STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "All Good Things... " #40277-747 Written by Ronald D. Moore & Brannon Braga Directed by Rick KolbeTHE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT MARCH 10, 1994 STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/14/94 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "All Good Things... " CAST PICARD TASHA RIKER O'BRIEN DATA Q BEVERLY OGAWA TROI NAKAMURA WORF JESSEL GEORDI CHILTON TOMALAK COMPUTER VOICE ANDRONA GAINES ENSIGN COM VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. HUMANS CROWDMEMBERS WORKMAN OGAWA'S N.D. HUSBAND STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "All Good Things... " SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE (PRESENT) USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE CORRIDOR VINEYARD (FUTURE) TROI'S QUARTERS CAMBRIDGE (FUTURE) SICKBAY MEDICAL SHIP (FUTURE) BEVERLY'S OFFICE TWO KLINGONS CRUISERS/ OBSERVATION LOUNGE (FUTURE) READY ROOM ENGINEERING PRIMORDIAL EARTH RIKER'S QUARTERS USS ENTERPRISE (PAST) BRIDGE OBSERVATION LOUNGE ENGINEERING USS ENTERPRISE (FUTURE) BRIDGE TEN FORWARD CORRIDOR GUEST QUARTERS MEDICAL SHIP (FUTURE) BEVERLY'S READY ROOM BRIDGE TURBOLIFT SHUTTLECRAFT (PAST) SHUTTLEBAY (PAST) DATA'S LIBRARY (FUTURE) COURTROOM STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/14/94 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "All Good Things... " PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ACETYLCHOLINE uh-seetl-KO-leen CATARIA kuh-TAR-ee-uh DEVRON DEV-ron H'ATORIA ha-TORE-ee-uh IRUMODIC ear-uh-MAHD-ik LUCASIAN loo-KAY-zhun PERIDAXON pair-uh-DAX-on MEMP'HA MEM-pah RIGEL RYE-jell TERRELLIAN ter-ELL-ee-'n TERIX TAIR-ix TOMOGRAPHIC toe-moe-GRAF-ik TRIPAMINE TRIP-uh-meen STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "All Good Things" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. CORRIDOR - PRESENT WORF and TROI ENTER from the Holodeck doors. They are dressed in casual clothing -- it's late, and the mood is light and intimate. Troi is smiling, and even Worf is happy -- it's clear they had a great time, wherever they were. TROI That was an incredible program. WORF I am glad you approve. I have always found the Black Sea at night to be a most... stimulating experience. Troi rolls her eyes at him as they begin to walk down the corridor. TROI Worf, we were strolling barefoot along the beach while balalaika music played in the air... ocean breeze washing over us... stars in the sky... a full moon rising... and the most you can say is "stimulating"? WORF (groping) It was... very stimulating. Troi smiles as they turn a corner... CUT TO: 2 ANOTHER CORRIDOR - PRESENT Worf and Troi walking towards her quarters. TROI The truth is, I don't spend nearly enough time on the Holodeck. (MORE) STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: TROI (Cont'd) I should take my own advice and use it to relax. (beat) Next time, I'll choose the program. If you like the Black Sea, you're going to love Lake Cataria on Betazed. Worf frowns a little. They stop outside Troi's quarters. An awkward moment. WORF Deanna... perhaps before there is a "next time" we should discuss... Commander Riker. TROI (playful) Why, is he coming along? WORF (awkward) No... but I do not wish to... I mean, it would be unfortunate if he... if you and I are going to continue... I do not want to hurt his feelings... TROI Worf... I think it's all right to concentrate on our feelings... yours... and mine. She smiles affectionately at him, and Worf returns the smile. We can see that there is a genuine attraction between the two of them. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) There is a beat as they look into each other's eyes... the sexual tension rises a notch... will they or won't they? Finally, Worf takes the plunge -- leans over to kiss her... she lifts her lips to his, but just before they can kiss, the nearby Turbolift doors OPEN and PICARD bursts out, wearing only his bathrobe -- PICARD Counselor! Worf and Troi look at him, startled. Picard rushes to them. He's wild-eyed, clearly something is wrong. PICARD (urgent) What's today's date? The date? WORF Stardate 47988. Picard thinks about this for a moment -- trying to sort through something in his mind. PICARD (to himself) 47988... TROI Captain, what's wrong? Picard looks at her. PICARD I'm not sure... I don't know how... or why, but... (beat) I'm moving back and forth through time. OFF their reactions... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT ONE 4. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) INT. TROI'S QUARTERS - PRESENT A short time later. Troi is handing Picard a cup of tea. Picard is pacing, trying to make sense of what's happening to him. Mid-conversation. PICARD It was as though I had physically left the ship and gone to another time and place... I was in the past... TROI Can you describe where you were... what it looked like? PICARD It's all slipping away so fast... like waking up from a nightmare... Picard concentrates. PICARD (continuing) It was years ago... before I took command of the Enterprise. I was talking with someone... I don't remember who... (beat, remembering) But then -- everything changed. I wasn't in the past any longer... I was an old man, in the future... I was doing something outside... what was it? He holds out a hand, rubs his fingers together as though remembering doing something with his hands... but what? PICARD I'm sorry. It's gone. I can't remember... TROI It's all right. Have you considered the possibility that this was just a dream? 203:[8,#b] STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT ONE 5. 3 CONTINUED: PICARD It was more than a dream... the smells and the sounds... the way things felt to the touch... it was all so real... Troi considers. TROI How long did you stay in each of these time periods? Did it seem like minutes... hours? PICARD I'm not sure. (struggling to recall) At first... there was a moment of confusion, of disorientation. I wasn't sure where I was. But that passed... and then I felt perfectly natural... as though I belonged in that time. But I can't remember how long I stayed there. (frustrated) I know this doesn't make much sense... it's a feeling more than a distinct memory. He looks down at his tea cup -- it's empty. Troi notices and picks up the tea pot to pour him another cup. TROI Maybe we can identify specific symbols. Can you remember anything you saw, an object, a building perhaps -- As Troi talks, Picard extends his arm with his teacup, offering it to her. As he extends his arm, the SCENE SUDDENLY CHANGES TO: 3A ANGLE - CLOSE ON A VINE 4 EXT. VINEYARD - FUTURE - DAY We are now twenty-five years in the future. Picard is an OLD MAN, wearing civilian clothes and a hat to protect himself from the sun. He has a beard and longer hair. (But he should not look as old as he did at the end of "The Inner Light".) He is kneeling in a row of grape vines at his home in France (as seen in "Family"). STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT ONE 6. 4 CONTINUED: He is reaching out for a vine with the same hand and in the same manner that we just saw him hold out his cup in Troi's quarters. As his hand closes around the vine, he hesitates. He seems disoriented, confused for a moment, just as he described to Troi. He looks around the vineyard in puzzlement. But the moment passes, and he accepts this time as the present. He concentrates on examining the vine in his hand. He takes a pruning shear and snips off a few stray branches. There are gardening tools nearby. He works quietly for a moment... then we hear a voice shout across the vineyard. GEORDI'S VOICE (calls out) Captain Picard to the Bridge! Picard reacts, a little surprised. He looks toward the sound of the voice, shielding his eyes from the sun... 5 NEW ANGLE revealing GEORDI walking toward Picard. He is wearing civilian clothes and he has also aged twenty-five years. His VISOR is gone and has been replaced by ARTIFICIAL EYES, which have a distinctive electronic look to them. Geordi is smiling broadly. GEORDI (with humor) Sir, I think we have a problem with the warp core, or the phase inducers, or some other damn thing. Picard stands up with some difficulty. He's old, and his voice and attitude should suggest advanced age and an eccentric, sometimes cantankerous demeanor. PICARD Geordi... The two men approach each other and shake hands -- these are two old friends who haven't seen each other in a very long time. GEORDI Hello, Captain... or should I make that Ambassador? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT ONE 7. 5 CONTINUED: PICARD (snorts) Hasn't been Ambassador for a while either. GEORDI How about Mister Picard? PICARD How about... Jean-Luc? GEORDI (smiles) I don't know if I can get used to that. They look at each other for a moment, taking in the sight. PICARD Good Lord, Geordi. How long has it been? GEORDI Oh... about nine years. PICARD No, no... I mean, since you last called me Captain? When was the last time we were all together... on the Enterprise? GEORDI Close to twenty-five years. PICARD Twenty-five years... (looks him over) Time's been good to you. Geordi playfully pats his stomach. GEORDI It's been a little too good to me in some places. He glances around. GEORDI (continuing) Can I give you a hand? PICARD Oh... I'm just tying some vines. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT ONE 8. 