STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Emergence" #40277-275 Story by Brannon Braga Teleplay by Joe Menosky Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT FEBRUARY 17, 1994 STAR TREK: "Emergence" - 02/17/94 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Emergence" CAST PICARD CONDUCTOR RIKER ENGINEER DATA HAYSEED BEVERLY HITMAN TROI WORF GEORDI Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES FLAPPERS MAN IN GREY FLANNEL SUIT GUNSLINGER STAR TREK: "Emergence" - 02/17/94 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Emergence" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE CORRIDOR NEW YORK STREET/SUBWAY SICKBAY NY STREET/CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SITE JEFFERIES TUBE NY STREET/INTERSECTION HOLODECK TRAIN/SALON CAR PROBE TRAIN/ENGINE ROOM OBSERVATION LOUNGE CARGO BAY READY ROOM STAR TREK: "Emergence" - 02/18/94 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Emergence" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE CORDANNAS kore-DAN-us GIORDANO jee-or-DON-oh MEKORDA meh-CORE-da STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/24/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Emergence" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. REHEARSAL HALL (Note: this is a re-dress of the Klingon outpost set from "Firstborn".) The room is dark, the walls obscured by a light fog. DATA is standing in the dim light of a single burning TORCH. He is wearing loose-fitting, ritual ROBES, and he holds a carved wooden STAFF in one hand and a large, ancient-looking BOOK in the other. The SOUND of the nearby ocean can be heard. Data's voice is solemn, incantatory. DATA "I have bedimm'd the noontide sun, call'd forth the mutinous winds, and 'twixt the green sea and the azur'd vault set roaring war: to the dread rattling thunder have I given fire, and rifted Jove's stout oak with his own bolt; the strong-bas'd promontory have I made shake and by the spurs pluck'd up the pine and cedar; graves at my command have wak'd their sleepers, op'd, and let 'em forth by my so potent art." Data dramatically holds up the book. DATA (continuing) "But this rough magic I here abjure; and, when I have requir'd some Heavenly music -- which even now I do -- to work mine end upon their senses, that this airy charm is for, I'll break my staff, bury it certain fadoms in the earth, and deeper than did ever plummet sound -- I'll drown my book." He stops suddenly, his face now completely "Data." DATA (continuing) Captain, your attention is... wandering. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/24/94 - TEASER 1A. 2 INCLUDE PICARD (OPTICAL) standing nearby in the half-light. PICARD I can barely see. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: DATA Sir, I am supposed to be attempting a Neo-Platonic magical rite -- the darkness is appropriate to such a ritual. (CONTINUED) PICARD This is a play, Data. The audience has to see you. Data considers for a beat. DATA Perhaps I have been too... literal with respect to my set design. (to computer) Computer. Modify Holodeck program Data seven-three, Shakespeare's The Tempest, Act Five, scene one. Increase torchlight by twenty-percent. The torch flares up. PICARD Much better. (beat) Would you like to try it again? DATA Yes, sir... but I am not certain I fully understand the character of Prospero. I would appreciate any insights you may have which would improve my performance. Picard nods, considering for a beat. PICARD Well... Shakespeare witnessed the end of the Renaissance and the birth of the modern era. Prospero found himself in a world which no longer had any use for his powers... Picard indicates the scene. PICARD (continuing) Here he is about to perform one final creative act before giving up his art forever. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) DATA There is certainly a tragic aspect to the character. Picard nods. In the far distance, we just begin to hear an approaching SOUND. PICARD Yes, but he had a certain... expectancy as well. A hopefulness about the future... The sound is now distinct enough so that both Picard and Data begin to notice. PICARD (continuing) Shakespeare enjoyed mixing opposites... Data is now staring into the distance in the direction the sound appears to be coming from, puzzled. Picard does the same, his voice trailing off... PICARD (continuing) Past and future... Despair and hope... Now a growing POINT OF LIGHT can be seen, getting closer as the sound starts to resemble a distant, increasing roar. PICARD (continuing) Data, is this part of your program? DATA No, Sir. The light and sound are much louder. PICARD Then what is it? DATA It appears to be a steam locomotive. PICARD A train? STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - TEASER 4. 1 CONTINUED: DATA (nods) If I am not mistaken. PICARD Computer, end program. The glaring beam hits them like a horizontal spotlight. The roar grows. Picard reacts. PICARD (continuing, louder) Computer, end program... Nothing. This is all too real. Picard and Data simultaneously DIVE CLEAR of the tracks. 3 PICARD AND DATA (OPTICAL) on the ground. They look up at the train as it thunders by, catching glimpses of the car windows, the cranking, screeching wheels. The roar and clatter overwhelm any other sounds... And then suddenly it's past them... and it's gone. The room is back to way it was. Picard has a slight SCRAPE on his forehead from the fall. OFF their puzzled expressions... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 4 INT. CORRIDOR The Holodeck DOORS OPEN and Picard and Data step out (NOTE: Data is still wearing the Prospero costume). Data notices the cut on Picard's forehead. DATA (concerned) Captain, you are injured... PICARD It's just a scrape... I'll have it seen to... Data begins to work the Holodeck panel. DATA The train we encountered is from one of Doctor Crusher's Holodeck programs. It is a re-creation of the Orient Express, a train which ran from Paris to Istanbul from the late nineteenth century until -- PICARD Yes, yes, I know about the Orient Express... but what was it doing on Prospero's Island? DATA There appears to have been a malfunction in the Holodeck's database retrieval system. The two programs were somehow temporarily linked together. PICARD Could this malfunction affect the other Holodecks as well? DATA It is a possibility. I would have to run a diagnostic to be certain. PICARD All right, get to it. And shut down all of the Holodecks until you're finished, just to be on the safe side. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT ONE 6. 4 CONTINUED: DATA Aye, sir. Picard heads down the corridor, leaving Data as he continues to work the panel. 5 INT. SICKBAY Picard is sitting on a biobed as BEVERLY treats his forehead with a MEDICAL INSTRUMENT, healing the scrape as they speak. PICARD I never realized you were interested in trains. Did you know that at its peak, the Orient Express carried over ten thousand passengers a year? BEVERLY It's not really the train itself I'm interested in... PICARD Then what? BEVERLY The experience. (beat) The Orient Express was... mystery and romance. It was an elegant way to see exotic places and meet fascinating people... (beat) Did you know that on one trip, both Sigmund Freud and Gertrude Stein just happened to be on the same car? They ended up having dinner together every night. Picard's intrigued by the notion. PICARD I wonder what they talked about... ? Beverly smiles. BEVERLY Why don't you take a trip yourself... and find out? STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT ONE 7. 5 CONTINUED: RIKER'S COM VOICE Riker to Picard. PICARD (taps combadge) Picard here. RIKER'S COM VOICE All sections are ready to begin the survey, sir. PICARD (to com) Very good. I'm on my way. Picard jumps down from the biobed and heads for the door. BEVERLY Think about that trip, Jean-Luc... You never know who you'll meet on the Orient Express... Picard EXITS. CUT TO: 6 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 47869.2. After weathering an unexpected magnascopic storm in the Mekorda Sector, we are continuing our search for new Federation colony sites. 