STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Lower Decks" #40277-267 Story by Ronald Wilkerson & Jean Louise Matthias Teleplay by Rene Echevarria Directed by Gabrielle Beaumont THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" - 11/17/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Lower Decks" CAST PICARD OGAWA RIKER BEN DATA JORET BEVERLY LAVELLE TROI SITO WORF TAURIK GEORDI Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. PATIENT STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" - 11/17/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Lower Decks" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE TEN FORWARD SHUTTLECRAFT ENGINEERING SICKBAY BEVERLY'S OFFICE CORRIDOR TURBOLIFT READY ROOM SHUTTLEBAY RIKER'S QUARTERS SHIP'S GYMNASIUM OBSERVATION LOUNGE SHUTTLECRAFT LAVELLE/TAURIK'S QUARTERS STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" - 11/17/93 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Lower Decks" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ARGAYA ar-GUY-yah CARSTAIRS CAR-stares JANALAN jah-NAH-len JORET DAL jo-RET DAHL LAVELLE lah-VELL TAURIK TOR-ick TRAKIAN TRAY-kee-un VEDEKS VEH-decks STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - TEASER 1. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" "Lower Decks" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. TEN FORWARD TROI and RIKER are sitting at a table looking over a PADD. The usual complement of N.D's fill the room. A waiter stands at a nearby table, wiping it clean. His name is BEN, and though Riker and Troi don't notice, he's eavesdropping on their conversation. RIKER Fletcher has more experience with propulsion systems -- TROI But Carstairs is better with people. Considering this is a supervisory position, I'd go with her. RIKER (considers) You're probably right... Riker works the PADD, leans back and rubs his eyes as if they're tired. RIKER (continuing) Didn't we just finish a Crew Evaluation Report? TROI (smiles) That was three months ago. RIKER Feels like three weeks. Maybe we should just give everyone a promotion and call it a night. (smiles) What do you say... Commander? TROI (smiles) Fine with me... Captain. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - TEASER 2. 2 NEW ANGLE revealing a table in the corner from which four junior officers are watching Riker and Troi -- who can be seen in the background laughing over something one of them has said. Two of them are recognizable: ALYSSA OGAWA, Beverly's Nurse, and Ensign SITO JAXA, the young Bajoran woman from "First Duty." As we'll see, the Nova Squadron incident has left Sito a little unsure of herself; determined to get her career back on track but desperate to avoid making another mistake, she's become very cautious, very by-the-book. The group is rounded out by a Vulcan male named TAURIK and a human male named LAVELLE. Like Sito, they are both in their early to mid-twenties. Lavelle is bright, handsome and personable -- think of Riker twelve years ago. Taurik is extremely intelligent and knows it -- he has enormous confidence in his own abilities. LAVELLE Why do they keep laughing? What's so funny about Crew Evaluations? OGAWA Don't worry about it, Sam. SITO Let's just try and have a good time. LAVELLE How can I have a good time when my career's being decided across the room? Lavelle crosses his fingers, closes his eyes... LAVELLE (continuing, quiet) Think promotion... promotion... promotion... Taurik regards him disapprovingly. TAURIK You can't really believe this will influence the outcome of your evaluation? Lavelle ignores him, continues his quiet chant. The others see Taurik's annoyance and can't resist teasing him. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: OGAWA It's a time-honored strategy, Taurik. SITO The Vedeks of the Janalan order maintain a round-the-clock chant for the well-being of the Bajoran people. TAURIK Considering the history of your planet, that doesn't exactly validate what he's doing. Sito shrugs to concede him the point, but Lavelle is finally exasperated by the relentlessness of Taurik's logic. The efficacy of what Sam is doing is questionable. LAVELLE Promote me, please -- so I can make Lieutenant and have my own room. TAURIK If you aren't happy sharing quarters with me, then you should put in for a new room assignment. (beat) Just in case you're not promoted. Sito and Ogawa smile at Taurik's remark. 3 ON RIKER AND TROI Ben is approaching them with TWO COFFEES. RIKER I've been thinking about who to promote to Ops -- TROI The new night duty officer? STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: RIKER (acknowledges) Lavelle's an obvious candidate, but I'm considering Ensign Sito as well. Ben sets the coffees down. BEN (to Troi) You sure about dessert? TROI Yes. Don't tempt me. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: (2) Ben smiles and moves off; we FOLLOW HIM as he approaches the junior officer's table. Ben is about the same age as the others; has an easy smile and wit. He signed aboard a Starship for fun and adventure, and as a civilian, isn't subject to the pressures of Starfleet. He likes nothing more than to kid his friends about how seriously they take everything. LAVELLE Are they working on the crew evaluations? BEN Yep. SITO Who were they talking about? BEN It's not my place to say... SITO Come on, Ben. LAVELLE Please. BEN All right, but I'm not sure you're going to like it... They react -- BEN (continuing) Apparently... you're both up for the same job... Everyone reacts. Sito and Lavelle look at each other... wondering how this will affect their friendship... Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 4 INT. BRIDGE At Red Alert, Sito is at Tactical, Lavelle at the Conn, DATA at Ops -- Riker is giving a series of rapid-fire orders from the Command Area. Various N.D's as needed. RIKER Lock phasers on target -- SITO (works) Phasers locked -- DATA (off console) The enemy vessel is firing. RIKER Helm, hard to starboard! LAVELLE (works) Hard starboard -- RIKER Fire phasers! Sito works the console but it takes her a moment to comply -- Worf turns from the aft station to watch as she recovers and fires. SITO Firing -- We hear the SOUND of phasers firing. DATA Target is destroyed. RIKER End simulation sequence and secure from drill. Red Alert ends and Riker studies a read-out. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/23/93 - ACT ONE 6A. 4 CONTINUED: RIKER (continuing, to all) Alpha shift, your response time was seven percent slower than gamma shift -- Everyone on the Bridge reacts to this disappointing news. 4A INT. ENGINEERING where Taurik, Geordi, and a few N.D's are listening. RIKER'S COM VOICE I'd like all departments to submit drill evaluation reports by oh nine hundred hours -- GEORDI Ensign, you'll write that report. TAURIK Yes, sir. 4B INT. BRIDGE Continuous. RIKER Let's see if we can find a way to close that gap. Riker turns to Sito. RIKER (continuing) What happened back there, Ensign? STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 7. 4B CONTINUED: Sito explains, a little nervously. SITO I'm sorry, sir. When we changed course I had to re-lock the phasers before I could fire. RIKER Next time try letting the locking relay float until the actual order to fire is given. Sito acknowledges. RIKER (continuing) They may not teach that trick at the Academy, but it works. SITO Thank you, sir. Riker turns to Lavelle. RIKER Lavelle... LAVELLE Sir? There is a moment of anticipation on Lavelle's face, as if he's hoping to be complimented. RIKER Resume previous course and speed. A flicker of disappointment crosses Lavelle's features. LAVELLE (all business) Aye, aye sir. RIKER One "aye" is sufficient acknowledgment, Ensign. Lavelle's face flushes with embarrassment. PICARD ENTERS from the Ready Room and approaches Riker. