDGE RIKER Sir, we've located the Fleming on long-range sensors, approximately zero-point-three light years away. PICARD What's their condition? RIKER The vessel appears to be intact. They have shields, but it looks like their subspace systems are out. PICARD All right. We'll get underway as soon as the engines are back on-line. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT THREE 34. 29 CONTINUED: RIKER Aye, sir. END INTERCUT. Picard returns his attention to Data, Rabal, and Serova. PICARD I'd like you all to put together a research proposal for the Science Council. I'll give it my full recommendation. DATA Yes, sir. Unlike Serova, Rabal is trying to stay upbeat and hopeful. RABAL Captain, I appreciate the opportunity you're giving us. It's a beginning that we -- SEROVA Not "we". You can do whatever you want, Rabal. I'll have no part of this. It's just another delay. Serova abruptly EXITS. Reactions. CUT TO: 30 INT. BRIDGE Picard and Riker at command; Worf at Tactical; Data at Ops; Rabal is working at one of the aft stations. The aft Turbolift DOORS OPEN and Geordi ENTERS. GEORDI (to Picard) The engines are back on-line, sir. All systems are ready. PICARD Very good. Geordi nods and moves to the Aft Science station. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT THREE 34A. 30 CONTINUED: PICARD (to conn) Helm, lay in a course for the Fleming. VOICE (O.C.) Aye, sir. RIKER (to Picard) It looks like they're in pretty good condition. According to our sensors, they've got their shields back up to full strength. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT THREE 35. 30 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (interrupts, off console) Captain, the Hekaran ship is moving off.... 31 EXT. SPACE - THE ALIEN SHIP (OPTICAL) powers up and heads away from the Enterprise. 32 INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) WORF There is one life form on board. It is Serova. Puzzled reactions. Picard turns to Rabal. PICARD What's going on, Doctor? Rabal is honestly baffled. RABAL I don't know... (beat) May I speak to her, Captain? PICARD (nods) Mister Worf, open a channel. Worf works his console and the IMAGE OF SEROVA APPEARS on the Viewscreen. RABAL Serova, what are you trying to do? Serova's expression is grim. SEROVA They wanted proof. I'm going to give it to them. (beat; sadly) I'm sorry... Serova terminates communications. Rabal is still puzzled. DATA (off console) Captain, the Hekaran ship's engines are beginning to overload... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT THREE 36. 32 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (Cont'd) (beat) I believe Serova is attempting to create a warp core breach... Shocked reactions. Suddenly, Rabal understands what's Serova's trying to do. RABAL No... 33 ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The alien ship is seen only as a point receding rapidly deep into space. Suddenly, we see the FLASH from an EXPLOSION. A SHOCK WAVE radiates outward from the flashpoint, leaving a STRANGE GLOW in its wake... 34 INT. BRIDGE The SHIP SHAKES, buffeted by the shock wave. RED ALERT lights are flashing... RIKER Shields at maximum... Full reverse... A few dicey moments later the SHAKING SUBSIDES. PICARD Report! DATA (off console) We have cleared the shock wave, sir... but tetryon flux in the area is increasing rapidly... 35 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) is dwarfed by a GLOWING RIFT IN SPACE -- it's like a ragged tear in a black curtain with a bright light shining through it. It's enormous... terrifying... 36 INT. BRIDGE Off the crew's shocked reactions. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 37 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) outside the rift. 38 INT. BRIDGE Moments later. Everyone is staring into the Viewscreen at the terrifying sight. RIKER It's incredible... PICARD (to Data) Mister Data, what's your analysis? DATA (off console) The effect is approximately zero-point-one light years in diameter, and is emitting extremely high levels of tetryon radiation... (beat) It appears to be what Rabal and Serova predicted, sir -- a subspace rift. Grim reactions all around the Bridge. GEORDI She was right... Rabal stares at the Viewscreen. He can barely believe what his sister has done, and he's stunned by her death. PICARD (to Data) Can you get a fix on the Fleming? Is it still in one piece? DATA (works console) Scanning... (beat) The Fleming is near its previous coordinates... it appears to be intact.... but it is now within the rift. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FOUR 38. 38 CONTINUED: (2) Picard turns to Rabal. PICARD Doctor, is it possible for a ship to survive in there? Rabal doesn't respond, his eyes remaining fixed on the Viewscreen. PICARD Doctor... Picard moves to him. PICARD (continuing) I'm sorry about your loss... but we need your help now. Rabal tries to focus. RABAL Of course, Captain... PICARD Does the rift pose any danger to the Fleming? RABAL I... I don't know... Suddenly, the SHIP SHAKES strongly, then stops. Picard and Riker exchange a concerned glance. RIKER What was that? Geordi studies the Aft Science console. GEORDI Some kind of high energy distortion wave... it looks like they're being generated from within the rift. DATA As long as we maintain our current position, our shields should provide sufficient protection. PICARD What about the Fleming? How long can they