7 INT. BRIDGE Picard and RIKER are at their command chairs, Data at Ops. N.D.s are at various stations. Riker hands Picard a PADD. RIKER I don't see any possibility of developing sites in this region. Most of the stars are mainsequence binaries with no M-class planets. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - 02/17/94 - ACT ONE 8. 7 CONTINUED: PICARD (reads PADD) All right then, let's move on to the next survey region... Have stellar cartography begin a-- Suddenly, the SHIP LURCHES FORWARD. PICARD Mister Data, report. DATA (off console) The ship has gone into warp, sir. RIKER Who gave the command? DATA (off console) Apparently no one. Helm and navigation controls are not functioning. (beat) Our speed is now warp seven-point-three and holding. PICARD (to com) Picard to Engineering. Mister La Forge, what's going on down there? INTERCUT: 8 INT. ENGINEERING GEORDI is frantically moving between consoles. GEORDI (to com) I don't understand it, sir. The impulse systems suddenly cut out and the warp drive kicked in. RIKER Geordi, can you take the engines off-line? GEORDI I'm working on it... Geordi moves off to work another console. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT ONE 9. 8 CONTINUED: PICARD Data, what's our heading? DATA (off console) Bearing one-eight-seven mark four. I am unable to determine our destination -- but we are heading away from the Mekorda sector. Picard and Riker exchange a puzzled look. GEORDI (breaking in) Captain, the computer's locked-out all the propulsion controls... I can't access any of the overrides... (beat) If you want us to stop, we'll have to do an emergency core shutdown... RIKER (to Picard) That'll leave us without warp power for more than a week... But Picard does not like having the ship out of his control. PICARD Begin the procedure, Mister La Forge... A tense beat... and then there is a VIOLENT JOLT as the ship suddenly drops out of warp. DATA (off console) We are no longer at warp... Impulse power has resumed... all systems show normal. RIKER Where are we? DATA (off console) We are approximately thirty-billion kilometers from our original position. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT ONE 10. 8 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (to com) Good work, Geordi. Geordi is checking the readout of a console, shaking his head. GEORDI It wasn't me that took us out of warp, sir. I didn't have time to complete the shut-down procedure... A puzzling beat. Picard doesn't like this one bit. PICARD (to com) Well, I want an explanation. Picard out. OFF Picard and Riker's expressions. CUT TO: 9 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving at impulse. 10 INT. BRIDGE - AFT SCIENCE Picard walks up to the station where Data and Geordi are carefully studying an OKUDAGRAM on the monitor. The graphic shows the ship surrounded by a "sea" of small, intense regions of energy. PICARD Have you found anything, yet? GEORDI Only that we've got more than one mystery here, sir... Picard reacts. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT ONE 11. 10 CONTINUED: GEORDI (continuing) We still don't know why the ship jumped into warp... but it looks like we're lucky it did. Picard gives him a questioning look. GEORDI (continuing) There was a theta flux distortion building up around the ship. Geordi indicates the monitor graphic which Picard studies briefly. PICARD (concerned) Why didn't the sensors alert us? GEORDI Our sensors were never designed to detect theta flux distortions. And yet -- there is a record of the distortion in the sensor log. That's the other mystery. DATA One fact is clear, however. The distortion was gaining in strength. If we had remained at our original position one-point seven seconds longer, the distortion would have ruptured our warp core. GEORDI If the Enterprise hadn't jumped into warp when it did... we would've been blown to pieces. OFF Picard's reaction. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT TWO 12. ACT TWO FADE IN: 11 OMITTED 12 INT. JEFFERIES TUBE Data and Geordi are crawling along a horizontal section of the tube. GEORDI I just don't get it, Data. What could have caused the engines to jump into warp drive on their own? DATA Perhaps the engines were activated by a random power fluctuation. GEORDI (skeptical) Which occurred just in time to save the ship? DATA It is improbable... but it is possible. GEORDI Well, I don't think I'm ready to start believing in luck. They have arrived near a MEESPANEL in the side of the tube, and Geordi begins to remove it. DATA There is another possibility. The sensors apparently detected a dangerous anomaly that threatened the Enterprise. It is possible that they triggered a safety response which caused the ship to avoid destruction. GEORDI But there's no direct link between the sensors and the warp engines... As he peers into the junction, he pulls back in surprise. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT TWO 13. 12 CONTINUED: GEORDI What is this... ? Inside the panel he sees... 13 A COMPLEX NODE OF INTERCONNECTIONS completely different in color and appearance from the circuitry around it. 14 RESUME SCENE (OPTICAL) as Geordi and Data begin scanning the mysterious node. GEORDI (off tricorder) It's some kind of new circuit node... and it's connected to at least half a dozen points in the sensor array... DATA (off tricorder) It appears to be connected to several other systems as well... including the warp control circuits. GEORDI I guess there is a link between the sensors and the engines after all.. Geordi takes out his tech instrument and attempts to probe the strange node... suddenly, a FORCE FIELD flashes briefly, forcing him back. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT TWO 14. 14 CONTINUED: He pulls back, startled. GEORDI A force field... where did that come from? Data scans. DATA I am not certain -- possibly from the node itself. Geordi reaches toward the node once more, and again, the force field FRITZES. GEORDI Well... wherever it came from... it sure doesn't want us messing with that node. Data regards the strange node, puzzling over the odd events, his positronic matrix working to solve the mystery. DATA It appears to be protecting itself. OFF Geordi's look... CUT TO: 15 INT. ENGINEERING Data and Geordi are briefing Riker at the pool table. A monitor displays a GRAPHIC of the Enterprise, highlighting the locations of several connection nodes scattered throughout the ship. The connection nodes are all linked together, and the image suggests the crude beginnings of spider's web. GEORDI (re: graphic) We found these "nodes" in several systems around the ship. At some level, they were all connected to each other. DATA There were nodes linking the sensors to our warp control and defensive systems. We believe this is why the ship jumped to warp. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT TWO 15. 15 CONTINUED: GEORDI When the sensors detected danger, the defensive systems reacted to the threat -- and activated the warp engines to protect us. RIKER Where did these nodes come from? DATA It is possible that the magnascopic storm we recently experienced had an unexpected effect on the ship's systems. GEORDI Wherever they came from, they seem to be multiplying. DATA As they increase, it will become progressively more difficult to control the ship. RIKER What do you propose we do? GEORDI Well, it's not going to be easy to get rid of them. (beat) When we attempted to examine the circuitry of one of the nodes, it generated a force-field to keep us out. RIKER Whatever's going on here -- our first priority is to get back control of the ship. