STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Pegasus" #40277-264 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by LeVar Burton THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT OCTOBER 18, 1993 STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" - 10/18/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Pegasus" CAST PICARD BLACKWELL RIKER PRESSMAN DATA SIROL BEVERLY TROI WORF GEORDI Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES DEAD BODIES TRANSPORTER CHIEF STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" - 10/18/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Pegasus" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE OBSERVATION LOUNGE PEGASUS CORRIDOR TRANSPORTER ROOM CRAZY HORSE TEN FORWARD ENGINEERING WARBIRD PICARD'S QUARTERS SICKBAY ASTEROID READY ROOM BRIG THE PEGASUS ENGINEERING STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" - 10/18/93 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Pegasus" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALGERON AL-jer-on DEVOLIN DEH-vo-lan MEKORIA meh-KOR-ree-ah MENEGAY MEN-neh-gay SHANTI SHAHN-tee SIRON SER-on TERAKINE ter-ah-KEEN TERIX TER-rix VERTERON VER-teh-ron STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "The Pegasus" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) CLOSE ON a banner which is strung across one of the walls. It reads "Captain Picard Day" in big bold letters. PICARD, TROI, and RIKER are standing in front of the table, which is covered by a variety of gradeschool level ARTS and CRAFTS. They all have something to do with Picard (paper-mache busts, crayon drawings, hand-written essays, dolls, embroidery, etc.) Picard regards the table with some embarrassment while Riker looks on with amusement. PICARD I don't know why they have to do this every year. In fact, I thought last year the teachers agreed not to do this anymore. TROI Captain Picard Day is one of the children's favorite school activities. They look forward to it all year. PICARD Why does it have to be me? TROI You're the Captain... children look up to you... you're a role model for them. Picard picks up a crude drawing of himself -- it's wildly exaggerated, with huge muscles in a superhero pose standing on a planet. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: PICARD Their perception of me is a little... exaggerated. Riker picks up a small doll with a Starfleet uniform. RIKER (using doll and imitating voice) "I don't know... I think this bears a certain resemblance. Wouldn't you agree, Number One?" Picard is not amused. PICARD (to Riker) Don't you have something else to do? RIKER (smiles) I'll be on the Bridge. Riker EXITS. Troi indicates the table. TROI The finalists will be here in half an hour. You have to pick first, second and third place and four honorable mentions. Picard stares at the table for a long moment... he's not looking forward to this. WORF'S COM VOICE Worf to Captain. Incoming transmission from Admiral Blackwell. It is coded priority one. PICARD (to com) Put it through. (to Troi) Excuse me, Counselor. Troi EXITS and Picard moves to the wall monitor. ADMIRAL BLACKWELL appears on the monitor. PICARD (continuing) Admiral. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) BLACKWELL Captain. What is your status? PICARD We're conducting an energy output study of the Mekoria Quasar. All systems normal, the ship is fully operational. BLACKWELL Good. I'm postponing the quasar study for the moment. The Enterprise is to rendezvous with the starship Crazy Horse in sector one-six-zero-seven immediately. You're authorized to exceed warp speed limitations for the duration of this assignment. PICARD I understand. What is our assignment? BLACKWELL I'd prefer not to discuss it over subspace channels. The Crazy Horse will be carrying someone from Starfleet Intelligence... he'll brief you when he arrives. PICARD Very well. Blackwell is about to end the transmission, then sees something behind Picard. Blackwell's eyebrows raise slightly in amusement. BLACKWELL "Captain Picard Day?" Picard glances around and sees the banner which is right behind him. PICARD Oh... yes. It's for the children... I'm a... role model. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - TEASER 4. 1 CONTINUED: (3) BLACKWELL I'm sure you are. Starfleet out. The transmission ENDS. Picard heads for the Bridge in some embarrassment. CUT TO: 2 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & CRAZY HORSE (OPTICAL) The two ships hang in space. 3 INT. CORRIDOR Picard and Riker walking toward the Transporter Room. RIKER So who won the contest? PICARD Paul Menegay -- seven years old. He did an interesting clay sculpture of my head. RIKER Is that the lumpy one with the orange skin? PICARD Yes. (beat) Oh, you'll be interested to know that I've arranged for a Commander Riker day next month. I'm even considering making an entry myself. RIKER (wry) Great. They EXIT to... 4 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Picard and Riker ENTER. Picard nods to the Transporter Chief. PICARD Energize. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: The Chief works and after a beat, ADMIRAL PRESSMAN MATERIALIZES. Pressman is a confident, energetic man in his mid-fifties. He reacts with pleasure at the sight of Riker, moves directly to him and clasps a paternal hand on his shoulder. PRESSMAN Wil. Bet you never thought you'd see me again. But instead of pleasure, Riker's reaction is one of complete and total shock. Riker tries to recover. RIKER It's... good to see you, sir. PRESSMAN (wry) Sure it is. You look like you're about to faint. RIKER No... it's just been so long and... Riker trails off as he suddenly realizes that Picard has not been introduced. RIKER (continuing) I'm sorry. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Admiral Erik Pressman. Picard smiles and recognizes the name. PICARD Pressman? Oh, of course. You were Wil's first commanding officer... on the Pegasus. PRESSMAN That's right. As a matter of fact, it's the Pegasus which has brought me here. RIKER Sir? Pressman turns to Riker and makes some kind of personal connection with him. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - TEASER 5A. 4 CONTINUED: (2) PRESSMAN The Pegasus is still out there, Wil. The Romulans found her. OFF Riker's shocked expression. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT ONE 6-7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 5 OMITTED 6 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker and GEORDI are seated at the table as Pressman moves around the room. PRESSMAN As some of you may know, the starship Pegasus was lost in this sector twelve years ago along with most of its crew. I was the captain and Commander Riker here was my helmsman. PICARD I remember reading about it. The ship was destroyed by a... warp core breach as I recall. RIKER That's right. The Captain and I, along with seven others managed to get to an escape pod before the breach became critical. PRESSMAN From space, we saw what appeared to be a matter/anti-matter explosion which vaporized the ship. RIKER No wreckage was ever found, so Starfleet officially listed the ship as destroyed. PRESSMAN However, all that changed three days ago. Starfleet Intelligence has an operative in the Romulan High Command. He sent us a message that a Romulan warbird had located a piece of debris in the Devolin system which was positively identified as being from the Pegasus. The Warbird was then ordered to locate the rest of the ship, if possible, and retrieve it. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT ONE 8. 