STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Firstborn" #40277-273 Story by Mark Kalbfeld Teleplay by Rene Echevarria Directed by Jonathan West THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JANUARY 28, 1994 STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Firstborn" CAST PICARD ALEXANDER RIKER B'ETOR DATA LURSA BEVERLY K'MTAR TROI MOLOR WORF YRIDIAN GEORDI QUARK GORTA COMPUTER VOICE SINGER ERIC Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. KLINGONS STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Firstborn" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE WORF'S QUARTERS/BEDROOM KLINGON OUTPOST CORRIDOR TEN FORWARD TROI'S QUARTERS OBSERVATION LOUNGE ROCKY PIT THE MINES STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Firstborn" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE KAHLESS KAY-less MOLOR mo-LORE ANJORAN an-JORE-un MARANGA mah-RANG-guh FULLERENES full-er-EENS K'MTAR KIM-tar KEARSARGE KEER-sarj VODREY VOH-dree MORATH MO-rath DURAS DUR-rahs BILITRIUM bill-IT-tree-um HITORA hi-TORE-uh GOWRON GOW-ron PAKLEDS PACK-leds KALLA KALL-uh UFANDI oo-FAHN-dee YRIDIAN yir-ID-ee-un STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "Firstborn" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS where CANDLES and other Klingon ARTIFACTS are arranged around the DIMLY LIT room. WORF, dressed in Klingon CEREMONIAL ROBES, paces back and forth, talking to himself -- he's practicing a speech. WORF -- as time passes, a boy inevitably becomes a man. What is not inevitable, is that a man become a warrior. A warrior must be forged like a sword, tempered by... (searches for word) -- by experience. The path of the warrior begins -- He's interrupted when the DOOR OPENS and ALEXANDER rushes in with an excited look on his face. He hurries past Worf and toward his room. WORF Alexander -- Before Worf can continue, the door CHIMES. WORF Come in. Alexander stops, turns -- ALEXANDER No, wait -- But it's too late -- the door OPENS and a multi-faceted high-tech WATER BALLOON sails through it and hits Worf smack in the chest, drenching him. We reveal a ERIC BURTON, a HUMAN about Alexander's age standing in the doorway; his hand flies to his mouth as he realizes what he's done. ERIC Sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: Worf looks down at his chest, then up at the boy, who decides not to wait around to see how this big Klingon is going to react to his mistake -- he turns and scampers off down the hall. Worf turns toward Alexander, who's frozen in place, waiting to see how his dad is going to take what happened. WORF What is the meaning of this? ALEXANDER I'm sorry. We made Fullerenes in chemistry class and filled them with water -- Worf interrupts; he has more important things on his mind. WORF I asked you to meet me here after school. I have been waiting for you. Alexander realizes -- ALEXANDER I forgot. WORF You forgot because you allowed yourself to be distracted by foolishness. ALEXANDER I'm sorry. WORF There is something important I want to discuss with you. He gestures that Alexander take a seat. Alexander looks around; his father is obviously up to something that has to do with Klington culture and the boy is a little wary. Worf launches into his speech -- even though he practiced it, there's an edge of nervousness in his voice. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (continuing) As time passes, a boy inevitably becomes a man. What is not inevitable, is that a man become a sword -- ALEXANDER What? Worf realizes his mistake, corrects himself. WORF I meant warrior... Worf lets out a frustrated breath, tries to get back on track. WORF (continuing) The path of the warrior begins with the First Rite of Ascension. ALEXANDER Is that where they hit you with pain sticks? WORF No, that is the Second Rite. ALEXANDER Oh... WORF You are approaching the age of ascension... it is time for you to prepare for the ceremony. ALEXANDER (unsure) What do I have to do? WORF Your fighting skills will be tested... and your knowledge of the teachings of Kahless. It is very challenging, but I will help you prepare. Worf takes a thick CANDLE and hands it to Alexander, then takes a second candle for himself. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - TEASER 4. 1 CONTINUED: (3) WORF (continuing) This is a kor'tova candle... it represents the fire that burns in a warrior's heart. Worf lights his from a large burning candle on the table. WORF (continuing) When you light yours, you will be declaring your intention to become a warrior. Alexander holds his candle, uncertain. WORF (continuing) Go ahead. ALEXANDER What if... I don't want to? WORF If you do not participate in the rite before you are thirteen years of age, you will never be able to become a true Klingon warrior. ALEXANDER I don't care about that... WORF You may not care now, but someday you might. ALEXANDER Mother always said that I didn't have to do any of this Klingon stuff if I didn't want to. WORF It is your decision... but -- ALEXANDER Good, then I'm not going to do it. Alexander puts the candle down and starts to stand. WORF Alexander -- STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - TEASER 5. 1 CONTINUED: (4) ALEXANDER You just said it was up to me. And I don't want to be a warrior. And with that he turns and EXITS to his room... the door shuts behind him. Worf is disappointed, frustrated... Off his troubled expression we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 2 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE where PICARD, RIKER, DATA and Worf are concluding a mission briefing. Worf seems distracted, his mind elsewhere. PICARD As a result, the Kearsarge won't be able to rendezvous with us for another four days. RIKER Will we be holding position here until it arrives? PICARD Yes. And, as it looks as though we'll have a few days of relative quiet, I'm going to take advantage of the time by visiting the Hatarian System. There are ancient ruins there just being excavated. DATA The delay will also make it possible for Stellar Dynamics to complete their study of the Vodrey Nebula. RIKER I'll let them know they can have more access to the lateral sensor grid. PICARD (to Worf) This might be a good time to recalibrate the weapon targeting array. Worf doesn't seem to have heard him. PICARD (continuing) Mister Worf? Worf snaps out of it, focuses. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT ONE 6A. 2 CONTINUED: WORF Yes, sir. I will begin the procedure immediately. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT ONE 7. 2 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Very good. (to all) Dismissed. Everyone stands. PICARD (continuing, to Worf) Lieutenant... could I have a word with you? Picard waits for Data and Riker to EXIT. PICARD (continuing) Several times during the briefing you seemed a bit... distracted. Worf frowns; he hoped to be able to conceal it. WORF I apologize. In the future, I will make sure my personal affairs do not interfere with my duties. PICARD Is everything all right? Worf considers before deciding to confide in Picard. WORF I... am having problems with Alexander. He has made it clear that he does not wish to participate in the First Rite of Ascension. Picard knows enough about Klingon culture to understand why this is important. PICARD I see... WORF I have tried to tell him that it is an important part of a young Klington's life, but he does not understand... Picard senses Worf blames himself, tries to point out the larger context. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT ONE 8. 