5 CONTINUED: (2) Geordi kneels down and examines a vine. GEORDI Looks like you've got leaf miners. Might want to use a bacillus spray. (off his look) My wife is quite a gardener. I've picked up a little bit of it. Geordi takes a tie and begins carefully tying the vines. Picard bends down with a little difficulty... and the two of them start to work on the vines. PICARD How is Leah? GEORDI Busy as ever. She's just been made director of the Daystrom Institute. PICARD And the little ones... Bret and Alandra? And... GEORDI And Sidney. Not so little any more. Bret's applying to Starfleet Academy next year. Picard shakes his head at the rapid passage of time. PICARD So what brings you here? GEORDI Oh... I just thought I'd drop by. I'd been thinking about the old days on the Enterprise... and I was in the neighborhood... Picard gives him a sharp look. The Picard of the future is a bit disgruntled, a cranky old man. PICARD Don't give me that. You don't make the trip from Rigel Three to Earth just to... drop by. Geordi knows he can't fool this man. The mood becomes a little more somber. GEORDI No. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT ONE 9. 5 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD So. You've heard. GEORDI Well... Leah has a few friends at Starfleet medical... and word gets around. Picard snorts and turns his attention to the vines. Grumpily -- PICARD I'm not an invalid, you know. Irumodic Syndrome can take years to run its course. GEORDI I know. But when I heard I just... wanted to come by all the same. Picard looks at him for a moment, and then some of the crusty exterior falls away... and we can tell that despite his protestations to the contrary, Picard is warmed by the moment. Picard finally breaks the moment. PICARD (softer) Well... as long as you're here, you can help me carry in some of these tools. Picard awkwardly and painfully gets to his feet. PICARD (continuing) My cooking may not be up to Leah's standards, but I can still make a decent cup of tea. Picard and Geordi both grab an armful of equipment and they start walking. PICARD (continuing) By the way, I read your last novel. Not bad. I thought the protagonist was written a bit flamboyantly, but that's just my -- Picard's eyes trail off as he sees something offcamera... STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT ONE 10. 6 PICARD'S POV Standing in the vineyards are THREE scraggly-looking HUMANS. They point at Picard, shouting and jeering. 7 RESUME PICARD He reacts to this strange sight in the vineyard. 8 NEW ANGLE - INCLUDING GEORDI Geordi follows Picard's look, but sees nothing. Picard is mystified -- what's going on? We MOVE IN on Picard. GEORDI Captain, are you all right? Captain? TASHA'S VOICE Captain? Picard turns at the sound of Tasha's voice, and as he does, the SCENE CHANGES TO: 9 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT - PAST Picard is sitting in the co-pilot's seat, wearing his OLD-STYLE UNIFORM as seen in the first season. TASHA YAR is sitting next to him. She looks exactly as she did in the series pilot. TASHA'S VOICE Are you all right, sir? He looks disoriented and confused again. He is still not fully aware of what's happening to him. Then the moment passes. TASHA Sir... ? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT ONE 11. 9 CONTINUED: PICARD I'm sorry, Lieutenant. My mind seems to have wandered for a moment... (beat) What were you saying? Tasha has that no-nonsense, military prickliness. These are two people who have just met a short time ago. TASHA I was asking if you'd ever been aboard a Galaxy Class starship before, sir. Picard tries to focus his mind on the here and now, putting aside his strange feeling of disorientation for a moment. PICARD No. I'm, of course, very familiar with the blueprints and specifications... but this will be my first time aboard. TASHA Well then, sir, if I may be so bold -- you're in for a treat. The Enterprise is quite a ship. PICARD I'm sure she is. Picard gives her that strange stare again. For some reason, something about her troubles him slightly. TASHA Have I done something wrong, sir? PICARD No. You just seem very... familiar. She nods, uncertain exactly what he's talking about. The console BEEPS. Tasha hits a control and we hear a com voice -- COM VOICE Enterprise to Shuttlecraft Galileo. You are cleared for arrival in Shuttlebay Two. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT ONE 12. 9 CONTINUED: (2) TASHA Acknowledged, Enterprise. Tasha works the controls a moment, then looks out the window. TASHA (continuing) There she is... Picard looks out the window... 10 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Through the windows of the shuttle we can see the ENTERPRISE sitting in its dock above Earth. 