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 8. 4B CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Helm, change course for the Argaya system -- maximum warp. LAVELLE Aye, sir. RIKER What about our rendezvous with the Clement? PICARD I've just received new orders from Starfleet. We'll discuss it in the Observation Lounge. Data stands to join Picard and Worf as they cross toward the Observation Lounge. Lavelle looks over at Data's vacant chair -- someone is going to have to man Ops and he hopes he is chosen. Riker glances at him, then back toward Sito. RIKER Ensign Sito, you'll fill in at Ops. Lavelle tries not to show his disappointment. SITO Yes, sir. She crosses toward the chair as the senior officers EXIT into the Observation Lounge. She takes a seat and orients herself, pushes a few controls. It's an awkward moment; the two friends are still grappling with the fact that they're competitors, and now they have to sit side by side. She senses Lavelle's disappointment that he wasn't chosen and tries to steer the conversation elsewhere. SITO (continuing, quiet) The Argaya system is close to the Cardassian border; I wonder why we're going there. He shrugs, doesn't join in her speculation. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 9. 4B CONTINUED: (3) SITO (continuing) How would you like to be a spider under that table? LAVELLE (turns to her) What? SITO (gesturing back toward the Observation lounge) A spider under the table -- LAVELLE Is that like a fly on the wall? SITO (smiles) I guess so. He smiles -- the awkwardness between them evaporates. (NOTE: as they talk, they should occasionally work their controls.) SITO (continuing) You did really well during the drill. LAVELLE Apparently Commander Riker didn't think so. I swear he's got it in for me. SITO You're imagining things. LAVELLE Oh, yeah? Then how come you're sitting in that chair instead of me? Sito tries to make light of it. SITO Maybe he figured I need more practice than you do. He smiles and they turn their attentions to their consoles... Off this moment... 5 OMITTED STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/23/93 - ACT ONE 10. 6 INT. ENGINEERING Taurik is working at the pool table; GEORDI ENTERS and starts to cross past. TAURIK Excuse me, sir... do you have a minute? GEORDI Sure. What is it? TAURIK I'd like you to take a look at something. Geordi smiles slightly. Apparently this isn't unusual for Taurik. GEORDI Have you been improvising again, Ensign? TAURIK In a manner of speaking. I'm running a computer simulation to test a new warp-field configuration. Geordi studies the console indicated by Taurik. GEORDI You've got a problem right here... the plasma flow in the nacelles is out of sync. TAURIK Actually, sir, that was done deliberately. Geordi reacts; clearly this isn't how it's ordinarily done. TAURIK (continuing) As you can see, this configuration has increased overall warp-field integrity by seven percent. GEORDI (off console) You're right... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/23/93 - ACT ONE 10A. 6 CONTINUED: TAURIK Doctor Nils Diaz has been experimenting with this technique at the Tanaline Propulsion Laboratory. Geordi is studying the read-outs. GEORDI I know his work, but I never heard anything about this... TAURIK His findings have not been released yet. I was able to review a preliminary report when I was at the Academy. GEORDI I'll look forward to reading about it... TAURIK I predict that when these findings are made public, they will become a new model for warp field operation. GEORDI Sounds interesting. TAURIK With your permission, I would like to begin tests to see if the technique can be adapted to our warp drive. Geordi studies the monitor as he considers... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 11. 6 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI I don't know... There could be variables you didn't account for. Taurik considers the possibility. TAURIK I was quite thorough. GEORDI I'm sure you were... but I'd like to look over your simulation before I authorize any tests. TAURIK As you wish. GEORDI If you have any other ideas for improving efficiency, feel free to run them by me. TAURIK As a matter of fact, sir, I do -- when would be a good time to discuss them? The only reason Geordi restrains himself is because he asked for it. GEORDI I'll get back to you on that... Geordi moves off; Taurik watches him go for a beat before setting to work... 7 INT. SICKBAY Ogawa ministers to an N.D. PATIENT on a bio-bed, then moves toward Beverly's Office. She stops at the door and waits for BEVERLY to look up from her desk. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/23/93 - ACT ONE 12. 8 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly sees her and smiles. BEVERLY If you're wondering about your evaluation, it couldn't be better. OGAWA (smiles) Actually, I just wanted to tell you that Ensign Reilly's condition is showing improvement... but thank you. BEVERLY In fact, I'm recommending you for a promotion. How does Lieutenant Alyssa Ogawa sound to you? OGAWA It sounds wonderful. BEVERLY I'll talk to Commander Riker... I expect it'll be official as soon as the current crew evaluation is over. Ogawa smiles and turns to exit... BEVERLY Alyssa... I've been meaning to ask you -- how are things going with you and Lieutenant Powell? There is a brief hesitation. OGAWA Fine... I think. BEVERLY You think? Ogawa takes a breath... she's trying to be casual about this, but there's an undercurrent of concern. OGAWA I'm sure it's nothing... but he seems... preoccupied lately. Last night he had to cancel our date. BEVERLY I see... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/29/93 - ACT ONE 12A. 8 CONTINUED: OGAWA I know he's been putting together a research proposal... he's been really busy with it... BEVERLY I can understand that. Sometimes I get so absorbed in my research I forget to eat. Ogawa still seems concerned. OGAWA I just wonder... She trails off, but Beverly knows she wants to talk. BEVERLY What? OGAWA I've never met anyone like Andrew. It's as though we've known each other forever... BEVERLY You do seem well-suited. OGAWA But... I know that in the beginning of a romance... it's possible to be... a little blind. BEVERLY (carefully) I'm not sure exactly what you mean... OGAWA Well... cancelling a date like that... the way he's been so distant lately... (beat) Doctor... do you think those could be warning signs? That he's losing interest? BEVERLY Alyssa... I think you may be overreacting. OGAWA Maybe so... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/29/93 - ACT ONE 12B. 8 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY If I felt as strongly about someone as you do about Andrew -- he'd have to do a lot more than cancel one date before I became suspicious. Ogawa can't help but smile. OGAWA You're right... BEVERLY As soon as this research project is over... I'm sure things will be just like they were. Cheered, Ogawa puts a final bright spin on things. OGAWA Except, of course, that he'll have to deal with Lieutenant Ogawa. And she EXITS, smiling. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/29/93 - ACT ONE 13. 8A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it drops out of warp. 9 INT. TEN FORWARD Sito is standing at the bar talking with Worf. A smaller than usual number of N.D's are in the room. SITO I only filled in at Ops for half an hour, but I had to degauss the main deflector dish, recalibrate the navigation grid, and use the internal sensors to find a lost puppy. WORF Ops is a very different challenge from Tactical. SITO I can't figure out why I'm even being considered for the assignment... I'm a security officer. Worf regards her for a beat. WORF I recommended you. Sito is surprised and gratified to hear this. SITO I'll try not to let you down, sir. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 14. 10 ON LAVELLE, TAURIK AND BEN who are at the same table we saw them at before, watching Sito and Worf. Ben stands with an empty tray -- there aren't many people in Ten Forward so he has time to talk. LAVELLE What could they be talking about? Taurik's had enough of Lavelle's trying to eavesdrop. TAURIK Have you ever considered learning to lip read? Ben smiles at Taurik's comment, but Lavelle ignores his remark. LAVELLE Do you think Worf's chewing her out? BEN No, he always looks like that. There's a trace of envy in Lavelle's voice: LAVELLE (continuing) Maybe he's giving her pointers on how to land the Ops position. The door OPENS and Riker ENTERS; he glances their way when he crosses past their table. BEN Hi, Wil. RIKER (a greeting) Ben... When Riker crosses away Lavelle looks at Ben in disbelief. LAVELLE You call him Wil? BEN Why not? STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT ONE 14A. 10 CONTINUED: LAVELLE He's second in command of this ship, that's why not. BEN I'm not Starfleet; I'm a civilian. And when he's in here, he wants to be treated like a civilian. LAVELLE Riker? I bet he sleeps in his uniform. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 15. 10 CONTINUED: (2) BEN You only think that because he's your C.O. If you got to know him -- LAVELLE (dismissing this) Right. Ben isn't sure why Lavelle's reacting like this. TAURIK (to Ben) He's convinced that Commander Riker doesn't "like" him. BEN Why? Did you crash the ship into something? LAVELLE No. He just doesn't like me. TAURIK He doesn't even know you. BEN That's right. You should go talk to him. LAVELLE About what? TAURIK Perhaps something you have in common? BEN He likes Jazz... poker... he's Canadian -- LAVELLE Yeah? My grandfather was from Canada. BEN There you go. Sito approaches the table; in the background, we see that Worf is EXITING Ten Forward. SITO Hi -- She sees that there's no chair for her. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 15A. 10 CONTINUED: (3) LAVELLE Here... He stands and frees his chair for her. LAVELLE (continuing) I've got to go talk to somebody. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 16. 10 CONTINUED: (4) We follow Lavelle as he moves off, drink in hand. He steels himself, then moves to the bar next to Riker. Riker is working on a PADD and doesn't notice him. LAVELLE Good evening, sir... Riker turns toward him. RIKER Lavelle... Lavelle smiles awkwardly, unsure what to say. Riker regards him for a beat, wondering if he wants something. RIKER (continuing) Can I do something for you? LAVELLE No, sir. I... just came to get myself another drink. Riker glances down at the drink Lavelle's already holding in his hand -- it's nearly full. RIKER Something wrong with that one? LAVELLE Actually, I... The Bartender approaches. LAVELLE (continuing, to Riker) What are you having? RIKER Trakian Ale. LAVELLE Good choice. (to bartender) I'll have one, too. Riker returns to his PADD. After a beat. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 17. 10 CONTINUED: (5) LAVELLE My Grandfather was Canadian, you know. RIKER Really... LAVELLE Aren't you one, too? RIKER A grandfather? Lavelle laughs, maybe a little too much. LAVELLE Canadian, sir. Canadian. RIKER No. I grew up in Alaska. Lavelle's smile fades as he realizes his plan is collapsing. LAVELLE Oh. Well... they both... get a lot of snow. Riker isn't sure what to say to this; he returns to his PADD. An awkward beat as Lavelle decides to get out before he gets himself in any deeper. LAVELLE (continuing) Good talking to you, sir. Lavelle moves off, mortified by the whole encounter -- a beat later the bartender arrives with his ale. He looks at Riker, who glances after Lavelle and shakes his head. 11 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) hanging in space. 12 INT. BRIDGE as Picard ENTERS from the Ready Room. Riker is in the command area, Worf is at Tactical, Lavelle at the Conn, Data at Ops. RIKER We're holding position in the Argaya System. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT ONE 18. 12 CONTINUED: Picard acknowledges, turns to Worf. PICARD Anything? WORF (off console) No, sir. I detect no vessels in the vicinity. Picard and Riker exchange a concerned look. PICARD How close are we to the Cardassian border? DATA (off console) Less than five thousand kilometers. To Lavelle this all sounds very mysterious. WORF (off console) Sir... I am detecting an object... five meters in length. (beat) It appears to be an escape pod. RIKER They must have been forced to abandon ship. PICARD How far inside Cardassian space is it? WORF Over fifty thousand kilometers. Picard and Riker share a grim look. PICARD How the hell are we going to get it out of there... ? Off Lavelle's face -- he doesn't know what this mysterious escape pod contains, but clearly it's important to us... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 13 INT. BRIDGE Moments later. DATA (off console) Sir, the pod's life-support system is failing. RIKER (to Worf) Notify Doctor Crusher -- PICARD Can we get within Transporter range without crossing into Cardassian territory? DATA (works) We would need to boost the gain on the confinement beam by at least seven percent. PICARD (to com) Mister La Forge? 14 INT. ENGINEERING where Taurik and Geordi are working. GEORDI I'm on it, sir. Geordi works a console. GEORDI (continuing, to Taurik) Try it now... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT TWO 20. 14 CONTINUED: TAURIK (works) The pod is still too far away... GEORDI I'm going to try augmenting the frequency spread... Geordi sets to work. Taurik studies his console for a moment. TAURIK Bio-readings indicate that the passenger is humanoid... (works console) Attempting life-form identification -- GEORDI (sharp) No one asked you to do that, Ensign. Let's just get him aboard safely. Taurik reacts -- Geordi keeps working. GEORDI (continuing) There, that should do it... TAURIK (off console) Confinement beam is at one hundred nine percent of normal. GEORDI (hits combadge) Transporter room -- you should be able to get a lock now. 15 INT. BRIDGE where they are monitoring the conversation. VOICE Aye, sir -- PICARD (to com) Doctor, are you ready? 16 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) where Ogawa is helping Beverly prepare a bio-bed. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT TWO 21. 16 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (hits combadge) Stand by. BEVERLY Alyssa, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. OGAWA All right, Doctor. With a last glance around to make sure everything's ready, she EXITS. BEVERLY (to com) Transporter room. go ahead. A figure begins to MATERIALIZE on the bio-bed. We cut out before we can recognize whether it is human or alien. 17 INT. CORRIDOR as Ogawa EXITS to find Sito posted at the door. OGAWA What are you doing here? SITO I'm not supposed to let anyone but the senior officers inside Sickbay. OGAWA Do you have any idea what's going on? SITO No. Do you? Ogawa shrugs. In the background we see Picard round a corner and head their way. OGAWA (sotto) I better go. She EXITS down the corridor. Picard approaches and nods to Sito as he passes. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT TWO 22. 17 CONTINUED: PICARD Ensign... She acknowledges and the door OPENS to admit him. But he stops before going in, turns back to look at Sito. He regards her for a beat without saying anything, then turns and EXITS to Sickbay. Sito is left wondering what the look might have meant... 