2 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD He's had so little opportunity to spend time among Klingons... I doubt if he fully appreciates what a rich cultural heritage he comes from. WORF The festival of Kot'baval begins tomorrow. If he could take part in it, he would see that there is much more to Klingon life than what I have been able to show him... if only we were nearer the homeworld. Picard considers for a beat. PICARD What about the Klingon outpost on Maranga Four... I'm sure they'll celebrate the festival there. WORF Yes... but the outpost is on the far side of the Vodrey Nebula, it is three days away by shuttle... PICARD The Enterprise could be there in a fraction of that time, and still be back here for our rendezvous. Worf is grateful, but doesn't feel right about detouring the entire ship. WORF Sir, I could not ask you to -- PICARD I'm willing to bet Stellar Dynamics would like nothing better than to make a trip around the Nebula; it'll give them the chance to study it that much more thoroughly. Worf looks at Picard, grateful... Off this moment... 3 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it approaches Maranga Four. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT ONE 9. 4 EXT. KLINGON OUTPOST - DAY where the festival of Kot'baval is in progress. Although there are signs of modernity, the town square has an ancient, almost medieval feel to it -- it has heavy stone walls, and little storefronts where colorful Klingon wares are sold. A Klingon street opera is being performed in the town square. TWO KLINGONS are singing and engaging in mockcombat, accompanied by LIVE MUSICIANS who are making a din only a Klingon could love. The two performers are elaborately clad in colorful ROBES, and their BAT'LETH SWORDS have little BELLS all around their frames that jangle as they fight -- whenever one of them executes a particularly good move he'll raise the sword above his head and shake it vigorously, bellowing some unintelligible Klingon lyric at the same time. Enterprise crewmembers, including GEORDI and BEVERLY, fill out the crowd of N.D. KLINGONS who crane their heads to watch what is going on. Alexander stands next to Worf, watching the spectacle with wide eyes. A vendor passes nearby and Worf calls out to her. WORF Bok'ta ku'mo. (over here) She approaches and Worf hands her a coin -- she gives him a bag of live worms. Worf takes a sumptuous handful, then hands the bag to Alexander, who's so busy watching the opera that he takes a mouthful without really looking at what it is. To Worf's surprise, he likes it, and keeps chewing without comment... Behind them, at the rear of the crowd, we REVEAL that a KLINGON of about fifty is intently watching Worf and Alexander. He's wearing battle gear, and his forehead ridges are somewhat less pronounced than what we're used to seeing. As father and son watch, the larger of the two performers fells the smaller one and sings out triumphantly, rattling his BAT'LETH in victory. GEORDI Who's that? WORF That is the tyrant Molor. He was so strong that no one could stand against him. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/01/94 - ACT ONE 10. 4 CONTINUED: The fallen singer cries out plaintively from the floor. SINGER Nok'tar be'got, hosh'ar te'not... ? The musicians bang and whistle their instruments to punctuate his words. BEVERLY What's he saying? WORF He is asking if anyone else will have the courage to stand up to Molor... Worf and Alexander look around at the crowd, but no one steps forward. SINGER Nok'tar be'got... ? Suddenly Worf steps forward and grabs the fallen singer's BAT'LETH. He sings out at a challenge to "Molor" at the top of his lungs -- WORF Ki'rok Molor, ki'rok! "Molor" cries out when he sees Worf and springs toward him to attack. MOLOR (a battle cry) Ni'tokor bak'to! And the two men start to fight -- the movements are not choreographed, but they are controlled in that they are based on the forms of the mok'bara. As they fight they sing out and the crowd cheers them on. MOLOR (continuing) Ba'jak tu'mo! And their bat'leths clang together -- WORF (defiant) O'tak tu'ro! Alexander watches rapt... behind him, we see the strange Klingon, staring intently at Alexander... STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/01/94 - ACT ONE 11. 4 CONTINUED: (2) After a few more thrusts and parries, Worf plays his part and pretends to be felled -- he sings out the same plea as before, wondering who will save them from Molor. WORF (continuing) Nok'tar be'got? Molor sings out triumphantly, turns to the crowd, who boo and hiss the anti-hero. Worf gives Alexander an encouraging look. WORF (continuing) Hosh'ar te'not? Alexander considers, then dashes forward and grabs the BAT'LETH from the floor. He raises it defiantly toward Molor. ALEXANDER Ki'rok Molor, ki'rok! Molor turns, and a smile lights up his face when he sees his young challenger. MOLOR What's this... ? He steps toward Alexander, weapon raised, and is careful to scale down his combat so as not to hurt the boy. Worf watches, thrilled as can be. Alexander, however, is pumped full of adrenaline -- he takes a few wild swings that Molor has to dodge by moving fast. Then he allows Alexander to make contact with one of the blows, and he falls back, feigning injury. MOLOR Jik'ta! You have wounded me! Alexander looks pleased with himself. Worf beams with pride. WORF You fought well. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/01/94 - ACT ONE 12. 4 CONTINUED: (3) Alexander smiles, turns back to the opera. ALEXANDER What happens now? WORF Only one man can stand against Molor. The crowd cheers because the first singer steps back into the square, now wearing a different head-dress that indicates he is playing Kahless. ALEXANDER It's Kahless! "Kahless" rears himself up and sings out defiantly -- SINGER Nok'til Kahless. Molor gik'tal! STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - ACT ONE 12A. CONTINUED: (4) The crowd roars their approval. WORF Kahless would rather die than live under Molor's tyranny... The two singers start to fight and sing, and the crowd watches in rapt attention. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT ONE 13. 4 CONTINUED: (5) ALEXANDER Ni'lot Kahless! Worf looks down at his son's wide-eyed face... things couldn't be going better... TIME CUT: 5 EXT. KLINGON OUTPOST - NIGHT The square is now deserted and dark. We pan across a sleeping FIGURE stretched out on a bench, then find Worf sitting nearby, waiting impatiently for Alexander. After a moment, the boy comes running across the square. ALEXANDER Father -- WORF Where have you been? ALEXANDER We were watching the fire dancers. WORF We? ALEXANDER K'Nor and Bar'el -- they live here on the outpost. I need some money. WORF What for? ALEXANDER There's a man over there who's got Molor's head in a box -- the real Molor. WORF That is impossible. Molor died centuries ago. ALEXANDER I know -- it's mummified. He said he'd show it to us for fifty darseks. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - ACT ONE 14. 5 CONTINUED: Alexander clearly thinks this is something that should not be missed. WORF He is trying to take your money. ALEXANDER Please, Father. He's waiting. WORF No. It is late. We should go home. ALEXANDER But -- WORF Alexander. Alex hears the finality in Worf's voice and backs off. 6 ANOTHER ANGLE revealing the Klingon who was staring at them before... he's standing in a shadowed doorway, watching them... 7 RESUME SCENE as Worf stands and starts to cross away. WORF Come, it is time to go. Behind them, we see TWO KLINGONS in civilian clothes emerge into the square and start to follow them. ALEXANDER I have to say goodbye. WORF You can see your friends again tomorrow. ALEXANDER We're coming back? WORF If you want to. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - ACT ONE 15. 