11 CLOSE ON PICARD'S FACE As soon as Picard sees the ship, his feeling of disorientation is forgotten, and he can't help but smile at the beautiful sight. PULL BACK TO REVEAL WE ARE NOW IN: 12 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS - PRESENT Picard still smiling, staring, holding a cup of tea half-way to his mouth. (NOTE: We will no longer be using the convention of Picard returning to the exact moment he left.) Troi looks at him oddly. TROI Captain? Picard glances around, momentarily disoriented. PICARD Tasha... I was just with Tasha, in the shuttle... Picard slumps back into a chair. He puts his hands to his head, clearly distraught. Troi can see that there's something very wrong with the Captain. She hits a panel. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: TROI Troi to Doctor Crusher. Something's wrong with the Captain. We're on our way to Sickbay. As Troi moves to the Captain with concern on her face... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 13 INT. SICKBAY - PRESENT Later. Picard is sitting on a bio-bed, still wearing his bathrobe. BEVERLY is finishing a scan. Troi is standing with Picard as Beverly approaches with the results of a scan. BEVERLY I've finished the neurographic scan. I don't see anything that might cause hallucinations or a psychogenic reaction. TROI Is there any indication of temporal displacement? BEVERLY No. Usually a temporal shift would leave some kind of trypamine residue in the cerebral cortex. But the scan didn't find any. (lightly) Personally, I think you just enjoy waking everyone up in the middle of the night. Picard smiles a little -- grateful for Beverly's effort to lighten the mood. PICARD Actually, I just like running around the ship in my bare feet. Beverly smiles at him. OGAWA walks over, holding a PADD. She is visibly pregnant -- around six months. OGAWA The bio-spectral test results, Doctor. Beverly looks over the PADD. BEVERLY (to Picard) Your blood gas analysis is consistent with someone who's been breathing the ship's air for weeks. (MORE)  STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT TWO 15. 13 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (Cont'd) If you'd been somewhere else, there would be some indication of a change in your oxygen isotope ratios. (to Ogawa) Thanks, Alissa. Ogawa smiles and withdraws. Beverly turns to Troi. BEVERLY (continuing) Deanna... would you excuse us? TROI Of course. Troi moves away and EXITS Sickbay. Beverly turns back to Picard. She is solemn, troubled. BEVERLY Jean-Luc... I scanned for any evidence of Irumodic Syndrome, as you suggested. There wasn't any. But I did detect a small structural defect in your parietal lobe. PICARD A defect... that you've never noticed before? BEVERLY It's the kind of thing that would only show up on a level four neurographic scan. (beat) It could leave you susceptible to several neurological disorders... including Irumodic Syndrome. Picard absorbs this news. BEVERLY (continuing) Now, it's possible you could have that defect for the rest of your life without developing a problem... (beat) ... but even if you do... many people lead perfectly normal lives for a long time after the onset of Irumodic Syndrome. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/15/94 - ACT TWO 15A. 13 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (smiles wryly) Then why do you look like you've just signed my death sentence? He's trying to lighten the moment, and she realizes he's picked up on her underlying feelings. BEVERLY Sorry. (beat) I guess... this has caught me off guard. He takes a breath, squares himself -- he's not going to waste concern over something he can't control. PICARD Well, let's not worry about it. (beat) Something tells me you're going to have to put up with me for a very long time. BEVERLY (trying to be light) It won't be easy, but I'll manage. They smile at each other in a friendly, intimate way. RIKER ENTERS. PICARD (to Riker) Did Worf find anything? RIKER No, sir. His security scans came up negative. (MORE) STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TWO 16. 13 CONTINUED: (4) RIKER (Cont'd) They're checking the sensor logs... but there's still no indication that you left the ship. Picard gets up off the bed, thinks for a moment. He seems more sure of himself than he did earlier -- the memories are still vague but he's sure that something happened. PICARD It wasn't a dream... something did happen. Worf's COM VOICE interrupts -- WORF'S COM VOICE Worf to Captain. PICARD (to com) Go ahead, Lieutenant. WORF Sir -- there is an incoming transmission from Admiral Nakamura. It is a priority one message. Reactions. PICARD Beverly? Beverly nods. PICARD (continuing, to com) Mister Worf, route it through to Doctor Crusher's office. Picard moves toward the office... 14 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE - PRESENT - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Picard ENTERS, sits down at the desk and activates the desktop monitor. After a beat, ADMIRAL NAKAMURA appears on the screen. NAKAMURA Captain. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TWO 17. 14 CONTINUED: PICARD Admiral. NAKAMURA I'm initiating a fleetwide Yellow Alert. Starfleet intelligence has picked up some disturbing reports from the Romulan Empire. It appears that at least thirty Warbirds have been pulled from other assignments and are heading for the Neutral Zone. PICARD Is there any indication why they would make such a blatantly aggressive move? Nakamura looks disturbed. NAKAMURA Our operatives on Romulus have indicated that there appears to be something happening in the Neutral Zone -- specifically, in the Devron System. Our own long range scans have picked up some kind of spatial anomaly in the area, but we can't tell what it is. PICARD What are our orders? NAKAMURA This is a delicate situation. I'm deploying fifteen starships along our side of the Neutral Zone. I want you to go there as well -- see if you can find out what's going on in the Devron System. PICARD Am I authorized to enter the Zone? NAKAMURA Not yet. Wait and see what the Romulans do. You can conduct long-range scans, send probes if necessary... but don't cross the border unless they do. PICARD Understood. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT TWO 18. 14 CONTINUED: (2) Picard turns off the monitor and stands. As he does, the SCENE CHANGES TO: 15 EXT. VINEYARD - FUTURE - DAY In the same motion, the older Picard rises to his feet -- and in doing so, stumbles and nearly falls. Geordi grabs him by the arm, tries to help him up. GEORDI Captain... what's wrong? Picard gets to his feet, looks around in confusion. Geordi is very concerned. PICARD This isn't my time. I belong somewhere else... GEORDI What? Picard stares at him, realizing he may not be making sense. PICARD I mean... I... I wasn't here a moment ago... GEORDI What do you mean? You've been right here with me... Picard gropes for an answer, tries to concentrate... but his mental faculties in this time period have deteriorated. He's much less cogent than the Picard we're used to -- it's hard for him to describe the experience. PICARD No, no... I was somewhere else... a long time ago... (beat) I was talking to someone... Beverly... Beverly was there... Geordi's beginning to worry that the old man is starting to lose it. GEORDI It's okay, Captain... everything's going to be all right. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT TWO 18A. 15 CONTINUED: Picard pulls away from Geordi's grasp. PICARD (emphatic) I'm not senile. It did happen. I was here, with you... and then I was in another place... (beat) It was... it was back on the Enterprise! (MORE) STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TWO 19. 15 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) (suddenly unsure) At least, I think it was... it seemed like Sickbay... but maybe it was a hospital... or... Picard trails off, frustrated. Geordi looks at him. GEORDI Captain, I think we should go back to the house... call a doctor... PICARD (louder) No. I know what you're thinking. It's the Irumodic Syndrome -- it's beginning to -- to affect the old man's mind. Well, it's not that. And I wasn't daydreaming, either. GEORDI All right... all right... what do you want do about it? Picard thinks frantically for a beat, his mind trying to fasten onto a course of action. Finally, he seizes on something. PICARD I want to see Data. GEORDI Data... Why? PICARD I think he can help... GEORDI Help -- how? PICARD (angry) I don't know! I don't know, but I want to see him! Geordi takes a moment, not sure how to handle this situation, but finally agrees. GEORDI Okay... we'll go see Data. Is he still at Cambridge? PICARD Yes... yes... I think he's... STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TWO 20. 15 CONTINUED: (2) Picard trails off as he sees something offcamera... 16 NEW ANGLE revealing SIX scraggly HUMANS standing nearby around Picard and Geordi. They are jeering and pointing at Picard, as seen earlier. Picard looks at them in shock. PICARD (urgent, to Geordi) Do you see them? 16A GEORDI'S POV No one is there. 16B PICARD AND GEORDI GEORDI See... who? PICARD They're everywhere... laughing at me... why are they laughing? Geordi doesn't know what to do -- it looks like Picard has gone completely crazy. GEORDI Come on, Captain... let's go see Data. 17 ON PICARD who looks at Geordi, then looks back out at the vineyard. When he looks out, the humans are gone. PICARD Yes... Data... yes... As they walk off... CUT TO: EXT. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY - FUTURE - DAY (MATTE) The old school looks much as it always has over the centuries, with a few 24th century touches. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/25/94 - ACT TWO 21. 