STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Sub Rosa" (fka "Passions") #40277-266 Story by Jeri Taylor Teleplay by Brannon Braga Based Upon Material by Jeanna F. Gallo Directed by Jonathan Frakes THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT NOVEMBER 5, 1993 STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 10/18/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Sub Rosa" CAST PICARD FELISA RIKER RONIN DATA QUINT BEVERLY MATURIN TROI WORF GEORDI Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. COLONISTS TRANSPORTER CHIEF STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Sub Rosa" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE BEVERLY'S QUARTERS CEMETERY CORRIDOR ENGINEERING READY ROOM TEN FORWARD TRANSPORTER ROOM TURBOLIFT PLANET SURFACE HOWARD HOME WEATHER CONTROL STATION STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Sub Rosa" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ANAPHASIC an-uh-FAZE-ick CALDOS CALL-dose CUMULONIMBUS kyoom-you-low-NIM-bus FELISA fell-EE-sah GLAMIS GLOMS JESSEL JESS-ul KILMARNOCK KILL-mar-nock MATURIN ma-TOUR-in MOK'BARA moke-ba-RAH RONIN ROW-nin SELAR sell-AR STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "Sub Rosa" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - CEMETERY - DAY A traditional FUNERAL is in progress. A large group of MOURNERS, dressed in black, are gathered around a COFFIN. The setting is a SUNNY clearing surrounded by a large HEDGE. Stone-carved TOMBSTONES and other traditional graveyard details can be seen. PICARD and TROI are there, as well -- wearing their dress uniforms. BEVERLY is standing at the head of the coffin, speaking to the group. It's a eulogy, and Beverly speaks with great fondness. BEVERLY (to all) Most people on this colony will remember my grandmother as a "healer"... but her abilities went beyond that. She didn't just relieve pain, or fight illness... because she knew that well-being is more than a healthy body. Her remedies included words of advice as often as they did medicinal teas... (smiles) And sometimes they were just as bitter-tasting. As she speaks, the crowd listens intently... the mood is somber. BEVERLY (continuing) But Nana's favorite thing was cooking. My most vivid memories growing up were of Nana in the kitchen... the sounds of bubbling pots and wooden spoons... the exotic tastes and smells... (beat) In fact, she was in the middle of writing a cook book when she died. I'd like to share with you one of her recipes... it was my favorite. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: Beverly picks up a PADD and begins to read from it. BEVERLY (reads) "Nana's Gingerbread. Mix one gram currants... six hundred milliliters of flour... two hundred milliliters buttermilk... and a dollop of molasses... " (beat) "Two pinches of ginger and cinnamon... and two hundred milliliters of sugar." As she reads, we see that the people in the crowd -- Picard, Troi, and the others -- are all smiling. The recipe is soothing... a moment of peace and grounding in this tragic time. BEVERLY (continuing, reads) "Heat the oven until it's happy... then pour the batter into the arms of a welcoming pan... " (an aside) I never knew when an oven was happy, and I never saw arms on a pan... but it sure tasted great. Beverly sets down the PADD. BEVERLY (continuing) I'll miss Felisa Howard very much... her healing... her advice... and most of all, her gingerbread. A quiet moment, then Beverly steps to the side of the grave. GOVERNOR MATURIN -- an ALIEN man in his late fifties -- steps forward. As he speaks, FOUR PALLBEARERS start to lower the coffin into the ground. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) MATURIN (to all) "And so now we commit her body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust... in sure and certain hope that her memory will be kept alive within us all." The mourners begin a ritual procession by the coffin. As they walk past, each one of them takes a hand-full of DIRT and tosses it onto the coffin. Beverly stares down at the grave... 2 ANGLE ON COFFIN As a hand-full of dirt hits the coffin... then another... 3 BEVERLY Watches the coffin silently... 4 ANGLE ON COFFIN As another pile of dirt hits... and another... and suddenly a single FLOWER is thrown onto the coffin -- a CAMELLIA, bright against the dark wood. 5 BEVERLY reacts, looks up to see -- 6 A MAN is staring directly at her. His eyes are intense, face utterly expressionless -- he's striking and attractive but somehow strange. His skin is very pale, delicate, eyes a striking GREEN in contrast... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - TEASER 4. 7 BEVERLY reacts to the man, startled -- who is he? Before she can say anything, the man walks past her... and the procession of mourners continues. She glances back at the man, trying to shake the odd feeling. OFF her curious expression... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 8 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - CEMETERY - DAY A short time later. The funeral is over and many of the mourners are slowly starting to leave, while others have broken off into small groups, talking quietly. Picard and Governor Maturin are standing off to one side, mid-conversation. MATURIN How long are you planning to stay? PICARD Just a few more hours. Why? MATURIN Well, as I'm sure you know, Caldos was one of the first terraforming projects of the Federation. Some of our weather controls and fusion systems are nearly a century old. I wouldn't mind having a starship Engineer take a look at them... perhaps give us a few upgrades. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 6. 8 CONTINUED: MATURIN (Cont'd) (smiles) Maybe in exchange for a tour of the colony... and a home-cooked meal? Picard looks over at Beverly, who can be seen standing by the graveside, receiving condolences from a couple of mourners. He grows thoughtful... PICARD We're due at Starbase six-two-one tomorrow morning... but we can delay that for a few days. Yes... I'm sure we can find some time. MATURIN Excellent. A beat. Picard looks around at the peaceful setting. PICARD I look forward to that tour. The Caldos Colony is really an impressive accomplishment. I actually feel like I'm in the Scottish Highlands. MATURIN That was the intent. The cornerstone of every building in town was brought from Edinburgh.. Glasgow... Aberdeen... The founders wanted everyone to have a piece of the real thing here. They didn't just want to imitate Scotland -- they wanted to recreate it. Picard looks at him. PICARD I'm curious, Governor... you're obviously not from Scotland. What drew you here? MATURIN There's something about the culture... the heritage. When I was a boy, my family visited Glamis Castle in Scotland. As I looked out across the highlands, I felt as if I'd come home. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 7. 9 NEW ANGLE Beverly is standing by the graveside, where TWO N.D. COLONISTS are using old-fashioned shovels to fill in the grave with dirt. A mourner hugs Beverly, then walks off. A moment later Troi walks up and puts her arm in Beverly's. TROI I thought it was a beautiful eulogy, Beverly. BEVERLY Thank you. Beverly looks around at the departing mourners. BEVERLY You know, I never realized how many friends Nana had... TROI Did you come home often? BEVERLY Not really. After I married Jack and moved to Earth... I never seemed to get back here... Beverly looks intrigued by something. BEVERLY Deanna... did you notice a peculiar man at the service? He looked like he was in his midthirties... dark hair? TROI No... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 8. 