7 CONTINUED: The two Klingons are moving in behind them in a menacing way, and a THIRD KLINGON emerges into the square in front of them. Worf senses something is going on -- he looks at the Klingon ahead, then turns to see the other two behind them, who have fanned out so as to corral their intended victims from three sides. When they see Worf has noticed them, the Klingons pull elaborately carved DAGGERS from their belts... Alexander realizes they're in danger and moves to his father's side -- they're surrounded. Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/01/94 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 8 EXT. KLINGON OUTPOST - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Worf and Alexander surrounded by the three armed assailants... Suddenly the Klingon who was watching from the shadows, K'MTAR, steps into the square and raises a DISRUPTOR. He FIRES at one of the attackers, but the shot goes wide and hits the far wall. The attackers are momentarily taken off-guard, and Worf seizes the moment -- WORF Alexander, run -- He points Alexander on the safest route and the boy scurries past the attackers and away... A second attacker lunges toward Worf, who dodges his weapon and delivers a kick to his mid-section... the third attacker strikes Worf a vicious blow that sends him to the floor. K'mtar can't risk taking another shot -- everything's happening too fast and he might hit Worf, so he rushes forward intending to join in the fight. K'MTAR (a battle cry) Ni'tokor bak'to! The sound of K'mtar's cry distracts the third attacker for the crucial second it takes Worf to recover... he gets a leg up and flips him over his prone body -- the attacker hits the floor hard and loses his grip on the dagger, which goes skittering across the floor. Because one of them has lost his weapon, and because an armed stranger is coming to the rescue, the three attackers beat a retreat. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/01/94 - ACT TWO 17. 8 CONTINUED: K'MTAR K'pla, Worf. They were no match for us. Worf turns to this stranger who knows his name... they look at each other, breathing hard... WORF I've seen you somewhere before. Who are you? K'MTAR A friend... K'mtar raises his hand to show a SIGNET RING on his finger -- Worf reacts as if he recognizes it. WORF Are you... K'mtar? K'mtar acknowledges. K'MTAR Your brother sent me here to protect you... Off this moment we... CUT TO: 9 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE where Riker, Worf and K'mtar have met to discuss what happened. The dagger dropped in the attack is on the table, wrapped in a soft cloth. K'mtar seems a little impatient, as if he wants Riker to leave him and Worf alone. WORF (gesturing to K'mtar) He is gin'tak to the house of Mogh... RIKER Gin'tak? STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - ACT TWO 17A. 9 CONTINUED: WORF An advisor so trusted that he is made part of a family. Riker takes this in. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT TWO 18. 9 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Do you have any idea who was behind the attack? K'mtar's attitude toward Riker is blunt to the point of being contentious. K'MTAR It is a Klingon matter. Not your concern. Riker is surprised at the sharpness of his tone, tries to be diplomatic but firm. RIKER One of my officers was almost killed. That makes it my concern. K'mtar eyes Riker briefly, then backs off. K'MTAR Recently rumors began to circulate on the homeworld that an assassination attempt was going to be made against the family of Mogh. Kurn sent me to make sure nothing happened to Worf. RIKER Why didn't you warn him before the attack was made? K'MTAR I tried to contact him by subspace, but was told Worf wasn't aboard. I decided to beam directly to the surface. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT TWO 19. 9 CONTINUED: (3) Worf unwraps the cloth and reveals the dagger. WORF One of the attackers dropped this dagger. (gestures) The design... represents the house of Duras. K'MTAR We have other evidence that indicates the Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor, were behind the attack. RIKER What do you think they're after? K'MTAR Kurn's seat on the council, of course. WORF We can not allow their attack on our house to go unanswered. K'MTAR First we have to find them... and they've been elusive. Riker considers for a moment. RIKER At one point they were at Deep Space Nine, trying to sell bilitrium explosives. K'MTAR That was months ago. No one knows where they went from there. Again, K'mtar's tone is sharp, unnecessarily harsh. Riker keeps his cool, responds evenly. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT TWO 20. 9 CONTINUED: (4) RIKER Maybe we can find out. (beat) We've arranged quarters for you, if you'd like to stay aboard. K'MTAR I would. Worf and I have much to discuss. Riker stands and the meeting breaks up. 10 OMITTED 11 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS where Worf and K'mtar are talking. Worf is annoyed with how K'mtar treated Riker, but K'mtar is oblivious. K'MTAR I'll send Kurn a message telling him what happened, but it will be days before he receives it -- he's gone to the Hitora colony as Gowron's representative. WORF K'mtar, why did you treat Commander Riker so disrespectfully? K'mtar looks utterly baffled by Worf's statement. WORF You were... rude. K'MTAR I may have been rude by human standards, but I meant no disrespect. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT TWO 21. 11 CONTINUED: K'MTAR (Cont'd) What's the matter Worf, have you been living among humans so long that you've forgotten how Klingons behave? Though he says this with a smile, Worf senses something more underneath it. WORF I have not forgotten... I am merely pointing out that their ways our different from ours. K'MTAR I trust you've made your son aware of that fact, as well? Worf reacts, unsure what K'mtar is implying. WORF Of course I have. K'MTAR Good. Because someday Alexander may be called upon to lead the house of Mogh. Kurn has no male heir, and he wants to be sure that Alexander is preparing himself. Worf's reaction is a bit defensive. WORF Does my brother doubt my ability to raise my son as a Klingon? K'MTAR No. But you are alone among humans. It cannot be easy to keep our ways. This strikes a nerve. WORF No... it has not been easy. K'MTAR How are his fighting skills? Can he handle a Bat'leth? STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - ACT TWO 21A. 11 CONTINUED: (2) WORF He is learning... he could be better. K'MTAR He must be. He's not far from the age of ascension. Worf is reluctant to admit it, but he feels he must. WORF Actually... Alexander has not committed himself to undergoing the rite. K'MTAR What? STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT TWO 22. 11 CONTINUED: (3) WORF I have tried to make him see how important it is, but he will not listen to me. K'MTAR Perhaps together, you and I can find a way to spark the boy's interest in his heritage. WORF I would be grateful for any help you could give. K'MTAR Tomorrow, then. K'mtar stands to go, then casts a glance toward the bedroom. K'MTAR (continuing) May I say goodnight to him? WORF Of course. Worf and K'mtar cross toward the other room. 12 INT. BEDROOM as K'mtar goes to sit next to Alexander, who's tucked in under a blanket. Worf hangs back by the door. K'mtar picks up a picture of K'Ehlyer next to the bed. His attitude to Alexander is considerably less gruff. K'MTAR Is this your mother? ALEXANDER She died when I was little. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT TWO 23. 