18 INT. BRIDGE Riker is near an aft station, Data at Ops, Worf at tactical and Lavelle at the Conn. A group of N.D's ENTER from the Turbolift and stand ready to take their posts. Riker glances to see if everyone's present, then announces: RIKER Twelve hundred hours -- alpha shift is relieved... The other N.D's move from their posts and EXIT to the Turbolifts, but Lavelle approaches Riker. LAVELLE Excuse me, sir. Riker turns to him. LAVELLE (continuing) If it's all right with you, I'd like to stay on for another shift. I could use the training. RIKER Now's not the best time. LAVELLE Yes, sir. Lavelle moves to the Turbolift... it OPENS and he goes inside. As the door closes, we catch a glimpse of his frustrated expression... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT TWO 23. 19 INT. CORRIDOR where Sito is posted. She stands silently for a beat until the door to Sickbay OPENS and Picard steps out -- without breaking stride: PICARD Ensign, you're with me. Surprised by his request, it takes her a beat to follow in step. They move down the corridor in silence, and stop when they reach the Turbolift door. After a moment it OPENS and Lavelle and another N.D EXIT. Lavelle's surprised to see her with Picard, and he and Sito exchange a look as the pass each other. 20 INT. TURBOLIFT as the door closes behind them. PICARD Bridge. Picard is clearly preoccupied with whatever their mysterious mission is and says nothing else. For Sito, the next few moments are among the longest of her life. Finally: PICARD (continuing) You're a certified pilot, aren't you? SITO Yes, sir. Picard nods vaguely and returns to his inscrutable thoughts. Sito can only wonder what the question might portend. 21 INT. READY ROOM as Picard and Sito ENTER. He moves directly to his desk without offering her a seat. He seats himself and turns to regard her for a beat. PICARD How long have you served on the Enterprise? SITO Seven months, sir. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT TWO 24. 21 CONTINUED: Despite her nervousness, Picard does nothing to make her feel more at ease. PICARD I see... I understand you've been recommended for the Ops position. Do you think you're up to it? SITO I do, sir. Sito is wondering if she's about to be promoted. PICARD I'm not so sure. Your record concerns me. SITO Sir? PICARD The incident you were involved in at the Academy. Sito blanches; this is her greatest fear come to life -- that people will never forget the mistake she made. SITO With all due respect... that was three years ago. My record since then -- PICARD (interrupting) I'm not certain it matters how long it's been. What I need to know is whether you would ever do something like that again. SITO I can assure you, sir, I would never, never jeopardize lives by participating in -- PICARD (cutting her off) A dare-devil stunt? I should hope not. What concerns me more is that you participated in a coverup that impeded an official investigation into the death of a cadet. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT TWO 25. 21 CONTINUED: (2) From Sito's point of view she's being dressed-down; but Picard's tone, the fact that he so uncharacteristically interrupted her, is indicative that there is more going on here. He's testing her mettle, much like he did Hugh's in "I, Borg." Why he's doing it remains a mystery. She stammers as she tries to explain. SITO Sir, I know I should have told the truth right from the start -- PICARD But you didn't. You went along with the others and pretended that what happened was nothing more than an accident. What do you suppose that tells me about your character? She's completely flustered now. SITO Sir, if you had any idea what it was like after that incident -- I didn't have any friends, anyone to talk to. I had to take my flighttest with the instructor because no one else would be my partner. In a lot of ways it would have been easier to just walk away. But I didn't. I stuck with it. Doesn't that say something about my character, too... ? Picard's tone is dismissively sarcastic. PICARD I'm very sorry you didn't enjoy your time at the Academy, Ensign. But as far as I'm concerned, you should have been expelled for what you did. Quite frankly, I don't know how you made it onto my ship. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT TWO 26. 21 CONTINUED: (3) He leans back, waits for her to defend herself. But she's so rattled by what he's said, she can't. Picard regards her for a long moment... then, almost as if he's disappointed by her inability to reply: PICARD You're dismissed... She turns and EXITS. Off Picard's expression as he watches her go... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/29/93 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 22 INT. SHUTTLEBAY (OPTICAL) Taurik is taking aim with a PHASER RIFLE. He FIRES and we reveal that he is shooting at a SHUTTLECRAFT sitting in the bay. Geordi stands nearby with a TRICORDER and watches as the BEAM hits the shuttle's aft section. GEORDI Two more seconds... (beat) That's enough. A SCORCH MARK now mars the shuttle's stern. Geordi scans it with the tricorder. Other scorch marks are visible on the hull. TAURIK Sir, I'm a little puzzled. Why are we intentionally damaging this shuttlecraft? A brief hesitation. GEORDI We're evaluating hull resiliency. Starfleet requires periodic testing. TAURIK I see. (beat) I don't believe I'm familiar with that requirement. GEORDI (somewhat pointedly) Probably because you're not a senior officer. Taurik acknowledges this. But -- TAURIK If you wish, I can reconfigure the phaser to fire a low-intensity burst that would not harm the shuttle's hull. The test procedure would not be affected. Oddly, Geordi dismisses what seems a good idea. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/29/93 - ACT THREE 27A. 22 CONTINUED: GEORDI It's fine the way it is. Just give me a four second burst right about here. He indicates a point on the nacelle. Taurik moves to take up position. TAURIK Should I fire from this position? GEORDI Actually... (he gestures) Make it over there. Geordi indicates that Taurik take up position a few yards in another direction. TAURIK That would be consistent... Geordi turns and looks at Taurik. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT THREE 28. 22 CONTINUED: GEORDI Consistent with what? Taurik considers a beat before replying. TAURIK With making it appear that this shuttle fled an attack. Geordi can't help but frown when he realizes Taurik knows exactly what they're really up to. GEORDI What makes you think that's what we're doing? TAURIK The pattern of fire you have asked for is similar to what might result if the shuttle were fleeing an attacker while engaging in evasive maneuvers. Geordi regards him with a poker-face. GEORDI That's quite a coincidence... Taurik understands that Geordi is asking him to stop asking questions and go along with the official story. TAURIK Yes, sir. It is indeed. Shall we proceed with the testing? Geordi's face shows that he's glad that Taurik understands. GEORDI Yes, Ensign. Thank you. As Taurik takes up position for the next phaser shot... 23 INT. SICKBAY as Ogawa ENTERS. Beverly approaches her with a certain amount of urgency. BEVERLY Alyssa... thanks for coming so quickly. They start toward the main room. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT THREE 29. 23 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (continuing) We need to prepare for surgery. We have a comatose patient with a subdeural hematoma. OGAWA Yes, sir. Beverly stops, turns to her. BEVERLY I want to make it clear that you are not to discuss what you see here with anyone. OGAWA I understand. When they cross into the main room Ogawa reacts to what she sees on the center bio-bed -- an unconscious Cardassian male of about forty. BEVERLY We'll need to synthesize at least a liter of Cardassian blood... It takes Ogawa a beat to recover, then she and Beverly set to work... 24 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. 