6 CONTINUED: GEORDI Why would the Romulans try to salvage pieces of a twelve year-old starship? PRESSMAN The Pegasus was a prototype... experimental engine... new weapon systems... some of our designs were even used in constructing the Enterprise. There're a lot of things on board the Romulans would love to get their hands on. Riker glances uncomfortably at Pressman, but the Admiral doesn't react to him. PICARD What are our orders? PRESSMAN We have to find the ship before the Romulans do... salvage it if possible... destroy it if necessary. You'll command the Enterprise while I remain in overall command of the mission. GEORDI We'll need metallurgical and chromographic specs on the Pegasus in order to set up the proper search parameters. PRESSMAN I'll make the appropriate information available to you. PICARD Very well. (to Riker) Set course for the Devolin system. RIKER Aye, sir. They all stand and head for the doors. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT ONE 9. 7 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship nears the Devolin system -- a solar system that never coalesced into discrete planetary bodies. It's a swirling disc of rock and other matter. 8 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, DATA, Geordi, and WORF at their stations, Pressman standing near aft science with Riker. DATA We are approaching the Devolin system, Captain. PICARD Any sign of the Romulans? DATA (works) No, sir. PRESSMAN Oh, they're out there... they're just waiting to see what you're going to do. PICARD Mister La Forge? GEORDI There's an awful lot of ionizing radiation in this system, Captain. That, combined with the sheer amount of rock is going to slow down our search. PICARD How slow? GEORDI Well, I'd say at least-- WORF (urgent) Sir. Romulan Warbird decloaking directly ahead. 9 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & WARBIRD (OPTICAL) A WARBIRD DECLOAKS directly in front of the Enterprise. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT ONE 10. 10 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. WORF They're powering weapons. RIKER Red alert. Raise shields. Standby phasers. Everyone tenses on the Bridge as the ship's condition goes to RED. A long moment passes as they look at the image of the Warbird on the Viewscreen... but nothing happens. Finally, Worf sees something on his console. WORF Sir... they are hailing us. PICARD On screen. COMMANDER SIROL, a Romulan man appears on the Viewscreen. He gives them a warm and friendly smile. SIROL (pleasantly) I am Commander Sirol of the Romulan vessel Terix. To whom do I have the honor of speaking? PICARD I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation starship Enterprise. SIROL Captain Picard... I've heard so much about you. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. (innocent) I hope our sudden appearance didn't startle you. Picard decides to return his cool and friendly demeanor. PICARD Not at all. But an... unannounced appearance like this could have unfortunate consequences. It would be a shame if your ship were damaged during such a... misunderstanding. Sirol's expression hardens just a bit. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT ONE 11. 10 CONTINUED: SIROL I am touched by your concern for my ship. But I doubt we were ever in any danger. (beat) May I ask what you are doing in this system? PICARD I could ask you the same question. SIROL (smooth) We are conducting a survey of gaseous anomalies. PICARD How interesting. So are we. Perhaps we could combine our efforts and share our findings. SIROL (smiles) I doubt our objectives are... compatible. PICARD You are probably right. The two rivals look at each other with polite smiles masking the real tension here. SIROL This has been a most pleasant conversation... but we must return to our research. PICARD Then I won't keep you. The transmission ENDS. WORF They are moving off... resuming their tachyon scans of the system. PICARD Stand down from Red Alert, but continue to track their movements, Lieutenant. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT ONE 12. 10 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Aye, sir. The Red Alert signal goes OFF. PICARD (to Geordi) Commander, how long will it take to search the system? GEORDI At least seven days, sir. WORF And the Romulans have a two day head start. Picard takes a deep breath, this is going to be a long process. PICARD Then we better get to it. Mister Data? DATA (working) Initiating sensor sweep of grid zero one. As Data begins to work... CUT TO: 11 OMITTED 12 INT. TEN FORWARD Riker and Pressman are sitting at one of the tables near the windows with a couple of drinks in front of them. There is a familiarity and warmth between the two men... almost like father and son. PRESSMAN How long have you had the beard? RIKER About four years. I think I just got tired of hearing how "young" I looked. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: PRESSMAN What was it that Lieutenant Boylen used to call you? RIKER (grimaces) Ensign Babyface. Pressman smiles at the memory. PRESSMAN You never did have much sense of humor. RIKER I like to think I've loosened up in my old age. PRESSMAN Really? RIKER I've been known to tell a joke or two. PRESSMAN It's about time. You were always so serious on the Pegasus. RIKER (a little melancholy) We went through some... serious times. A quiet beat. RIKER (continuing, quiet) Do you really think we'll find the Pegasus? PRESSMAN I wouldn't have come all the way out here if I didn't. Riker glances around the room... they're in a public place, but he can't help asking certain questions that would be better served in private. RIKER And what about our... experiment? Do you think we'll find that too? STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT ONE 14. 12 CONTINUED: (2) Pressman doesn't answer right away... he's not comfortable talking about this here either. PRESSMAN Maybe. Riker takes a beat and looks out the windows for a moment. RIKER You know... I still think about what happened... about that last day. PRESSMAN So do I. It's not the kind of thing you just forget about. RIKER Do you ever... wonder whether we did the right thing? PRESSMAN Never. It was a tragedy, yes. But it wasn't your fault and it wasn't mine. What we were doing was for the good of the Federation. We can't blame ourselves because the others couldn't see that. RIKER I know... but maybe we went about it the wrong way. There's an uncomfortable beat as Riker looks away and Pressman studies him. PRESSMAN Well, this time we may have a chance to do it the right way. If this mission is successful... if we do find the Pegasus and our "experiment"... we can finish what we started twelve years ago. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT ONE 15. 12 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER (shocked) You want to try again? PRESSMAN It's not just me. (glances around, then sotto) The Chief of Starfleet Security has personally assured me of her complete support. RIKER Admiral Raner... ? How many other people know about this? PRESSMAN Not many. And it's up to us to make sure it stays that way. (beat) Raner gave me written orders for you... you'll find them coded in the Enterprise computer. You've been instructed not to reveal the true nature of our mission to anyone, not even Captain Picard. Riker is clearly uncomfortable with this, but Pressman smiles and tries to reassure him. PRESSMAN Don't worry... it won't be like it was twelve years ago. This time, no one's going to stop us. Pressman smiles confidently at him. But Riker isn't sure this is a good idea... off his troubled expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT TWO 16-18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 13 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in the Devolin debris field. 