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT TWO 16. 15 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Agreed... Data indicates a point on the graphic. DATA (continuing) All of the nodes intersect in Holodeck three. It appears to be a... focal point of some kind. GEORDI We might be able to find a way to use the Holodeck circuits to disable the nodes... Riker considers for a beat. RIKER All right. Let's do it. OFF their expression as they stare thoughtfully at the graphic. CUT TO: 16 INT. CORRIDOR Riker, Data, and WORF are standing outside the Holodeck; both Data and Worf have TRICORDERS. Data is tapping commands into the control panel. DATA (puzzled) Commander, the Holodeck appears to be in operation. RIKER I thought you shut down the entire system. DATA I did. However, it has reactivated itself... and it will not disengage. WORF Which program is running? STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT TWO 17. 16 CONTINUED: DATA (off panel) Several different programs appear to be running simultaneously. RIKER Well... this should be interesting... The three exchange a look and then step through the door into... 17 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR It's a classic Victorian salon car, decorated in the opulent, grand style of the time. There's a door at each end and the WINDOWS are covered by closed DRAPES; a SIGNAL CABLE runs along one of the walls, used by passengers to signal the engineer. The HUMMING of the rails and the CLACKETY-CLACK of the tracks can be heard as the train speeds along. Data immediately begins scanning the area as Riker and Worf try to get their bearings, carefully observing the bizarre scene: Two 1920's Zelda Fitzgerald-style FLAPPERS sit at an elegant table with a briefcase-wielding MAN IN A GREY FLANNEL SUIT. They are engrossed in piecing together a large JIGSAW PUZZLE of a strange, multi-colored THREE-DIMENSIONAL MOLECULE... A Medieval KNIGHT in shining armor is in another corner of the car. He is carefully cutting a folded newspaper with a large pair of SCISSORS. Beside him is a HAYSEED wearing a floppy straw hat and overalls, a corncob pipe stuck in his mouth -- a real hick. The Hayseed watches, fascinated, as the Knight continues to cut... A dangerous-looking GUNSLINGER straight out of the old West stalks silently up and down the aisle. He moves with what might be murderous intent to the Flapper and the Flannel Man... he reaches for his belt... and pulls out a PUZZLE PIECE. He places it just where it belongs into the puzzle, then takes a seat to help them continue... RIKER (a bit overwhelmed) You weren't kidding, Data... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT TWO 18. 17 CONTINUED: DATA (off tricorder) No, sir. I estimate that this... scene consists of portions of at least seven distinct Holodeck programs... RIKER See if you can access the circuits that have been affected by the nodes. Data and Worf acknowledge and move off, scanning the cabin. At that moment, the front door OPENS, and the CONDUCTOR ENTERS the car. He is dressed like a typical American trainman circa 1920 and has the typical cheery-but-take-no-guff attitude of his kind. CONDUCTOR Tickets please... please have your tickets ready... The Hayseed fishes through his pockets for a TICKET and hands it to the Conductor. HAYSEED (excited) You know, I've never even been away from home... and now I'm goin' all the way to Vertiform City! As the Conductor punches the tickets, the Knight stops cutting his newspaper and opens it out -- he has fashioned it into a STRING OF PAPER DOLLS. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT TWO 19. 17 CONTINUED: (2) He shows it expectantly to the Conductor. CONDUCTOR Very nice, sir. Enjoy your trip. The Conductor hands the tickets back to the Hayseed and continues down the aisle, moving past Riker, Data, and Worf as if they didn't exist. CONDUCTOR (continuing) Tickets please... please have your tickets ready... DATA (O.S.) Commander... Riker turns to see Data and Worf standing near a section of the car's wall. They are scanning it carefully with their tricorders. Riker joins them. DATA (continuing) We have located a large concentration of nodes behind this wall... They appear to be connected directly to the Holodeck's main power coupling. RIKER All right... go ahead and depolarize the entire power grid. As Data moves toward the train wall -- STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT TWO 20. 17 CONTINUED: (3) CONDUCTOR (O.S.) Get away from there... The Conductor is standing right behind them. His voice is cold and suspicious, and all traces of his earlier, cheerful manner are gone. Everyone in the car is now staring at the group, seeing them for the first time. It's a spooky, unsettling moment. CONDUCTOR (continuing) Would you gentlemen care to show me your tickets? He moves a little closer, menacingly... This is getting really creepy. Riker tries to fake his way out. RIKER We... left them in our compartments. (to Worf) I told you to bring the tickets. WORF I... forgot. CONDUCTOR I don't think you folks belong on this train... He starts to move in... and suddenly, the front door of the car BURSTS OPEN, and the ENGINEER rushes in. He is an excitable, bespectacled man in a traditional train engineer's uniform. He moves straight for the Conductor. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT TWO 21. 17 CONTINUED: (4) ENGINEER (to Conductor) You leave these people alone! They're only trying to help! CONDUCTOR Get back to the engine. This doesn't concern you. The Engineer puts himself between the Conductor and Riker, Data, and Worf. He gestures to the Conductor and the other passengers. ENGINEER They're trying to hijack the train... The Hayseed stands up and moves forward. HAYSEED Hey, if you're the Engineer, then who's doing the drivin'? But before the Engineer can answer... BLAM! A SINGLE, LOUD PISTOL SHOT suddenly rings out. The Engineer pitches forward into Riker's arms -- dead. 18 thru OMITTED 19 20 REVEAL THE HITMAN standing in the doorway, a smoking Colt Army .45 AUTOMATIC PISTOL cradled comfortably in his hand. HITMAN I am. 21 INT. ENGINEERING Suddenly, a console EXPLODES in a shower of sparks near Geordi, sending him reeling backwards. An N.D. STARFLEET ENSIGN rushes to his aid -- Geordi is already struggling to his feet. He's all right, just a little dazed. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT TWO 22. 21 CONTINUED: GEORDI I'm all right... Geordi looks at the ruined console. GEORDI (continuing, disbelief) It looks like the navigational relays overloaded... 22 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR As Riker lowers the Engineer's body to the floor, The Conductor tugs the cable several times, causing several CHIMES to sound. Suddenly, the wheels SCREECH and the train LURCHES, tossing everybody to one side. With a LOUD BLAST from the train's WHISTLE, the train straightens itself again and continues forward even faster than before... DATA I believe we have changed direction... The Conductor rushes to the window and takes a quick look outside. He steps back delighted. CONDUCTOR Now we're on the right track! (to everyone) Ladies and Gentlemen... we are on our way! The passengers begin to cheer wildly... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT TWO 23. 