STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Eye of the Beholder" #40277-270 Story by Brannon Braga Teleplay by Rene Echevarria Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" - 12/21/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Eye of the Beholder" CAST BEVERLY CALLOWAY DATA KWAN GEORDI NARA PICARD PIERCE RIKER WOMAN TROI WORF Non-Speaking N.D. CREWMEMBERS STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" - 12/20/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Masks" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE ENGINEERING JEFFERIES TUBE NACELLE CONTROL READY ROOM CORRIDOR KWAN'S QUARTERS BEVERLY'S OFFICE SICKBAY TROI'S QUARTERS TEN FORWARD OBSERVATION LOUNGE TURBOLIFT CALLOWAY'S QUARTERS STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" - 12/09/93 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Eye of the Beholder" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE KWAN Kwon NAPEAN NAY-pee-un PSILOSYNINE sill-oh-SIGH-uh-neen SALVATORE Sal-va-TOR-ee YRIDIAN yir-ID-ee-un TIL'AMIN TIL-a-min STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "Eyes" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. BRIDGE Red Alert! PICARD, DATA and a few N.D's are dealing with what is clearly an urgent situation. DATA (off console) We are losing containment in the starboard nacelle tube -- PICARD Try to get more power to the field coils. DATA (works) Yes, sir. PICARD Geordi, report. 2 INT. ENGINEERING where GEORDI and a few N.D's are trying to contain the situation. The WARP CORE is pulsing at an accelerated rate, giving off an enormous SOUND. GEORDI I can't shut down the plasma injectors -- someone's locked out the controls. 3 INT. BRIDGE DATA (off console) The plasma venting system has engaged. 4 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) where we can see DRIVE PLASMA escaping from the starboard nacelle into space. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - TEASER 1A. 5 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE as RIKER and WORF scramble up the ladder. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - TEASER 2. 5 CONTINUED: WORF Two more decks -- RIKER (hits combadge) Riker to Bridge -- we've almost reached the nacelle tube. 6 INT. BRIDGE PICARD Acknowledged. (to Data) Release the exterior hull plate. We may have to jettison the core. Data acknowledges and works his console. 7 INT. NACELLE CONTROL (OPTICAL) as Riker and Worf ENTER from a Jefferies tube junction and stop in their tracks at what they see -- their faces are lit by INTERACTIVE LIGHT as they take in the strange scene before them. This control room is situated at the forward end of the starboard nacelle. In addition to wall panels, there is a free standing console with work stations on both sides. There is an access DOOR in the back wall that leads into the injector room. A ladder leads to a catwalk above -- there is an OBSERVATION WINDOW in the wall through which it is possible to see into the injector room, and beyond that, the nacelle tube itself. When the plasma stream is on, as it is now, its fiery glow obscures these structures. A TRANSLUCENT MAINTENANCE DOOR can drop down to cover the window -- but even then the intense light of the plasma bleeds through. Riker and Worf are startled upon entering the room because a man is standing on the catwalk, poised to jump through the forecefield and into the plasma. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - TEASER 3. 7 CONTINUED: (2) He is LIEUTENANT KWAN, a humanoid in his mid-thirties -- part Asian, part Napean. He is clearly agitated and distraught. Riker turns to LIEUTENANT NARA, who along with an N.D, is standing motionless, unsure what to do. She is humanoid, in her mid-thirties. RIKER (quiet) What happened? NARA (quiet) He locked out the controls... before we knew what was happening, he stepped up onto the walkway. Riker gestures for Worf to go to a console. RIKER See if you can shut down the plasma flow. Worf acknowledges and moves away. NARA I'm afraid if we try to get any closer, he'll jump through the forecefield. Riker acknowledges, turns to Kwan. RIKER Dan... 8 ON KWAN facing the plasma stream, his face lit by its glow -- Riker can be seen behind him. Riker takes a cautious step toward him. RIKER It's me... Wil Riker. Kwan doesn't seem to react to the name... RIKER (continuing) I was here yesterday, remember? STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - TEASER 4. 8 CONTINUED: Something registers on Kwan's face -- he looks down at his hands, seems horrified by what he sees there. Although we see nothing, he wipes his hands on his uniform, as if to clean them. When he speaks, it is in the tones of a man confessing a wretched crime. KWAN I didn't... want to do it... but... I saw them... and... they laughed at me... they laughed... Kwan is clearly in agony about this... though Riker has no idea what he's talking about, he knows he needs to try and calm him down. RIKER Whatever happened, we can talk about it. I want to help. Riker starts to climb the ladder to the catwalk. KWAN Stay away! Riker stops -- RIKER I want you to be able to see me, that's all... so we can talk. KWAN I... know... what I have to do... He takes a half-step toward the plasma stream. RIKER Dan, wait -- 9 ON WORF AND NARA at the console, working to free the controls. WORF I have unlocked the controls -- COMPUTER VOICE Shut down procedure initiated. NARA There's still plasma in the injector -- it'll take time to vent off... STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - TEASER 5. 10 RESUME SCENE (OPTICAL) Riker has taken note of the fact that the plasma stream will soon dissipate -- he knows he needs to keep Kwan from jumping until it does. RIKER Tell me what happened. Maybe I can help. But Kwan is staring intently into the stream, seems strangely calmed by it. KWAN I know what I have to do... Riker senses what he's about to do and makes a sudden move toward him... but it's too late... Kwan has already started to move... Riker misses him by half a step and Kwan jumps through the FORCEFIELD and into the stream -- he is instantly VAPORIZED. Riker stops in mid-stride -- so close. Off Riker's expression as he realizes how close they came to saving Kwan's life... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 11 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. 12 INT. READY ROOM Riker and Worf are reporting what happened to Picard and TROI. RIKER A few more seconds and we could've saved his life... Riker clearly feels that he should have been able to talk Kwan down. WORF Commander... you did everything you could. It was not your fault. Riker acknowledges, but can't quite shake the feeling. RIKER I had the strangest feeling that... he didn't even recognize me -- and I was with him just the other day when I supervised the tube refit. PICARD How did he seem then? RIKER Fine. In fact I complimented him for getting the refit done faster than expected. He was pleased that I noticed. TROI I met with him during crew evaluations about six weeks ago. He was very positive; he was looking forward to being posted to the nacelle tube. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/21/93 - ACT ONE 7. 12 CONTINUED: RIKER He was a fine officer, with a good career ahead of him. I just don't understand why he would want to... Riker trails off, shakes his head. PICARD In my years as a Starship Captain, I've had to notify many families that they'd lost a loved one. But never to suicide. I'd like to be able to offer Lieutenant Kwan's family some explanation for what happened -- to help them make sense of it. WORF He may have left a message of some kind, explaining why he did it. Picard acknowledges this possibility. PICARD (to Troi and Worf) I want the two of you to try and piece together a picture of his last few days. Troi and Worf acknowledge. TROI If he made any personal logs, it might be helpful to go through them. PICARD You're authorized to do so. A Com signal SOUNDS. GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge to Captain. PICARD Go ahead. 