14 OMITTED 15 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Picard is pouring drinks for himself and Pressman. The mood is relaxed and casual... two senior officers taking an opportunity to kick back and talk. Midconversation. PICARD ... as a matter of fact, I never met Wil before he reported aboard at Farpoint Station. PRESSMAN (surprised) You chose your first officer without ever meeting him? PICARD I was looking through the records of about fifty candidates... Wil's was much like all the others... filled with the usual dry statistics and glowing letters of recommendation that tell you nothing. I was about to put it aside and go on to the next file, when something caught my eye. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT TWO 19. 15 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) (beat) There had been an incident on Altair Three when Wil was First Officer of the Hood. He refused to let Captain DeSoto beam down during a crisis. He disobeyed a direct order and risked a general court martial because he thought he was right. When I read that... I knew I'd found my Number One. PRESSMAN You wanted someone with a history of disobedience? PICARD I wanted someone who would stand up to me... someone who was more concerned with the safety of the ship and accomplishing the mission than with how something looked on his record. To me, that's one of the marks of a good officer. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT TWO 20. 15 CONTINUED: (2) For some reason, it's clear that this has pushed some kind of button with Pressman. An edge creeps into his voice. PRESSMAN Frankly, I've always felt it was more important for an officer to trust his captain's judgment. In a crisis, there's no time for explanations... orders have to be obeyed without question or lives may be lost. Picard is a little surprised at Pressman's change in tone, and his reply carries a hint of reproach. PICARD (gently) I am aware of that, Admiral. PRESSMAN (backing off) Of course you are. (beat) I guess this mission has brought up some... old ghosts for me. You know what it's like to lose a ship... you're always wondering if there was something else you should have done... something you missed. A silent moment as they both lapse into private thought. Picard finally decides to probe for a little more information. PICARD Admiral... the records regarding the loss of the Pegasus are a bit... vague about what happened just before you abandoned ship. Can you add anything to the... official account? Pressman considers Picard for a moment, then gets up and moves to the windows. Pressman would like nothing more than to tell Picard exactly what happened -- he's quite proud of it actually -- but he can't. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT TWO 21. 15 CONTINUED: (3) PRESSMAN I'm afraid not. (beat) But I can tell you this: Twelve years ago, I needed an officer I could count on in a crisis... someone who would support and obey my decisions without question... someone willing to trust my judgment... that someone was Wil Riker... and without his loyalty, none of us would have survived. OFF Picard's thoughtful expression as he considers Pressman's words... CUT TO: 16 INT. SICKBAY Riker ENTERS, wearing a karate gi. He's holding his side in pain. BEVERLY moves to him. BEVERLY What's wrong? RIKER I think I busted a rib. A Nurse guides him to the table as Beverly grabs her tricorder. BEVERLY What were you doing? RIKER I was practicing Bat'leth moves with Worf. I jabbed when I should've blocked. He caught me right in the side. I'm glad we were using sticks instead of real blades. BEVERLY (off tricorder) It's broken all right. (to Nurse) Give him ten cc's of terakine for the pain. The Nurse gets a hypospray and injects him with it. Beverly grabs a large medical DEVICE and fits it to his side. She works the device during the following. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT TWO 22. 16 CONTINUED: Riker is very frustrated, much more upset about this incident than he should be. RIKER I can't believe how stupid I was. BEVERLY You both got a little carried away, that's all... RIKER No. It was my fault. I lost focus... I let myself get distracted at a crucial moment. BEVERLY It happens to everyone. But Riker isn't really listening to her... he's wrapped up in some personal angst... his words carry some private subtext only he is aware of. RIKER I knew what I was supposed to do... but I didn't do it. If we'd had real Bat'leths I might be dead right now. She finishes using the device on his side. BEVERLY Wil... it's all right. You made a mistake... no harm done. You'll do better next time. RIKER (downbeat) Yeah... maybe. Riker gets up and EXITS. Beverly looks after him with a puzzled look. CUT TO: 17 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is navigating through a large field of rocks and debris. Some of the rocks are moon or planetsized, others are simply boulders and dust. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT TWO 23. 18 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Worf, Geordi and Data at their positions. DATA (off console) Scan of grid one five seven is complete. Moving to grid one five eight. WORF The Romulan ship is still searching grid two seven zero. RIKER They're sure taking their time over there. I wonder if they-- Geordi suddenly reacts to something on his console. GEORDI (excited) Whoa... I think we might have just struck paydirt. Riker moves to the aft station, where Geordi is looking at a graphic display of a large ASTEROID. GEORDI (continuing) There's a subspace resonance signature coming from this asteroid. (beat) And from the frequency variances, it looks like the pattern from a Federation warp core. RIKER (to com) Captain Picard to the Bridge, please. Riker turns to the Con Officer as Picard and Pressman ENTER from the Ready Room. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT TWO 24. 18 CONTINUED: RIKER (continuing, to Con) Bring us to within ten kilometers of asteroid gamma six zero one. (to Picard) Geordi's found something. Picard and Pressman move to where Geordi is continuing to work. GEORDI (to Picard) There's a subspace resonance signature coming from that asteroid, sir. It could be the warp core of the Pegasus. Pressman looks over the readings. PRESSMAN I think he's right... I recognize some of the variance patterns. PICARD Put the asteroid on the main viewer. Geordi works and now the ASTEROID can be seen on the main Viewscreen. This asteroid is pitted with craters, fissures, and canyons all over its surface... a barren, ugly hunk of rock. DATA I have confirmed Geordi's readings, sir. The resonance signature is originating from somewhere beneath the asteroid's surface. PRESSMAN Beneath the surface? How's that possible? DATA This asteroid contains several deep chasms large enough for a starship to enter. It is possible the Pegasus drifted into the asteroid's gravitational field and was pulled down into one of the fissures. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT TWO 25. 