23 INT. ENGINEERING Suddenly, the warp core -- which until now had been idle with the ship at impulse -- comes to life and begins to PULSE... the SHIP LURCHES FORWARD. Geordi quickly moves to the pool table and studies the readouts. PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard to La Forge. What's going on? We just went into warp... GEORDI (off console) We've lost engine and helm control again, sir... but this time, they're completely burned out. (beat, grim) I don't know if we can stop the ship. 24 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR The Conductor reaches into the Engineer's bib and withdraws a BRICK OF GOLD. He looks at it, pleased. HITMAN (to Conductor) I was right -- he was tryin' to make off with my brick. He tucks it into his pocket. CONDUCTOR You take good care of that -- we can't afford to lose it. The Hitman pats his pocket confidently, then he and the Conductor turn to face our people, the Hitman brandishing his weapon. CONDUCTOR Are you people going to leave... or are we going to have to throw you off this train? They look like they're ready to do it... Riker and Worf are ready for a fight when Data pulls them back. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT TWO 24. 24 CONTINUED: DATA (quietly) According to my tricorder, the Holodeck safeties have been disengaged. His weapon could be lethal. A tense beat. RIKER All right... let's get out of here. Riker, Data, and Worf move slowly to the exit as the Conductor watches them leave... CUT TO: 25 INT. ENGINEERING Riker, Data and Geordi are gathered around the pool table. A monitor GRAPHIC displays the connection nodes throughout the ship; compared to the previous graphic, the number of nodes has increased dramatically, and the "spider's web" of connections has become far more complex. Data is studying it with keen interest. DATA The number of systems now affected by the nodes has grown considerably. (beat) Sensors, engines, replicators, propulsion... they are all working together now, almost independently of the main computer. And the nodes link all of them through the Holodeck. RIKER But why the Holodeck? That doesn't make any sense. DATA Commander, I think what happens on the Holodeck has a direct effect on the ship. When we attempted to destroy the nodes -- the characters on the train responded immediately to stop us. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT TWO 25. 25 CONTINUED: Riker considers the chain of events. RIKER And when the Engineer tried to protect us -- one of the characters shot him. DATA The Conductor then signalled for the train to change directions... and at approximately the same time -- GEORDI -- the Enterprise took off in a new direction, too. The group considers this reasoning carefully. RIKER Are you saying... that the ship is being controlled by the Holodeck? DATA Not precisely. Data gestures again to the graphic. DATA Geordi, does the configuration of the connection nodes look familiar to you? Geordi peers at the graphic, studying it carefully. GEORDI (realizing) Yeah... it's... a little like the structure of your positronic brain. DATA That is correct. It appears that the nodes are in the process of creating a rudimentary neural net. Riker and Geordi eye him in astonishment. RIKER Data -- what are you suggesting? DATA Unlikely as it may sound... I believe that the Enterprise may be forming an intelligence. OFF their stunned reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 26 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at warp. 27 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Data is standing at the wall monitor, briefing Picard, Riker, Beverly, TROI, Geordi, and Worf. The monitor displays a GRAPHIC of THREE SEPARATE IMAGES. Data indicates the first image. DATA This is a synaptic map of the human neo-cortex... (indicates second image) This is a cross-section of my positronic net... (indicates third image) And this is a schematic of the connection nodes linking the ship's systems... The three images bear a striking similarity. DATA (continuing) I believe some sort of neural matrix is forming on the ship. It is still relatively primitive, but it is an intelligence nonetheless. TROI How could this happen? DATA I believe it is an emergent property. PICARD Explain. DATA Complex systems can sometimes behave in ways that are entirely unpredictable. The human brain, for example, might be described in terms of cellular functions and neuro-chemical interactions. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT THREE 27. 27 CONTINUED: A beat as he looks around at the group. DATA But that description does not explain human consciousness -- a capacity that far exceeds simple neural functions. (beat) Consciousness is an emergent property. GEORDI In other words, something that's more than the sum of its parts... DATA Exactly. BEVERLY How does that explain what's happening to the Enterprise? DATA The Enterprise contains a vast database of information which is managed by a sophisticated computer. This complex system gives the ship many of the characteristics of a biological organism. RIKER That's true... it "sees" with its sensors... "talks" with its communications systems... BEVERLY In a sense, it even "reproduces" with the replicators... PICARD (to Data) And you think the ship has somehow gone beyond those functions... has developed a new capacity... DATA Yes, sir. I believe a self-determining intelligence is emerging. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT THREE 28. 27 CONTINUED: (2) There's a beat as they consider the implications -- it's a difficult concept to accept. WORF If that is so... what does the ship want? Where is it taking us? DATA I believe the key to understanding the ship's behavior lies in the Holodeck. (beat) All of the connection nodes intersect at that location. It is clearly some kind of processing center. PICARD Processing center... ? DATA Yes, sir. A focal point... where all the ideas and instincts of this emerging intelligence are first expressed in some form. TROI Almost like an "imagination... " A beat as Troi considers this. TROI (continuing) Sir, I'd like to go to the Holodeck. I could interact with the characters... maybe find some clues that would help us understand what's happening. PICARD Very well. Mister Data, Mister Worf, you'll go along. See if there's any way to re-establish control of the ship without destroying the nodes. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT THREE 29. 27 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (Cont'd) (beat) If this ship truly is an emerging intelligence, then it's our responsibility to treat it with the same respect we would give any other being. Data nods and the meeting breaks up. CUT TO: 28 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR Troi, Data, and Worf ENTER from the rear door. Data is carrying a small SCANNING DEVICE. They hear a loud CLANG... CLANG... CLANG... and turn toward it... 29 THE SCENE One of the Flappers is attempting to give the Knight a drink from a beautiful CHALICE... but she keeps banging it against his visor. CLANG... CLANG... CLANG. Elsewhere, the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit sits in a chair, calmly reading a newspaper. Beside him, the Gunslinger is bound head-to-toe in a heavy rope, a gag stuffed in his mouth. The Hayseed and one of the Flappers are sitting at the elegant table, still working on the jigsaw puzzle. The Conductor is nowhere to be seen. Troi reacts to the bizarre scene. WORF Welcome aboard, Counselor... Data activates his device. DATA If you will distract these people, I will attempt to depolarize the power grid. Data moves down the aisle. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT THREE 30. 30 TROI AND WORF move to the elegant table where The Hayseed looks up at them. WORF Have you finished the puzzle yet? HAYSEED Not yet... but we're gettin' close. Worf and Troi look curiously at the puzzle. 31 INCLUDE THE PUZZLE The nearly complete puzzle is a picture of a strange, multi-colored THREE-DIMENSIONAL molecule -- it suggests a cross between a strand of DNA and an electronic circuit. WORF Do you recognize it? TROI No... WORF (to the puzzlers) I'd like to help. Worf takes a seat... Troi moves off. Worf takes a puzzle piece and after a brief search, places it correctly in the puzzle. WORF Tell me... exactly what are you making? HAYSEED What do you think we're makin'? A puzzle! Worf tries again. WORF No, I mean the picture. What is it? STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT THREE 31. 