25 INT. LAVELLE/TAURIK'S QUARTERS where Sito, Ogawa, Lavelle, Taurik and Ben are playing five-card stud at a table in the middle of the room. This is a re-dress of our windowless quarters, and we should get the feeling that they're smaller than Worf's or Geordi's. The two men have pretty much divided the room in two, with their beds against opposite walls. Taurik's half is neat and orderly, with Vulcan artifacts displayed. Lavelle's half is a bit of a mess -- a soccer ball, an Anbo-jitsu stick, and other trappings of a single man are carelessly strewn about. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/23/93 - ACT THREE 30. 25 CONTINUED: Ben expertly shuffles the deck and deals one card down, then one up -- starting with Lavelle, then to Ogawa, Taurik and finally Sito. While he deals they each assess their hand and the following conversation plays: BEN What I can't figure out is why we're just sitting here so close to the Cardassian border. LAVELLE It must have something to do with that escape pod we picked up. (to Sito) Don't you think? Sito shrugs that she doesn't know. SITO Maybe... She's still reeling from her encounter with Picard; her friends have noticed that her mind is elsewhere, but they don't know why. LAVELLE I wonder who was in it... ? BEN You know what I heard... ? The others turn to Ben. After a dramatic pause: BEN (continuing) It was Ambassador Spock. None of the others believe this for a second. TAURIK That is unlikely. BEN That's what I was told... TAURIK By whom? BEN I can't say. Lavelle shrugs Ben off and continues trying to speculate. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/23/93 - ACT THREE 30A. 25 CONTINUED: (2) LAVELLE They beamed whoever was in it right to Sickbay. (to Ogawa) Did you see anything when you went down there? For possibly the first time, Ogawa is having to keep something from her friends. OGAWA No... Doctor Crusher just wanted me to help her with the lab schedule. TAURIK (to Ogawa) I thought Lieutenant Powell was going to join us tonight? OGAWA He had to do a double shift. LAVELLE That's too bad... (smiles) He's the worst poker player I've ever met... Ogawa smiles and shrugs. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT THREE 31. 25 CONTINUED: (2) Ben turns to Lavelle, who is showing the highest card. BEN It's your bet, Sam. CUT TO: 26 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS where Riker, Beverly, Troi, Worf and Geordi are also playing poker. WORF (bets) Twenty. The others match his bet, and Geordi deals another card face up to each player (they too show one down and one up). BEVERLY -- the thing is, I saw Powell in Ten Forward with another woman... the way they were talking made me wonder... TROI He should tell Alyssa if he's seeing someone else. Even if it hurts her, it'll be better in the long run. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT THREE 32. 26 CONTINUED: Riker turns to Worf. RIKER I've been meaning to tell you something, Worf... I don't think Ensign Sito is ready for the Ops position. Worf reacts -- WORF I must say that I disagree, sir. Geordi nudges Troi because she shows the highest hand. RIKER I'm listening... Troi tosses in a chip -- CUT TO: 27 INT. LAVELLE/TAURIK'S QUARTERS as a chip lands in the pile at the center of the table. BEN The bet is fifty -- Everyone matches the bet -- TAURIK (to Sito) It would be illogical for the Captain to deny you a promotion because of something you did as a cadet. These are difficult things for Sito to talk about. SITO He said it shows I don't have character. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT THREE 33. 27 CONTINUED: OGAWA What did you say? SITO What could I say? (quiet) Maybe he's right... Lavelle reacts strongly to this. LAVELLE You're a damn fine officer and you deserve that post as much as anyone. This is the kind of thing she needs to hear and it helps her shake her gloom a little. LAVELLE (continuing) One thing's for sure -- I won't be getting it. Not if it's up to Riker. CUT TO: 28 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS WORF (to Riker) It is your decision, sir -- but if you give her a chance to prove herself, I feel certain that Ensign Sito will not disappoint you. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT THREE 34. 28 CONTINUED: RIKER All right, Worf. I'll keep her under consideration. (beat) Besides, I have my doubts about Lavelle. TROI (surprised) Really? Why? RIKER He's too... eager to please. He keeps trying to ingratiate himself to me. TROI Why assume he's doing it just to get the job? Riker smiles; he's sure he's right about Lavelle. RIKER (to Geordi) I'll see your fifty and raise you a hundred. TROI I don't know... It seems to me that you and Lavelle have a lot in common. RIKER What? We're not at all alike. GEORDI (to Riker) You're bluffing. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT THREE 35. 29 INT. LAVELLE/TAURIK'S QUARTERS LAVELLE (to Ben) Think so? Ben regards him for a beat, then bets. BEN Yes, and I'm not gonna let you get away with it. OGAWA (to Lavelle) You know, Sam, maybe you shouldn't try so hard with Riker. It doesn't matter whether he likes you... as long as he respects you. SITO And he must... otherwise he wouldn't be considering you for the Ops position. Sam considers their words for a moment. LAVELLE You're probably right... maybe I'm just telling myself he hates me so if I don't get promoted I'll have an excuse. BEN (to Taurik) Well? You in or not? Taurik is studying his cards intently. TAURIK At this juncture, the odds of my winning this hand are less than thirty-nine to one. I fold. He sets his cards down. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT THREE 36. 30 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS RIKER (to Geordi) Looks like it's just you and me, buddy. You in for another fifty? GEORDI Give me a minute. I'm thinking. Geordi studies Riker's face to see if he's bluffing. TROI (to Riker) Didn't you tell me you took up poker so you could get into the officer's game on the Potemkin? RIKER I happen to like poker. TROI But your senior officers might have thought you were trying to ingratiate yourself -- I guess they realized you were just young and inexperienced and decided not to hold it against you. Riker is struck by her words; he regards Troi for a moment, then nods that he sees her point. RIKER Maybe I am being too hard on Lavelle... WORF (to Geordi) I do not believe he is bluffing. GEORDI I do. (bets) What've you got? Geordi shows a respectable hand. Riker plays the moment for all it's worth, then shows his cards -- he wasn't bluffing. GEORDI I can't believe this. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT THREE 37. 30 CONTINUED: RIKER (as he takes in the chips) I'm your worst nightmare... CUT TO: 31 INT. LAVELLE/TAURIK'S QUARTERS BEN I knew it! Ben starts raking in the chips. LAVELLE How could you tell I was bluffing? BEN You don't really expect me to answer that, do you... ? SITO Well... it's getting pretty late. Maybe we should all get some sleep. Ogawa indicates her agreement and they start to get up. BEN One more hand -- CUT TO: 32 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS where Geordi is now standing. RIKER Come on, Geordi. You're not going to quit just because I'm unbeatable? GEORDI There's something I need to do down in Engineering. He moves toward the door. GEORDI (to Riker) I'll get you next time. RIKER (smiles) I'll be waiting... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT THREE 38. 32 CONTINUED: GEORDI Good night, everybody. CUT TO: 33 INT. LAVELLE/TAURIK'S QUARTERS LAVELLE Good night. Sito and Ogawa EXIT. TAURIK (to Ben) What I find curious is that when Commander La Forge saw that the technique I was proposing was more efficient, he seemed... annoyed. BEN Of course he was. LAVELLE He didn't like the fact that you knew something he didn't. Taurik becomes concerned. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/23/93 - ACT THREE 39. 33 CONTINUED: TAURIK Do you think I have irreparably damaged my relationship with him? LAVELLE It depends on what kind of guy he is. BEN Ante up, gentlemen. Taurik doesn't know what to make of all this. Suddenly the door CHIMES. LAVELLE Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Geordi -- much to everyone's surprise. LAVELLE Commander -- Taurik and Lavelle start to stand, but Geordi gestures it's okay. GEORDI Don't get up. I just dropped by to see Taurik. Taurik stands and approaches him. TAURIK What can I do for you, sir? GEORDI I'm headed for Engineering to run those tests on the nacelles. Since you've already put in some work on the technique... I thought you might like to give me a hand. Taurik looks as pleased as a Vulcan can. TAURIK I would be pleased to, sir. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT THREE 40. 33 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Great. Let's go. Geordi waves goodnight to the others, then he and Taurik turn and EXIT. Ben and Lavelle look at each other a little sheepishly as they realize they misjudged Taurik's situation with Geordi. BEN How about some blackjack? LAVELLE I've got to get some sleep so I can be sharp tomorrow. Lavelle starts to clean up. BEN Why? So you can get promoted, have more responsibility, and have to get to sleep even earlier? LAVELLE Good night... Ben shakes his head and EXITS. 34 thru OMITTED 35 36 INT. CORRIDOR as Ben ENTERS from Lavelle's quarters and moves off. 37 OMITTED 38 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS as the door CHIMES. RIKER Come in. Ben ENTERS. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT THREE 41. 38 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Ben -- BEN I just cleaned out some junior officers and I thought I'd do the same here. RIKER You're welcome to give it a try. TROI Pull up a chair. BEN Thanks -- Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/19/93 - ACT FOUR 42. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 39 INT. SHIP'S GYMNASIUM Sito and a few N.D's (possibly Lavelle or Taurik) are filing out the door after a martial arts class led by Worf -- all are in gis. WORF Ensign Sito -- She stops, turns. WORF (continuing) I also teach an advanced class -- I believe you may be ready to participate. Sito allows herself only a brief smile before she looks down, embarrassed by his compliment. WORF (continuing) Before you can join the group, however, you must pass the... gik'tal. Sito reacts -- SITO Gik'tal? WORF It is a very ancient Klingon ritual. It tests your knowledge of the forms of the mok'bara. SITO I should practice first... WORF No. No practice. That is part of the ritual -- the test must be... unannounced. Sito is a little nervous about the suddenness of it, but she manages a nod. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/19/93 - ACT FOUR 42A. 39 CONTINUED: WORF (continuing) Come. They move to the center of the room. To her surprise, Worf takes a SCARF and wraps it around her head, effectively covering her eyes. WORF (continuing) Can you see? SITO No... Sito is a little taken aback by this, but doesn't protest. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 39 CONTINUED: (2) SITO Ow! WORF You did not anticipate. In a flash of temper she leaps to her feet and rips the scarf off her head. SITO How am I supposed to defend myself when I can't see a thing? WORF Stop making excuses! Replace the blindfold. SITO No, this isn't a fair test. Worf holds her gaze for a moment, then a smile traces itself on his features. WORF Very good, Ensign. You have passed the challenge. It takes her a moment to realize what he's saying. SITO What? By taking off the blindfold? WORF It takes courage to say the test is not fair. Sito is gratified to have succeeded, but puzzled by something. SITO There's one thing I don't understand. Doesn't gik'tal mean "to the death"? WORF You... speak Klingon? Worf's alarmed reaction makes her wonder... SITO Sir... is there really such a thing as the gik'tal challenge? STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 39 CONTINUED: (3) Worf doesn't like having to admit it. WORF No... there is not. She looks at him, trying to understand why he did it. WORF (continuing) But perhaps the next time you are judged unfairly, you will not have to suffer so many bruises before you protest. Sito smiles, grateful for what he's trying to do for her... Off this moment between them... 40 INT. READY ROOM where Sito, now in uniform, is standing before Picard. SITO -- all I've ever wanted is to make a career for myself in Starfleet. I can't change what happened at the Academy. No one can. All I can do is work hard and try to earn the respect of the people I serve with. She takes a breath, steadies herself. SITO (continuing) If you're not going to give me that chance, then I respectfully request that you transfer me to another ship. PICARD If you're looking for a more lenient commander, I don't think you'll find one. SITO Permission to speak freely, sir? PICARD Please do. SITO If you didn't want me on your ship you should have said so when I was assigned to it. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 40 CONTINUED: SITO (Cont'd) It's not your place to punish me for what I did at the Academy. Picard studies her carefully as she addresses him. SITO (continuing) I've worked hard here. My record is exemplary. If you're going to judge me, judge me for what I am now. Picard stands, moves around his desk. PICARD All right, Ensign. I will... Sito prepares herself for the worst. PICARD (continuing) It took a lot of courage to come here and face me after what I said to you the other day. He sees the look of confusion on her face. PICARD (continuing) You see... I didn't call you in here then to assess your qualifications for the Ops position. SITO I... don't understand. PICARD I was harsh with you because I was assessing you for a very important mission. A mission that could involve a situation far more... unnerving than being dressed down by your commanding officer. SITO May I ask what this mission -- He holds up a hand to stop her. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/23/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 40 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Join the senior staff in the Observation Lounge at oh-nine hundred hours. We'll discuss it then. SITO Yes, sir. She turns to go. PICARD And Ensign... I do know how you ended up on the Enterprise. I asked for you. This clearly surprises her. PICARD (continuing) I wanted to make sure you got a fair chance to redeem yourself. She acknowledges, grateful -- then EXITS. Off Picard's face... 41 INT. SICKBAY where Beverly is working. Ogawa approaches her. OGAWA You wanted to see me, Doctor? BEVERLY Yes... Beverly smiles at Ogawa, feeling uncomfortable about this but sure she must proceed. BEVERLY (continuing) Alyssa, I think you know how much I've come to depend on you. I've recommended your promotion because your performance here has been exemplary. OGAWA Thank you, Doctor... I appreciate that. She looks at Beverly, wondering what's going on. Clearly this is about more than her performance. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/29/93 - ACT FOUR 47A. 41 CONTINUED: BEVERLY But more than that, I've come to think of you as a friend. Someone I care about... OGAWA That's nice of you to say. I feel the same way. BEVERLY So... I was wondering about you and Andrew Powell... Ogawa's face lights up. OGAWA Someone told you! Now it's Beverly's turn to look puzzled. BEVERLY Told me... ? OGAWA We were going to keep it a secret until the promotions are announced. BEVERLY Secret... ? OGAWA He asked me to marry him. Beverly is completely taken aback. BEVERLY Alyssa -- that's wonderful! STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/23/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 41 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY I'm so relieved... Ogawa gives her a slight look -- BEVERLY (continuing) I mean -- happy. They hug... OFF this moment... 42 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. 43 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE as Sito ENTERS. Riker and Worf look up and gesture that she should take a seat. Someone else is seated in the chair facing away from her, but she can't see them. RIKER Have a seat, Ensign. Worf gives her a reassuring look. She moves inside, takes a chair. She glances over and sees that the unseen person in the chair is a Cardassian -- the same one Ogawa saw in Sickbay. As a Bajoran she can't help but react -- though she quickly recovers. The DOOR OPENS -- Picard ENTERS and takes a seat. Picard gestures to the Cardassian. PICARD This is Joret Dal... he was in the escape pod we retrieved. Joret nods a greeting to Sito. PICARD (continuing) Joret is a member of the Cardassian military... he is also a Federation operative. Picard lets this sink in for a beat. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FOUR 49. 43 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) He risked his life to come here and give us invaluable information about Cardassia's strategic intentions -- information that could very well enhance the security of Bajor, as well as other planets in this sector. It is imperative that we get him safely back to Cardassian space. JORET It will not be easy. The border is heavily guarded. RIKER Since his ship was destroyed he's going to have to take one of our shuttlecraft. JORET If a patrol stops me, I will claim to have stolen it. WORF We have distressed the shuttle so that it appears to have been fired on. RIKER Joret's going to have to try and talk his way past the patrol. JORET If I were alone, the chances of my succeeding would be slim. But if I had a prisoner with me... a Bajoran terrorist... Worf glances at Sito as she realizes what the plan entails -- she is listening without betraying any emotion. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FOUR 49A. 43 CONTINUED: (2) JORET I would appear to be a bounty hunter. Border crossings of that nature are not uncommon... for a price, the patrol can be convinced to look the other way. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT FOUR 50. 43 CONTINUED: (3) Picard turns to Sito. PICARD Once the shuttle is safely past the patrol, Joret will put you in an escape pod and send you back across the border. RIKER Since the pod is so small, it shouldn't be detectable. PICARD We'll be waiting here to pick you up. SITO I understand, sir. PICARD This is obviously a very dangerous mission. I'm not ordering you to take part in it. She looks up at him. SITO Then I'll volunteer, sir. WORF Be certain you understand the risk you are taking. If you are captured -- SITO I'm Bajoran. No one knows better than I do what the Cardassians do to their prisoners. She turns to Picard. SITO (continuing) I've made my decision. Picard studies her for a beat. PICARD Very well, Ensign. Report to Sickbay. (off her reaction) Doctor Crusher will explain. She stands. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FOUR 51. 43 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD (continuing) I'd also ask you not to discuss this mission with anyone... SITO Yes, sir. She EXITS. There is a silent moment as everyone contemplates the dangers of what she's being asked to do. Joret turns to Picard, gives voice to what they're all thinking. JORET (continuing, quiet) I didn't realize she would be so... young... Off this moment... 44 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. 45 INT. SHUTTLEBAY where Geordi is doing a last minute check on the shuttle. Joret is at the controls; Worf stands near the aft section. Sito ENTERS from the corridor, dressed in BAJORAN CIVILIAN CLOTHES. When she approaches Worf we see that her face is badly BRUISED. SITO The Captain asked Doctor Crusher to make it look like Joret had mistreated me... Geordi steps out of the back of the shuttle. GEORDI We're all set... Worf acknowledges and Geordi moves off. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT FOUR 52. 45 CONTINUED: SITO Sir... I want you to know that I really appreciate the fact that you've always had confidence in me. Worf acknowledges -- he's proud of her, but at the same time concerned for her well-being. WORF Good luck... SITO I'll see you soon... She steps up into the shuttle and the door begins to CLOSE. The ALARM SOUNDS that indicates the HANGAR DOOR is OPENING. Worf moves away from the shuttle. 46 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the shuttle pulls out of the shuttlebay. 47 INT. SHUTTLEBAY (OPTICAL) Worf stands looking out the shuttlebay door at the stars... Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/29/93 - ACT FIVE 53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 0A EXT. SPACE - SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) at impulse. 48 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT Joret and Sito are in the cockpit, both somewhat apprehensive. JORET We are approaching the border... it won't be long before we're detected by the patrol ships. SITO When they stop us... do you want me to say anything? JORET No. It should seem that I've broken your will. If you're asked any questions, look at me... as though you're afraid to answer. She nods grimly. After a moment, she turns to him. SITO Can I ask you something... ? Why are you doing this -- risking your life to help Starfleet? JORET I don't consider myself a traitor, if that's what you're asking. It is clear from his tone that Joret has thought about this a great deal. JORET (continuing) I've served in the military all my life... once it was an institution dedicated to the security of Cardassia, now it's little more than... a platform for ambitious Guls hoping to make their reputations in battle. Sito hears the conviction in his voice. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/29/93 - ACT FIVE 53A. 48 CONTINUED: JORET (continuing) If the information I provide helps Starfleet deter even one pointless border skirmish, I'll have served my purpose. I'm sick of war. My people need peace. Sito is struck by what he's told her... after a moment... SITO I never thought I'd hear a Cardassian say something like that... He turns and regards her for a beat. JORET And I never thought a Bajoran would risk her life to help a Cardassian get home... This moment between them is interrupted by a warning BEEP from the cockpit console. SITO (off console) A patrol ship is closing in on our position... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT FIVE 54-55. 48 CONTINUED: (2) JORET We don't have much time... He stands and picks up a SHACKLE (as seen in "Chain of Command"), and she holds up her wrists for him to shackle her. Off this moment... 