18 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Sir, the Romulan warbird has altered course again... they are heading toward our position. RIKER They probably want to see what we're so interested in over here. PICARD Mister Data, how long will it take to determine the exact location of the Pegasus? DATA At least another six hours, Captain. PRESSMAN That's too long. If the Romulans start searching the asteroid, they could find the ship before we do. RIKER (to Picard) I recommend we destroy the asteroid. It would take almost all our photon torpedoes, but it would preclude any possibility of the Pegasus falling into Romulan hands. Pressman gives him a sharp look... we're not sure why, but he definitely doesn't like that advice coming from Riker. PRESSMAN (with an edge) Our top priority is to salvage the ship, Commander. I'll consider destroying it only as a last resort. RIKER Yes, sir. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT TWO 26. 18 CONTINUED: (3) PRESSMAN (to Picard) Can you give me a third alternative? Picard thinks for a moment... then gets an idea. PICARD Mister Data, is it possible to saturate the asteroid with verteron particles? That could mask the resonance signature from the Romulans... prevent them from detecting it. DATA (thinks) In order for the deception to succeed, it would have to appear to be a natural phenomenon. Verteron particles are artificial in nature. GEORDI Wait a minute... we could blanket the asteroid with high levels of ionizing radiation. There's so much of it in this system already, the Romulans won't know the difference. PICARD Data? DATA (beat) Theoretically, it should work.. RIKER (off console) If we're going to do it, we have to do it fast... the Romulans will be in sensor range in about a minute. Picard and Pressman exchange a look. Pressman nods. PICARD Make it so, Mister Data. DATA (works) Aye, sir. Initiating an ionization field pulse. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT TWO 27. 18 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD (to Riker) After he's finished, we'll have to move off... make it look like we scanned the asteroid, but didn't find anything. RIKER (to Con) Lay in a course to the next search grid and stand-by to engage. PICARD (to Pressman) If this works, the Romulans won't find anything and we can return later. But if it doesn't... PRESSMAN (grim) If it doesn't... we'll have handed them the Pegasus. DATA Ionization pulse complete. PICARD Helm, one quarter impulse. Engage. OFF their expressions as they look at the Viewscreen... 19 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & ASTEROID (OPTICAL) The Enterprise moves away from the Asteroid just as the Romulan Warbird arrives. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 20 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Pressman, Riker, Worf, Data, and Geordi as seen at the end of Act Two. Everyone is watching the main viewer, where the Romulan Warbird can be seen near the Asteroid seen earlier. DATA (off console) The Romulans are initiating a tachyon scan of the asteroid... (beat) They have switched to their lateral sensor array... beginning another scan. RIKER They're certainly being thorough. DATA The Warbird has completed its sensor sweep. PRESSMAN If they found the resonance signature, they should be sending away teams any second now... Everyone watches the screen for a tense beat... then the Warbird begins to move away from the asteroid. DATA They are moving off. A feeling of relief washes across the Bridge. PICARD (to Data) Mister Data, we have to convince the Romulans that we're still looking for the Pegasus. I want you to continue scanning this system. DATA Yes, sir. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT THREE 29. 20 CONTINUED: PICARD (to Riker) I want to be back at this asteroid at zero eight hundred hours tomorrow. Plot our search pattern accordingly. RIKER Aye, sir. PICARD (to Pressman) Admiral, if you'd care to join me for a late dinner... ? PRESSMAN Thank you, no. I think I'm going to turn in early. PICARD (nods) Very well. (to Riker) Number One, you have the Bridge. Oh, and will you bring the scan analysis to my quarters when you go off watch? RIKER Aye, sir. Picard EXITS to the Turbolift. RIKER (continuing, to Con) Initiate search of grid one six three. DATA Beginning sensor sweeps... Pressman gives Riker an icy look. PRESSMAN (to Riker) Commander, I want to see you in the Captain's Ready Room. RIKER Mister Data, you have the Bridge. DATA Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT THREE 30. 20 CONTINUED: (2) Pressman and Riker EXIT to the Ready Room. 21 INT. READY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Pressman and Riker ENTER from the Bridge. As soon as the doors CLOSE behind them, Pressman turns on Riker with anger. PRESSMAN What the hell's the matter with you? Destroy the Pegasus? Before we've even taken a look at it? RIKER I thought it was more important to keep the Romulans from-- PRESSMAN (harsh) Well, you were wrong. We have a chance here to change the balance of power in this quadrant. But we can't do that if we destroy the Pegasus, now can we? RIKER (tight) No, sir. Pressman takes a couple of steps around the room and lets his anger pass... he considers Riker with a little more sympathy... like a father who's just finished chewing out his son. PRESSMAN It hasn't been easy I'm sure... keeping your Captain and friends in the dark like this... RIKER I haven't enjoyed it if that's what you mean. PRESSMAN I hope you understand that it's necessary. RIKER I understand that you think it's necessary. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT THREE 31. 21 CONTINUED: PRESSMAN (studies him, then more personal) You have changed. RIKER Changed... ? PRESSMAN (shrugs it off) Just something the Captain and I were talking about... Pressman looks at Riker... thinks for a moment... decides on a different tack. PRESSMAN (continuing) To be honest... I'm glad to see this kind of change in you, Wil. Strong... forceful... unafraid to state your opinions and stand by them... a far cry from the young man who used to sit at my helm and worry about pressing the wrong button. This mention of the past softens Riker a little... he looks vaguely embarrassed. RIKER A lot of things can change in twelve years, Admiral. PRESSMAN Yes, they can. (beat) But it's important that a man changes the right things in his life... not his sense of duty... his sense of loyalty... RIKER I'd like to think that I... haven't changed those things, sir. PRESSMAN I'd like to think so too. Because those things say more about a man than the rank on his collar or the uniform he wears... they define him. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT THREE 32. 21 CONTINUED: (2) Pressman moves to him... puts a fatherly hand on his shoulder... makes this a very personal moment. PRESSMAN (continuing) Twelve years ago, a lot of older and more seasoned officers turned away from their duty, but you stood up for what was right. I know what kind of man you are, Wil... and I know I can count on you again. Pressman smiles at him with confidence, and then EXITS. Riker is left alone and looking very troubled. CUT TO: 22 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS Picard is intently studying a PADD on the table. The remains of a Japanese dinner are sitting on the table. The door CHIMES. PICARD Come. Riker ENTERS carrying a PADD. RIKER (re: PADD) The scan analysis you asked for. Picard takes the PADD and sets it down without even looking at it. He's polite, but there is a certain chilliness in his attitude toward Riker. PICARD Thank you. Can I interest you in some sashimi? RIKER No, thanks. An awkward beat as Picard simply looks at Riker as if waiting for him to say something. RIKER Is there anything else, sir? PICARD Yes, there is. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT THREE 33. 