survive in there? STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FOUR 38A. 38 CONTINUED: (3) DATA The waves are even more intense within the rift. I estimate their shields will fail within twelve hours. A beat. RIKER Can we risk going in there to get them out? STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 38 CONTINUED: (4) GEORDI Not at warp, sir. (off console) According to these readings, the rift is in a state of accelerating instability -- which would make it extremely sensitive to warp field energy. If we go in at warp, we might make it expand even further. RIKER I don't think we have a choice. It would take weeks to reach them at impulse. PICARD Then I want some better options. (beat) Data, Geordi... take Doctor Rabal and begin an analysis of the rift. We need a way to get the Fleming out of there. Data and Geordi acknowledge. Rabal follows them into the Turbolift and the three men EXIT. Off Picard's expression. CUT TO: 39 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (STOCK OPTICAL) stopped in space. DATA (V.O.) Science Officer's log, Stardate 47312.1. Our new sensor readings have greatly improved our understanding of the rift. However, we have been unable to find any way to counteract it. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 40 INT. STELLAR CARTOGRAPHY LAB Data and Geordi are working at a console. Rabal sits off to one side, lost in thought. They've all been working for a while. 41 THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) displays an IMAGE OF THE RIFT and associated information. 42 RESUME SCENE GEORDI (frustrated) Everything here supports Serova's theories... I don't see any way to close the rift or even reduce its size. The SHIP SHAKES from another distortion wave. Geordi and Data exchange a look -- they're running out of time. Data studies the console for a beat and then turns to Rabal. DATA Doctor, is it possible there are areas inside the rift which are stable... where we could safely use our warp engines? Rabal still seems a little shell-shocked. He moves to the console and studies the monitor. RABAL Perhaps... (to computer) Computer, scan the rift for regions of low instability... 43 ANGLE ON THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) displays a CONTOUR-LIKE MAP superimposed over the previous graphic. A few areas are highlighted. RABAL There's no area stable enough to withstand a warp pulse... Geordi's attention stays fixed on the monitor -- he's noticed something unusual. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 43 CONTINUED: GEORDI There's something strange here... (beat) Computer. Display grid delta-seventeen... enhance and magnify. The display changes again, ZOOMING IN on a corner of the screen which lies outside the rift. A small, contour map-like region can now be seen. 44 RESUME SCENE GEORDI What do you make of that? RABAL It's a subspace instability -- outside the rift. It's a mysterious beat. They all stare at the monitor, puzzled. DATA That should not be possible. Rabal begins working at his controls. RABAL (concerned) Commander, I'm going to begin a field-enhanced scan of this sector. I'd like to take a closer look at this. GEORDI In the meantime, we'll have to tell the Captain that we don't know how to get to the Fleming. DATA I am not certain that is true. (off their reactions) I may have an idea. Off their reactions... STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/20/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 45 INT. READY ROOM Picard, Riker, and Data. DATA I suggest we coast into the rift. RIKER Coast? DATA We can initiate a brief, high-intensity warp pulse from our current position. We should be able to attain sufficient velocity to enter the rift, beam the crew off the Fleming and exit -- without using our warp engines. It's a risky plan. The SHIP SHAKES again from a distortion wave. The men react. RIKER All right. Let's say we initiate a full power warp pulse... how much time will we have before we drop out of warp? DATA If we field-saturate the nacelles, we should be able to sustain warp speed for approximately two minutes. RIKER That's not much time... and it could get pretty rough in there. Data nods, agreeing. DATA Our timing will be critical. Picard makes his decision. PICARD Mister Data, begin your calculations. We'll go in as soon as you're ready. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/22/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 45 CONTINUED: DATA Aye, sir. Data EXITS. Off Picard's and Riker's troubled expressions. CUT TO: 45AA INT. ENGINEERING Data and Geordi are working at the pool table. DATA I believe the maximum saturation level should be eighteen-point-three percent. GEORDI (works console) All right... (off console) With these parameters, we should be able to maintain warp speed for... two minutes and eight seconds. (beat) I don't think we can get any more than that. DATA I agree. But based on the size of the rift, it should give us sufficient time to complete our rescue. (to computer) Computer. Begin nacelle field saturation. The computer BEEPS. Geordi moves away from the pool table, clearly troubled. GEORDI How did we miss it? DATA What do you mean? GEORDI How did we miss the connection -- between warp drive and the formation of the rift? STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/22/93 - ACT FOUR 43A. 45AA CONTINUED: Geordi moves to the warp core, looking