31 CONTINUED: HAYSEED (puzzled) I don't know. 32 OMITTED 33 THE HITMAN is playing gin rummy with the Gunslinger. The brick of gold sits on the table near the Hitman. TROI Can you deal me in? HITMAN Sorry. It's a two-man game. Troi sees the gold brick, and reaches for it. The Hitman grabs her wrist and pushes her hand back. HITMAN Hey, hey, hey -- keep your hands off that. TROI Is that why you killed the Engineer -- to get this brick? HITMAN I had to get it back. You know how much it's worth, lady? Plenty. (taps it) And I gotta get it to Keystone City. TROI Why? What's at Keystone City? The Hitman looks at her, amazed. HITMAN That's where everything begins... He lays his cards on the table. HITMAN Gin. Troi reacts -- the Hitman has laid down five identical cards, each one with a picture of the strange, THREE-DIMENSIONAL molecule on it. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT THREE 32. 34 OMITTED 35 ANOTHER ANGLE - DATA AND WORF Worf has joined Data, who is kneeling on the floor with his device. WORF Are you succeeding, Commander? DATA I am ready to access the main power grid. CONDUCTOR (O.S.) Keystone City, next stop. Data and Worf turn to see the Conductor walking down the aisle, calling out to the passengers, who are reacting to the news with obvious excitement. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT THREE 33. 35 CONTINUED: The Cnductor stops in front of Data and Worf. He looks at them closely and raises an eyebrow -- he's annoyed, but not violent like the last time. CONDUCTOR (continuing) Well, look who's back. WORF We do not want any trouble, sir. We are simply... passengers. CONDUCTOR Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind showing me your tickets? Worf grits his teeth -- not again... CONDUCTOR (continuing) Right. Sorry, boys... You're getting off right here... With his words, the train HISSES to a stop. The Conductor begins to force Data and Worf toward the door... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT THREE 34. 36 TROI AND THE HITMAN He suddenly stands up, grabs the brick. HITMAN This is my stop. TROI Wait -- tell me what happens at Keystone City. Why are you taking the brick there... ? But he doesn't answer, moves quickly for the EXIT. Troi follows. 37 INCLUDE DATA AND WORF who are still being pushed out by the Conductor. The Hitman brushes past them and out the rear door. Troi approaches. TROI I think we should follow that man. That brick may be an important clue... All three EXIT through the rear door... 38 EXT. HOLODECK/NEW YORK STREET - BROOKLYN SUBWAY - DAY Troi, Data, and Worf emerge from the subway, walking up the stairs into the middle of the street. The place is completely deserted. Troi looks around in vain for the Hitman. TROI (frustrated) Where did he go... ? Data immediately begins scanning the area with his device. He moves out into the intersection... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT THREE 35. 39 FOLLOW DATA as he carefully scans the street. He stops at a MANHOLE COVER in the middle of the intersection. DATA I can access the power grid here. Data makes an adjustment to his device. Troi keeps looking around, searching for the Hitman. 40 THE MANHOLE COVER DISAPPEARS (OPTICAL) revealing a HIGH-TECH INTERFACE underneath. The border shows the yellow lines of the Holodeck grid. 41 RESUME SCENE as Data bends down and begins to hook his device into the interface. DATA I will attempt to depolarize the grid by using a low-frequency inversion field. That may disengage the nodes without destroying them. Troi, still looking, suddenly spots -- 42 THE HITMAN as he moves furtively out of sight around a corner. 43 RESUME SCENE TROI There he is. I'm going after him. WORF I am coming with you. Troi and Worf move away off-screen. Data continues to work. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a 1940's era CHECKER TAXICAB screeches around a corner, heading straight for Data... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - 02/17/94 - ACT THREE 36. 43 CONTINUED: Data moves quickly out of the way as the TAXI races past, barely missing him. It drives out of sight, disappearing around a corner. OFF Data's expression... 44 EXT. HOLODECK/NY STREET - CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAY It's the front of an apartment building. The MAIN DOOR is surrounded by SCAFFOLDING -- it's been almost entirely bricked-in, and there's a PILE OF BRICKS on the ground in front of it. It's a strangely incongruous site on this nice, finished residential block. The Hitman appears from around a corner, moving quickly towards the construction site. Troi and Worf arrive a beat later. TROI What are you doing here? They cautiously move toward him as he locates a particular spot on the bricked-in door. There's a HOLE in the middle -- one brick is missing, purposefully left out. The Hitman smiles and turns to them. HITMAN Laying the foundation... The Hitman reaches into his coat and pulls out the gold brick. He puts into the hole -- it fits perfectly. 45 THE BRICK (OPTICAL) For a moment, the brick GLOWS brightly with a strange, unearthly light... when the glow fades, the gold brick is no longer visible -- the face of the brick wall is one continuous whole... it's complete. 46 RESUME SCENE HITMAN Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a train to catch. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT THREE 37. 46 CONTINUED: He takes off. Troi and Worf move forward and examine the brick wall curiously... CUT TO: 47 INT. BRIDGE - AFT SCIENCE The ship is at RED ALERT. Geordi is working the console as Picard watches with concern. GEORDI (off console) I don't understand it, sir... Cargo Bay Five suddenly started to depressurize... PICARD Did everyone get out in time? GEORDI Yes, sir, and I've re-established the containment field... But I'm reading massive power surges in the Cargo Bay, and all sorts of transporter activity... (beat) There's something weird happening, sir. PICARD Get a team down there immediately. I want to know what's going on. GEORDI Aye, sir. Geordi moves away to the Turbolift. OFF Picard's expression. CUT TO: 48 INT. CARGO BAY Geordi ENTERS with TWO N.D. STARFLEET OFFICERS -- and they immediately see an incredible sight. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT THREE 38. 49 THE OBJECT (OPTICAL) on the floor, GLOWING. It is solid and semitransparent, a tiny shape, not unlike one of the sections of the molecular image we've been seeing. GEORDI (taps combadge) La Forge to Bridge... PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard here... what's going on? GEORDI I wish I could tell you... OFF Geordi's astonished expression. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 50 EXT. HOLODECK/NY STREET - CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAY Troi and Worf are still examining the brick wall, trying to understand what just happened. TROI That man said he was "laying a foundation"... WORF But a foundation for what... ? The question hangs in the air... neither one has an answer. TROI (taps combadge) Troi to Data... DATA'S COM VOICE Data here. TROI (to com) How are you coming? 51 EXT. HOLODECK/NY STREET - INTERSECTION - DAY - CLOSE ON DATA DATA (to com) I encountered a minor difficulty, Counselor... 52 WIDEN TO REVEAL Data is working with only one of his hands in the manhole -- his other hand is holding the front bumper of the taxi, which is spinning its wheels in a futile attempt to run him over. DATA (continuing, to com) But it has been dealt with. I am ready to depolarize the power grid. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FOUR 40. 52 CONTINUED: Data taps a command on his device which begins to HUM. A moment later, the ground begins to TREMBLE... 