13 INT. ENGINEERING where Geordi is working at a console. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 8. 13 CONTINUED: GEORDI I've completed a damage assessment. We should be able to get underway within the hour. 14 INT. READY ROOM PICARD Geordi, the medical situation on Barson Two has worsened -- Starfleet has given us permission to exceed warp speed limitations so we can get back on schedule. 15 INT. ENGINEERING GEORDI We'll be able to give you warp eight if you need it. PICARD'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. Geordi returns to work. After a moment, Data approaches him. DATA Geordi, would you agree that the instinct for self-preservation is shared by most life forms? GEORDI I'd say it's probably the most basic instinct. DATA That being the case, I am having difficulty understanding why someone would deliberately terminate their own existence.  STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 9. 15 CONTINUED: GEORDI I don't know, Data. All I can think is that maybe Lieutenant Kwan felt like there was something... wrong in his life, something he felt powerless to fix. Data takes this in. DATA I believe I understand. I have been in a similar situation. Geordi's a little surprised to hear this. GEORDI Really? DATA The first months following my activation were a difficult period for me... there were many problems associated with my becoming sentient. GEORDI Because your neural net was still forming. DATA As I acquired new skills, neural pathways would form and take the place of other, less complex pathways. It was very... disorienting. GEORDI Sure sounds like it. DATA As my systems grew in complexity, it became increasingly difficult to integrate new pathways into my existing neural net. The probability of cascade failure grew with each added pathway. I came to the conclusion that it would be easier and safer to shut myself down and start again. GEORDI But if you did that, you wouldn't have remembered any of the things that had happened to you. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 10. 15 CONTINUED: (2) DATA In a way, it would have been like... committing suicide. Geordi acknowledges Data's point. GEORDI So what did you do? DATA I decided against the procedure. I chose instead to treat the problems I was having with my systems as... challenges to be overcome, instead of obstacles to be avoided. Geordi studies his friend's face for a beat; once again, Data has shown facets of himself no one knew he had. GEORDI That's a great way of looking at it. It's too bad Lieutenant Kwan wasn't able to look at his problems the same way. Data acknowledges his sentiment, and after a beat, they return to work... 16 INT. CORRIDOR as Worf and Troi make their way down it. TROI I've gone over Kwan's personnel records -- he had an exceptionally stable psychological profile. WORF When we were in the control room, it seemed as if he were trying to... explain something he'd done... something terrible. TROI He'd been on the Enterprise over two years. No one has ever reported an altercation with him. Worf acknowledges and gestures to a DOOR along the corridor. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 11. 16 CONTINUED: WORF (continuing) These were his quarters. He works a KEYPAD on the wall and the door OPENS. 17 INT. KWAN'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) These are the smaller, windowless quarters. There are CHINESE and ALIEN ARTIFACTS in evidence, reflecting Kwan's mixed heritage. Everything is neat and orderly. Troi and Worf step inside... they stand silently for a moment, almost out of respect for the dead. After a beat, Worf moves to a nearby table and picks up an ALIEN looking ARTIFACT. WORF This is a Napean design... TROI His mother is Napean; his father's human. He studies the artifact for a beat, then sets it down. Troi looks around the room. TROI (continuing) Everything looks so... normal. For some reason I was half expecting to find the place a mess. WORF Yes... it is strange to think that someone could be considering ending his life and yet not give any outward sign of it. They continue moving around the room, looking for something that might provide a clue. WORF (continuing) Right before he jumped, he seemed almost... calm. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 11A. 17 CONTINUED: TROI He must have been in a lot of pain to do what he did. It could be that the prospect of ending that pain felt like a great relief. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 12. 17 CONTINUED: (2) Worf moves to look at something on the wall. Troi finds a PHOTOGRAPH of a young woman, a pretty human of about thirty. She turns to show it to Worf just as he turns away from the wall, so that they almost bump into one another -- there's a moment where they're standing very close, then Troi shows Worf the photograph. TROI This is Ensign... Calloway, isn't it? Worf looks at the photo, acknowledges. WORF She is a medical technician in Sickbay. Troi's face registers sympathy for Calloway. TROI It's always hard to lose someone you care about... but to lose them like this... They study the picture for a beat, then she sets it down. WORF We should start going over his logs... They move to a DESKTOP COMPUTER TERMINAL -- Troi sits and activates it, Worf leans in to look. TROI This is his last entry; he made it before going on duty this morning. Kwan's face appears on the MONITOR. KWAN Personal log, Stardate 47622.1. We finally finished the nacelle tube refit last night. After pulling two double shifts in a row, I'm really looking forward to spending some time with Maddy. TROI Ensign Calloway... Worf and Troi are struck by how upbeat Kwan seems, and puzzled that he seemed to be making plans. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 13. 17 CONTINUED: (3) TROI (continuing) That doesn't sound like a man planning on ending his life. WORF No... it does not... Off the mystery of the moment... 18 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it travels at warp. 19 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE as Troi and CALLOWAY ENTER from Sickbay so they can talk in private. The young woman is clearly destroyed by what's happened. CALLOWAY I can't believe he's really gone... I keep thinking he's going to show up and tell me there's been some terrible misunderstanding... Troi's tone is gentle, caring -- she's both investigating Kwan's death and counseling a bereaved crewmember. TROI I thought you might like to know that in his personal logs, Dan talked about you a great deal. He loved you very much. CALLOWAY If that's true... then how could he... leave me like this? Troi puts a comforting hand to her shoulder. TROI That's what I'm trying to find out. I know it's hard to talk about right now... but it would be very helpful if you could tell me a few things about him. Calloway acknowledges, pulls herself together. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 14. 19 CONTINUED: TROI (continuing) When was the last time you saw him? CALLOWAY Two nights ago... we were planning our next shore leave together. TROI Did he mention anything that happened recently... anything that might have upset him? CALLOWAY No, not really... he did say something about work, about Lieutenant Nara, but it wasn't anything serious. TROI Nara... she's his superior officer in the nacelle tube. CALLOWAY Yes. Dan sensed that she... well, that she felt threatened by him -- that she thought he was after her position. Troi take this in. TROI Was he prone to mood swings, or depression? CALLOWAY No... but he was very sensitive to other people's moods. TROI What do you mean? CALLOWAY Sometimes he would just... look at me, and know what I was feeling -- I always loved that about him. TROI Napeans are partially empathic -- he may have inherited some of his mother's abilities. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 15. 19 CONTINUED: (2) CALLOWAY (smiles) He used to tease me that when I met her, I wouldn't be able to get away with anything. Calloway is thoughtful for a moment. CALLOWAY (continuing) Dan and I knew each other for over two years, but we didn't really get together until a few months ago. We took it slow... Her face falters a little.... CALLOWAY (continuing) We thought we had all the time in the world... Troi is struck by the depth of feeling in her words. Calloway turns to her, suddenly determined. CALLOWAY (continuing) Something must've happened to him, Counselor. Something terrible Because it's not like Dan to take his own life. Please... find out what it was. Troi takes Calloway's plea to heart. Off her face, more determined than ever... 20 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE as Troi climbs the ladder toward the nacelle tube. 21 INT. NACELLE CONTROL as she ENTERS from a Jefferies tube junction. No one is there, and the room is bathed by an eerie GLOW that emanates from the maintenance DOOR (which is DOWN, in position). STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 16. 21 CONTINUED: Troi takes a look around the room, starts her way down its length. It is clear from her face that she finds the whole setting a little spooky -- the strange light, the dissonant HUM of the plasma stream, the fact that a man died here... She continues her slow walk down the length of the room... as she passes a FREE-STANDING CONSOLE, a FIGURE suddenly emerges from behind it. Troi is startled, steps back... NARA I'm sorry -- Troi recovers -- TROI I didn't see you there... They share a smile over this little incident. Lieutenant Nara is holding a TOOL she was working on the console with. TROI (continuing) You're Lieutenant Nara, aren't you? Nara acknowledges. NARA Can I do something for you, Counselor? TROI I'm investigating Lieutenant Kwan's death. I just wanted to take a look around. NARA It's such a shame. He was a good man. Troi senses Nara is sincere about this. TROI Did you notice any change in his behavior recently? NARA No... I've been going over the last few days in my mind, trying to see if I missed any... warning signs. It's as if something in him just... snapped. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 17. 21 CONTINUED: (3) TROI How was his job performance? NARA Excellent. He knew this ship better than most people -- probably because he helped build it back at Utopia Planitia. TROI Did he get along with his coworkers? Nara considers for a beat. NARA He was... ambitious. He came in here with all sorts of new ideas about how to do things -- some of them very good ideas. TROI But not all? NARA (smiles) No. But once he settled in, we got along fine. An N.D. ENTERS and Nara gestures that she'll be right there. NARA (continuing) Excuse me for a minute. Feel free to look around. TROI Where was Lieutenant Kwan's station? NARA Right down there. Nara indicates a console at the far end of the room. Troi acknowledges and Nara crosses away, EXITS with the N.D. Troi starts her way down toward Kwan's station. With each step she takes, we get a sense that she's starting to feel more and more spooked about being alone in the room again. We see her try to shake the feeling, cross her arms in front of her, and continue. She moves to Kwan's station, not really expecting to find anything, just trying to get a feel for what Kwan's work was like. She turns away, starts to climb the ladder to the catwalk. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT ONE 18. 22 ON TROI as she moves toward the maintenance door, her face growing increasingly brighter. Suddenly we see an expression of fear cross her features. Troi is overwhelmed by a sense of panic and dread, so visceral and immediate that it almost makes her gasp. She backs away, but the feeling persists, and she stumbles back, disoriented by whatever strange sensation has overwhelmed her. Her hand flies to her mouth to stifle a cry of fear that seems to reach from her very core... Suddenly Nara ENTERS -- NARA Are you all right? Seeing Troi's condition, Nara rushes toward her. TROI (shaken) I... don't know... Off Troi's troubled expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 INT. SICKBAY Troi is sitting on the center bio-bed, still shaken. BEVERLY is doing a TRICORDER scan. Riker and Worf stand nearby. TROI I don't know how to describe it... I was suddenly overwhelmed by a flood of emotions -- fear, rage, panic. RIKER Whose emotions? I thought you said you were alone. TROI I was. The sensations didn't seem to be coming from any one person -- they were just there, in the room. But how can that be? WORF I scanned the area -- I picked up no anomalous readings. RIKER (to Troi) How could you be getting an empathic impression from an empty room? TROI I don't know... Everyone considers this inexplicable phenomenon for a beat. BEVERLY Could the fact that Kwan was partially empathic have something to do with it? RIKER What do you mean? BEVERLY I'm not sure... but the feelings Troi described certainly seem consistent with suicide. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 20. 23 CONTINUED: RIKER (to Troi) Could his death have left some sort of... empathic echo? TROI I suppose it's a possibility... but I don't see how. There just isn't enough information for them to go on. TROI (continued) If I went back to the nacelle tube, I might be able to get a better sense of what I experienced. BEVERLY I'm not sure that's a good idea -- you're showing elevated levels of psilosynine. WORF Psilosynine? BEVERLY A neuro-transmitter involved in telepathy. (to Troi) The experience overwhelmed you the first time. I don't think you should go back until the levels return to normal. Troi indicates her agreement. RIKER How long? BEVERLY Three, maybe four hours. RIKER Next time I want someone with you. WORF I will accompany you, Counselor. Troi acknowledges. Off this moment... STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 21. 24 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it drops out of warp. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 47623.2. We've arrived at Starbase Three-twenty-eight on schedule. After taking aboard medical supplies, we will depart for Barson Two. 25 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS Troi is working at her DESKTOP COMPUTER TERMINAL, going over Kwan's personal logs. KWAN'S VOICE -- I ran into Maddy yesterday. We stood in the corridor and talked for almost an hour... The more I get to know her, the more I realize what a remarkable woman she is... Troi smiles a little wistfully at this... the door CHIMES. TROI Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Worf standing in the doorway. TROI (continued) Hello, Worf. WORF Counselor... Worf ENTERS and crosses toward her. WORF Have you found anything in Lieutenant Kwan's logs? TROI Everything I've seen indicates he was well-adjusted and optimistic. (beat) Were you able to talk with Ensign Trake? WORF Yes... I interviewed all of Kwan's co-workers. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 21A. 25 CONTINUED: TROI From what I've read, Trake was his best friend. WORF He observed nothing that indicated Kwan was contemplating ending his life. Nor did any of the others. TROI It just doesn't make any sense... STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 22. 25 CONTINUED: (2) Troi stands, crosses toward the replicator. TROI Can I get you anything? WORF No, thank you. TROI Yridian tea... We hear the SOUND of the Replicator and Troi removes a cup from the slot. They settle into a couch and a nearby chair. TROI (continued) I've been thinking about what happened to me in the nacelle tube... whether it was an empathic echo left by Kwan's death... WORF In the past, have your empathic experiences always involved the physical presence of another person? TROI All the ones I'm sure of, yes. WORF What do you mean, sure of? Troi considers a beat before replying... TROI Well... when I was a young girl, my Grandfather used to tell me stories by the fire... I would close my eyes and listen to his mind for hours on end... WORF He told you these stories telepathically... ? TROI My grandfather rarely spoke out loud... He said that was for off-worlders who didn't know any better. She smiles to herself. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 23. 25 CONTINUED: (3) TROI The only time I can remember his stories is when I go home... and sit by the fireplace. Sometimes when I'm there, alone... it's almost as if I can hear his voice in my head. Worf reacts without skepticism. WORF Yes... I have sought visions in fire. TROI I can't explain it, but it felt very real to me. Just like what happened in the nacelle tube. WORF There are things we do not understand, yet they exist nonetheless. Troi sips her tea, is thoughtful for a moment. TROI I keep thinking about Ensign Calloway... she needs to know what happened to Kwan -- it's the only way she'll ever be able to put his death behind her. WORF This must be a very difficult time for her. TROI Do you know what she regrets most? That she and Kwan didn't take full advantage of the time they had together... they knew each other for a long time, but they didn't get together until recently. WORF She wishes they had acted on their feelings sooner... ? Troi acknowledges -- their eyes meet for a moment, then Worf looks away. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 23A. 25 CONTINUED: (4) WORF (continued) Perhaps I should let you rest. TROI It's all right -- But he's already standing. WORF If you will excuse me, Counselor. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 24. 25 CONTINUED: (5) She acknowledges and he takes his leave. Off Troi's thoughtful expression... 26 INT. TEN FORWARD where Worf is standing alone at the bar, pensive. Behind him, we see Riker at a table with an attractive young WOMAN. After a moment he stands and approaches the bar to get a couple beverages. RIKER (a greeting) Worf... WORF Commander... The BARTENDER approaches and Riker orders. RIKER Two Til'amin froths, please. After a beat... WORF Lieutenant Corell seems to be enjoying your company. RIKER (smiles) I'd like to think so. WORF Are you... involved with her? RIKER I'm not sure yet. Riker glances at Worf -- it's not like him to ask these sorts of questions. RIKER (continuing) Why do you ask? Are you interested in her? WORF No... Then Worf hastens to point out -- STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 25. 26 CONTINUED: WORF (continuing) But if I were, I would of course discuss the situation with you before proceeding further. Riker understands that this is Worf's way, but -- RIKER I appreciate the thought, but you really wouldn't have to do that. WORF I would never want to come between you and anyone you were involved with... or had ever been involved with. Riker senses there's more going on than Worf's saying. The bartender arrives and sets down the drinks. RIKER Is there... someone in particular you're talking about? Worf can't quite bring himself to say. WORF No. Is there... someone in particular you would prefer I not become involved with? Riker has to stifle a smile over Worf's awkwardness. RIKER Worf... you sound like a man asking a friend if he can start dating his sister. Worf dissembles -- WORF No, I am merely... never mind. Excuse me, sir. And with that he turns and EXITS Ten Forward. Riker is left to wonder what had him so twisted up... 27 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 26. 28 INT. NACELLE CONTROL (OPTICAL) as Worf and Troi ENTER from the Jefferies tube. The room is bathed by the eerie light that comes through the window in the maintenance door. Worf glances at Troi to see if she's all right; she takes a breath to steel herself, then starts to look around the room. She climbs the ladder to the catwalk and approaches the maintenance door -- her face is lit by the glow from the plasma stream. TROI Could you open this door for me? WORF Yes, but only for a short time. After ninety seconds the plasma venting system will engage to prevent degradation of the forcefield. TROI I just want to take a quick look... WORF May I ask what you are looking for? TROI I'm... not sure... Worf acknowledges, moves back toward the entrance and starts to work a console... A motor HUMS to life and the heavy door starts to OPEN -- revealing the PLASMA STREAM. COMPUTER VOICE Warning -- plasma venting system will engage in ninety seconds. Worf stands at the console, ready to close it again when Troi requests it. 29 ON TROI as she looks into the plasma stream, her face lit by its glow. Suddenly we hear a jarring, percussive SOUND. Troi reacts and we -- CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT TWO 27. 30 TROI'S POV - HANDHELD a WOMAN is standing a few yards away from her, looking directly at Troi, terrified. She's wearing an Engineering jumpsuit, and appears to be in her thirties. Though we don't see Troi, the POV would indicate that she's standing in another part of the control room -- not the catwalk where we just saw her. Stranger still, the room around her appears to be unfinished, as if it were still under construction. The plasma stream is not on. The woman backs away from Troi, shaking her head in terror -- WOMAN No... please... don't... Before Troi can ask who she is we hear the jarring SOUND again and -- CUT TO: 31 TROI as her head snaps back. She looks around the room, which is back to normal -- she's disoriented by the bizarre image that suddenly appeared in her mind. COMPUTER VOICE Plasma venting system will engage in... eighty seconds. We hear the SOUND again and Troi's head snaps back -- CUT TO: 32 TROI'S POV (OPTICAL) a MAN is staring at her -- intent, menacing. His face is a little hazy, as if we're looking at him through a tinted glass. He too is in his thirties, and wears an Engineering jumpsuit. From what little Troi can see, he also appears to be in the unfinished control room. The SOUND again -- CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/21/93 - ACT TWO 28. 33 TROI reeling back from the jarring image. She looks around, disoriented, and is stunned to see that the room around her has changed. She's in the partially constructed control room she caught glimpses of before -- consoles are open, their circuitry exposed. The free-standing console is gone, and tubes jut from the floor in its place. The maintenance door is up, but the plasma stream is not on. A TOOLBOX sits on the floor, with a label in large lettering that reads UTOPIA PLANITIA. 33A NEW ANGLE As Troi looks down toward the injector and sees that a panel in the injector room wall is off, exposing a power conduit underneath. Confused, she turns and looks toward where Worf was standing -- he's gone. TROI Worf... ? No answer. She's alone... Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 34 INT. NACELLE CONTROL - CONTINUOUS TROI Worf, where are you? Still no answer. Troi looks around the room, tries not to panic. She hears the SOUND of two hushed voices whispering -- a man and a woman's. Troi moves toward the sound... it's coming from the Jefferies tube junction. She descends the ladder, moves toward the junction. 35 TROI'S POV - HANDHELD as the junction comes into her view -- she sees a man and woman locked in a passionate and furtive embrace. They're startled by her appearance, and look at her as if caught. Troi recognizes the woman -- the same terrified face she saw before. They regard Troi for a beat, then suddenly the man stifles a laugh. The woman buries her face in his chest to stifle her own laugh -- it is the kind of laughter that can overcome you at an inappropriate place, like church, or a funeral. It's bizarre, disturbing -- they're laughing at Troi. 36 RESUME SCENE Troi backs away, and is startled when she bumps into a large figure. She turns, not knowing what to expect -- CUT TO: 37 WORF holding Troi by the shoulders, trying to shake her awake. The control room around them is back to normal. WORF Counselor... are you all right -- STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - THREE 30. 