12 CONTINUED: K'MTAR You miss her a great deal, don't you... ? Alexander only nods, but it's clear that he does. K'mtar puts the picture back. K'MTAR It must be hard for you... being the only Klingon your age on board this ship. ALEXANDER Sometimes... Worf is surprised to hear the gentleness in this otherwise cantankerous man. K'MTAR Have you ever been to the homeworld? ALEXANDER No... K'MTAR I think you'd like it there. At your uncle's house there is a lake where you can swim. The water is so clear you can see to the bottom. ALEXANDER Really? K'MTAR And you have cousins there. They want to meet you. Alexander looks away, troubled by something. ALEXANDER I don't know... K'mtar seems to know just what it is -- as though he has a line directly into Alexander's heart. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - ACT TWO 23A. 12 CONTINUED: (2) K'MTAR I understand. You're afraid... you don't know if the Home World is safe. Alexander looks at him, amazed that this gentle man seems to know just what he's feeling. ALEXANDER Yes... K'mtar smiles and puts a hand on Alexander's shoulder, comforting. K'MTAR What happened today... on the planet... was frightening. You're still troubled... STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT TWO 24. 12 CONTINUED: (3) ALEXANDER I thought they were going to kill my father. K'mtar nods sympathetically... K'MTAR You must have wanted to help us fight them off. ALEXANDER I didn't know what to do... K'MTAR Someday, if you work hard, you'll be a warrior... a Klingon warrior, and you'll always feel safe because you'll know how to defend yourself. And do you know what else? If anyone ever tries to hurt your father again, you'll be able to fight at his side and make sure nothing happens to him. What do you think of that? Alexander smiles -- he's struck by this image of himself as older and stronger, and comforted by how empowered it makes him feel. K'MTAR Good night, Alexander. Dream well. ALEXANDER Good night, K'mtar. Alexander turns his face into his pillow and closes his eyes, comforted and able to sleep now. K'mtar exchanges a look with Worf, who has watched this tender scene with amazement. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: 13 INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker has the Bridge, Worf is at tactical, and various N.D.s man the other consoles. Riker approaches Data and K'mtar, who are working at an aft science station. RIKER Any luck? DATA Starfleet records contain no mention of the Duras sisters after their departure from Deep Space Nine. K'MTAR Didn't I tell you as much? Riker ignores his tone, turns to Worf. RIKER Have you been able to make contact with Deep Space Nine? WORF I am being patched through now, sir... Worf works his console, then nods that he's ready. RIKER On screen. The starfield on the VIEWSCREEN is replaced by the image of QUARK, standing in front of a Cardassian-looking backdrop. A DS9 Security Guard is behind him. RIKER (a greeting) Quark... When Quark sees Riker's smiling face a look of alarm crosses his features. RIKER I see you remember me. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT THREE 26. 13 CONTINUED: QUARK (with a forced smile) How could I forget the only man ever to win triple down dabo at one of my tables... ? RIKER And how could I forget that you didn't have enough latinum to cover my winnings? Quark tries to gloss over this with a smile. QUARK I thought I explained that my brother had misplaced the key to the safe. Besides, those vouchers I gave you are every bit as good as latinum. RIKER Not exactly. You can spend latinum just about anywhere. Those vouchers are only good at your bar. QUARK I look forward to seeing you upon your return... (beat) Is that what this is about... you're on your way and you're calling to reserve a Holosuite program... ? RIKER Actually, I was hoping you could help me with something else. K'mtar is listening closely, wondering what Riker is up to. QUARK What would that be... ? RIKER I'm looking for some Klingon friends of mine... the Duras sisters -- Lursa and B'Etor? QUARK Oh, yes... Lursa and B'Etor... (gestures) Big talk... small tips. RIKER I thought you might know where they went. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 26A. 13 CONTINUED: (2) There's a beat as Quark realizes he's got the advantage. QUARK Me? What makes you think I'd know... ? RIKER Commander Sisko said if anyone would know, you would... QUARK He flatters me. (beat) Well... I did hear a rumor, actually... RIKER What kind of rumor? QUARK I don't know... I'm sure it was told to me in confidence... RIKER And how much is your "confidence" worth? QUARK How many vouchers do you have, again? RIKER Enough for twelve bars of latinum. There is a heavy silence. RIKER I'll be glad to return them. QUARK Ah. I believe the rumor was... that the sisters were trying to buy some second-hand mining equipment. RIKER What for? STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT THREE 26B-C. 13 CONTINUED: (4) QUARK They learned of a magnesite deposit in the Kalla system... it belongs to the Pakleds, but those fools don't even know it's there. Your friends were trying to get at it. Riker takes this in. RIKER All right. (beat) I'll send you those vouchers... QUARK Don't bother... I voided them while we've been talking. RIKER So long, Quark... And the VIEWSCREEN returns to a starfield. RIKER How long would it take us to reach the Kalla system? WORF (off console) Approximately sixteen hours. When he hears Riker's intent K'mtar steps forward and questions Quark's assertion. K'MTAR (to Riker) Couldn't he have been lying? RIKER Why would he? I'd just end up knocking on his door again in a few days -- and I wouldn't be in as good a mood. K'MTAR (nodding) I congratulate you, Commander. I didn't think it would be possible to find the sisters. Riker turns to the con officer. RIKER Take us out of orbit. Off K'mtar's face... he seems to be eager for the hunt. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 27. 14 INT. CORRIDOR as Worf, K'mtar and Alexander make their way down it. Father and son are in work-out clothes, K'mtar in battle gear -- he has a knife in his belt. WORF (to Alexander) Today we will work on the Koh'manara block... it is a combination of the koh'bala pivot and the pak'ara thrust -- the forms I taught you last week. ALEXANDER Yes, Father... Worf sees that the boy is holding his bat'leth somewhat carelessly, so that its point is dragging behind him. WORF Alexander, have I not taught you to treat your sword with respect? Alexander frowns and takes a new hold of the bat'leth. K'mtar studies Alexander's face for a beat as they continue on. K'MTAR You're not looking forward to training, are you? ALEXANDER Not really... K'MTAR It can be boring repeating the same moves over and over again. Alexander's reaction indicates that he agrees wholeheartedly. WORF You must master the forms before you can apply them. K'MTAR That's true, but I was thinking we might try something different today. Worf looks at him -- what's he up to? STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - ACT THREE 27A. 14 CONTINUED: K'MTAR I took the liberty of creating a Holodeck program. WORF What kind of program? K'MTAR I'll show you... STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 28. 15 ANOTHER CORRIDOR as they approach a Holodeck door. K'MTAR Computer... run program K'mtar alpha-one. After a moment. COMPUTER VOICE Program initiated. Enter when ready. They move to the door, which OPENS onto -- 16 EXT. KLINGON OUTPOST - DAY (OPTICAL) which is now deserted. They ENTER, and cross into the center of the square. ALEXANDER Why did you want to recreate this? K'MTAR You said you wished you'd been able to help your father fight, but you didn't know how... Alexander acknowledges -- K'MTAR (continuing) You've probably thought about the attack over and over again. Alexander looks up at him, wondering how he knows this -- ALEXANDER Yes... K'MTAR Then let's see what happens this time. He hands Worf his knife. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/01/94 - ACT THREE 29. 16 CONTINUED: K'MTAR Computer, give us two Klingon warriors. Suddenly TWO KLINGON WARRIORS MATERIALIZE near Worf and Alexander, wearing full battle-gear and carrying bat'leths (and/or knives). Alexander stares at the two burly Klingons. ALEXANDER How can I fight somebody that big? K'MTAR It is not size that matters. Cunning... skill... and observation are the most important weapons. He turns toward the warriors. K'MTAR (continuing, a battle cry) Ni'tokor bak'to! Father and son engage their adversaries as K'mtar watches. Worf dispatches his, and after Alexander fights for a few more beats -- K'MTAR (continuing) Freeze program. Alexander's adversary FREEZES in mid-battle. K'mtar indicates the figure Alexander was fighting. K'MTAR (continuing) Look what this ko'tal is doing. See his legs, they give a clue to what his next move will be. Alexander studies the figure for a beat. ALEXANDER His weight is all on his right foot. WORF Yes, he's going to have to shift it to regain his balance. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 29A. 16 CONTINUED: (2) K'MTAR Stand ready. (to com) Computer, resume program. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 30. 16 CONTINUED: (3) The figure REANIMATES, and pivots just as predicted -- Alexander is ready for him, and is able to knock him to the ground. K'MTAR (continuing) Po'tajg! (well done) Alexander smiles proudly. He's standing over his adversary, who's laid flat on his back, defenseless. K'MTAR (continuing) Finish him. Alexander's features change when he hears this -- he looks down at the defenseless man, who's looking up at him, his eyes wide with dread. Alexander can't bring himself to do it... he looks up at K'mtar, then Worf -- much to their dismay, he throws his bat'leth aside. With a guttural cry the Holodeck figure suddenly leaps to his feet and grabs the knife from his belt -- he's going for Alexander... K'MTAR Freeze program. The figure FREEZES, his knife caught in mid-slash toward Alexander. WORF You should have killed him when you had the chance. K'MTAR Why didn't you? Alexander is clearly distraught over what's happened -- ALEXANDER I... I don't know... The boy's response angers K'mtar -- he indicates the holofigure. K'MTAR Look at him! He didn't care that you showed him mercy. He was going to kill you. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 30A. 16 CONTINUED: (4) Alexander looks to his father; K'mtar's anger is scaring him. Worf can't help but intercede on his son's behalf. WORF K'mtar... enough. K'MTAR If this were real he'd be dead now. Alexander's had enough -- he turns and runs toward the door. WORF Alexander -- But he ignores him and EXITS. Worf and K'mtar turn to each other... their shared hope of turning Alexander into a warrior seems more remote than ever... 17 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 31. 18 INT. BRIDGE Data has the Bridge, Worf is at tactical, various N.D.s as needed. Riker ENTERS from the Ready Room. DATA We are approaching Kalla Three. Data takes the Ops position. RIKER Assume a standard orbit. (to Worf) Any evidence of a mining operation? WORF (off console) A shaft has been cut through the outer crust... there is evidence of machinery, but it does not appear to be in use. RIKER Life signs? DATA It is difficult to say. The magnesite is interfering with bioreadings. RIKER (to Data) Assemble an Away Team. Data gestures to Worf, and they head for the Turbolift. 19 INT. THE MINES where Geordi, Data, Worf and an N.D. SECURITY OFFICER are moving through an underground TUNNEL. They carry PALM BEACONS and PHASERS. They see that there is a larger area up ahead, and that it's ILLUMINATED by some light source. There are SOUNDS of activity; a person moving around. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 32. 19 CONTINUED: They take a moment to prepare, then step out into this open area, their weapons raised. 20 OMITTED 21 INT. A ROCKY PIT as they react to what they see -- a lone DOPTERIAN -- GORTA, sitting on a crate, morosely eating out of a can. He turns at the sound of their entrance, a look of surprise on his face. GEORDI Who are you? It takes the Ferengi a moment to recover from his shock. GORTA Gorta... I'm Gorta... WORF What are you doing on this planet? GORTA (evasive) I... crashed here. Riker fixes him with a look. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 33. 21 CONTINUED: Geordi and Worf exchange a skeptical look. Data gives no indication that he doesn't believe him. DATA Then you are denying involvement in illegal mining activities. GORTA (as if he's realizing only now) Mining? So that's what all this equipment is for... DATA I suspect that you are feigning ignorance. GORTA What a thing to say. WORF We are looking for two Klingon women, sisters -- GORTA Lursa! B'Etor? Do you know where they are? GEORDI Actually we were hoping you did. Gorta pulls back, sensing he might be able to cut a deal. GORTA Maybe I do... DATA Would you be willing to share your information with us? GORTA My personal code of conduct prohibits sharing. But I'd consider a trade... GEORDI Does your personal code of conduct tell you that when you're stranded on a planet with no way off, you shouldn't try to cut deals? STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT THREE 33A. 21 CONTINUED: (2) GORTA You have a point. DATA We could certainly provide you with passage off this planet in exchange for information. GORTA Could you perhaps... fail to tell the Pakleds that we were mining their ore? GEORDI Don't push your luck. (beat) But if you can get us to the Duras sisters, I'll see what I can do. GORTA The Duras sisters... they are magnificent, aren't they? WORF Where are they now? GORTA Selling the ore, I imagine. They took everything, the ore, the ship... (with admiration) Such treachery... I can't help but adore them. DATA What kind of ship do they have? STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 34. 21 CONTINUED: (3) GORTA A Bird of Prey. With a working cloaking device. Who knows how they got hold of that... WORF And where have they gone? GORTA We were going to sell the ore to a Yridian trader. We were supposed to meet him in the Ufandi system. DATA Gather your belongings. It is time to leave. The Ferengi tosses the can over his shoulder and indicates he's ready. GORTA Like I said... they took everything. Off this moment... STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 35. 22 INT. TEN FORWARD where Worf is sitting at the bar, alone. The usual compliment of N.D.s. After a moment, K'mtar approaches him -- he's had time to think about what happened. K'MTAR Worf... Worf acknowledges with a small nod. K'MTAR (continuing) I'm sorry about what happened. I shouldn't have gotten so angry. It's just that... I'm worried about Alexander. WORF As am I. K'MTAR Kurn told me that his mother actively discouraged him from exploring his Klingon heritage... WORF When he came to live with me, he knew nothing of our ways. (beat) He often reminds me of things his mother said to him... I try not to disregard her wishes, I want him to honor her memory... STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 35A. 22 CONTINUED: There is a beat as K'mtar regards Worf, seems to struggle to find the right way to say something. K'MTAR Someday... I'm sure he'll appreciate you. And be grateful for all you've given him. Worf appreciates the statement. K'mtar takes a breath, must raise a difficult issue. K'MTAR (continuing) Still, compared to other boys his age, Alexander's fighting skills are years behind. Worf knows it's true. WORF I know. He has not put in the time he needs to learn the skills. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 36. 22 CONTINUED: (2) K'MTAR (continuing) I think you should consider sending him to the training Academy on Ogat. Your brother is an influential man; he could see to it that Alexander was admitted. WORF Send him... to Ogat? K'MTAR (continuing) I'm only thinking of what's best for him. At the Academy he'd learn our ways, he'd live like a Klingon. WORF I want him to learn our ways, but... this is his home. K'mtar keeps at it. K'MTAR How can you expect him to lead our house someday when all he's known is life aboard a Federation starship? WORF He is my son; he belongs with me. K'mtar loses his temper -- K'MTAR The boy is more human than Klingon. If he stays here, he'll never be a warrior. He'll never be able to defend our family against its enemies. WORF Enough... the decision is mine. K'MTAR Not necessarily. It would be within my rights to invoke ya'nora kor. Worf reacts -- STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT THREE 37. 22 CONTINUED: (3) WORF You would challenge my fitness to raise my own son? K'MTAR For the good of our house, yes. There is a brief second as the men hold eyes... K'mtar's plea to Worf seems an urgency that's born of pain -- an anguish that comes from deep within. K'MTAR Worf... I beg you... stop thinking of yourself. It's Alexander we must consider. (beat) Look into your heart... and do what's best for him. And with that K'mtar turns and EXITS Ten Forward, leaving Worf angry and troubled... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 38. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 23 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS where Worf has just told Troi everything. TROI -- if K'mtar invoked ya'nora kor, your vote would cancel his, and it would be up to your brother to decide who would get custody of Alexander. WORF I am confident my brother would not vote against me. But his voice betrays some doubt. TROI You don't sound confident... Worf's face tells her she's right... he considers for a beat. WORF Perhaps I should let Alexander know what is at stake... it might induce him to spend more time training. TROI I'm not sure that's a good idea... it might scare him. Worf feels frustrated, that it's too late to change his son. WORF I should have tried harder... I should have taken him to visit the homeworld... TROI Worf... Alexander is part human, and that part of him is every bit as important as his Klingon side. I think you've done a wonderful job of exposing him to both sides of his heritage. Worf appreciates what she's saying, but is still troubled. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT FOUR 39. 23 CONTINUED: WORF But by doing that, I may have made it impossible for him to be accepted as a true Klingon. TROI There are those who'd say you're not a true Klingon, just because you wear that uniform. Worf bristles... but he knows it's true. TROI (continuing) The truth is you've found a balance within yourself, a balance that feels right to you. You have to trust that Alexander will be able to find his own balance. Just as you did. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 40. 23 CONTINUED: (2) Worf takes this in... WORF Part of me wants to give him that freedom... but what if he turns away from his Klingon heritage? What will happen to my father's house? Who will lead it? Troi has no answer for him... off Worf's dilemma... 24 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS where Alexander is listening to K'mtar recount an ancient Klingon story. K'MTAR -- Kahless was determined to teach his brother a lesson for having told a lie, but Morath refused to fight his brother, and instead ran away. Kahless pursued him across valleys and over mountains, all the way to the edge of the sea. And there on the shore, they fought for -- ALEXANDER Twelve days and twelve nights. I know, I've heard this story before. Alexander isn't being dismissive, it's just that he wants to ask a question about the story before K'mtar moves on. K'MTAR Alexander, it is important to tell these stories, even if we already know them. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 41. 24 CONTINUED: ALEXANDER Why was Kahless so mad about the lie his brother told? K'MTAR Because it made him look like a coward. ALEXANDER If Kahless had just let him explain what happened, maybe they wouldn't have had to fight about it. K'MTAR You are missing the point -- ALEXANDER And I don't see what's so wrong with running away -- maybe Morath didn't want to fight his brother because he didn't want to have to kill him. K'MTAR He ran because he was a coward -- STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 42. 24 CONTINUED: (2) ALEXANDER How do you know that's why? K'MTAR (firm) No more questions! These are our stories. A warrior must learn how to interpret them properly. Alexander bristles at being shut down like this. ALEXANDER I'm trying to -- K'MTAR No, your head is full of foolish human notions about the way things are. You are Klingon. You must begin to act like one. Alexander stands up for himself. ALEXANDER I'm part human, too. K'MTAR Listen to me, Alexander... when a human looks at you, he doesn't see himself, he sees a Klingon. ALEXANDER It doesn't matter what I look like. K'MTAR It does. You're different from everyone aboard this ship. And no matter how much people pretend otherwise, they'll always see you as different. K'mtar is playing on that most basic of childhood fears -- the fear of being different from others, of sticking out. ALEXANDER That's not true... Alexander doesn't want to believe him, but it's clear that K'mtar's words are making him feel unsure about himself... STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 42A. 24 CONTINUED: (3) K'MTAR It is. The only way you'll ever feel like you really belong, is if you leave here and go live with your own kind. K'mtar sees that he's getting to him -- K'MTAR (continuing) I know a Klingon school you could go to; you'd be welcome there. They'd teach you how to be a warrior -- prepare you for the Rite of Ascension. ALEXANDER I don't know if I want to do that... There's an edge of desperation in K'mtar's voice; he feels like he's hooked Alexander, and now has to reel him in. K'MTAR After you've been there a while... you'll find you won't want to do anything else. But Alexander manages to shake off his doubts -- ALEXANDER But I don't want to leave the Enterprise -- K'MTAR You must! Everything depends on it. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 43. 24 CONTINUED: (4) ALEXANDER I thought you were different. I thought you understood me. But you don't. You're just like my Father. All you care about is me becoming a warrior. Why don't you just leave me alone! And with that he turns and runs out the door... the anger and frustration drains from K'mtar's face, and something else bleeds in -- a look of profound loss... He buries his face in his hands... 25 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. RIKER (V.O.) First Officer's Log, stardate 47779.4. We've entered the Ufandi system, where we believe the Duras sisters might have come to sell the ore they mined on Kalla Three. 26 INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker and Troi in the command area. Data is at Ops, Worf at tactical. DATA (off console) I am detecting a vessel holding position near the third planet... (works) It is a Yridian freighter. RIKER Put it on screen. A Yridian freighter APPEARS on the VIEWSCREEN. RIKER Scan for magnesite in its hold. Data works his console. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 26 CONTINUED: DATA The resonance signature indicates that there is magnesite ore present... RIKER Then we're too late. The sisters have already been here. TROI Somehow I doubt the Yridians are going to be very forthcoming about where they might have gone... DATA (off console) Sir, readings indicate that there are only five hundred kilograms of ore in the Yridian's hold... WORF There should be over ten thousand kilograms... RIKER That's odd... (to Worf) Hail them. Worf works his console and a YRIDIAN -- YOG -- appears on the VIEWSCREEN. RIKER (continuing) I'm Commander Riker of the Federation Starship Enterprise. YRIDIAN I am Yog... why are we speaking? Yog's syntax can be a little odd. RIKER Our sensors indicate you're carrying magnesite ore... YRIDIAN Magnesite, yes. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 26 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Where did you get it? YRIDIAN From a Corvallen. For a good price. Riker glances at Troi, who gives a small shake of her head to indicate she doesn't believe him. RIKER Where's this... Corvallen now? I have orders to acquire some magnesite. YRIDIAN He is gone... (gestures) Where? I don't know. RIKER Wouldn't you be interested in selling me the ore you're carrying? Worf and Troi exchange a look -- what is Riker up to? YRIDIAN No, I have a buyer. RIKER You haven't heard my offer. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 26 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER Half a gram of Anjoran bio-mimetic gel. The Yridians eyes widen -- this is clearly an outrageous offer. YRIDIAN Done. RIKER Once we've verified the ore's purity, we'll beam over the gel. Riker starts to cross back toward his chair. The Yridian's face DISAPPEARS from the VIEWSCREEN, replaced by a shot of the freighter. TROI You're up to something... But Riker doesn't answer. He starts inputting something into his chair's control panel. RIKER Have the Transporter Room beam the ore to these coordinates. DATA (off console) Sir, that would place the ore directly off the ship's starboard bow. RIKER I know. WORF (off console) Transport complete. On the VIEWSCREEN, a CRATE hangs in space. RIKER Lock phasers on the ore and fire. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 26 CONTINUED: (4) Worf works his console. WORF Firing. 27 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as a BEAM lances out from the phaser banks. 28 INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) where a shimmering EXPLOSION appears on the VIEWSCREEN; particles of shiny dust are spewn everywhere, and for a moment, the outline of a KLINGON BIRD OF PREY is visible against the shimmer. WORF A Bird of Prey... When the explosion dissipates seconds later, the ship disappears because it is cloaked. RIKER Put a tractor beam on it. Worf complies. Data and Troi exchange a look -- TROI How did you know? RIKER The Yridians had only part of the shipment in their hold -- I realized we must've arrived before they had the chance to transfer the rest. WORF Sir, the Klingon ship is hailing us. RIKER On screen. The indignant faces of LURSA and B'ETOR APPEAR on the VIEWSCREEN. LURSA Release our vessel at once! STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 28 CONTINUED: RIKER I don't think so. B'ETOR We've done nothing wrong. We were engaging in a simple business transaction. RIKER We know you're dealing in stolen ore. The sisters exchange a look. RIKER (continuing) But what I really want to talk about is the assassination attempt on Lieutenant Worf. B'ETOR What assassination attempt? This is the first I've heard of it. LURSA (hopeful) Did it succeed? Lursa barks a laugh, and B'Etor joins in with her own grating squawk. RIKER We have evidence that you were behind it. LURSA That is outrageous. B'ETOR What is this evidence? RIKER Beam over and we'll show you. The sisters exchange a glance. B'ETOR We will be there shortly. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 49. 28 CONTINUED: (2) The VIEWSCREEN goes to a space shot. CUT TO: 29 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE where Riker, Troi, Lursa, B'Etor, Worf and K'mtar have met. An N.D. Security Guard is posted at the door. The sisters refuse to sit, preferring to pace around and slam their hands on the table for emphasis. Worf places the wrapped dagger on the table in front of them. WORF This was dropped by one of the assassins... He unwraps the cloth to reveal the dagger. WORF (continuing) It bears the crest of your house. The sisters' eyes widen when they see it's true. B'ETOR Ge'ko... kaf'la. (It's true. How can this be?) STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT FOUR 50-50A 29 CONTINUED: LURSA Someone must have given it to the assassins -- to implicate us. Skeptical looks from Worf and K'mtar. But Riker sees that Troi is looking at Lursa intently -- it's as if she half believes her. TROI Why would someone do that? B'Etor draws herself up in indignation. B'ETOR In order to tarnish our good name. WORF (under his breath) You can't tarnish a rusted blade... Lursa flies into a fury, she's fairly spitting it out -- LURSA Ji'ko to'val! WORF Gir'nak tovo'sor! Riker stops Worf -- RIKER Mister Worf -- Worf backs off. Riker turns to K'mtar, who's been uncharacteristically quiet -- he seems almost distracted. RIKER (continuing) You said you had other evidence they were involved. K'MTAR Yes... on the homeworld. RIKER Then we'll set a course there. I want this cleared up. K'MTAR I will send a message to Kurn... he may wish to return to the homeworld as well. K'mtar EXITS. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - 01/28/94 - ACT FOUR 51. 29 CONTINUED: (3) B'Etor is staring down at the dagger, her attention has been caught by something. B'ETOR Bet'ala nog'tor. (look at this) She nudges her sister and indicates some markings on the dagger -- Lursa reacts as if she sees something totally unexpected, then her hand moves almost involuntarily to her stomach, as if to cradle it. LURSA Impossible... TROI What is it? B'Etor picks up the dagger -- Worf starts to intervene but Riker stops him. B'ETOR These markings represent the members of our house... (indicates) This symbol represents our father... (indicates) Myself, my sister... and this... represents her son. WORF I was not aware you had a son. LURSA I do not... But I am with child... STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 52. 29 CONTINUED: (4) B'ETOR She found out only a few days ago... and she's told no one but me. Reactions. B'Etor holds the dagger up to Riker. B'ETOR (continuing) How can this marking be here? (re: dagger) Where did this come from... ? Our people have no answer to this mystery. WORF I will talk to K'mtar. And he EXITS... 30 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS where Alexander is sleeping peacefully; the light that comes in through the doorway from the main room casts a shaft across his quietly breathing form. Suddenly a shadow is thrown across his body by a figure that's stepped into the doorway. 31 NEW ANGLE revealing that it is K'mtar, standing there looking down at Alexander. His features are drawn, his eyes filled with dread. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FOUR 53. 31 CONTINUED: He raises a hand and we reveal that he is carrying a disruptor -- he's come to kill Alexander. It's clear from the look on his face that this isn't something he wants to do, but something he feels he has to do. He steps toward him... Suddenly the door OPENS and Worf ENTERS from the corridor. He sees that K'mtar has a weapon and, without hesitation, rushes forward and grabs hold of him, pulling him out of the doorway and into the main room. (NOTE: the door to Alexander's room should shut when he's pulled away.) Worf struggles with K'mtar, trying to get the disruptor away from him. But K'mtar, adrenalin-filled, resists. Finally Worf slams his fist against K'mtar's weapon arm and the disruptor goes skittering across the floor. Worf's momentum takes him away from the direction of the disruptor; K'mtar runs for it, grabs it, and whirls to face Worf, charging hard at him. He points the disruptor right at Worf. K'MTAR No further. Worf stops, sees the determination in K'mtar's face. WORF K'mtar... why are you doing this? K'mtar gestures with the disruptor for Worf to step out from in front of Alexander's door. K'MTAR Step away from the door. But Worf isn't moving. WORF You will have to kill me. K'mtar stares at him, anguish on his face. K'MTAR I won't do that. But I can stun you -- then kill the boy. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/01/94 - ACT FOUR 53A. 31 CONTINUED: (2) WORF What? K'MTAR I... am Alexander. Off this shocking revelation... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/01/94 - ACT FIVE 54. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 32 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Worf stares at him in disbelief... WORF What... are you saying? K'mtar is weak... holding his damaged throat... gasping for air... K'MTAR I... am your son... Alexander... I have come to this time from forty years in the future. Worf stares at him, then seizes him once more by the shoulders, shaking him. WORF P'tak! Tell me the truth or I will kill you. K'MTAR Look at me! Still holding him by the shoulders, Worf stares at the man, deep into his eyes. K'MTAR You said when you first met me that I looked familiar. WORF I could have seen you on the Homeworld... K'MTAR No. Look closely. I am your son. Worf stares at him, still doubtful... yet, seeing something in the man's eyes. And, after all, Worf knows that time travel is possible. WORF If you are Alexander... you will remember the final words your mother said as she died. K'mtar fixes him with a steely look. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/01/94 - ACT FIVE 54A. 32 CONTINUED: K'MTAR I was three years old. She was dying when we found her. She barely managed to whisper my name... and she took my hand... and placed it in yours. (beat) Then she died. You howled with rage... and then you told me to look at her... to look at death... and always to remember. (beat) And I always have. These are details Worf has never shared with anyone. This must be Alexander. WORF How... have you done this? Come to this time? K'MTAR Forty years from now the ways are well known. But few are willing to risk the dangers. (beat) I decided I must take the risk. WORF And you did it... in order to end your own life? K'mtar is so overwhelmed with emotion that it's hard for him to speak... K'MTAR I was hoping I wouldn't have to... that I could change things, change myself. But I couldn't. Everything's going to turn out the way it did before. And I can't let that happen. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT FIVE 54B. 32 CONTINUED: (2) WORF Why? What is going to happen that is so terrible? K'mtar looks at his father, roiled by emotion. K'MTAR You will be killed. Because I was naive... too weak... to be able to protect you. WORF I don't believe that... K'MTAR I was there! I saw you murdered... and I was to blame. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 32 CONTINUED: (3) Worf can't help but have a visceral reaction to the news of his own death, but he pushes it aside -- what's happened to Alexander is more important to him. WORF You mustn't blame yourself. K'MTAR You don't understand -- I never became a warrior! I became a diplomat... a "peacemaker." His voice is full of disdain. K'MTAR (continuing) When the time came for me to lead our family -- I thought I could single-handedly put an end to the fighting between the great houses... I declared publicly that the house of Mogh would take the first step to end the feuding. There would be no more retribution, no more revenge. He looks at his father, pain in his eyes. K'MTAR (continuing) You tried to warn me... you tried to tell me that I mustn't show weakness... but I thought you were a foolish old man. I told you that you were a relic of an earlier time, and that a new era of peace was at hand. He looks down, ashamed. K'MTAR (continuing) But you were right. My enemies saw my weakness... and they moved against me. He looks up at his father, tears in his eyes. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT FIVE 56. 32 CONTINUED: (4) K'MTAR (continuing) Unless I stop it all now... (gestures to door) -- that boy will see his father killed on the floor of the Council Chamber. Worf tries to make sense of it all. WORF That's why you wanted to take Alexander away. To turn him into a warrior, not a peacemaker. K'MTAR I staged the assassination attempt to frighten him... make him realize he must learn the ways of a warrior. Worf turns away, hearing the familiarity of those words. K'MTAR (continuing) If I had listened to you... if I had become the warrior you wanted... you would not have died in my arms. Worf reaches out, touches the shoulder of his son... his son who is older than he is, now. He is struggling to come to some resolution of his own ideals, hoping to communicate to Alexander a truth that will soothe him. K'MTAR (continuing) Who is to say what the future will be now, after you have disrupted time? I may die tomorrow... or I may outlive you. He hesitates, looking for the words to reach his son. WORF But when I die... I would like an honorable death. And the only way that is possible -- is for you accept yourself, as you are, and stay true to what you believe. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT FIVE 56A. 32 CONTINUED: (5) K'mtar listens carefully. WORF The cause of peace is a worthy one... go back, and continue to work for it. Your struggle must continue. K'MTAR But it is a futile struggle... WORF No... you've already changed things more than you realize. K'MTAR The boy I was has not changed... STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/01/94 - ACT FIVE 57-57A 32 CONTINUED: (6) WORF I'm talking about myself. K'mtar studies his father's face. WORF (continuing) You have given me a glimpse into my son's future. I see now that he has his own destiny... and I believe it will be a great one... They look at each other for a long moment... then move into each other's arms and embrace... STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 01/31/94 - ACT FIVE 58. 32 CONTINUED: (7) K'MTAR I love you, Father... WORF And I you, Alexander... Off this moment... 33 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. 34 EXT. HOLODECK/KLINGON OUTPOST - DAY as Worf ENTERS from the corridor to find Alexander in the town square, practicing moves with his BAT'LETH. He turns when he sees his father. ALEXANDER I've been waiting -- where's K'mtar? Worf approaches his son... WORF He had to leave... he was called away... Alexander is visibly disappointed. ALEXANDER He never said goodbye. WORF He asked me to say goodbye for him. STAR TREK: "Firstborn" - REV. 02/02/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 34 CONTINUED: Worf squats down so that his eyes are level with Alexander's. WORF He wanted me to tell you that no matter what happens, no matter what you decide to do with your life, he'll always care about you a great deal. Alexander takes this in... ALEXANDER When will I see him again? WORF It may be a long time... Alexander is disappointed to hear this, but tries to take it well... ALEXANDER We should start practice... He moves to pick up his BAT'LETH... WORF Alexander... there will be plenty of time for training. Why don't we... just spend some time together? Alexander is a little surprised to hear his father say this, but pleased... as they start to cross away, Worf puts an arm around his son's shoulder. Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END