9 CONTINUED: BEVERLY He threw a flower on Nana's grave... a camellia... it was her favorite flower. She used to keep them all over the house. TROI Maybe he was a friend... or one of her patients. BEVERLY Maybe. It was just such a personal gesture... and he gave me the oddest look... A beat, then Beverly shakes the feeling. BEVERLY Well... I suppose I should go back to the house. There are some things there I'd like to take care of. (beat) It's only a few minutes away. Would you mind coming along? TROI I'd love to. As Beverly and Troi walk off... CUT TO: 10 INT. HOWARD HOME - DAY A large, open living area. The LIVING ROOM is adjacent to a SITTING ROOM... and there are doors to suggest other rooms. There is a stairway leading up to an offscreen second story. The decor should suggest an earlier time and way of life -- a warm Scottish country home from the early 19th century. Herbs and other exotic-looking medicinal ARTIFACTS can be seen throughout the house. And there are a few 24th century devices in evidence -- a replicator, computer terminal, etc. Troi is standing at a table, looking at an old-style PHOTOGRAPH of Beverly standing next to an elderly woman. Beverly is standing nearby, looking through some belongings. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 8A. 10 CONTINUED: TROI (re: photograph) Your grandmother had remarkable green eyes... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 9-10. 10 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY Every woman in the Howard family has had green eyes... except for my mother and me. TROI How well do you remember your mother? Beverly stops, remembering. BEVERLY Not very well... I was so young when she died. I just have the image of her face... and I can hear the sound of her voice, but I can't tell you anything specific she ever said... (beat) Mostly, I remember Nana. Beverly sees something in a corner and moves to it... stops at an exotic-looking CANDLE -- it has an elaborate metal base with engravings on it. The candle FLAME is burning brightly. (NOTE: It is not a waxburning candle -- it looks more like the kerosene variety.) TROI (re: candle) That's beautiful... what is it? BEVERLY A family heirloom... it's been in the Howard clan for at least twenty generations. It's supposed to symbolize the "enduring spirit of the Howards, wherever they may go -- a shining light to guide their fortune." (smiles) Nana always kept it lit. I can remember sitting in here listening to ghost stories with only this candle burning... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 11. 10 CONTINUED: (3) TROI You should take it with you... BEVERLY I think I will. A quiet beat as they stare at the flame. TROI Well... I'm going to head back to the ship. BEVERLY You don't have to go. TROI Something tells me you'd like some time alone. (smiles) I'll see you later. BEVERLY Thanks. Troi EXITS. Beverly looks around for a long moment... taking in the house... then she sits on a chair by the fireplace and picks up a large leather-bound JOURNAL sitting on a side-table with several other books. She eyes it with curiosity, runs her fingers over the cover, and opens it... 10A INSERT - THE JOURNAL as she opens it to the first page, where the name "FELISA HOWARD" is hand-written in ink. She turns to a few more pages -- every page has a hand-written date and journal entry on it... 10B RESUME SCENE Beverly begins to flip through the pages... intrigued by what she reads. She stands, still turning the pages, and walks up the staircase, disappearing out of view... 10C NEW ANGLE - THE ROOM After a silent beat, a NOISE is heard at the door -- the rattling of the lock. The door creaks open... and a man steps into the house. It's NED QUINT -- a dour man in his mid-fifties with a heavy Scottish accent. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 11A. 10C CONTINUED: He walks directly to the table where the exotic candle is burning. He eyes it with an angry and unhappy look... then blows out the flame and is about to throw the candle to the floor-- BEVERLY'S VOICE Who's there? Quint turns, surprised at the voice -- 11 INCLUDE BEVERLY as she comes down the staircase. BEVERLY What the hell are you doing? STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 12. 11 CONTINUED: She rushes over to him, grabs the candle out of his hands, angry. BEVERLY (continuing) Get out of my house. QUINT I wouldn't get so high and mighty with me, Beverly Howard Crusher. I've spent more time here in the past five years than you have in the past twenty. She looks at him in surprise, taken aback. BEVERLY How do you know who I am? QUINT I'm Ned Quint. I took care of your grandmother's house and her affairs. BEVERLY Nana never mentioned you... QUINT There's a lot of things she didn't tell you. Beat. Beverly examines the candle, calming down a little. Quint eyes the candle with intent. QUINT Now -- let me get rid of that candle. Quint reaches out to take the candle from her, but she pulls it away. BEVERLY What do you mean? QUINT That candle has brought nothing but misery and bad luck to your grandmother. Beverly's eyes flash and she stiffens slightly. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 13. 11 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY Now listen, Mister Quint -- I don't know what your relationship was with my grandmother. But this is my house now and these are my things -- QUINT I'm telling ya -- that candle has been a curse on your family for generations. And if you had a lick of sense, you'd listen to me right now and do away with it. Now give it to me. BEVERLY (hard) This is a family heirloom and I intend to keep it. I would like you to leave my house. Now. He looks at her for a second, then turns to go. QUINT (mutters) Howard women... always the same stubborn fools... (then loud) I wash my hands of it now. You stay in this house and keep that damned candle and I won't be responsible for what happens. Finally, he EXITS, slamming the door behind him. OFF Beverly's puzzled reaction... CUT TO: 12 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around the planet CALDOS FOUR. 13 INT. ENGINEERING DATA is working at a console while Governor Maturin looks on. The wall monitor displays an Okudagram of the CALDOS COLONY. GEORDI and various N.D.s can be seen working in the b.g. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 14. 13 CONTINUED: DATA The colony's (TECH) systems are functioning normally... as are the (TECH) systems. MATURIN Can you check the seismic stabilizers? We've been having a few tremors over the past couple of months. DATA Certainly. MATURIN You can't imagine what it's like trying to enjoy afternoon tea while the earth is shaking. Geordi reacts to the console he's working on. GEORDI Governor... did you know you had a power fluctuation in your weather control system? Data and Maturin move to Geordi. MATURIN No... our weather control's been working perfectly for over twenty-two years. Geordi works the console. GEORDI I can't isolate the exact source, but the fluctuation seems to be originating from one of the substations that regulates atmospheric humidity for the colony. MATURIN Is this going to be a problem? GEORDI Not yet... but power distribution patterns are already off by five percent. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 15. 13 CONTINUED: (2) DATA I suggest we analyze the planet's weather patterns to see if they have been affected. Geordi nods and they work a moment. Maturin watches with concern. DATA (continuing, off console) I am reading unusually high humidity across the entire Southern desert region... and there is increasing cloud activity over the Northern coastal area... possibly the formation of a storm system. MATURIN (reacts) Storm? It's the middle of Summer -- we don't have rain at this time of year... GEORDI (to Data) Data, let's see if we can correct this. I'll check out the colony's climatic flow array. DATA And I will run a diagnostic on the thermal regulators. Geordi gives Maturin a reassuring smile. GEORDI Don't worry, Governor. We'll keep you dry. MATURIN I certainly hope so. There's a caber toss scheduled for tomorrow afternoon... and I'd hate to see it spoiled by an unexpected downpour. OFF Maturin's concern... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 16. 