19 INT. DATA'S LIBRARY - FUTURE - DAY A spacious and very comfortable room. The walls are lined with books. There is a FIRE roaring in the hearth. And there are about ten CATS wandering about or sleeping. (The mood and feel should remind us of the Sherlock Homes Drawing Room set.) Picard and Geordi are seated on a couch. DATA is standing nearby. He has not aged over the years, but there is a prominent streak of gray on one side of his head -- it looks unnatural, as if someone has taken a paint brush to his head. He is wearing the 24th century version of a smoking jacket. Data's struggle to become more human has progressed in the future. And although we will never spell out exactly how far he's come, we will see that he seems far more at ease with himself and others. He uses contractions, has a relatively sophisticated understanding of humanity, and seems to genuinely enjoy life. PICARD I know how it sounds... but it happened. It was real. I was back on the Enterprise. Data and Geordi exchange a look. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/25/94 - ACT TWO 22. 19 CONTINUED: Before they can comment, JESSEL, Data's English housekeeper, ENTERS with a tea service. She's a dour woman in her fifties with a heavy British accent. JESSEL (to Picard) How do you like your tea? PICARD Tea? Earl Grey. Hot. JESSEL Of course it's hot. What do ya want in it? PICARD Nothing... Picard shifts to another topic unexpectedly -- another sign that his mind tends to wander occasionally. This will continue to happen throughout the script. PICARD This is quite a place you have here, Data. I see they treat Professors pretty well at Cambridge... Picard laughs a little too loudly. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT TWO 23. 19 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Holding the Lucasian Chair does have its perquisites. This house originally belonged to Sir Isaac Newton when he held the position. It has become the traditional residence. Jessel brings tea to Data and Geordi. JESSEL (to Geordi, re: Data) If you're really his friend, you'll get him to take that grey out of his hair. He looks like a bloody skunk. Jessel moves back to the service, shoos a few cats off the furniture. Data gives Geordi a look. DATA (re: Jessel) She can be trying at times. (beat, smiles) But she does make me laugh. GEORDI (smiles) What is it with your hair, anyway? DATA I have found that a touch of gray adds an air of... distinction. PICARD Is this Earl Grey? I'd swear it was breakfast tea. Data moves back to Picard. DATA Captain, when was the last time you saw a physician about your Irumodic Syndrome? PICARD A week ago. I was prescribed peridaxon. (MORE) STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT TWO 24. 19 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (Cont'd) (quickly) And yes, I know it's not a cure... nothing can stop the deterioration of my... my synaptic pathways... (beat) You think I'm senile... that this is all some... delusion. GEORDI No one said anything like that. Data holds Picard's gaze steadily, not shying away from giving him the unvarnished truth. DATA In all honesty, Captain, it's a thought that has occurred to me. (beat) However, there is nothing to disprove what you are saying, either. So it's possible something is happening to you. Picard looks hopeful. Data starts pacing, a human gesture that Data has obviously acquired. DATA (continuing) The first thing we should do is give you a complete series of neurographic scans. We can use the equipment at the bio-metrics lab here on campus. (to Jessel) Jessel, ask Professor Rippert to take over my lecture for tomorrow and possibly for the rest of the week. Picard is enthused. PICARD That's the Data I remember! I knew I could count on you! In his excitement, Picard spills some of his hot tea onto his lap. He yells out and JUMPS to his feet, and as he does, the SCENE CHANGES TO: STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TWO 25. 20 INT. SHUTTLEBAY - PAST Picard is JUMPING out of the shuttlecraft, which is now sitting in the middle of the bay. Picard hesitates for a moment, disoriented at first. A large group of CREWMEMBERS are lined up in several ranks next to the shuttle standing at ease. Visible at the front of the group are Troi, O'BRIEN and Worf -- all are wearing the uniforms and "look" of "Encounter at Farpoint". Tasha steps out behind Picard and calls out in a loud voice: TASHA (to all) Commanding officer... Enterprise... arriving. At this command, an Ensign smartly brings an old-fashioned Bosun's whistle to his lips and BLOWS it. At the sound of the whistle, everyone in the bay snaps to attention. Picard stares at the scene for a moment, silently orienting himself to where and when he is. He takes a beat, then moves to a nearby podium, sets the PADD on it and looks up at the crowd. There's a distracted look on his face -- he's moving forward with the ceremony, but at the same time his mind is trying to assimilate all that's happened to him so far. PICARD (to all) To Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Stardate 41148... Picard glances up from the PADD... 21 PICARD'S POV We can now see three of the scraggly HUMANS standing on the catwalk. They are laughing at Picard. 