at it thoughtfully. GEORDI Between the two of us we've logged thousands of hours on these engines. We're supposed to be warp field experts. But this time we certainly were wrong. DATA Technically, Geordi, we were not wrong. Serova's theories rested on assumptions which were unprovable. GEORDI Seems to me she managed to prove them pretty conclusively... DATA But only by using methods which a reputable scientist would never employ. GEORDI Yeah... she was willing to die to make her point. (beat) We should have listened to her more closely. DATA We reviewed Serova's research to the best of our ability, and we were prepared to continue studying the problem. But that was not satisfactory. Geordi is trying to understand his own feelings here and the realizations are not coming easily. GEORDI I can remember times when I've been a little stubborn... trying to get people to believe me when I didn't have enough proof... DATA I do not believe that you would have resorted to such extremes. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/22/93 - ACT FOUR 43B. 45AA CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI But she had to... to make us listen. Why? Why was I so resistant? DATA Perhaps because the aggressive methods she chose created an adversarial situation. This exchange is helping Geordi hone his self-examination. He begins to narrow the field... GEORDI Or maybe I was taking the whole thing personally. DATA I do not understand... Geordi ponders, trying to understand it himself. GEORDI Maybe it was all a little threatening to me... the thought that warp engines might be doing some kind of damage. He circles around the warp engine, assessing it. GEORDI I've always looked at this warp core as something... beautiful... (beat) It never occurred to me that it might be -- destructive. A thoughtful beat. Data returns to the pool table. GEORDI (checks console) It's going to take another half hour for the nacelles to saturate. Would you call me when they're ready? (beat) There's someone I should talk to. He EXITS. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/22/93 - ACT FOUR 43C. 45A INT. TEN FORWARD - ANGLE ON DOOR Geordi ENTERS. It's after hours and the place is relatively deserted. Geordi looks around the room for a moment until he finds who he's looking for. 46 ON RABAL (OPTICAL) He's standing alone at the windows, staring out at the glowing rift. 47 RESUME SCENE Geordi stands quietly behind him until Rabal turns, noticing him. Rabal is subdued, his voice quiet. RABAL Commander. GEORDI May I join you? Rabal nods, and Geordi moves beside him. There is a small silence. GEORDI I wanted to say... I'm sorry about your sister. Rabal glances at him. RABAL Thank you. (beat) I'm trying to tell myself that she died for what she believed in... but somehow that's not much comfort. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 47 CONTINUED: A quiet beat. In a way, Geordi feels responsible for what's happened. GEORDI I wish things could've happened differently. I should have taken a closer look at your research... it's possible there was something I missed... RABAL No. You didn't miss anything. The problem was time. It would've taken time to do the proper research... and Serova wasn't willing to wait. Geordi is silent for a beat... then... GEORDI I guess the question now is... where do we go from here? RABAL I don't think we can look at space travel the same way anymore... we're going to have to change. Geordi absorbs this. The whole thing has huge implications for him. GEORDI I've been in Starfleet for a long time. We depend on warp drive... (beat) I don't know how easy it'll be to change. RABAL It won't be easy at all. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 47 CONTINUED: (2) Geordi stares at him, the full weight of the situation riding heavily on his shoulders. 48 OMITTED 49 INT. BRIDGE Picard, Riker, Data, and Worf are at their stations. DATA (works console) Captain, warp pulse calculations are complete. We will be firing the engines at maximum intensity for six-point-three seconds before disengaging. WORF Damage control parties are standing-by on all decks. RIKER Our course to the Fleming is plotted and laid in, sir. Picard acknowledges. PICARD (to com) Mister La Forge... whenever you're ready... 50 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi is near the warp core. GEORDI Aye-aye, sir. (works panel) Initiating warp pulse... now. 51 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship goes into warp. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 52 INT. BRIDGE We hear the SOUND of the warp engines building in intensity... The acceleration is tremendous... Suddenly, the engine SOUND STOPS completely... DATA Engines disengaged... (beat) We are entering the rift... Immediately, the ship begins SHAKING strongly... it's a tense situation. DATA (continuing) Hull stress is increasing... eighteen percent of maximum tolerance and rising... PICARD How long until we reach the Fleming? WORF (off console) One minute, twenty-two seconds... RIKER All transporter rooms are standing by. WORF (concerned, off console) Captain, I am picking up power emissions from the Fleming... they may be attempting to initiate their warp drive. A shocked beat as they realize the danger. RIKER They must have been able to repair their engines... STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 52 CONTINUED: DATA Captain, if they