14 INT. CORRIDOR Turbolift doors open and Picard and Beverly walk out, mid-conversation. Beverly has a hard case slung over her shoulder, and she's holding the leather-bound books seen earlier. As they walk down the corridor... BEVERLY (re: book) You wouldn't believe what I've been reading about in my grandmother's journals... She stops, lowers her voice a little. BEVERLY (continuing) You know she had a lover? Can you believe it? Nana was a hundred years old. PICARD It would seem the Howard women have exceptionally... vigorous libidos. She gives him a look and they continue walking. BEVERLY I certainly hope so. I'd like to think that I could find a young, handsome man in his thirties when I pass the century mark. PICARD (reacts) Thirties? BEVERLY Yes. According to her journal, his name is Ronin... and he's thirty-four years-old. She met him just after my great-grandmother died. And I think I saw him at the funeral. He threw a camellia onto her grave. (beat) The strange thing is, Nana never mentioned him to me in her letters... never once. And they apparently spent almost all of their time together... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 17. 14 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (Cont'd) (beat) It's like she led a whole life I never knew about. They stop at Beverly's quarters. PICARD Well... it looks like we're going to be at Caldos for a few more days. This might give you a chance to get your grandmother's affairs in order. She smiles at him. BEVERLY Thank you. I will. She opens a page in one of the journals and EXITS to her quarters, reading. OFF Picard's face as he watches her go... CUT TO: 15 INT. BEVERLY'S QUARTERS Later. Beverly is lying in bed, under the blankets and dressed in her nightclothes. It's late. She's paging through her grandmother's journal, utterly absorbed by what she's reading. On the night table next to the bed is the exotic candle, as seen before. Gradually, Beverly starts to drift off... her eyes flutter shut and the book slowly drops into her lap... her breathing deepens and soon she is asleep. A quiet beat goes by... 16 NEW ANGLE on the night table. The candle FLAME begins to sputter to life on its own, as if the flame is trying to come alive. It sparks and sputters but does not catch fire... and finally goes out completely... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT ONE 18. 17 BEVERLY asleep, does not notice. Very gradually, the blanket starts to MOVE of its own accord... slowly pulling away from Beverly's shoulders as if by an unseen hand. Beverly draws in a sharp breath and tenses her body, reacting to something touching her face... then her neck... Her nightgown SLIDES down off her shoulder, exposing her skin... Gradually, a smile forms on Beverly's face and it's clear that she is experiencing some sort of pleasure... she responds to a rush of sensations and emotion... A MAN'S VOICE is heard from somewhere in the room -- low and seductive... MAN'S VOICE Beverly... Beverly bolts awake. She's breathless... rattled by the dream... She glances around the room in momentary confusion... but there's no one there. OFF her shaken expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO 18 INT. TEN FORWARD Beverly and Troi are sitting at a table, midconversation. A couple of PADDS sit in front of them. TROI You dreamt you were in bed with someone? Beverly tries to describe her "dream", but it isn't easy. Clearly, it has affected her on some deeper level -- she seems absorbed by the memory of it. BEVERLY Not exactly. I was in bed... but there wasn't another person in the dream... it was more like a presence... TROI You said you felt a touch... BEVERLY (nods) A pair of hands. They were moving across my skin... TROI Like a caress? BEVERLY Yes. And I heard a voice... a man... he whispered my name... (beat) It was almost like I knew him... or more like he knew me. He knew exactly how I liked to be touched... (beat) It was the most... physical dream I've ever had. The sensations were so real... Beverly looks at her, a little embarrassed. BEVERLY (continuing) And extremely... arousing. Troi smiles. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/08/93 - ACT TWO 20. 18 CONTINUED: TROI Frankly, I'm envious. They both laugh -- two friends sharing an intimate experience. BEVERLY (lightly) I did fall asleep reading a particularly erotic chapter in my grandmother's journal. She wrote very detailed descriptions about her experiences with Ronin. TROI That's bound to cause a dream or two. Beverly grows thoughtful. A beat goes by, then Troi picks up a PADD. TROI (continuing) So... should we start going over the personnel reports? Beverly seems not to have heard her -- she's still absorbed with the dream. BEVERLY You know, I think I even felt a ring on one of the hands... when it touched my shoulder... and my neck. (beat) I wonder if I'll have another dream tonight... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/08/93 - ACT TWO 21. 18 CONTINUED: (2) TROI (lightly) I'd read two chapters. Beverly smiles and they start working the PADDs. After a beat, Beverly stares off into middle-distance, lost in thought. She is still engrossed by the dream. OFF her expression... CUT TO: 19 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - CEMETERY - DAY It is CLOUDY and OVERCAST -- a contrast to the sunny day seen in the Teaser and Act One. Beverly ENTERS the cemetery (wearing casual clothing) and walks toward her grandmother's grave. She stops at what she sees. Ned Quint is kneeling at the graveside. Beverly walks toward him... Quint is carefully tending the grave, smoothing and tamping down the dirt. A TOMBSTONE is engraved with the words "FELISA HOWARD - BORN 2270, DIED 2370". Beverly walks over and watches Quint for a moment. Finally, Quint senses her and he stands. He is vulnerable here -- not nearly so confrontational, as before. But he covers it with a slight gruffness in his voice. QUINT (to Beverly) You probably want to be alone. I'll leave. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT TWO 22. 19 CONTINUED: BEVERLY No... it's okay. (beat) Look, I'm sorry we got off to such a bad start yesterday. I've been reading my grandmother's journals... and I know how much you meant to her. Quint eyes her. QUINT She was a grand lady. You won't see many more like her... (beat) You have your grandmother's fire, that's for sure. Beverly smiles, speaks gently. BEVERLY Ned... you're welcome to stay on at the house after I'm gone. I'll need someone to take care of it. Quint's expression darkens. QUINT That's kind of you, Lass. But I'll never set foot in that house again. And I recommend that you don't either. BEVERLY Why? QUINT Like I tried to tell your grandmother... that house is haunted. BEVERLY Haunted? QUINT (quickly) And don't you smile at me. She smiled at me, too. I know you fly around the galaxy in a starship and all... think you're so much smarter than the rest of us... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT TWO 23. 19 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY Ned, I never said that... QUINT Oh, but you were thinking it. Just an old man with tales of ghosts and goblins... But I was born in Kilmarnock -- the real Kilmarnock on Earth. I've seen things there on the moors at night that canna be explained by a tricorder, or a fancy ship. We hear a distant rumble of THUNDER. A storm is approaching in the distance... BEVERLY I grew up in that house. I loved that house. QUINT Sure... Felisa did too. And now she's dead. BEVERLY Are you suggesting my grandmother didn't die of natural causes? There's another rumble of THUNDER. Quint looks up the sky, worried. QUINT (continuing) Believe what ya want... just don't light that candle. BEVERLY Why not? QUINT It'll bring the ghost... it's his home. Quint glances around, worried. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT TWO 24. 