22 RESUME PICARD He reacts in surprise... 23 PICARD'S POV The figures are gone. 24 PICARD Picard hesitates, jarred by the strange apparition... then recovers and continues reading from the PADD... STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TWO 26. 24 CONTINUED: PICARD (reading) ... You are hereby requested and required to take command... Picard glances up again... 25 PICARD'S POV There are now six scraggly humans standing on the catwalk, laughing and jeering. 26 PICARD looks away from the crowd, tries to concentrate on what he's doing. There's an awkward silence. Tasha gives him a slightly puzzled look -- what's wrong with him? Picard clears his throat and then continues... PICARD ... to take command of the USS Enterprise as of this date. Signed Rear Admiral Norah Satie, Starfleet Command. He turns off the PADD, steps out from behind the podium and looks at his crew. They stare back at him silently, waiting for his first words for them -- the first words from the Captain of the Enterprise. PICARD'S POV - THE CATWALK There are now ten of the humans standing there -- all shouting at Picard with menacing looks. 28 PICARD reacts. 29 PICARD'S POV The humans are gone. 30 PICARD takes a beat, then makes a decision -- STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TWO 27. 30 CONTINUED: PICARD (yells) Red Alert! All hands to Battle Stations! There is a shocked and silent moment from the crowd. This is the last thing they expected. Tasha gives him a startled look, but recovers quickly -- she barks at the crowd. TASHA You heard him -- move! The ship goes to RED ALERT. People rush out the shuttlebay doors to their duty stations. OFF the mad scramble to action... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 31 OMITTED 32 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - PAST Picard is staring out the windows as the crew of the past is filing in -- Tasha, Worf, Troi. The room appears as it did in the FIRST SEASON, complete with gold ship models on the wall. Camera should FAVOR Tasha, to orient us that we're in the past. PICARD (V.O.) Personal Log: Stardate 41153.7. Recorded under security lockout Omega three-two-seven. I have decided not to inform this crew of my experiences. If it's true that I've travelled to the past, I cannot risk giving them foreknowledge of what's to come. Picard sits as the others do. They eye him warily -- these people don't know Picard and are not comfortable around him or each other. PICARD Report. TASHA We've completed a full subspace scan of the ship and surrounding space. We detected no unusual readings or anomalies. WORF With all due respect, sir... it would help if we knew what we were looking for. PICARD Noted. (to Troi) Counselor, do you sense anything unusual aboard the Enterprise... an alien presence that doesn't belong here... perhaps operating on a level of intelligence far superior to our own? Troi pauses, thinks. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT THREE 29. 32 CONTINUED: TROI No, sir. I'm only aware of the crew... and the families aboard the ship. Picard nods, takes a few steps around the table. They watch him carefully. PICARD Mister Worf, I want you to initiate a Level Two Security Alert on all decks until further notice. Worf looks surprised, and gives an awkward glance to Tasha. Tasha takes a step forward. She keeps her voice level, but it's clear that Picard's order has rankled her for some reason. TASHA Sir, with all due respect... I'm the Security Chief on this ship. Unless you're planning to make a change... Picard is taken aback... reorients himself, then presses on. PICARD No... no, of course not. Security Alert Two, Lieutenant. TASHA Aye, sir. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Captain Picard to the Bridge, Please. PICARD (to com) On my way, Chief. Everyone EXITS to... 33 INT. BRIDGE - PAST - CONTINUOUS Picard, Worf, Tasha and Troi ENTER. Chief O'Brien is standing down in the command area. He hands a PADD to Picard. There are N.D. crewmembers milling about on the Bridge, working at opened panels... moving portable equipment around, etc. The ship is a mess -- clearly, not ready for space travel yet. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT THREE 30. 