22 CONTINUED: Picard looks at him for a moment... then picks up the PADD he was originally studying... takes a deep breath... PICARD (continuing, reading) "Judge Advocate General's Report. Stardate xxxxx. Subject: Inquiry into Mutiny Aboard USS Pegasus." Picard looks up at Riker, who stiffens at the words but says nothing. Picard presses a control on the PADD. PICARD (continuing, reading) "Based on testimony from Captain Pressman and other surviving officers, the Judge Advocate believes there is sufficient evidence to conclude that certain members of the crew did mutiny against the captain just prior to the destruction of the Pegasus." Picard fastens a laser-like gaze on Riker. PICARD (continuing) Mutiny... on a Federation starship. It's shocking -- no, it's unthinkable. And yet you've never mentioned it. RIKER No, sir. PICARD It wasn't easy getting this record. I had to call in a few favors at Starfleet just to get a look at it. It seems the file was sealed by Starfleet Intelligence. Picard sets the PADD down and moves about the room. PICARD (continuing) So... not only was the Pegasus carrying "sensitive" equipment that can't be allowed to fall into Romulan hands... (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT THREE 34. 22 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) ... not only was there a mysterious explosion which appeared to destroy the ship, but didn't... but now it turns out there was a mutiny on board. (beat) I've read the official report of the mutiny. But I'd like to hear your version of what happened. Riker thinks about this for a long moment, then drags up something from his past that he's tried to put behind him. RIKER I was on the Bridge. The ship was at yellow alert... we were running some... tests on the engines. Something went wrong... there was an explosion in Engineering... heavy casualties. In the middle of the crisis, the First Officer, the Chief Engineer, almost the entire Bridge crew mutinied against Captain Pressman. PICARD Why? RIKER They... felt the Captain was jeopardizing the ship. PICARD And you? RIKER I was seven months out of the Academy... my head was still ringing with words like duty and honor. (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT THREE 35. 22 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER (Cont'd) (beat) When they moved against him, I thought they were a group of self-serving, disloyal officers. (beat, then quieter) So I grabbed a phaser and defended my captain. Two or three others joined in on our side, but it was clear the mutineers had most of the crew behind them... we felt we had to get off the ship. There was a... running firefight all the way to the escape pod. (beat) About five minutes after we left the ship... there was an explosion... Picard considers him for a moment. Then he begins to move about the room, reading other portions of material on his PADD. PICARD (reading) "The Judge Advocate also believes that the surviving officers are deliberately withholding vital information from this inquiry. Further investigation is recommended." (to Riker) But there was no further investigation... the file was classified and quietly buried. (beat) Why? RIKER Sir... maybe you should take this up with the Admiral. Picard's temper is starting to build, but he is trying to give Riker the benefit of the doubt here... looking for something from Riker to validate Picard's trust in him. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT THREE 36. 22 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD I'm taking it up with you. The Judge Advocate thought you were participating in a conspiracy to cover-up the truth. That you were lying about what really happened on the Pegasus. Now, I want you to tell me that's not true. Riker says nothing. Picard looks at him in frustration... finally he throws the PADD down on the table in anger. He confronts Riker directly. PICARD (continuing, harsh) Wil, what the hell's going on here? Why did your crew mutiny? And why is Pressman so determined to find your ship twelve years later? This is a very difficult moment for Riker, but he steels himself and tries to meet Picard's steady gaze. RIKER (formal) I've told you all I can. I am under the direct orders of Admiral Pressman... not to discuss this. Sir. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT THREE 37. 22 CONTINUED: (5) Picard considers him for a moment... nods... seems to think it over and sits down. His tone becomes quieter, more philosophical. PICARD Very well. He's an admiral, I'm a captain -- I can't force you to disobey him. (beat) I will tell you this... I need to place a great deal of trust in the person who serves as my first officer. You've had that trust... until now. But something is wrong here... and you're part of it. (beat) And when this mission is over... I may have to re-evaluate the command structure of this ship. A long, tense beat. PICARD (continuing) Dismissed. Riker EXITS. OFF Picard's expression... CUT TO: 23 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is moving through the Devolin system. 23A INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard is talking to Admiral Blackwell on the terminal screen. Mid-conversation. BLACKWELL Captain, Starfleet places the highest priority on the success of this mission. Your request for a delay is denied. Picard's tone goes personal. PICARD Margaret... something's very wrong here. Do you know what's going on? STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT THREE 37A. 23A CONTINUED: Blackwell seems to think this over for a moment... leans forward a little, but doesn't let her guard down completely. BLACKWELL I know that the Chief of Starfleet Intelligence herself is watching this one, Jean-Luc. So you would be well-advised to follow Pressman's orders and leave it at that. Starfleet out. The Transmission ENDS. Picard is dissatisfied with that answer, but has little recourse at the moment. WORF'S COM VOICE Worf to Captain Picard. We are approaching asteroid gamma six zero one, sir. PICARD (to com) On my way. Picard EXITS to... 24 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Riker and Pressman are standing over Data at one of the aft stations. Worf is at Tactical. Picard ENTERS from the Ready Room. PICARD Mister Worf, where are the Romulans? WORF They are out of sensor range on the far side of the system. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT THREE 38. 24 CONTINUED: PICARD (to Con) Bring us to within fifteen kilometers and hold position. On the monitor at Data's station, there is an Okudagram schematic of the asteroid. Data points to a bright POINT of light which is deep inside the asteroid. DATA For the past several hours, I have been scanning the area where we detected the resonance signature of the Pegasus. From the strength and polarity of the signature, it would appear that most of the warp core is still intact. PRESSMAN If we're lucky, the entire engineering section could be down there. RIKER So how do we get to it? I wouldn't want to try to transport through that much solid rock. PICARD Agreed. What about a shuttle? We could send it down through one of these fissures. DATA I would recommend against that, sir. There may be gravimetric or magnetic fluctuations inside the asteroid which would overpower the engines on a shuttlecraft. A long beat. PRESSMAN Sounds like the best solution is to take the Enterprise in. Picard and Riker look at him in surprise. RIKER You mean into the asteroid? STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT THREE 39. 24 CONTINUED: (2) PRESSMAN That's right. (points to graphic, then to Data) Put this fissure on the main viewer. 