19 CONTINUED: (3) QUINT (continuing) Right now he's out... wanderin' across the land... angry 'cause he's been driven out... (beat) That's why he's bringing the storms. BEVERLY Ned -- the weather control system is malfunctioning. The Enterprise is trying to fix it... QUINT Oh, sure... and who do you think is causing the malfunction? BEVERLY I think your imagination is -- QUINT (firm) Think what ya want, see what ya want. But just do what I say. Don't light the candle. Don't go in that house. Or before you know it... I'll be burying another Howard in this cemetery. Quint turns and walks off. The thunder continues to RUMBLE, getting closer. Beverly watches him go... pulls her coat up around her neck, chilled by the air. Then she looks down at the grave... 20 OMITTED 21 INCLUDE THE GRAVE CAMELLIAS have been strewn all over the grave and tombstone -- dozens of them, everywhere. They were not there before. 22 BEVERLY reacts. Suddenly, there's a FLASH of nearby LIGHTNING and a LOUD CRASH of THUNDER. Beverly reacts, startled. A WIND whips up -- the storm is right on top of her now. More LIGHTNING and THUNDER. Beverly turns and makes a run for it... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT TWO 25. 23 INT. BRIDGE Picard, RIKER, WORF, N.D.s at stations. Worf reacts to his console. WORF Captain -- I am detecting atmospheric turbulence over the colony... and large pockets of electrical activity. PICARD On screen. 24 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) An orbital view of a large, rapidly forming STORM SYSTEM over part of the planet's surface -- roiling gray clouds and crackling lightning. Reactions to the sight. RIKER That's one hell of a thunderstorm. PICARD (to com) Bridge to Engineering. Mister Data, we're reading an extremely large storm system over the Caldos Colony. It was my understanding that the weather control malfunction was not severe. INTERCUT: 25 INT. ENGINEERING Data and Geordi are working a console. DATA (to com) It began as a minor power fluctuation, sir -- but the effect has spread throughout the control grid. (off console) It has caused unusual concentrations of cumulonimbus activity above the colony. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT TWO 26. 25 CONTINUED: GEORDI (to com) Captain, I suggest we set up a power transfer between the Enterprise and the weather substations -- try to give them enough power to stabilize the storm. PICARD Make it so. (to Riker) In the meantime, Number One -- contact Governor Maturin. Tell him to expect some... rough weather. Riker nods. OFF the Viewscreen image of the violent storm... CUT TO: 26 INT. HOWARD HOME - NIGHT The room is dark. Beverly ENTERS, her hair and clothing damp from the rain. THUNDER booms outside -- and LIGHTNING continues to flash in through the windows. The storm is getting worse. She leaves the door open and immediately searches for a lamp... finds one and turns it on... 27 ANGLE ON ROOM The house is FILLED with CAMELLIAS -- dozens of them everywhere, arranged to fill every corner and surface of the house. OFF Beverly's stunned reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 28 INT. HOWARD HOME - NIGHT Continuous action. Beverly standing in the house full of flowers. Suddenly, the door SHUTS behind her of its own accord. She jumps, startled... then steadies herself. BEVERLY (calls out) Who's there? A beat -- all we hear is distant thunder. She takes a step into the house. BEVERLY (continuing, calls out) Ned, is that you? Hello... ? A floorboard CREAKS from somewhere in the house. Beverly turns at the sound... then heads toward the drawing room... 29 NEW ANGLE - DRAWING ROOM as Beverly ENTERS the room... looks around, but there's no one there. The room is DIMLY-LIT... blowing trees just outside the window cast spidery SHADOWS inside the room. BEVERLY (calls out) I know somebody's here... now I suggest you -- Suddenly, a MIRROR on the far wall begins to RATTLE slightly from an unseen source. Beverly looks over and it immediately stops rattling. She moves to the mirror, examines it closely... and then lifts the mirror off the nail and looks behind it. Nothing there. She replaces the mirror on the wall -- and as she sets it into place, we suddenly see the image of the YOUNG MAN from the funeral standing right behind Beverly! Beverly drops the mirror in shock and whirls around. There's a shattering CRASH as the mirror hits the ground. But there's nobody there. Beverly is shaken, angry. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 28. 29 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (continuing, calls out) Alright... that's it. Whoever you are, show yourself right now or I'm going to call the Enterprise and have ten security guards down here in the next thirty seconds. A beat... then a flash of LIGHTNING lights up the room. A quick beat later comes a roll of THUNDER -- and over the thunder we hear a MAN'S VOICE -- low and seductive... as heard in Beverly's dream in Act One. MAN'S VOICE Beverly... She reacts -- was it the thunder, or was there really a voice? She's not certain. She waits. Then the voice comes again, this time without the thunder. (We will later learn that the voice belongs to someone named RONIN.) RONIN/MAN'S VOICE Beverly... I've come back for you... She looks around the room. BEVERLY Who are you? RONIN'S VOICE Don't you remember? I came to you last night... while you were asleep... BEVERLY (firm) No... that was a dream... (beat) I'm calling the Enterprise. She pulls a combadge out of her pocket, but before she can activate it her coat FALLS from her shoulders, as if it were taken off. She takes in a breath, feeling a rush of sensation and emotion. Her eyes lose focus momentarily, as though she's just been given some kind of narcotic. RONIN'S VOICE Now do you remember me? STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 29. 29 CONTINUED: (2) Her eyes flutter and she breathes heavily again, drawn deep into the narcotic state. The combadge falls from her hand onto the floor. Like someone coming out of a deep sleep, she tries to force her eyes open... BEVERLY Yes, but... what's happening to me... I feel... strange... RONIN'S VOICE I love you, Beverly... just as I loved Felisa before you. BEVERLY Are you... Ronin? RONIN'S VOICE That's right... you saw me at the funeral. She reacts to an unseen caress. Her expression turns to a smile and she bites her lower lip, tensing. The feeling should be very erotic and mesmerizing. Beverly is now adrift... caught in the throes of the narcotic effect. She starts to move around the house, searching for the source of the voice... trying to keep her eyes focused... BEVERLY Who... are you? RONIN'S VOICE I'm a spirit... BEVERLY (weak) But I don't believe in... RONIN'S VOICE Ghosts? I don't blame you... I didn't either at first. But I was born in sixteen-forty-seven... in Glasgow on Earth. Beverly is intrigued by this story, pulled in by it, but also trying to maintain some semblance of her Starfleet objectivity. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 30. 29 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY So you're telling me that you're an eight hundred year-old ghost... As the voice speaks, Beverly continues her search of the house -- looking in every corner... behind every door... but there's no one there... RONIN'S VOICE That's right. I found a home with Jessel Howard... she was a pretty lass with a mane of red hair, and eyes like diamonds... and I loved her very much. And when she died, I stayed with her daughter... and her daughter... and on down through the years, generation after generation... Beverly is mesmerized by the voice... it's getting harder and harder to maintain her composure. As Ronin tells his story, she slowly begins to back away from an unseen source, as though being gently forced backward... and she collapses onto a couch, losing her balance... BEVERLY And now you're here... on Caldos... two hundred light years away? RONIN'S VOICE Yes... When your family moved out into the galaxy, I moved with them. BEVERLY I don't believe you... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 31. 