37 CONTINUED: It takes Troi a moment to realize her hallucinatory experience is over. She's disoriented, shaken... TROI Get me out of here... Off her troubled expression... 38 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE where Picard, Beverly and Data are conferring with Troi and Worf about what happened. PICARD Do you remember anything else? Troi thinks for a beat. TROI I saw a tool crate on the floor... it was labeled Utopia Planitia. DATA The shipyard where the Enterprise was built. Everyone takes this in. PICARD Clearly this was much more than an empathic echo. It seems that you were actually seeing something that happened in the control room eight years ago. Troi struggles to make sense of her experience. TROI Everyone was looking directly at me. It's almost as if... I were seeing through someone else's eyes. Everyone considers this bizarre notion. DATA Lieutenant Kwan was partially empathic... STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/21/93 - ACT THREE 31. 38 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Maybe you were seeing through his eyes? TROI It's a possibility... but I don't understand how it could have happened. No one has an explanation for this mystery. PICARD Let's put that question aside for a moment and assume that by some unexplained phenomenon, you witnessed an event that may have involved Lieutenant Kwan. (to Troi) The faces you saw -- did you recognize them? TROI I don't think I've ever seen the woman before, or the man who was with her. But there was someone else there. A man... he was staring at me in the most peculiar way. I think he had... reddish hair. He seemed familiar to me... but it's all so hazy, like trying to remember a dream. PICARD The woman seemed terrified of something... then you saw her again, laughing -- presumably at Lieutenant Kwan. BEVERLY What could it all mean? TROI I don't know. But something terrible happened in that room. I felt it. Troi acknowledges the possibility. PICARD Counselor... I want you to look over the personnel files from Utopia Planitia and see if you can identify the faces you saw. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT THREE 32. 38 CONTINUED: (2) TROI If only there were some way I could go back to the control room and not be overwhelmed by the experience -- it might help me remember some detail that could be relevant. Beverly considers for a beat. BEVERLY I could give you an inhibitor that would slow your brain's production of psilosynine. That would probably suppress your empathic abilities enough to make the experience manageable. TROI I'd like to try. Picard considers for a beat. PICARD Very well, Counselor. BEVERLY It'll take about sixteen hours to synthesize the inhibitor. Picard stands and the meeting breaks up. 39 INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Troi is working at an aft science station, looking through pictures of Starfleet personnel. She's clearly been at it for some time now. Data has the bridge, and N.D.s man the various stations. Worf ENTERS from the Turbolift and she glances up at him when he approaches. WORF I apologize for being late. The viral medicines we are transporting to Barson Two require special security measures to insure they are properly contained. Troi acknowledges. WORF (continuing) Have you found anything? STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT THREE 33. 39 CONTINUED: TROI No... there were literally thousands of people involved in building the Enterprise. WORF Perhaps if you found a way to narrow the search parameters. TROI I think I have. The man who seemed familiar to me may have been on board the Enterprise during the last seven years. I've asked the computer to limit its search to personnel who've served at Utopia Planitia and on the ship. Worf acknowledges and they turn their attention to the console. Troi works the panel and responds to the FACE that she sees on it. TROI Ensign Salvatore... he transferred off the Enterprise last year. She works the control again and sees another face. TROI (continuing) Lieutenant Ziff... she's in quantum mechanics. She works the controls and reacts to the next face that APPEARS on the monitor -- it's the man she saw staring at her, LIEUTENANT WALTER PIERCE. TROI That's him. WORF (off monitor) Lieutenant Walter Pierce... STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/21/93 - ACT THREE 34. 39 CONTINUED: TROI I remember now... he came aboard about six months ago. I think he's in Engineering. They glance at each other, and start for the Turbolift. 40 thru OMITTED 41 42 INT. ENGINEERING where Troi and Worf are talking with PIERCE. He's human, in his mid-thirties, with reddish hair and piercing eyes. He wears a gold Engineering uniform. WORF You were Lieutenant Kwan's supervisor at Utopia Planitia. PIERCE That's right. I was sorry to hear what happened... Pierce seems sincere about this. TROI Did you spend time in the nacelle control room while it was under construction? PIERCE I worked all over the ship. In fact, I remember running a power conduit right behind that wall there. He gestures to a wall and smiles. TROI Were you ever in the nacelle room at the same time as Lieutenant Kwan? This strikes Pierce as a slightly odd question; he considers a beat before answering. PIERCE It was a long time ago... people were working all over the place. WORF So you do not remember? PIERCE I'm sorry, I don't. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/22/93 - ACT THREE 35. 42 CONTINUED: Troi studies his face for a beat, as if gauging whether or not he's telling the truth. TROI Do you recall if anything... unusual happened there? PIERCE How do you mean? TROI An altercation, perhaps. Possibly involving Lieutenant Kwan. Troi watches his face carefully as he replies. PIERCE No... nothing like that. The way I remember it, things went pretty smoothly. Worf and Troi take this in. PIERCE (continuing) What's this all about? If you don't mind my asking. TROI Not at all. You see, when I went into the nacelle room, I had an... empathic experience. WORF We believe she may have been seeing some event that occurred there eight years ago. Pierce can't quite hide the fact that this all sounds a little improbable to him. TROI And -- I saw you there. Troi watches his face for a reaction -- but he doesn't give anything away. TROI (continuing) Do you have any idea why that might be? PIERCE I'm afraid I don't. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/22/93 - ACT THREE 36. 42 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Lieutenant... you're probably aware that I can sense whether someone's telling the truth. What she's implying is clear to Pierce. PIERCE I've heard that. TROI I'm sure, then, that if you were to... remember anything that might be relevant to our investigation, you'd contact me. PIERCE Of course. TROI Thank you, Lieutenant. PIERCE Counselor... Troi and Worf EXIT... 42A INT. CORRIDOR as they move down it. TROI The strange thing is I couldn't read him at all. Worf is surprised to hear this. WORF But you implied that you could... Troi shoots him a look that makes him realize she was bluffing. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/21/93 - ACT THREE 37. 42A CONTINUED: WORF We have played poker together many times. I have never known you to bluff. TROI Well... it wouldn't be much of a bluff if you knew, would it? Worf reacts as he considers the possibility that she's fooled him in the past. Troi doesn't really notice -- her mind is working to sort everything out... TROI (continuing) The fact that I couldn't read him suggests that he has at least some telepathic ability... WORF But Pierce is human. TROI That's what I don't understand... She tries to make sense of it. TROI (continuing) Even though I couldn't read his emotions, it did seem to me that he was... holding something back. WORF Yes. I thought so as well. They come to Troi's quarters and the door OPENS. TROI Maybe we should try to access the Engineering Logs from Utopia Planitia. We might find out more about him. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/21/93 - ACT THREE 38. 42A CONTINUED: (2) WORF There might be something in them about Lieutenant Kwan, as well. They EXIT to her quarters. 43 OMITTED 44 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS as they cross to her desktop COMPUTER. Troi sits and starts working the controls. Worf stands looking over her shoulder. After a moment. TROI It looks like it'll take about half an hour for the transmission to be completed. Worf acknowledges. He's not sure if she wants to him to leave, or stay and wait. WORF Perhaps we should continue in the morning... ? TROI It is late. WORF Yes, you must be tired. TROI A little... They glance at each other, neither of them is sure what the other wants to do. A hesitation... WORF Well. I will say good night. She looks as though she's going to say something, then holds back. TROI Good night. They head toward the door, stopping before it opens. WORF We should get an early start tomorrow. TROI Yes. We should. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT THREE 39. 44 CONTINUED: They look at each other. TROI See you in the morning... WORF Yes... Another look... They hold the gaze for a long moment, then Worf steps closer to her. Her hand reaches to take his... and guide it in a gentle caress across her cheek. He leans in to put his face in the nape of her neck -- the smell of her... Their arms encircle each other as they press their bodies close... he lifts her up so that her eyes are level with his... their faces draw close, closer -- until their lips finally touch... as their kiss becomes increasingly passionate we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 45 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS - THE NEXT MORNING where we find Troi asleep in her bed. After a moment, Worf ENTERS the bedroom area, dressed in his uniform. He sits on the side of the bed and gently wakes her. WORF Deanna... Her eyes open and she smiles. TROI Hello... WORF Breakfast is ready... TROI Mmm... that sounds good... He starts to stand but she grabs hold of him, pulls him back. TROI (continuing) But it can wait... They nestle into each other's arms... both are clearly feeling very comfortable with each other and with what happened... She studies his face for a beat, smiles -- TROI (continuing) Why didn't we do this a long time ago... ? Suddenly the COM SOUNDS. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Crusher to Counselor Troi. Troi reaches and activates the COMPANEL next to her bed. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 45 CONTINUED: TROI Yes, Doctor. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE I've synthesized the inhibitor; you can come to Sickbay whenever you're ready. TROI Acknowledged. They nestle into each other's arms again. Suddenly Worf's combadge SOUNDS. BEVERLY Crusher to Lieutenant Worf. Worf and Troi exchange a look -- she couldn't possibly know they're together. He activates his combadge. WORF Worf, here. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE The medical supplies are ready to be taken to the cargo bay for transport. WORF I will be there shortly. Troi and Worf look at each other -- time to get to work. Off this moment... 46 INT. SICKBAY where Beverly is giving Troi a HYPO-SPRAY. A few N.D.s are working in the corner, assembling the MEDKITS for Barson Two. BEVERLY There... you should start feeling the effect immediately. TROI How completely will it suppress my empathic abilities? BEVERLY It's hard to say for sure... I can raise the dosage if you find it's not enough. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 46 CONTINUED: Troi acknowledges, hops off the bio-bed. Worf and Calloway ENTER in mid-conversation from another part of Sickbay -- both are carrying PADDS. WORF -- the cargo bay will be off-limits to all but medical personnel. CALLOWAY Thanks for your help, sir. She smiles, crosses toward the N.D.s working on the Medkits. Worf approaches Beverly and Troi. She smiles as if greeting him for the first time that day. TROI Good morning. WORF Counselor... An N.D. pulls Beverly away to look something over. TROI Data and Geordi are already in the nacelle room. Are you ready? Worf is about to answer when Calloway turns to him. CALLOWAY Excuse me, sir. About the quarantine field in the cargo bay... WORF Yes. CALLOWAY It looks like we're going to need a second field generator. Worf acknowledges. WORF (to Troi) I am needed here. I will join you as soon as I can. Troi would like to have him with her, but understands. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 46 CONTINUED: (2) TROI All right... They part ways and she crosses toward the door. She glances back before leaving and sees Worf approaching Calloway... the young Ensign smiles and hands him a PADD to look over... Off Troi's face as she EXITS... 47 INT. NACELLE CONTROL as Troi ENTERS. The plasma stream is disengaged and the maintenance door is open. Data is on the main level, scanning with a TRICORDER. Geordi is up on the catwalk, scanning a bulkhead with a SPECIAL DEVICE. NARA is manning a console. Troi stops when she comes in, takes a moment to gauge her feelings. Geordi glances toward her. GEORDI Counselor, you okay? TROI I'm fine. The inhibitor seems to be working. (beat) Have you found anything? GEORDI Nothing unusual. Troi starts looking around, to see if anything jogs her memory. She stops at a certain console. TROI I don't remember seeing this console during my empathic experience. Has it been here since the ship was built? Geordi and Data exchange a look -- GEORDI No, we installed it about two years ago. The fact that she's right about this boosts her confidence. She climbs the ladder to the catwalk, joins Geordi near the OPENING that looks out into the nacelle tube. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 48 GEORDI AND TROI (OPTICAL) we can see the injector room behind them, with the plasma injector jutting up from the floor, and beyond it, the nacelle tube itself -- running tunnel-like into the distance. Troi looks down toward the injector, remembers something. TROI I remember seeing some sort of power conduit... 48A NEW ANGLE looking down into the injector room. She gestures to a point on the wall. TROI (continuing) Right there. Geordi reacts -- GEORDI The main ODN line runs right behind that panel... it lifts out so you can get to it. Nara realizes something... NARA Kwan was working on that conduit the day before he died. Troi reacts -- TROI Can you open it? Geordi isn't sure why she wants to do this, but immediately agrees. GEORDI Sure... it'll just take a minute. Geordi climbs down the ladder and joins Data -- they EXIT through an access door on the main level that leads into the nacelle tube. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 44A. 50 NEW ANGLE Troi watches from above as the they enter the injector room and cross past the injector, heading for the point on the wall she indicated. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/21/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 51 TROI as she climbs down the ladder and moves toward Lieutenant Nara. TROI Lieutenant... the work Lieutenant Kwan was doing, was it unusual in any way? NARA He was refitting a field coil. But it was probably the first time that particular panel's been opened since the ship was built. Troi takes this in. She heads for the access door... 52 INT. INJECTOR ROOM (OPTICAL) as Troi ENTERS. She looks over to see Data and Geordi lifting off the wall panel. GEORDI Let's set it down right here... 53 TROI as we hear the same distinctive JARRING SOUND and her head snaps back slightly -- CUT TO: 54 TROI'S POV -- HANDHELD the face of the terrified woman flashes before her eyes -- again, Troi's POV indicates that she is standing in the control room while it is under construction. CUT TO: 55 TROI as she snaps out of it -- disoriented... GEORDI'S VOICE (off camera) Counselor? The SOUND again and we -- CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 56 TROI'S POV - HANDHELD (OPTICAL) Lieutenant Pierce's face -- staring at her, menacing -- CUT TO: 57 SCENE (OPTICAL) as Troi snaps out of her hallucination; Geordi is rushing toward her -- GEORDI Are you all right? TROI Something happened... when you took off the panel... She steadies herself, moves toward the exposed conduit. TROI (continuing) There must be something there... They cross toward Data, who takes out his tricorder and begins to scan. DATA I am picking up readings that indicate there is organic material imbedded in the wall... GEORDI Organic material? Geordi scans with the special device. GEORDI (continuing) You're right... let me reconfigure the emitter beam. We might be able to see what it is... Geordi works for a beat. GEORDI (continuing) There... He raises the device toward the wall. A BEAM emanates from the machine, bathing a section of the wall -- STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 58 INSERT -- THE WALL (OPTICAL) where in an almost X-RAY LIKE EFFECT, we can see that there are bone fragments embedded in the wall behind the conduit. They are parts of a human skeleton -- a forearm and hand... part of a skull... a few ribs, connected to the sternum. Off their shocked reactions... 59 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) where Beverly is giving Troi another suppression HYPO. Worf stands nearby. BEVERLY This dosage should prevent any further empathic flashes. Ensign Calloway ENTERS carrying a shallow CONTAINER in which the bone fragments have been placed. CALLOWAY The bone fragments are definitely human... I sequenced a DNA sample; I'll see if I can match it to Starfleet records. She and Worf move away to work at a nearby console. Beverly scans the fragments with a TRICORDER. BEVERLY (off tricorder) I'd say these fragments had been in the wall about seven or eight years. Troi acknowledges, but seems to be paying more attention to Worf and Calloway -- they're sitting side by side at a console, their shoulders nearly touching as they work the controls. BEVERLY (continuing) You said something happened when the panel was opened... TROI Yes... Troi is only half-listening -- she's watching Worf and Calloway. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 59 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I wonder if the fragments themselves could've somehow triggered your experience. I'll run a resonance scan, see if anything turns up. CALLOWAY Sir, I think we've found a match... Troi and Beverly cross to the console where they're working. There's a wall-panel above it, in which it's possible to see someone's vague outline reflected. WORF Apparently the remains are those of an Ensign Marla Finn -- CALLOWAY I'm trying to find a picture of her in the records... She works the controls -- after a beat, some text APPEARS on the MONITOR, and next to it, Finn's FACE -- it is the same terrified woman Troi saw in her empathic flashback, the woman she also saw in the Jefferies tube, with the man... Troi recognizes her immediately -- TROI That's her. That's the woman I saw. Reactions. Beverly leans in to study the biographical information displayed on the screen. BEVERLY She was reported missing from Utopia Planitia on Stardate 40987.2. Eight years ago... Reactions. BEVERLY (continuing) How could her body have ended up embedded inside a bulkhead... ? CALLOWAY Maybe there was some kind of... accident. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 49. 59 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Or she was killed. And the murderer hid her remains. Troi's mind is working, trying to put it all together. TROI Something's not right... pull up Lieutenant Kwan's service record. Worf works the controls and Troi leans in to look. TROI (continuing) I thought so... he didn't arrive at the shipyard until six months after Finn's death. (beat) I couldn't have been seeing through his eyes... BEVERLY Then whose... ? TROI It had to have been someone who was at least partially telepathic. WORF Pierce... ? BEVERLY But you saw him there. TROI Yes, but not as clearly as I saw everything else... his face looked... Troi realizes -- TROI (continuing) Like that. She points to her reflection in the wall panel. Reactions. BEVERLY A reflection... TROI (realizing) I was seeing through his eyes. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 49A. 59 CONTINUED: (3) Everyone reacts to this -- TROI (continuing) And Finn was trying to get away from him; she was afraid of him... That's enough for Worf. WORF I think it is time we had another... conversation with Lieutenant Pierce. Troi acknowledges and they start toward the door. When they reach it Worf stops and turns back. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 50. 59 CONTINUED: (4) WORF (continuing) Ensign Calloway... She turns at the sound of his voice. WORF (continuing) Thank you for your help. She smiles an acknowledgment and Worf and Troi EXIT. 60 INT. CORRIDOR as they ENTER from Sickbay and start down it. Troi glances at Worf as they approach the Turbolift -- something's on her mind. The lift OPENS and several N.D.s get off. 61 INT. TURBOLIFT WORF Deck ten. as they ENTER the empty lift. After a silent moment. TROI Worf... I want to ask you something... He turns to her. TROI (continuing) Do you regret what happened last night? This hits Worf from out of nowhere. WORF No... of course not. TROI Are you sure? Because I don't want anything to jeopardize our friendship. He takes her by the shoulders, comforts her -- WORF Deanna... I do not regret being with you. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/22/93 - ACT FOUR 51. 61 CONTINUED: She looks up at him, relieved by the sincerity of his reply. WORF (continuing) Is something wrong? Her tone becomes softer, as if she's needs reassurance. TROI I just... don't feel myself. Maybe it's the inhibitor -- I'm so used to sensing what people are feeling... now I can't. He holds her for a moment. WORF Perhaps I should talk to Lieutenant Pierce alone. TROI That might be a good idea... WORF I will meet you in your quarters. She looks up at him, smiles. TROI I'll be waiting for you... The lift stops and the doors OPEN. Worf gives her a final reassuring look, then EXITS. When the door shuts her face falters a bit, as if she's suddenly feeling unsure again... TROI (continuing) Deck eight. The lift starts to move again. Off her troubled expression... 62 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS where Troi, no longer in uniform, is getting a CUP of tea from the Replicator. The door CHIMES. She smiles, expecting Worf. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FOUR 52. 62 CONTINUED: TROI Come in. She moves around to where she can see the door and is startled to see Lieutenant Pierce standing just inside the closed door. Off this unsettling moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FIVE 53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 63 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Troi and Lieutenant Pierce stand facing each other. Troi activates her combadge. TROI Security to Counselor Troi's quarters. COM VOICE Acknowledged. PIERCE I don't understand... Lieutenant Worf said you wanted to talk to me about something. Troi's guard is up -- this makes no sense to her. TROI Where is he? Pierce gives a small shrug. PIERCE He said he had to go somewhere. TROI (hits combadge) Troi to Worf. No reply. TROI Computer... The Computer BEEPS. TROI Where is Lieutenant Worf? COMPUTER VOICE Lieutenant Worf is in Ensign Calloway's quarters. Troi reacts -- suddenly TWO Security Guards arrive. TROI Take Lieutenant Pierce to his quarters and hold him there. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FIVE 53A. 63 CONTINUED: The Guards acknowledge and Troi EXITS. 64 INT. CORRIDOR as Troi approaches the door to Ensign Calloway's quarters. She reaches up and is about to ring when she thinks better of it. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 64 CONTINUED: TROI Security override, authorization Troi Delta-two-nine. The Computer BEEPS and the door OPENS. 65 INT. ENSIGN CALLOWAY'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) On Troi as she ENTERS to find Worf and Calloway in a passionate embrace. They turn toward her, caught -- Worf looks at her, not knowing what to say. Troi can't believe it, she's devastated, betrayed... TROI Worf... Calloway turns her face away to stifle a laugh, buries her face in Worf's chest. A smile forms on Worf's face, and it builds into a laugh... they're laughing at her -- it's eerily reminiscent of the couple Troi saw in the nacelle tube, and just as unsettling. Troi can't stand it, they're mocking her, laughing at her -- TROI (continuing) Stop it -- But they don't hear and don't care. She sees Worf's PHASER on a nearby chair (on which his metal chest sash is draped), and grabs it -- TROI (continuing) Stop it -- As she raises the weapon to fire, Worf reacts, moves to stand in front of Ensign Calloway -- the BEAM hits him full in the chest, sending him careening back onto the floor. When Troi sees what she's done she drops the phaser in horror... Calloway rushes to Worf, who is slumped against the wall with a nasty burn mark on his chest. CALLOWAY (aghast) He's dead... you killed him... Troi backs away, shakes her head as if she can't believe what she's done... STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 65 CONTINUED: TROI No... no... The door OPENS as Troi backs toward it... she turns away from the horrible sight, wracked with emotion she rushes from the room. 66 INT. CORRIDOR as Troi ENTERS from Calloway's quarters. She runs down it -- she wants to get away, she has to get away from here -- She rounds a corner and almost runs into Pierce and the two Guards. She steps back, looks at him -- PIERCE You know what you have to do... His voice is gentle, sympathetic -- but Troi turns away from him, moves off -- 67 INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR as Troi pushes her way past several startled N.D's and comes to a door... it OPENS and admits her to -- 68 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE a room similar to the one right off main Engineering -- she starts up the ladder. 69 INT. NACELLE CONTROL (OPTICAL) as Troi ENTERS. The room is deserted, dark -- lit only by the glow of the plasma stream through the maintenance door. She looks up at it, as if drawn to its eerie glow. She climbs the ladder to the catwalk... approaches the window in the maintenance door... Suddenly a motor HUMS to life and the maintenance door starts to OPEN, seemingly of its own accord, exposing the PLASMA STREAM in the tube. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/20/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 70 TROI (OPTICAL) as she stares at the coursing stream... she seems calmed by it... TROI (quiet) I know... what I have to do... She steps toward it... stares into the plasma for a moment, preparing to jump. Suddenly a HAND reaches into frame and grabs her by the shoulder -- 71 NEW ANGLE -- THE ROOM is suddenly bright again. It's Worf, alive -- in a single fluid move he pulls her away from the fiery opening. Troi is startled to find herself in his grip. COMPUTER VOICE Plasma venting system will engage in... seventy seconds. WORF What were you doing? Instead of answering, she reaches forward and touches his chest, where his sash is now in place -- a wave of relief washes over her when she realizes there's no phaser burn there. Troi is back in the uniform she was wearing in act two, when she and Worf came to the nacelle tube together. We have returned to the same point in time. Everything that has happened since Worf opened the maintenance door has been in Troi's mind. All that's happened from Worf's point of view is that he opened the door as Troi asked, then turned to find her standing too close to the opening. Troi looks up at Worf... she doesn't know how or why, but all that matters to her now is that he's alive... She crushes herself to him... TROI You're alive... you're all right... Worf doesn't know what to make of this... he holds her, safe in his arms... Off this moment... STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 72 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it moves at impulse. 73 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Troi, Worf and Data are discussing what happened. WORF -- I opened the maintenance door at Counselor Troi's request, then turned and saw that she had moved too close to the force-field. TROI It all seemed so real to me. It's hard to imagine that everything I experienced happened in just those few seconds... Data indicates the wall MONITOR, on which are displayed pictures of Pierce (in an Engineering jumpsuit), the murdered woman, and the man Troi saw her with. DATA It appears that you were correct, Counselor. Lieutenant Pierce was partially telepathic -- his maternal grandmother was from Betazed. PICARD What else have you found? DATA According to Starfleet records, Pierce and the other two persons Counselor Troi identified were killed in an accidental plasma discharge eight years ago. Their bodies were never found. TROI I don't believe it was an accident. I think that Pierce found out that the other two were having an affair. He lost control... and killed them both. Picard and the others react. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT FIVE 57A. 73 CONTINUED: TROI Afterwards, he probably activated the plasma stream, then threw himself into it. WORF The plasma discharge would have obliterated any evidence that it was murder. Geordi ENTERS carrying a PADD. Picard looks up at him for a report. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" REV. 12/22/93 - ACT FIVE 58. 73 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI I scanned behind the panel Counselor Troi asked me to look at. I didn't find any bone fragments... but I did find traces of cellular residue. It's showing some kind of... empathic signature. Everyone reacts to this information. Troi considers for a moment. TROI It may be that when Lieutenant Pierce was struck by the plasma stream, the subspace energy present there imprinted his empathic pattern into the residue. GEORDI Kind of like a... psychic photograph. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT FIVE 59. 73 CONTINUED: (3) TROI That's what triggered my hallucination... My mind must have taken elements from my own life and created a situation that in many ways paralleled what happened to Pierce. Troi turns to Worf. TROI (continuing) If you hadn't been there, I would have jumped... just like he did... Everyone considers how close they came to losing her... CUT TO: 73A INT. BRIDGE Picard, Data and Worf cross to their posts. Troi heads for the Turbolift. WORF Counselor... She turns back. TROI Yes? Worf turns toward her. WORF When I pulled you away from the plasma stream, you seemed... surprised that I was alive. Troi would rather not get into the specifics of what happened. TROI Well... actually, in my hallucination... you were killed. Worf takes this in. STAR TREK: "Eye of the Beholder" 12/20/93 - ACT FIVE 60. 73A CONTINUED: WORF May I ask by whom? Troi holds his look for a beat before replying. TROI You know what they say, Worf... (smiles) Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... And with that she turns EXITS to the Turbolift, leaving Worf to wonder what she meant... Off his face we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END