49 thru OMITTED 51 STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 52 INT. TEN FORWARD where Taurik, Lavelle and Ogawa are in midconversation. Ben stands nearby. LAVELLE She must have left on that shuttle, there's no other explanation. BEN Do you have any idea where it went? LAVELLE Toward Cardassian space -- that's what I'm worried about. In the face of Lavelle's concern, Ogawa and Taurik are finding it very difficult to keep silent about what they know -- but they both feel they have to. LAVELLE (continuing) There's another thing, I noticed the shuttle was damaged -- OGAWA Sam, can we talk about something else? LAVELLE Don't you care what's happened to her? OGAWA Of course -- TAURIK But we have to accept the fact that we're not always told about everything that happens aboard ship. LAVELLE We can at least tell each other what we know. Lavelle sees a slight reaction in both Ogawa and Taurik. LAVELLE (continuing) Do you two know something? OGAWA Sam, please... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT FIVE 56A. 52 CONTINUED: LAVELLE I can't believe this. We're friends. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 52 CONTINUED: (2) TAURIK We're also Starfleet Officers. OGAWA I'm not allowed to talk about it... Lavelle stops short when he realizes it's a security matter. He looks from Ogawa to Taurik -- then acknowledges their situation. LAVELLE Okay... I understand. Still, he's immensely frustrated... An awkward silence settles over the group... LAVELLE (continuing) I better get going... I'm on duty in half an hour... He stands and EXITS, leaving the others sitting quitely... 53 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. 54 INT. BRIDGE Riker is in the Command Area, Worf at Tactical, Data at Ops, Lavelle at the Conn. The mood is grim. Riker crosses down to a point between Ops and Conn. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 58. 54 CONTINUED: RIKER Report. LAVELLE We've completed a long-range scan of the area, sir. The escape pod doesn't seem to be out there. Riker lets out a frustrated breath. DATA It is possible that at this distance we are simply unable to distinguish the pod from the inorganic matter normally present in space. RIKER Try narrowing the scan field -- see if you can pick up any biosigns. Data sets to work and Riker starts to turn away, but Lavelle stops him with a question. LAVELLE Sir... it would help if I knew what kind of life-signs to look for. Riker considers for a moment. RIKER You're scanning for Bajoran lifesigns, Ensign. Lavelle reacts -- this is the first confirmation he's had that he's looking for his friend. LAVELLE Yes, sir. Riker realizes what he's probably going through, and he puts a hand to Lavelle's shoulder before crossing back to the Command Area. Picard ENTERS from the Ready Room and approaches Riker for a report. RIKER Nothing yet, sir. The pod's thirty-two hours overdue. Worf looks up from his console. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT FIVE 59. 54 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Sir, I recommend we launch a probe to increase the range of our sensor sweeps. Picard considers for a beat. Riker doesn't like to have to be the one to say it: RIKER (quiet) Sending a probe into Cardassian space would be a treaty violation. Picard acknowledges, but he's still considering it. PICARD Prepare a probe and launch when ready. WORF Aye, sir. Worf sets to work, grasping this last thread of hope. After a beat we hear the SOUND of a probe being launched. 55 ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Stock shot of a probe being fired away. 56 RESUME SCENE as they watch the probe disappear. WORF It will be several minutes before we begin to receive the probe's telemetry. Picard settles into his seat to wait. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/19/93 - ACT FIVE 60. 56A INT. BRIDGE Picard is pacing anxiously. DATA (off console) Sir... I am detecting signs of debris two hundred thousand kilometers inside Cardassian space... Lavelle turns to Data, his face full of dread. DATA (continuing, off console) Its mass and composition indicate that it could be the remains of a Federation escape pod... Reactions. Lavelle looks down at his console... Worf focuses on the Viewscreen... off this moment... 56B EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) PICARD'S (V.O.) Captain's Log, supplemental. We have intercepted a Cardassian report stating that a Bajoran prisoner escaped her captor... and was killed in an evacuation pod as she tried to leave Cardassian space... 57 INT. READY ROOM PICARD To all personnel with security clearance J-one and higher... this is the Captain. It is my sad duty to inform you -- 58 INT. ENGINEERING where Taurik is working as Picard's voice comes over the com. PICARD'S COM VOICE -- that a member of the crew... Ensign Sito Jaxa... He reacts to hearing his friend's name... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" 11/17/93 - ACT FIVE 60A. 59 INT. SICKBAY where Ogawa and Beverly are listening. PICARD'S COM VOICE Has been lost in the line of duty... Ogawa covers her face with her hand; Beverly puts a comforting hand to her shoulder. 60 INT. BRIDGE where Lavelle and the others are listening. STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/19/93 - ACT FIVE 61. 60 CONTINUED: PICARD'S COM VOICE She was the finest example of a Starfleet officer... a young woman of remarkable courage... and strength of character. 60A INT. READY ROOM PICARD Her absense will be deeply felt by all who knew her... Picard's face shows the toll of having to make this announcement. 61 OMITTED 62 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it moves at impulse. 63 INT. TEN FORWARD Worf sits alone at a table near the windows. Ben approaches him with a drink. Sensing that he's lost in thought, he sets it down as unobtrusively as possible and moves off... We FOLLOW him as he approaches Ogawa and Taurik, who are sitting in silence at their usual table (there are two empty chairs). Their mood is somber. Ben puts a comforting hand to Ogawa's shoulder. BEN You okay... ? She manages a small nod... They see Lavelle ENTER and approach their table. LAVELLE Hi... Lavelle sits; he seems troubled. LAVELLE (continuing) I just got promoted... STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 62. 63 CONTINUED: Lavelle shows them the COLLAR PIP he's been given to designate his new rank. It is clear that he has conflicting feelings about this. Ogawa tries to put the best face on it: OGAWA Congratulations... LAVELLE (without enthusiasm) Thanks... They all know what he must be going through. LAVELLE I just don't feel right about it... for all I know, she was going to get the promotion instead of me. BEN You shouldn't feel that way, Sam. OGAWA She would have been happy for you. TAURIK The best way to remember her... would be to excel in your new position. Ogawa takes the pip from Lavelle's hand; as she pins it to his collar. OGAWA We're proud of you, Sam. Lavelle looks at his friend's faces, grateful for their support. Ben moves off, and we FOLLOW him as he crosses to Worf's table. BEN Excuse me, sir... but I need to move this table. WORF What? STAR TREK: "Lower Decks" REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 63. 63 CONTINUED: (2) BEN There's an empty seat over there. Ben indicates the table where Sito's friends are sitting. Worf realizes what he's up to. WORF I appreciate what you are trying to do, but it is not... appropriate. You were her friends. I was only her commanding officer... BEN Sir... I happen to know that she considered you a friend. Worf looks up at him. He considers, then stands. He and Ben cross over to the table. The others look up at him, their faces welcoming... and then Worf takes his seat among Sito's friends... Off this moment... 64 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it moves away... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END