29 CONTINUED: (4) Now her protest is so weak, they're just words. RONIN'S VOICE I believe you are the most beautiful women I have ever known... Beverly's eyes close and her head rolls back, oblivious to the world around her. She reacts again to an invisible touch moving across her body... but before it can go on she manages to sit up and fight against the sensation. BEVERLY Wait -- what's happening... RONIN'S VOICE We're becoming one, Beverly... we're going to be together... BEVERLY I don't understand... stop... She sits up and the moment is broken. Silence. Beverly rubs her eyes as if waking up from a long night's sleep. She touches her face, as if remembering a lover's caress. Her expression is thoughtful but not frightened. OFF her intrigued look... CUT TO: 30 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As before, in orbit of the planet -- but now the ship is sending out a thin BEAM OF ENERGY through the atmosphere below. 31 INT. BEVERLY'S QUARTERS Beverly is sitting in front of a dresser, wearing a loose-fitting robe. She's relaxing, arranging a cluster of camellia flowers in front of a mirror. She eyes the flowers a moment... The door CHIMES. BEVERLY Come in. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 32. 31 CONTINUED: Troi ENTERS, wearing her martial arts outfit. TROI Hi, Bev. I just wanted to see if you were going to mok'bara class this morning. BEVERLY No... I think I'm going to skip it today. I'm exhausted. Beverly moves to her bed and takes a glass of water off the night table, takes a sip. TROI Did you have another dream last night? BEVERLY Not exactly... Troi senses that Beverly is holding something back. TROI Is anything wrong? BEVERLY Not at all. I'm just a little tired. Troi looks at her, sensing more -- and she reacts, surprised by something. TROI Beverly... if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're seeing someone. BEVERLY Deanna... TROI Oh, now I know you're seeing someone. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 33. 31 CONTINUED: (2) Beverly hesitates -- she doesn't want to talk about this. BEVERLY I'm not... "seeing" anybody. I met someone, that's all... TROI Well, you obviously have romantic feelings for him... (lightly) Beverly, you should realize by now you can't fool me. Who is it? Beverly pauses... then finally she smiles slightly -- she's been caught. She sits down on the bed and Troi sits across from her. BEVERLY Alright... the truth is, I met Ronin. TROI (surprised) Ronin? Your grandmother's lover? BEVERLY I know, I know... it sounds crazy. But he's unlike anyone I've ever met before. (beat) I've never known anyone who's so... passionate. It's like he brings every part of me alive. He's very... TROI Sensual? BEVERLY Yes. Exactly. I can see why Nana fell in love with him... Beverly looks at Troi and laughs a little in embarrassment. BEVERLY You must think this is pretty strange... TROI I will admit, it's unusual... but I'm very happy for you. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 34. 31 CONTINUED: (3) TROI (Cont'd) (beat) But I do want you to consider something. You and Ronin have both experienced a tremendous loss. Very often a shared traumatic experience can create the illusion of closeness... and romance. Beverly considers this, but she's unconcerned. BEVERLY I appreciate the concern, but I think I know what I'm doing. Besides, I didn't say I was in love with him. I'm just... intrigued. Troi, for the moment, is satisfied with this. OFF Beverly's enigmatic expression... CUT TO: 32 INT. TURBOLIFT Picard and Governor Maturin, mid-conversation. Maturin is wearing a RAIN PARKA, and he's wet from the recent storm. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 35. 32 CONTINUED: MATURIN You know, Captain... I moved to this colony because it was a recreation of Scotland. But I must admit, it's becoming a little too realistic. Maturin sneezes. The Turbolift doors open and they EXIT to the Bridge... 33 INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS Picard and Maturin stop at what they see. There is a dense, low-hanging FOG everywhere on the Bridge. Worf is frantically working his console. Data is on his feet, scanning the fog with a tricorder. Picard and Maturin walk to command. PICARD (shocked) What the hell is going on? DATA (scanning) It appears to be a concentrated suspension of water vapor, approximately one degree Celsius. PICARD Fog? RIKER It just sort of... rolled in on us, sir. Worf works his console. WORF (to Picard) There has been a malfunction in the ship's environmental controls. RIKER We've traced the problem to the power transfer beam -- we're getting some sort of feedback from one of the colony's weather substations. MATURIN Another power fluctuation? STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 36. 33 CONTINUED: Worf reacts to his console. WORF Captain -- the temperature in Ten Forward has dropped below freezing... and Deck Nineteen has just lost gravity. Reactions. PICARD Mister Data -- disengage the power transfer. Data sits at Ops and works. DATA I am unable to terminate the connection, sir. A feedback loop has formed in the transfer beam. (beat) I will have to go to the substation and attempt to correct the problem from there. PICARD Make it so. Data heads for the door. Picard shivers slightly, reacting to a chill in the air. PICARD (continuing) In the meantime, I think I'll get my jacket. As Picard heads for the Ready Room... CUT TO: 34 INT. WEATHER CONTROL STATION A small room lined with consoles and monitors that display various weather-tracking information. Many of the monitors are FLICKERING ON AND OFF. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 37. 34 CONTINUED: Data and Geordi ENTER the room and they both move to a console, start checking the equipment. DATA It appears that the station is experiencing a system-wide power failure. GEORDI How's that possible? The back-up systems should have -- Suddenly, there's a fritzing NOISE from behind one of the consoles. Data keeps working as Geordi walks over to the console and looks behind it. Reveal -- 35 NED QUINT (OPTICAL) kneeling behind the console, frantically tearing components out of an opened panel. He looks intent on destroying the console. GEORDI Data -- I think I just found the problem... Quint ignores him, tears out another handful of circuits. Data walks over and sees Quint. DATA (to Quint) You are dismantling the primary power conduit. I must ask you to stop. QUINT No... Quint keeps tearing at the panel. Data moves to him and tries to gently pull him away. Quint pushes him away, intent and angry. QUINT (continuing) Get away from me! Quint stands -- backs up against the console. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT THREE 38. 35 CONTINUED: QUINT (continuing, urgent) He'll kill us all! You don't understand -- Without warning, a bright FLASH OF GREEN PLASMA ENERGY LEAPS OUT from the dangling circuits and JOLTS Quint violently to the floor. Data rushes to Quint, quickly scans him with a tricorder. DATA (off tricorder) He is dead. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 36 INT. WEATHER CONTROL STATION Later. Data and Geordi are working at the panel where Quint was ripping out components. Maturin is looking on. Beverly is in the b.g., kneeling next to Quint's body, scanning it with a tricorder (she's in uniform, wearing her lab coat). A MEDICAL N.D. is assisting her. GEORDI From what I can tell, he was trying to shut down the entire weather control system... (beat) He was pulling out the primary plasma conduit... that's probably what caused the plasma discharge that killed him. Maturin shakes his head, baffled by all this. MATURIN I knew Ned Quint. He was an honest man... he mostly kept to himself. I can't imagine why he would do something like this... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 36 CONTINUED: A grim beat. GEORDI It'll take some time to get the system back on-line... I'd say we need another day, at least. DATA In the meantime, Governor, you should expect the weather problems to continue. Maturin nods, then -- BEVERLY'S VOICE Commander Data -- you'd better take a look at this. Geordi, Maturin and Data move to Beverly... 