activate their engines -- PICARD I know, Data. (to Worf) Can we establish communications? WORF No, sir... subspace interference is too high... PICARD How long until we reach transporter range? WORF Fifty-three seconds... RIKER (grim) I don't think we're going to make it... WORF (continuing) Sir, they are activating their warp drive... A HUGE BLAST rocks the ship... The LIGHTS DIM and ALARMS SOUND... PICARD Report! WORF Damage on decks six and fourteen... our structural integrity field is holding. RIKER What about the Fleming? DATA (off console) They are badly damaged, sir... their life support systems are failing. RIKER (to com) All transporter rooms, prepare for emergency evacuation procedures... STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - 09/17/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 52 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (interrupting, off console) Captain, when the Fleming activated its warp drive, the rift expanded by two-point-three percent... (beat) We no longer have sufficient momentum to escape. The SHIP ROCKS from a huge distortion wave -- the largest yet. Off reactions. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/22/93 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 53 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) engulfed by the rift. 54 INT. BRIDGE The crew is recovering from the impact of the last distortion wave. DATA Captain, distortion wave intensity has increased by a factor of ten. WORF We are within transporter range of the Fleming, sir. Commencing evacuation procedures... The SHIP SHAKES again. DATA Distortion waves are now occurring every fifty-nine seconds... Hull stress is nearing maximum tolerance... Picard and Riker react... they need some options -- fast. RIKER Data, what if we forced an EPS discharge through the impulse reactor... would that be enough to blast us out of here? DATA I do not believe so, sir... and the resulting explosion would most likely destroy the saucer section in the process... GEORDI'S COM VOICE Captain... INTERCUT: STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/22/93 - ACT FIVE 49A. 55 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi has been monitoring the Bridge and he works quickly as he talks. GEORDI (continuing) We might be able to get out of here without using the warp engines. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 55 CONTINUED: RIKER How, Geordi? Geordi continues working at his consoles as he speaks. GEORDI When's the last time you went surfing, Commander? Riker and Picard react, unsure where Geordi's going with this. RIKER A couple of months ago, on Risa... I nearly killed myself on the break at Kattala beach. GEORDI Feel like catching another wave? PICARD (catching on) A distortion wave... GEORDI Exactly, sir. If can phase-match our deflector shield to the EM variants of the distortion wave, when the next one hits, we'll be pulled along with it... RIKER (to Picard) We could ride it out of the rift and break away once we're clear. (beat) Assuming we survive the ride. Picard considers this risky plan. PICARD (to Worf) Is everyone off the Fleming? WORF The last of the crew has been beamed aboard, sir. PICARD All right, Mister La Forge. Get us out of here. Geordi works frantically. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FIVE 50A. 55 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Yes, sir... I'm phase matching the deflector shield now... STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/20/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 55 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (off console) The next distortion wave will impact in fourteen seconds... GEORDI Matching phases... (beat) Prepare to engage shield emitters on my mark... DATA Ten seconds... GEORDI Ready... PICARD (to Data) Engage shield emitters... full power... DATA Distortion wave impact... now. The SHIP LURCHES forward for a beat and then LURCHES BACK. Reactions from the bridge -- it didn't work. DATA (off console) We were unable to maintain contact with the distortion wave, sir... we are still within the rift. PICARD (to com) What went wrong, Mister La Forge? GEORDI (checks a panel) The speed differential between us and the wave was too high, sir... the shock of the impact threw us off. DATA Another distortion wave is approaching... impact in twenty-six seconds. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/20/93 - ACT FIVE 51A. 55 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER (to Picard) Our hull stress is already critical... we can't handle many more jolts like that one... DATA Captain, I suggest we take the ship to full impulse. If we can attain sufficient speed, it will lessen the shock when the wave hits. Picard nods grimly -- it's their only chance. PICARD Helm, full impulse. Head us out of the rift. (beat; to com)) Shield emitters, stand-by. GEORDI We're ready, sir. DATA Distortion wave impact in five seconds... PICARD Engage emitters... now. 56 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) A DISTORTION WAVE comes rippling through the rift, catching the Enterprise and pulling it along... 57 INT. BRIDGE The ship LURCHES forward and begins to SHAKE as it accelerates. DATA We are in the distortion wave... hull stresses exceeding tolerance... WORF Structural integrity fields failing on decks ten through sixteen.. The ship ROCKS violently to one side. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/22/93 - ACT FIVE 51B. 57 CONTINUED: DATA We are within the distortion wave... hull stresses exceeding tolerance... WORF Structural integrity fields failing on decks ten through sixteen... switching to backups... The ship ROCKS violently to one side. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/22/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 58 INT. ENGINEERING GEORDI (to com) Captain, we're separating from the distortion wave... I'm attempting to compensate... 59 INT. BRIDGE The SHAKING grows worse. PICARD (to Data) How much longer until we clear the rift? DATA Approximately twelve seconds... (beat) Hull stress is now one-hundred twenty percent above maximum... WORF Structural breach is imminent... 60 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) breaks away from the distortion wave, and the ship is thrown clear of the rift. 61 INT. BRIDGE The SHAKING subsides rapidly as systems return to normal. DATA We have cleared the rift. Hull stresses have returned to normal. Reactions of relief from the crew. PICARD Cancel red alert. 62 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FIVE 52A. 62 CONTINUED: PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 47314.5. We have been continuing our research, while the Federation Council studies our reports on the subspace rift. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 62 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) It now appears certain that what we've seen here will have repercussions for many years to come. 63 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Data, Troi, Beverly, Geordi, and Worf are seated; Rabal and Geordi are standing at the large monitor, giving their report. The mood is somber. GEORDI Our scans have shown a lot of subspace instabilities all through the sector. If they're exposed to enough warp energy, they might eventually create other rifts. RABAL Based on current warp drive patterns in the sector, we've projected where subspace rifts will be most likely to form in the next forty years. (beat) This is the way things are now... Rabal activates the monitor. 64 THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) displays a view of the sector highlighting the subspace instabilities (as seen in Act 4). 65 RESUME SCENE RABAL This is how they'll look in ten years... Rabal touches the monitor control panel. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 66 CONTINUED: At the end, the rifts cover large areas of the sector. It's a shocking and chilling image. 67 RESUME SCENE PICARD (to Geordi and Rabal) Thank you, gentlemen. Geordi and Rabal acknowledge and take their seats. PICARD (to group) We've received new directives from the Federation Council on this matter... Picard picks up a PADD in front of him. PICARD (continuing) Until we can find a way to counteract the warp field effect, the Council feels our best course is to slow the damage as much as possible... (beat) Therefore, areas of space found susceptible to warp fields will be restricted to essential travel only... (beat) And effective immediately, all Federation vessels will be limited to a speed of warp five, except in cases of extreme emergency. A beat. WORF Sir, the Klingons will observe these restrictions, but the Romulans will not. TROI And what about the Ferengi... and the Cardassians for that matter? PICARD The Federation is sharing our data with all known warp-capable species. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FIVE 54A. 67 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) All we can hope is that they realize it's in their best interests to take similar action. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/21/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 67 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY Putting limits on warp speed is only going to prevent other rifts from forming. What are we going to do about this one? GEORDI Unfortunately, right now there's not much we can do. RABAL My planet is not in immediate danger, but the gravitational shifts are already beginning to affect its orbit. Our climate is changing. PICARD Starfleet is setting up a weather control network for Hekaras Two. It's only a temporary solution, but it should suffice for now. RIKER We were lucky the rift formed as far away from the planet as it did. At least we have a little time to consider our options. A beat as the scale of the problem sinks in. PICARD If there are no further questions, you're dismissed. As the group files out of the room, Picard rises and moves to the window and looks out into space. Geordi notices this and lingers behind. He moves to Picard. GEORDI We should have the thermal stabilizers ready for the Hekarans in another day, sir. PICARD Very well. There's a long beat before Picard continues. STAR TREK: "Force of Nature" - REV. 09/20/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 67 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (Cont'd) (beat) But now I can't help but wonder if all the while I was really helping to destroy the very thing I hold dear. Geordi's reply is firm and confident. GEORDI It's not going to turn out that way, sir. We still have time to make it better. There's a silent moment between them. Off their reactions. 68 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it leaves at impulse. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END