53 INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) Geordi and his team are scanning the mysterious object on the ground, which is still in the process of MATERIALIZING. GEORDI (to N.D., off tricorder) It looks like the ship's replicator and transporter systems have been merged somehow... they're working together to create this... the question is, what is it? They stare at the strange "molecular" shape for a moment. GEORDI (continuing, to N.D.) Ensign, I want to run a full spectral analysis on -- Suddenly, the ship begins to SHAKE and lights FLICKER. Geordi reads his tricorder. GEORDI (continuing) I'm picking up a massive power fluctuation... the ship's losing structural integrity... 54 EXT. HOLODECK/NY STREET - CONSTRUCTION SITE The tremble has grown into a violent SHAKING. Troi and Worf glance around in concern. TROI What's happening? WORF An earthquake... ? STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FOUR 41. 54 CONTINUED: A sudden JOLT causes a flurry of BRICKS to fall off the scaffolding around the door frame. Troi is nearest to the bricked-in wall as it starts to collapse. She dives for safety, but gets HIT by the falling debris. WORF (continuing) Deanna! Troi falls to the ground. Worf rushes to her, drags her out of the falling debris to safety. She sits up, alive but badly bruised and shaken. 55 EXT. HOLODECK/NY STREET - INTERSECTION - DAY Data is still at the manhole with his device. GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge to Data -- stop what you're doing! DATA Acknowledged... Data quickly works his device. The HUM of the device subsides... and the shaking quickly DIES DOWN. The taxi's engine stops running; Data lets go of it. 56 INT. CARGO BAY GEORDI Data... I think we should get together and compare notes. He heads for the door. CUT TO: 57 INT. SICKBAY Troi on the biobed, Beverly treating her, Geordi and Picard nearby. TROI The ship was protecting itself again -- stopping us from interfering. Whatever it's doing -- it intends to continue. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FOUR 42. 57 CONTINUED: GEORDI I'm betting it all has something to do with the object that's forming in the Cargo Bay. TROI I think he's right, Captain. Look at the common themes that are playing out on the Holodeck. A puzzle being put together... a foundation being laid... a paper doll being fashioned. All images of something being constructed. GEORDI And an object in the Cargo Bay that's being constructed -- atom by atom. PICARD What is this object? GEORDI I have no idea. It's composed of silica polymers, duranium, and a few other compounds we can't identify. (beat) But creating it has put quite a strain on our systems. Warp power has dropped forty-seven percent... Picard considers the situation. PICARD Counselor, were you able to draw any other conclusions from your experience on the Holodeck? Anything that might help us handle this situation? TROI I think the Holodeck is what might be called the ship's "imagination." It's full of fanciful, metaphoric imagery -- as though it's having some kind of... daydream. It may not make literal sense... but symbolically there's probably some kind of logic to it. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FOUR 43. 57 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY The characters you spoke to... do they have any particular significance? TROI I think they represent various aspects of the ship. The Engineer, for instance... may have represented the navigational system. The Gunslinger could be the weapon system... PICARD Is there any possibility that we might be able to persuade them to give back control of the ship? TROI I'm not sure it's possible to reason with them. Many of them seem genuinely unaware of what's going on... and of their role in it. She hesitates, trying to find the right words. TROI It's as though this emergent intelligence is still an infant... acting on instinct, trying to figure itself out as it goes. The only source of experience it can draw on is ours -- through our Holodeck programs. Picard ponders the situation. PICARD Is there a way to... relate to them on their own level... influence their behavior in some way... ? TROI (considers) Maybe there is. (beat) I'd like to go back and try. Beverly doesn't like this idea. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 57 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY Deanna, the injuries you got on the Holodeck could have killed you... GEORDI And so far, we haven't been able to re-establish the safeties. TROI I'm aware of that. She turns to Picard, waiting for an answer. PICARD Go ahead, Counselor. But keep this in mind... so far, we've tried to thwart the ship in all its efforts. And that's gotten us nowhere. (beat) Maybe it's time to try cooperating. OFF their reactions. CUT TO: 58 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR Troi, Data, and Worf ENTER. The Conductor marches up the aisle, angry. CONDUCTOR You don't belong on this train! Worf hands the Conductor THREE TICKETS. WORF Three for Vertiform City. The Conductor takes the tickets, surprised. With a friendly look, the Conductor punches the tickets and hands them back to Worf. CONDUCTOR Guess I was wrong about you folks. Welcome aboard. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 58 CONTINUED: Suddenly, the car lights DIM, and FLICKER slightly. The group reacts, looking around the car. WORF What was that? The Conductor seems a little concerned himself. CONDUCTOR We've been having some problems... the engine's running out of steam... I hope we make it to Vertiform City on time. TROI Is there anything we could do to help? The Conductor considers. CONDUCTOR Well, I could use a pair of strong arms up in the Engine Room... maybe we could get back on schedule. He looks pointedly at Worf. TROI Why don't you go with him, Worf... We'll do what we can here. Worf nods and moves off with the Conductor. Troi and Data confer. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 58 CONTINUED: (2) HAYSEED (concerned) 'Scuse me... are we goin' to get there okay? Troi approaches and sits with him. In her most comforting manner -- TROI Of course we are. Don't worry about a thing. (beat) Now... I want you to tell me everything you know about Vertiform City. HAYSEED Well... they got a restaurant there... where you can eat all you want, any time... it's the best food around... CUT TO: 59 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - ENGINE ROOM There is a coal-fired BOILER and a CONTROL BOX with several gears and levers. The Conductor hands Worf a shovel and opens the boiler door. He gestures off-camera. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 59 CONTINUED: CONDUCTOR Well, there's the coal and there's the boiler. (beat) Sure obliged for your help. Worf takes the shovel from him, dips into the off-camera pile of coal, and begins shoveling it into the boiler. CONDUCTOR (continuing) Well done, sir. I think this will make a difference, all right... Worf keeps shoveling. 60 INT. BRIDGE Picard and Riker. Riker is studying his chair console. RIKER (off console) I don't know how or why, sir... but power's almost back to normal levels... life support systems coming on line on all decks. PICARD What's our heading? RIKER It looks like we're on course for... Tambor Beta-six. It's a white dwarf star... They exchange a puzzled look... CUT TO: 61 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - ENGINE ROOM - THE FURNACE The train is ROARING along faster than ever. Worf is shoveling coal into the boiler; the Conductor acts as cheerleader. CONDUCTOR That's the way... keep it steady... put your back into it! Worf begins to shovel faster... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 62 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it nears a WHITE STAR, a BEAM shoots forth from the ship into the star. 63 INT. BRIDGE Riker reacts to his console. RIKER The ship is using a modified tractor beam to collect vertion particles from the star. PICARD (to Picard) Vertion particles... "Vertiform" City. This is what the ship was looking for... The ship suddenly SHAKES. RIKER (off console) Sir, the particles are being routed through the transporter system -- and into Cargo Bay Five. Riker and Picard exchange a look. PICARD (to com) Geordi... what's going on? INTERCUT: 64 INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) Geordi and his team are standing near the object, scanning it with their tricorders. The object is beginning to GLOW BRIGHTLY FROM WITHIN. It is now much larger than before and clearly resembles the strange molecule we've seen before... GEORDI (off tricorder, to com) The object's absorbing vertion particles, sir... and it's growing even faster than before. (beat; amazed) Sir... I'm picking up internal energy emissions from this thing... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FOUR 49. 64 CONTINUED: RIKER What do you mean? GEORDI It's beginning to generate its own energy... Riker and Picard react. PICARD'S COM VOICE Can you be more specific? GEORDI I'm picking up coherent emissions... matter conversion... it's incredible... Suddenly, the glow DIMS, begins to FADE... Geordi looks at his tricorder in alarm. GEORDI (continuing) Wait, something's wrong... we've got power fluctuations... the vertion absorption rate is dropping... (beat) What's happening to the particle beam? Riker checks his console. RIKER The beam's exhausted the supply of particles in the star... there's nothing left to take out. GEORDI Captain -- the object's energy output is decreasing... 65 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - ENGINE ROOM The Conductor's checking the boiler, panicking... CONDUCTOR Something's wrong... WORF What is it... ? The Conductor stares frantically out the windows... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FOUR 49A. 65 CONTINUED: CONDUCTOR (distraught) This was supposed to be "Vertiform" City... 66 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The particle beam BREAKS UP completely and DISAPPEARS... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - 02/17/94 - ACT FOUR 50. 67 INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) The GLOW from the object FADES and DARKENS. The nearly finished "molecule" now appears inert... 68 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN -ENGINE ROOM The Conductor moves to the controls, grabs a lever. CONDUCTOR We've been on the wrong track all along! He pulls the lever back hard. 69 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR With an awful SCREECH OF THE TRACKS, the train lurches from side to side -- Troi, Data and the other passengers are thrown about in the terrible grinding, CRASH. The train has DERAILED. Everything goes black... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 70 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (STOCK OPTICAL) hanging in space at an extreme angle -- as if "derailed" itself. 71 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR It's a smoking wreck inside, and the train has come to a complete stop. Data and Troi struggle to their feet -- Troi is battered and bruised but okay. As they try to get their bearings, Worf ENTERS from the forward door. WORF Are you all right? TROI Yes... what happened? WORF The Conductor accidently derailed the train. DATA (taps combadge) Data to Captain Picard... 72 INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) Picard and Riker have joined Geordi in the Cargo Bay. Geordi is running his tricorder over the now DIMLY-FLICKERING Object. PICARD (to Com) Picard here. DATA'S COM VOICE We have had an accident in the Holodeck. Has anything happened to the Enterprise? PICARD Yes -- a ship-wide shutdown. We've lost attitude control and most systems are off-line. GEORDI (O.S.) Captain, I think you better take a look at this... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FIVE 52. 72 CONTINUED: Picard turns to Geordi. GEORDI (continuing) When the particle beam cut off, the object was beginning to form a coherent energy matrix... Picard and Riker react. GEORDI (continuing) ... and if these readings are accurate, I'd say the emission patterns were almost... organic. PICARD Are you suggesting that the Enterprise has been attempting to create... a lifeform? GEORDI I think so... A stunned beat. Picard stares at the object with a curious wonder. PICARD Will it... survive? GEORDI (off tricorder) Its energy levels are dropping rapidly... Unless it gets an infusion of vertion particles pretty soon... I don't think so. A grim beat. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 72 CONTINUED: (2) Suddenly, the ship LURCHES forward. Geordi checks a nearby console. GEORDI Captain, our systems are back on line... we're moving again -- at warp nine. Reactions. Picard heads for the door. PICARD Let's get back to the Bridge. 73 thru OMITTED 75 76 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR Troi, Data, and Worf look around in amazement: the room has returned to normal. All of the passengers are there (except the Conductor, the Hitman, and the Engineer), and everyone seems happy as the train speeds along. Troi moves to the Hayseed. HAYSEED Whew... that was a close one, wasn't it? TROI Where are we going now? HAYSEED "New Vertiform City," of course. Troi and Data exchange a look. DATA (taps combadge) Data to Captain... PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard here. DATA (to com) The train has returned to normal, sir... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FIVE 54. 77 INT. BRIDGE Picard and Riker are in their command positions; Geordi is studying the Aft Science console in the background. DATA'S COM VOICE (continuing) ... and our destination is "New Vertiform City." PICARD (to Riker) What's our course? RIKER (checks his console) We're heading for the Cordannas system. PICARD Another white dwarf star? RIKER Yes. It's the closest one to our last position... A beat. Geordi steps away from his console. GEORDI Captain, we've got a problem... Picard and Riker turn to face him. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 77 CONTINUED: GEORDI (continuing) Even at warp nine, the Cordannas system is over twelve hours from here... PICARD Will the object in the cargo bay survive that long? GEORDI I think it will, sir, but that's not the problem... (beat) The ship's diverted all of our systems to maximize propulsion -- including life support. (beat) We've got less than two hours of reserve oxygen. Picard takes in the news. His mind is racing, trying to find a way out of this dilemma. PICARD (to com) Mister Data, we have to stop the Enterprise. That means you have to get control of that train. DATA'S COM VOICE Understood, sir. PICARD (to Geordi) The ship is looking for vertion particles... and it believes that the Cordannas system is the closest source... (beat) Is there another source -- something closer? GEORDI White dwarf stars are the only natural source, sir. PICARD Then what about artificial sources? Is there any way to create them? OFF Geordi's intrigued expression... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FIVE 56. 78 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR The three confer. DATA How did the Conductor stop the train? WORF There is a braking lever in the engine room. TROI Let's go... They turn to head to the front of the car... and stop dead in their tracks. 79 THE FRONT DOOR is blocked by all the characters we've seen on the train (except the Conductor, the Engineer, and the Hitman): the Knight, the Gunslinger, the Flappers, the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, and the Hayseed. They have the look of a surly mob... HAYSEED Sorry, folks. But you ain't goin' nowhere. 