37 NEW ANGLE on Beverly and the N.D. working over Quint's body. Geordi, Data and Maturin join her. Beverly stands and indicates the body. BEVERLY (to Data) Data, you said you saw a plasma discharge coming from the console when Quint was killed... DATA That is correct. BEVERLY Well, that's not what killed him. (off tricorder) I'm detecting an anomalous energy residual throughout his body... all the way down to the cellular level. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 37 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (Cont'd) Whatever it is, it's definitely not the result of a plasma discharge. Data opens his tricorder and scans Quint's body... then looks up in puzzlement. GEORDI Anything? DATA I cannot identify the energy residual. However, it appears to have the same anaphasic signature as the power fluctuations we observed in the weather control system. Reactions. GEORDI Then it's possible that whatever caused the weather malfunctions also killed Quint... DATA It is possible. A beat. GEORDI (to Data) We should scan the colony for any energy readings that match this anaphasic signature. Data nods and he moves off with Geordi. Beverly is staring down at Quint's body, preoccupied by something. BEVERLY (to Maturin) Governor, with your permission, I'd like to take the body back to the ship to run a few more tests. MATURIN Of course, Doctor. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 37 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY (to N.D.) Ensign, have Doctor Selar run a bio-spectral analysis. The N.D. nods. Beverly prepares to go, intent about something. MATURIN (to Beverly) You're not going to run the tests yourself? Beverly seems distracted about something. BEVERLY No. There are some things I have to attend to... Maturin gives her an odd look. As Beverly heads for the door... CUT TO: 38 INT. HOWARD HOME - DAY Beverly ENTERS (NOTE: It should still be dark and cloudy outside, the storm still in evidence). The camellia flowers are everywhere, as seen before. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 38 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (calls out) Ronin... I have to talk to you... are you here? There's a beat, then Beverly moves her head as if someone is touching her cheek. She smiles, clearly responding to the touch. RONIN'S VOICE I'm here, Beverly... did you miss me? BEVERLY (smiles) Yes.... (beat) But... I must talk to you. There's been an accident... RONIN'S VOICE I know. Quint is dead. BEVERLY Do you know what happened? What was he trying to do? RONIN'S VOICE Beverly... there's something more important we have to talk about... Beverly closes her eyes, struggles to concentrate on the problem at hand... BEVERLY Ronin... I've got to know. Quint's dead... Suddenly, a HAND reaches into frame and cups her cheek. Beverly reacts in surprise, turns -- STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 39 REVEAL (OPTICAL) RONIN. It's the man from the funeral. He staring at Beverly with an intense look. BEVERLY Ronin? RONIN Yes... Ronin reaches out for her. She puts her hands into his. He draws her close. The sight of him is almost hypnotic to Beverly -- she seems drawn to him by feelings and forces that she cannot understand or resist. RONIN I need you to help me... He steers her to a couch and they both sit down. Ronin shudders for a moment, reacting to a sudden pain throughout his body. BEVERLY Help you? RONIN It's not easy for me to take corporeal form... I can't do it for long. I want you to light the candle... BEVERLY Quint said it was your home... is that true? RONIN Yes... if I'm away from it for too long, I begin to weaken. That's why the women in your family have always kept the candle lit. Ronin shivers briefly, in pain. Beverly stands, worried. BEVERLY The candle is on my ship... I'll go get it... RONIN (quickly) No... there's no time... I'll go with you... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FOUR 44A. 39 CONTINUED: BEVERLY How... ? RONIN The power transfer beam... I can travel along it. Beverly nods, eager to help him. BEVERLY After I light the candle, then what? RONIN Then we'll be together... always. He takes her in his arms... and he kisses her. But before it can turn passionate, he stands and backs away... and he VANISHES, leaving her unsatisfied. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 39 CONTINUED: (2) In her eyes, we can see that she has completely forgotten about Quint and is only concerned with what Ronin has told her. As she stands and heads for the door... CUT TO: 40 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As before, in orbit of the green planet. The energy beam is still cutting through the atmosphere. 41 INT. BEVERLY'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Beverly ENTERS. BEVERLY Computer, secure door. She immediately goes to a desk and quickly sorts through a medical kit with an obsessive, almost maniacal drive. She finds a laser DEVICE... then she quickly moves to the candle on her night table and LIGHTS it. She sits down on the bed and looks around the room expectantly. She is obviously on edge -- nervous, doesn't know what to do with her hands. After a beat, she gets up, walks around the room, keeps glancing at the candle. Beverly is like a drug addict in search of her next "fix". BEVERLY (continuing, calls out) I lit the candle... where are you? She sits on the edge of the bed, puts her head in her trembling hands and tries to get a hold of herself. Suddenly, from behind her, a PAIR OF HANDS reaches over her shoulders and caresses her hands. Beverly grabs the man's hands and holds onto them tightly, hanging on for dear life. Ronin moves into view, comforting... RONIN It's all right... we're together... we're going to be one... I'll become part of you, Beverly. Would you like that? BEVERLY Yes... more than anything. Ronin looks pleased. His breathing is still labored... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 41 CONTINUED: RONIN As it was with your grandmother... and your great-grandmother... and all of the Howard women before them... I'll take care of you. (beat) And you'll feel love as you've never felt it before... He smiles at her. We can see that in this moment there is nothing Beverly wouldn't do for this man. He walks toward her with intent and VANISHES. Beverly's arms close around nothing... she is feeling an unseen presence. She runs her hands her across her face... neck... caressing herself... runs her fingers across her lips... as if still feeling his lips upon hers... She falls backward onto the bed. As she is swept away in a moment of ecstasy... CUT TO: 42 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As before. 43 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Beverly is stepping onto the transporter platform, where several suitcases can be seen... she is holding the lit candle. A TRANSPORTER CHIEF is at the controls. Picard RUSHES INTO the room, carrying a PADD. PICARD (re: PADD) Beverly... what the hell is this? BEVERLY I thought it was pretty self-explanatory. I'm leaving Starfleet. (to Chief) Energize. PICARD Belay that order. (to Beverly) Beverly, you can't just... resign. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 43 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I can -- and I have. I've decided to stay on Caldos and become a healer, like my grandmother. It's a proud Howard tradition, and I've decided to uphold it. (to Chief) Energize. The transporter chief looks to Picard, who doesn't know what to do. BEVERLY (continuing) I've resigned my commission. Now unless you plan on kidnapping me... Finally, Picard nods to the Transporter Chief. Beverly DEMATERIALIZES. OFF Picard's disturbed expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 44 INT. READY ROOM Picard and Troi, mid-conversation. Picard is on his feet, tense. They're trying to make sense of the situation. TROI Beverly was attracted to Ronin in a very... intense and intimate way. I warned her that they had both experienced a recent loss... but she seemed very defensive about it... so I left her alone. (beat) I could sense she was holding something back... she wasn't telling me the whole truth... PICARD Do you think this Ronin may be exerting some sort of influence on her... that she may be staying because of him? TROI It's possible. She may really believe she's in love... Picard considers -- something still doesn't seem right about all this. PICARD It's a rash decision... ill-considered... not like Beverly at all. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 44 CONTINUED: TROI I agree. But she does have the right to make that choice, even if we feel it's a bad one. The door CHIMES. PICARD Come. Data ENTERS. DATA Captain, Geordi and I have detected an energy residual with the same anaphasic signature as the one we found in Ned Quint's body. PICARD Where? DATA Approximately seventeen kilometers from the center of the colony. (beat) It is coming from the cemetery, sir. Picard reacts to the strange news. PICARD I want you to go down to the cemetery... see if you can pinpoint the source. DATA Aye sir. Data EXITS. PICARD (to Troi) In the meantime, I would very much like to meet this... Ronin. OFF Picard's concern... CUT TO: 45 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - CEMETERY - NIGHT It's dark and there are distant rumbles of thunder. Data and Geordi ENTER the cemetery, carrying Palm Beacons and scanning with their tricorders... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 45 CONTINUED: GEORDI (off tricorder) The energy readings are coming from this area, but I can't get an exact location. I'll try to narrow the scan field... Geordi adjusts his tricorder, then walks into the cemetery with no hesitation. Data follows. They walk among the tombstones moment, scanning. Data reacts to his tricorder... aims it toward the ground. DATA The energy readings appear to be originating approximately eight meters below the surface. Data follows the readings... and comes to a stop at a single grave. DATA (re: grave) I believe they are concentrated within this burial site. 46 INCLUDE Felisa Howard's grave. As Data and Geordi exchange a look... CUT TO: 47 INT. HOWARD HOME - NIGHT (OPTICAL) The room is dimly-lit... the exotic candle is burning brightly... the mood is romantic. Beverly is lying on the floor in front of the FIREPLACE wearing a loose-fitting robe. She looks peaceful, content. Ronin enters and sits down next to her. She cuddles against him and smiles. BEVERLY I'm so glad you're here... right now I can't imagine what life was like before I met you. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 47 CONTINUED: RONIN And it will only get better. He strokes her cheek, then stands and takes a step away. His body TRANSFORMS into an irridescent GREEN MIST. Beverly stares in anticipation as the vaporous shape moves toward her... her body tense but open to receive it. The vapor CLINGS to the contours of her face and body... and then it COALESCES into her, LIGHTING UP her features with a momentary GLOW... Beverly's eyes close... her head rolls about on her shoulders... she's in the throes of some dark and mysterious passion... 48 CLOSE ON BEVERLY'S FACE (OPTICAL) her eyes still closed... BEVERLY Ronin... I had no idea I could feel this way... RONIN'S VOICE We're nearly merged now... as two candles join to form a single light... so we will flourish as one... Beverly opens her eyes -- and then her EYES CHANGE IN COLOR FROM BLUE TO A STARTLING EMERALD GREEN. RONIN'S VOICE I love you, Beverly. Suddenly, there's a KNOCK at the door. Beverly ignores it. BEVERLY (to Ronin) I love you... There's a more insistent knock at the door. Beverly still ignores it. We hear the door open... 49 INCLUDE PICARD (OPTICAL) as he ENTERS the house. He sees Beverly sitting on the floor, seemingly in a daze. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 51A. 49 CONTINUED: PICARD Beverly... Beverly sits up at the voice, and there is a sense that she has awakened from a deep sleep. She sees Picard and pulls the robe tightly around her and gets to her feet. She's surprised to see him -- and a little embarrassed. BEVERLY Jean-Luc... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 49 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD I'm sorry for startling you. I knocked, but there was no answer. Beverly is agitated, tense. BEVERLY (on edge) What do you want? PICARD I hoped to meet your new friend... Ronin. BEVERLY He's... not here. PICARD Oh. Well, if you don't mind I'll wait. I'm anxious to meet this remarkable young man who swept away not only one, but two of the Howard women. BEVERLY (an edge) Jealousy doesn't become you, Jean-Luc. Picard ignores the barb... and notices something. PICARD Beverly... did you change the color of your eyes? Beverly takes a couple steps away from him, thoughtful... glances into a nearby mirror. She reacts in surprise... tries to keep her voice matter of fact. BEVERLY Yes... I just got tired of the old color. Don't you think this suits me? PICARD I think I liked your eyes the way they were before... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 49 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (Cont'd) I think I liked you the way you were before, Beverly. She turns on him with anger. BEVERLY Well, this is the way I am now. This is my life. I've made my decision and I'm not going to change my mind, so please leave me alone. PICARD No... there's something's wrong here. This is about more than just an obsessive love affair that's gotten out of hand... (beat) Why is it that no one has seen this Ronin except you? RONIN VOICE Alright, Captain. Here I am. They both turn in surprise, and there standing on the other side of the room is Ronin. Beverly moves to him, as if everything were normal. She takes his arm. RONIN (to Picard) And I believe Beverly asked you to leave. Picard side-steps the issue of leaving and tries to get to the bottom of this. PICARD So, you're Ronin... it's a pleasure to meet you. Where are you from? RONIN Earth. Scotland. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 49 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD How long have you been here on Caldos? RONIN All that matters is that I'm here now. And that Beverly and I plan to be together for the rest our lives. PICARD That's a very... romantic notion. Especially for two people who have just met. Don't you think perhaps you're rushing into things a bit? Ronin's expression hardens. RONIN I think you're a jealous man who can't bear the thought of losing a beautiful woman like Beverly. DATA'S COM VOICE Data to Picard. PICARD (to com) Go ahead. DATA'S COM VOICE Captain, we have located the source of the energy residual. It appears to be concentrated within Felisa Howard's coffin. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 49 CONTINUED: (5) GEORDI'S COM VOICE Captain, we'd like permission to exhume the body. RONIN (quickly) You can't do that. Leave her alone... PICARD Why? What are you afraid of? RONIN I'm not afraid of anything. But I won't let you desecrate her grave. Picard takes a beat. PICARD (to com) Mister Data, contact Governor Maturin and ask for permission to exhume the body. Picard out. Ronin takes an angry step toward him. RONIN I won't stand for this... I'll go to the governor myself. PICARD Go ahead. But I'll be surprised if the governor knows who you are. He'll probably have the same questions I do. How did you come to Caldos? What ship did you arrive on? BEVERLY Jean-Luc, leave him alone -- STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 49 CONTINUED: (6) PICARD (hard) Answer the question, Ronin. What ship? I'd like to look at the passenger list. (pressing on) Where have you been living here on Caldos? What's your position here? Who are your neighbors? Ronin's eyes flash in anger and he VANISHES. Picard reacts. PICARD (continuing, quickly) Come on, Beverly -- we have to get out of here. He reaches for her hand to pull her away -- but a BURST OF THE GREEN PLASMA ENERGY snakes around his body out of thin-air. He falls to his knees, then slumps to the floor. Beverly reacts -- the shock of seeing Picard hurt seems to propel her into action. She rushes to his side, instinctively helping her friend. BEVERLY Jean-Luc... She feels for a pulse, then