25 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The viewer now shows a LARGE CHASM on the surface of the asteroid. PRESSMAN This chasm is large enough for us to maneuver in. Besides, if there's any hope of salvaging the Pegasus, we'll need a starship to do it. PICARD Mister Data? Data thinks for a moment. DATA It is theoretically possible, Captain. But I am unaware of any prior situation where a starship was taken so deeply inside a planetary body. There may be unforeseen difficulties. Picard turns to Pressman. PICARD Admiral... I don't think we can risk-- Pressman cuts him off without raising his voice. PRESSMAN (smooth) I've made my decision. Prepare to take the Enterprise in, Captain. (beat) That's an order. A long beat, then Picard speaks to Data without taking his eyes off Pressman. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT THREE 40. 25 CONTINUED: PICARD Mister Data, please note in the ship's log that this action is being taken over my explicit objections. DATA It is so noted. A tense beat, then Picard and Riker move down to the command area. Data goes to Ops. PICARD Yellow Alert. RIKER Shields up, inertial dampers to maximum. PICARD Mister Data, plot a course into the chasm... maneuvering thrusters only. DATA (works) Course plotted. Beat. PICARD Take us in. Data works. On the Viewscreen, the image of the fissure suddenly starts to loom LARGER and LARGER as they approach it. 26 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & ASTEROID (OPTICAL) The Enterprise moves down into the huge fissure (which is many times wider than the ship) on the asteroid's surface and the ship disappears from view. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/22/93 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: A26 EXT SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is moving through the tunnel inside the asteroid. 26A INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. Everyone is watching the main viewer, which shows a dark view of the interior of a vast and deep tunnel of rock which the ship is traveling through. There are small turns and adjustments that the ship keeps making to its course as it moves through the winding, twisting cavern. Picard is on his feet, moving from station to station, keeping a wary eye on what's happening. DATA (off console) We are now two kilometers beneath the surface. The ship SHAKES slightly. WORF We are encountering shifts in magnetic field density. The ship SHAKES again. Picard approaches Pressman quietly... his attitude is discreet, but firm. PICARD (sotto, to Pressman) Admiral, if the passage narrows to less than five hundred meters, I'm going to abort the mission. Pressman gives him a sharp look, but Picard is unfazed. PICARD (continuing, sotto) You can charge me with insubordination if you wish, but I won't risk the Enterprise for a salvage operation. Before Pressman can respond, Worf sees something on his console and breaks in. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/22/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 26A CONTINUED: WORF Sir... I am reading a large resonance signature directly ahead. PICARD On screen. 27 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN - THE PEGASUS (OPTICAL) The screen now shows the starship Pegasus which has been FUSED into the rock of the asteroid. It is a bizarre sight -- the ship is half-in, half-out of the rock. There is some damage visible, but the ship did not crash -- it should look as if a transporter accident made it materialize partially in rock. Everyone reacts to the strange image on the Viewscreen. PRESSMAN Pegasus... RIKER What the hell happened? DATA Sensors show that the ship is still intact... but approximately sixty-five percent of it is contained within the asteroid. Riker looks at Data's console. RIKER As if half the ship had materialized inside solid rock. DATA Yes, sir. I do not know how this could have happened. Riker and Pressman exchange a look... evidently they do have some idea, but they're keeping it to themselves. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" 10/18/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 27 CONTINUED: PRESSMAN Let's keep the speculation to a minimum. We have to begin the salvage operation. The equipment we need was in main engineering. Can you scan that section of the Pegasus? DATA (works) The starboard bulkhead of Main Engineering is contained within the rock face... but most of the compartment is still intact. WORF (off console) There is a hull breach in that section. PICARD (to Data) If we begin a power transfer, can you restore life support to that compartment? DATA I believe so. The breach can be temporarily sealed by extending our shields. PRESSMAN See to it. Once you've restored life support, Commander Riker and I will beam directly into Engineering. PICARD Admiral, I'd like to send a complete Away Team to -- STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/18/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 27 CONTINUED: (2) PRESSMAN There's some very sensitive equipment over there. I don't want anyone else near it. Picard is clearly getting tired of being overruled by this guy, but he has little choice. PICARD Yes, sir. Riker exchanges a last look with Picard, and then Riker and Pressman EXIT to the Turbolift. CUT TO: 28 EXT. SPACE - THE PEGASUS (OPTICAL) The ship is still fused into the rock. 29 INT. PEGASUS ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) The engine room of the ship looks just as strange as the exterior. The room contains the usual assortment of equipment and consoles, but one entire wall is composed of SOLID ROCK. The floor and other bulkhead meld seamlessly into the rock face as if they were designed that way. None of the equipment is working and the room is very DARK. But there are several DEAD N.D. BODIES in old-style Starfleet uniforms lying in different positions on the deck and over the consoles. Riker and Pressman MATERIALIZE. They are both carrying palm beacons and are wearing tricorders. Pressman is carrying a tool kit. They react to the room and the sight of the dead bodies around them for a moment before either of them speaks. PRESSMAN This room was open to space for twelve years... RIKER (nods) The vacuum preserved everything... Riker shines his light on one of the dead bodies... reacts to the face. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/18/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 29 CONTINUED: Pressman moves to a panel and touches it. The emergency LIGHTS COME ON. They turn off their palm beacons. Riker examines the rock face with the aid of his tricorder. RIKER (continuing) I wonder how many of the crew are back there... Pressman decides to get back to business. PRESSMAN We're not here for a memorial service. Pressman moves to a wall console. PRESSMAN (continuing) It should be in here. Pressman reaches out and unfastens a couple of clamps... then removes the large Mees panel from the wall, revealing a large exotic-looking DEVICE -- large roughly cylindrical piece of equipment which is hooked up to various conduits against one bulkhead. Pressman reacts with relief -- this is what they've come here for. PRESSMAN (continuing) It's still intact. Pressman looks to Riker to share his excitement, but Riker's reaction is very different -- seeing the device seems to have brought his worst fears to fruition. PRESSMAN (continuing) What's wrong? Don't you understand? We found it. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/18/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 29 CONTINUED: (2) Pressman begins to use some of the tools from the tool kit to disconnect the various conduits from the wall. But Riker makes no move to help Pressman, the sight of the device has now put Riker squarely on the spot -- he can't avoid taking action one way or the other, and so he confronts Pressman. RIKER (quiet) I know. I just kept hoping it wasn't going to be here... that it would've been destroyed or buried back there in the rock... PRESSMAN What the hell's that supposed to mean? RIKER It means I can't put this off any longer. Right up until this moment, I had the... luxury of time. Now I have to make a choice. (beat) And Admiral... I'm afraid the only choice I can make... is to put a stop to this. I can't let you start these experiments all over again. It was wrong twelve years ago, and it's still wrong today. PRESSMAN You'd better reconsider that position, Commander. We have a mission to accomplish and you're going to carry it out. RIKER That's all that matters to you, isn't it -- starting your experiment again. Look around... we're standing in a room filled with bodies... people who died because of that thing. PRESSMAN Keep your self-righteous comments to yourself. I knew most of these people a lot longer than you did... it was tragic. But it was their own fault. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/18/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 29 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER You don't know that. Neither of us knows what happened after we left. PRESSMAN It's not hard to guess. They tried to shut down an experiment they didn't understand. Something went wrong. And it killed them. RIKER No... we killed them. PRESSMAN That doesn't sound like the young Conn Officer who grabbed a phaser and defended his captain twelve years ago. RIKER Yeah, well I've had twelve years to think about it. And if I had to do it over again... I'd point that phaser at you instead of them. PRESSMAN So on reflection... you'd rather be a traitor than a hero. Riker closes some of the distance between them... the tension between the two men is definitely heating up. RIKER I wasn't a hero and neither were you. What you were doing was wrong and I was wrong to support you... I was just too young and stupid to realize it at the time. You were the captain, I was the ensign... and I followed orders. PRESSMAN And if you hadn't, you'd be dead right now along with all the rest. Dead because you listened to a bunch of mutinous cowards who were too blinded by fear to see what I was trying to do. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/18/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 29 CONTINUED: (4) RIKER They were brave enough to risk their lives to stop you from violating a treaty the Federation signed in good faith. PRESSMAN That treaty has bound our hands and given the Romulans a tactical advantage for sixty years. I was simply trying to level the playing field. RIKER And now you're going to try again. How many people will die this time? Fifty? A hundred? A thousand? Pressman has finished disconnecting the device from the bulkhead. Pressman and Riker look at each other for a long moment. PRESSMAN You don't want to help me... fine. But you're still under my direct orders not to talk about what you know... and I expect you to follow those orders to the letter. (beat) I made you... and I can break you just as easily. Suddenly, the ship SHAKES. Both men are staggered for a moment. The ship SHAKES again. PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard to Away Team. Prepare to return to the ship immediately. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT FOUR 49-51. 29 CONTINUED: (5) PRESSMAN (to com) Stand-by, Enterprise. Pressman pulls the device out of the bulkhead and sets it on the deck. PRESSMAN (continuing) Pressman to Enterprise. Two people, one piece of equipment to beam up. Riker, Pressman, and the device all DEMATERIALIZE. CUT TO: 30 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Worf, and Data at their stations as Pressman and Riker ENTER (the device is gone). The ship is at RED ALERT. Everyone is looking at the main viewer, which shows a solid wall of rock -- some of the rock is still a molten red color, but it's cooling rapidly. PRESSMAN Report. PICARD The Romulans fired on the entrance to the chasm with their disruptors... they've sealed us in. OFF their reactions as they look at the viewer... 31 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/18/93 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 32 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Continuous from Act Four. Everyone is still looking at the sealed rock face on the Viewscreen. Worf reacts to something on his console. WORF Sir... there is an incoming message... it is from the Warbird. They exchange a few surprised looks. PICARD On screen. 33 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Sirol now appears on the screen. He seems very pleased with himself. SIROL Captain... you seem to be in a very... unfortunate circumstance. How can we help? STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/18/93 - ACT FIVE 53 33 CONTINUED: PICARD Are you responsible for this? SIROL I'm not sure. We were conducting some... geological experiments on the surface of the asteroid. It's possible that we... accidently sealed you in. (beat) If only we had known you were beneath the surface... if you had shared your plans with us, this might have been avoided. Picard's not buying any of this. PICARD What is it you want, Sirol? SIROL I don't want anything, Captain. But I will offer to help you. RIKER How? SIROL (smiles) By transporting your crew aboard my ship. We'll take you back to Romulus... where after a short stay as our guests, you will be returned to the Federation. PICARD Thank you for your... generous offer. I will... take it under advisement. SIROL As you wish. We'll be continuing our... research in this system for a while longer. I await your decision. The transmission ENDS. Picard turns to the others. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 33 CONTINUED: (2) PRESSMAN We can't do it. If we abandon the Enterprise they'll come back here and get their hands on both ships. PICARD Agreed. Options? WORF We could use the phasers to cut our way out. DATA The asteroid's internal structure is highly unstable. Any attempt to cut through the rock could cause the entire chasm to collapse. There is a long beat... then Riker makes a difficult decision. RIKER Captain... I have a suggestion. There's a piece of equipment under guard in Admiral Pressman's quarters which could get us out of here. (beat) It's a prototype for a Federation cloaking device. Pressman's eyes flare in anger. He moves close to Riker. PRESSMAN (quiet, hard) You just ended your career, Wil. Picard's reaction is one of shock and dismay. He turns to Pressman with a cold expression. PICARD That's what this is all about? A cloaking device? In the Treaty of Algeron the Federation specifically agreed not to develop cloaking technology. PRESSMAN And that treaty is the biggest mistake we ever made. It's kept us from exploiting a vital area of defense that-- STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT FIVE 54A. 33 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (hard) That treaty has kept the peace for sixty years. And as a Starfleet officer, you are sworn to uphold it. Pressman steps back from Picard's anger, and tries to retake control of the situation. PRESSMAN That's enough. I'm taking command of this vessel. Mister Worf, escort the Captain to his quarters. Everyone looks at Worf, who then very slowly and deliberately folds his arms and does nothing. RIKER (to Pressman) I don't think anyone's going to come to your defense this time. PICARD (to Riker) How can we use the cloak to escape the asteroid? RIKER It's more than just a cloak. It changes the structure of matter... in theory, a ship using this device would be able to pass through normal matter. PICARD (to Pressman) That's why you were so eager to find it... PRESSMAN Can't you see the potential here? The phasing cloak could be the greatest breakthrough in weapons research in the last fifty years. PICARD Except it's illegal... it's a violation of an agreement the Federation signed in good faith. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT FIVE 54B. 33 CONTINUED: (4) A long, quiet beat. RIKER Captain... we might be able to adapt the cloak for the Enterprise engines and use it to escape the asteroid. Picard doesn't want to do this... he's not comfortable with this notion, but there doesn't seem to be any other way at the moment. PICARD Mister Data? DATA It is theoretically possible, sir. But it will take several hours to study the device and determine how to link it to our systems. PICARD Make it so. Data heads toward the EXIT. CUT TO: 34 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is still trapped in the asteroid. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/22/93 - ACT FOUR 55. 34 CONTINUED: PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log: Stardate 47457.1. We have been trapped inside the asteroid for over eight hours. Mister Data and Commander La Forge inform me that they are nearly ready to engage the cloak. 35 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING GEORDI (to com) Commander, I've routed the impulse engines through the warp plasma conduits... but you'll have to watch the intercooler levels... if they go too high, we'll blow out the entire relay system. INTERCUT: 36 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker is at the aft Engineering station. Picard, Pressman, and Worf look on. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/18/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 36 CONTINUED: RIKER (to com) Understood. (to Picard) I think that's what happened twelve years ago. The cloak blew out the plasma relays on the Pegasus after we left the ship... the plasma ignited in space, and it looked like the ship had been destroyed. PRESSMAN (realizing) So the ship drifted into this system... still in a phased state... and when it passed through this asteroid... RIKER The cloak failed. And half the ship materialized in solid rock. They all ponder this grim image for a moment. In Engineering, Geordi has finished working at his console. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT FIVE 57-58. 36 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI La Forge to Bridge. The cloak is on-line and ready to begin phase sequencing. Riker looks at Picard on the Bridge. PICARD Proceed, Number One. RIKER Aye, sir. (he works) Activating power systems... Down in Engineering, Data and Geordi also work and now the cloak LIGHTS UP and a low HUM begins to fill the room. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/22/93 - ACT FOUR 59. 37 thru OMITTED 42 43 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship is still inside the asteroid. Suddenly, it CLOAKS and disappears. 44 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Worf, and Pressman. PICARD Report. RIKER The cloak appears to be functioning normally. The ship's matter/energy phasing rate should be sufficient to pass through the asteroid. PICARD (to Conn) Take us out. Maneuvering thrusters only. The Conn Officer works and on the Viewscreen, one of the rock walls gets CLOSER. WORF We will reach the rock face in... five seconds. A long beat as they watch the Viewscreen. The rock face gets so close it looks like they're going to slam right into it... then the rock face appears to DISSOLVE in front of them... layers and layers of rock continue to appear and then disappear as the ship passes through the asteroid. WORF We have passed through two kilometers of the asteroid... now within one kilometer of the surface. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT FIVE 60. 44 CONTINUED: RIKER We're approaching the surface... On the screen, the final layer of rock now DISSOLVES and the normal starfield can be seen. WORF We have cleared the asteroid, Captain. (reacts to something on console) The Warbird is off the port bow. RIKER They're still waiting for us to make up our minds. PICARD (to Riker) Disengage the cloaking device, Commander. PRESSMAN (shocked) What? You can't do that. If the Romulans see us decloak, they'll know that we have -- PICARD They'll know the truth, Admiral. Which is what everyone is going to know very shortly. (to Riker) Carry out my orders. Riker works the console for a moment. CUT TO: 45 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE & ASTEROID (OPTICAL) The asteroid is sitting in space. The Warbird is nearby. Suddenly the Enterprise DECLOAKS outside the asteroid in normal space. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/18/93 - ACT FIVE 61. 46 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. PICARD Mister Worf, send a message to the Warbird... inform them that their government will be contacted shortly regarding this incident. WORF Aye, sir. Worf works as Picard turns to Pressman. PICARD Admiral, I hereby charge you with violation of the Treaty of Algeron. As Captain of the Enterprise, I'm placing you under arrest. Mister Worf? Worf comes down from Tactical and indicates the Turbolift to Pressman. WORF Admiral, if you will come with me... PRESSMAN I have a lot of friends at Starfleet Command, Captain. PICARD You're going to need them. Worf begins to escort Pressman off the Bridge. Riker suddenly stands up. RIKER Lieutenant. I'll have to be placed under arrest as well. Worf looks to Picard, who then grimly nods. Worf escorts Pressman and Riker off the Bridge. CUT TO: 47 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship moving at impulse power. STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT FIVE 62. 48 INT. BRIG (OPTICAL) Riker is pacing back and forth behind the invisible forcefield. Picard ENTERS the room and nods to the N.D. Guard. The Guard EXITS and Picard moves to the Brig entrance. PICARD I've spoken to Fleet Admiral Shanthi. There will be a full inquiry once we reach Starbase two-four-seven... and it will probably lead to a general court martial of Admiral Pressman and several others at Starfleet Intelligence. Riker nods... he was expecting this. PICARD (continuing) Your... involvement in this affair will be thoroughly investigated, Wil... there will be some hard questions for you to answer... RIKER I understand. PICARD You made a mistake twelve years ago... but your service since that time has earned you a great deal of respect... from me and from a great many others. This incident may cost you some of that respect... RIKER I can't help feeling that I should have come forward a long time ago... PICARD When the moment came to make the decision... you made the right one... (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Pegasus" REV. 10/20/93 - ACT FIVE 63. 48 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) No matter what that choice may have cost you... and no matter how much Pressman may have meant to you... you chose to tell the truth and face the consequences. Picard DEACTIVATES the forcefield. PICARD (continuing) As long as you can do that... you'll still deserve to wear that uniform... and I'll still be proud to have you as my first officer. A close moment between the two men... then Picard leads them both out of the Brig and they EXIT to the Corridor. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END