80 INT. BRIDGE - AFT SCIENCE The monitor is displaying a STAR MAP as Geordi works the console. Picard and Riker stand nearby, watching. GEORDI I've narrowed the search to the MacPherson Nebula, which is a supernova remnant... or Dikonalpha, a class-nine pulsar... Geordi indicates the star map. GEORDI (continuing) They're both fairly close to our current flight path... and either one might produce vertion particles if we detonated a modified photon torpedo inside it. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT FIVE 56A. 80 CONTINUED: RIKER Vertions usually occur in miniscule amounts. Do you think either of these phenomena can produce enough of them? GEORDI That's hard to say. I can't even guarantee that we can create them at all. PICARD Well, we have to give it a try. The nebula or the pulsar? It's your choice, Mister La Forge. A beat -- Geordi knows how much is riding on this. GEORDI I think we should go for the nebula. PICARD Very well. Begin the torpedo modifications. RIKER (to Picard) Now let's hope we can get the ship to go where we want it to. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FIVE 57. 81 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR Troi, Data, and Worf with the group on the train. Troi is trying to communicate with the Hayseed. TROI Please listen to me. We understand what's happening. We know you must get to New Vertiform City. (beat) And we want to help you get there. The Hayseed listens, but seems helplessly confused. HAYSEED I dunno... TROI Please. We're your friends. The Hayseed looks around at the others. They all seem uncertain, not knowing what to do. HAYSEED Well... you're really gonna help get us to New Vertiform City? TROI Yes. I promise. The Hayseed hesitates, struggling with this decision. Finally -- HAYSEED Okay. But just one of you. The rest stay here. That's enough for Data. He's out the door. 82 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - ENGINE ROOM Data ENTERS to see the Conductor and the Hitman standing in front of the brake lever and control box. The Hitman has drawn his gun. The boiler is burning brightly behind them. CONDUCTOR All right, that's far enough. Data stops. HITMAN Sorry to spoil your party, pal... it's nothing personal. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FIVE 58. 82 CONTINUED: DATA I can get us there more quickly. I know a shorter route. HITMAN Don't listen to him -- he's up to somethin'. CONDUCTOR A shorter route... ? DATA Yes. If you will let me handle the controls. HITMAN Don't do it! CONDUCTOR We're behind schedule now... if he could get us there on time... The Conductor stares at Data, a moment of decision. Then he gestures toward the controls. CONDUCTOR Go on. But no funny stuff. Data taps his combadge. DATA (to com) Data to Captain Picard... INTERCUT: 83 INT. BRIDGE Picard and Riker at command; Geordi at Aft Science. DATA (continuing) I have taken control of the engine room. PICARD Stand by. (to Geordi) Are we within sensor range of the nebula? GEORDI Yes, sir. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FIVE 58A. 83 CONTINUED: PICARD (to com) Mister Data, try to slow us to impulse speed. DATA I will attempt to do so. As Data puts a hand on the controls the Conductor takes a step forward. CONDUCTOR I sure hope you know what you're doing... Data slowly pulls back the brake lever... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/18/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 84 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) drops out of warp. A NEBULA is visible in the distance. 85 INT. BRIDGE PICARD Are the torpedo modifications complete? GEORDI Aye, sir. PICARD Launch torpedo. Geordi works the controls, and we hear the SOUND of the torpedo launch. 86 EXT. SPACE - THE TORPEDO (STOCK OPTICAL) blasts into the Nebula... a short beat later, the Nebula explodes into a dazzling, shimmering GLOW. 87 INT. BRIDGE GEORDI (off console) It's working, sir... the reaction's producing vertion particles... Reactions. 88 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - ENGINE ROOM Both the Conductor and the Hitman are looking curiously out the window as Data watches them carefully. CONDUCTOR (scratches his head) Well, what do you know... we're here... HITMAN New Vertiform City... STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FIVE 60. 88 CONTINUED: The Conductor shrugs. He smiles and steps up to the control box and sounds the STEAM WHISTLE. CUT TO: 89 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) A particle BEAM from the ship is tapping into the glowing NEBULA. 90 INT. CARGO BAY (OPTICAL) Picard, Beverly, and Geordi are watching the Object -- it's almost fully formed now, and is GLOWING with a strong, powerful radiance. As they look at the forming Object in wonder, Riker ENTERS and moves to Picard. RIKER The nodes are deactivating all over the ship. Our systems are beginning to function normally again. PICARD Then the purpose of the ship's intelligence... was simply to bring that life form into being... BEVERLY There are entire species whose sole purpose in life is to reproduce. And when they finally procreate... they die. As they share the moment... GEORDI Captain, look... The Object is now complete. It RISES off the floor and begins to SPARKLE with a transporter-like effect. Our people get one final, glimpse of the fully-formed structure... weird, alien, beautiful... before the Object DEMATERIALIZES... 91 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) and REMATERIALIZES outside the ship. Then the Object moves gently away and disappears into space. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/22/94 - ACT FIVE 61. 92 INT. HOLODECK/TRAIN - SALON CAR (OPTICAL) All the characters we've seen are in the car, champagne glasses in hand, raised for a toast. Troi, Data and Worf have joined them. CONDUCTOR Cheers. As glasses touch -- the scene disappears. 93 INT. HOLODECK Worf, Troi and Data are standing in an empty Holodeck. OFF their expressions... 94 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at impulse across a field of stars. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, supplemental. The Enterprise is back under our control. All traces of the emergent intelligence are gone... and the object it created has disappeared into space... 95 INT. READY ROOM Picard is working at his computer when the door CHIMES. PICARD Come. The DOOR OPENS and Data ENTERS. DATA Captain, I am staging a scene from The Tempest this evening for a small audience. I would like you to attend. Picard stands from the desk. PICARD I'd be honored. Which scene? DATA Miranda's first encounter with other human beings. STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT FIVE 62. 95 CONTINUED: PICARD (smiles) "Oh brave new world that has such people in it." DATA It seemed appropriate. Data pauses a beat. DATA Captain. You took a significant risk in allowing the Enterprise to complete its... task. PICARD Why do you say that? DATA Because the end product was unknown. The object could have been dangerous. It may in fact, be dangerous... PICARD And I've allowed it to go off on its merry way. DATA Yes, sir. Picard considers for a moment. PICARD The intelligence that formed on the Enterprise... it didn't just come out of the ship's systems -- it came out of us. Our mission records, our personal logs, even our Holodeck programs -- our fantasies. Picard steps over to the window and stares out. PICARD (continuing) If our experiences with the Enterprise have been honorable... He turns back to Data. 61:[4,#b] STAR TREK: "Emergence" - REV. 02/17/94 - ACT FIVE 63. 95 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (continuing) Then can't we trust the sum of those experiences to be the same? Data reflects for a moment, then nods, turns and leaves the Ready Room. Picard glances again out the window, sits back down at his computer and gets back to work... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END