grabs a medical kit from a nearby table, brings it over and starts to administer aid to him. RONIN'S VOICE Beverly, we must stop the others. They cannot exhume the body. BEVERLY We can't leave him... he'll die. RONIN'S VOICE (re: Picard) You must come. I am your love. I'm the one who will take care of you. Beverly hesitates for a moment, the medical tricorder in her hand... she closes her eyes tight, as if trying to get rid of a nightmare... STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 49 CONTINUED: (7) BEVERLY No... no, I can't just let him die... We HEAR Ronin appear offscreen. He places a hand on Beverly's shoulder... RONIN Beverly... come with me. She looks up into his face... her expression stricken... she's like an addict taking the first step away from a powerful drug. It's one of the most difficult things she's ever had to do. BEVERLY No... no! She pushes him away and goes to work on Picard. Ronin eyes her -- worried, fearful, angry. Then a look of resolve crosses his face. RONIN I'm going to stop them. Ronin steps away and we HEAR him vanish offscreen. As soon as he's gone, Beverly suddenly sags, as if exhausted. She puts a hand to her forehead, closes her eyes, fights off a wave of nausea... she struggles to open her eyes and focus on the tricorder -- and when she does, we see that her EYES have turned BLUE again -- her normal color. She concentrates on Picard... scans him with the tricorder... After a moment, Picard regains consciousness... he looks up at her... PICARD I'm alright... (beat) Beverly... you must go after him... go to the cemetery... Beverly nods. OFF her concern... CUT TO: 50 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - CEMETERY - NIGHT (OPTICAL) As before. Data and Geordi standing next to Felisa Howard's grave. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 58. 50 CONTINUED: GEORDI (taps combadge) La Forge to Enterprise -- we're ready down here. A beat, then we see a COFFIN MATERIALIZE on top of the grave. (Same coffin seen in Teaser.) Data and Geordi walk to the coffin and pull out their tricorders. Data releases two LATCHES on the coffin and LIFTS OPEN the coffin lid. We see the DEAD BODY of FELISA HOWARD, lying peacefully in the coffin. Geordi and Data begin to scan her body. DATA (off tricorder) I am reading definite signs of anaphasic energy in her body -- it appears to extend to the cellular level. Geordi reacts, keeps scanning. GEORDI How's that possible? She wasn't anywhere near the weather station when Quint was killed... she died of natural causes... DATA I suggest we run a deep tissue scan to look for -- Suddenly, Felisa's eyes OPEN -- she's staring directly at Data. Data reacts with surprise. Felisa SITS UP, reaches out and GRABS Data and Geordi by the arms. They are suddenly enveloped in a field of CRACKLING GREEN PLASMA ENERGY -- as seen before. Data slumps over at the waist, deactivated. Geordi falls to his knees and slumps to the ground. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 59. 50 CONTINUED: (3) Geordi moans, dazed... lying on the ground... he tries to sit up. Felisa starts to get out of the coffin, eyeing Geordi with intent -- a bizarre and terrifying sight... BEVERLY'S VOICE Stop -- NO! 51 INCLUDE BEVERLY (OPTICAL) who stares at the shocking sight of her dead grandmother getting out of her coffin. BEVERLY Ronin -- stop this... please... Felisa looks at Beverly. FELISA Beverly, it's all right... have trust in me.. Beverly steels herself against the image of her grandmother... she has broken the narcotic hold and is struggling to be herself. She looks haggard, exhausted. BEVERLY (angry) You're not Nana... Nana's dead. Leave her alone. Suddenly, Felisa's body goes limp in the coffin. Ronin APPEARS standing next to the grave. RONIN Beverly, these men were trying to stop us from being together. Once they're gone, everything will be all right. BEVERLY No... I won't let you hurt my friends. Beverly reveals that she is holding the exotic candle, which is still lit. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 60. 51 CONTINUED: BEVERLY No, it won't. I scanned myself with the tricorder. You've been infusing me with the same anaphasic energy that killed Quint... Ronin hesitates at this, troubled -- then he continues to move toward her, his eyes boring into hers. RONIN He was trying to destroy me... I had to defend myself... (beat) But I would never hurt you, Beverly. I'm here to protect you... Beverly struggles to stay focused... confronting him. BEVERLY No, you're not. There's no such thing as a ghost... you're some sort of... anaphasic lifeform... (beat) Anaphasic energy is extremely unstable... without an organic host to maintain your molecular cohesion, you'd die... isn't that right? RONIN Beverly... Beverly indicates the candle. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 60A. 51 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY (pressing on) I scanned the candle, too... the flame is plasma-based... you were using it as a temporary receptacle for yourself... until you could get to me... so you could "merge" with me... Ronin keeps coming, a threat. Beverly uses her words to keep him at bay... BEVERLY You've been using me... Nana... my whole family... for centuries... Ronin's face darkens -- he knows he's been caught. RONIN And I loved all of them... and they loved me. (firm) Give me the candle, Beverly. He approaches her, reaching out for the candle. BEVERLY No... She steps backward. Ronin glances at Geordi, who is still lying on the ground, dazed. Suddenly we see a BURST of CRACKLING PLASMA ENERGY flash around Geordi, who yells out in pain. RONIN (re: Geordi) Put it down -- or I'll kill him. Beverly watches in horror for a moment... then slowly walks toward Ronin and Geordi... RONIN (continuing) Very good... now set it down... then walk way. Beverly sets the candle down near Ronin's feet... and begins to stand up... but in a lightning move she GRABS Geordi's phaser off his belt -- and she shoots it at the candle, VAPORIZING it. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 60B. 51 CONTINUED: (3) RONIN (urgent) NO! Beverly taps Geordi's communicator. BEVERLY (quickly, to com) Crusher to Riker. Wil -- I want you to shut down all plasma conduits in the weather control system. I'll explain later. RIKER'S COM VOICE Understood. BEVERLY (to Ronin) You've got nowhere left to go... Ronin smiles slightly, menacing. RONIN Yes, I do... He moves toward Beverly with intent. Beverly aims the phaser at him. BEVERLY Keep away from me... Ronin keeps coming, a threat. Beverly has no choice -- she FIRES at Ronin. He stumbles backward, quickly recovers -- and he makes a sudden lunge toward her. Beverly FIRES a sustained burst. Ronin's body begins to FRITZ OUT, and he VANISHES in a final FLASH of ENERGY. Gone. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" REV. 11/09/93 - ACT FIVE 61. 51 CONTINUED: (4) Beverly quickly moves to Geordi, who nods that he's all right. Beverly quickly moves to Data, reaches behind his back and RE-ACTIVATES him. Data stands up -- he's all right. Off Beverly's relief... CUT TO: 52 OMITTED 53 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. 54 INT. TEN FORWARD Later. Beverly and Troi are sitting at a remote table, enjoying a drink. BEVERLY Somehow he realized that one of my ancestors had a biochemistry that was compatible with his energy matrix... (beat) I imagine he took human form and seduced her the same way he did me. He had some sort of hypnotic... almost telepathic control. A somber beat as Beverly takes a sip of her drink. BEVERLY It's strange... I was about to be initiated into a very unusual relationship... I guess you could call it a family tradition. And there's a part of me that's a little sad... TROI How so? BEVERLY I re-read the entries in my grandmother's journals. Whatever else he might have done... he made her very happy. STAR TREK: "Sub Rosa" - 11/05/93 - ACT FIVE 62. 54 CONTINUED: As Beverly looks out the window, reflecting on her experience... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END