33 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Sir, Starfleet has just issued an alert. It appears that a number of vessels are moving toward the Neutral Zone between Romulan and Federation space. TASHA What kind of vessels? O'BRIEN Freighters, transports... all civilian. None of them Federation ships. Picard reads the PADD, and as he does, his frown deepens -- what he reads rings a bell. PICARD (off PADD) It says a large spatial anomaly has appeared in the Neutral Zone... (beat) In the Devron System. Worf reacts strongly -- this is a younger, more outwardly aggressive Worf than the one we're used to seeing in the seventh season. WORF Perhaps it is a Romulan trick -- to lure ships into the Neutral Zone as an excuse for a military strike. O'BRIEN (to Tasha, Worf) Starfleet's cancelling our mission to Farpoint Station and ordering us to the Neutral Zone as soon as we can leave spacedock. Picard considers -- his mind is racing, trying to figure out what to do next. He finally makes a decision. PICARD No... no, we'll proceed to Farpoint. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT THREE 30A. 33 CONTINUED: (2) Shocked reactions. TASHA Sir? PICARD You heard me. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT THREE 31. 33 CONTINUED: (3) WORF But Captain -- the security of the Federation may be at stake! Picard calmly looks at him. PICARD Man your station, Mister Worf. Worf returns to the aft science station, bristling. TROI Captain, perhaps if we understood your thinking, if you could explain -- PICARD I don't intend to explain anything... (to all) ... to anyone. We will proceed to Farpoint Station, as originally planned. A quiet, tense moment on the Bridge... no one moves. PICARD (continuing, to O'Brien) Now, if I'm not mistaken, Chief, we're having some problems with the warp plasma inducers. O'BRIEN (surprised) That's right, sir. PICARD I think I know a way to get them back on-line. You're with me. (to Tasha) We'll be in Main Engineering. Picard and O'Brien EXIT. Once they leave, people go reluctantly back to work. Worf moves closer to Tasha. WORF (quiet, to Tasha) I do not understand. The Romulans may be planning an attack, and he does not seem to care. (beat) Are you certain this is the same man who commanded the Stargazer? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT THREE32. 33 CONTINUED: (4) TASHA As far as I know. WORF What are you going to do? TASHA I'm going to do what I'm told.... prepare to go to Farpoint. Worf looks frustrated by her response. As Tasha walks across the Bridge, she moves past a WORKMAN, who is carrying a plaque toward the bulkhead next to the emergency Turbolift. He stops, lifts the ship's DEDICATION PLAQUE and begins to hang it on its familiar place on the wall... CUT TO: 34 INT. ENGINEERING - PAST Picard is in Geordi's office, sitting at a console, O'Brien standing next to him watching as the Captain rapidly works the console. Several N.D.s are working at various opened consoles and panels -- they're getting the ship ready to go. O'Brien is somewhat uncomfortable in the presence of the new Captain. Picard finishes working and hands O'Brien a PADD. PICARD Mister O'Brien, use these specifications to bypass the secondary plasma inducer. O'Brien takes the PADD, concern showing on his face. O'BRIEN You have to realize, sir... this isn't exactly my area of expertise. The Chief Engineer should be making these modifications. PICARD But the Chief Engineer isn't on board yet. (beat) Mister O'Brien... trust me. I know you can do this. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT THREE 33. 34 CONTINUED: He smiles at O'Brien, whom he knows well and fondly. PICARD All those years you spent as a child... building model starship engines... were well worth it. O'BRIEN (surprised) How'd you know that, sir? PICARD From... your Starfleet records. O'Brien is amazed that this Captain spent time scrutinizing the records so thoroughly... but it makes him feel more comfortable with this aristocratic man. O'BRIEN Yes, sir. I'll get right to the modifications. O'Brien takes the PADD and heads across the room. Picard continues to work in Geordi's office. Stay on Picard as O'Brien moves offcamera and begins giving orders to an offscreen Ensign. O'BRIEN'S VOICE Fletcher -- tell Munoz and Lee to get up here right away. We have to realign the entire power grid. We're all going to be burning the midnight oil on this one. DATA'S VOICE That would be inadvisable. At the sound of Data's voice, Picard turns and looks -- and we now reveal Data, who has just entered the room. Through the following conversation, Picard watches with a smile as he sees O'Brien encounter Data for the first time. Data looks and acts as he did in the pilot. This is a less sophisticated, more naive Data than the one we're used to -- he's the Data we knew seven years ago: more innocent and less comfortable with everyday human interactions. O'BRIEN Excuse me? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT THREE 33A. 34 CONTINUED: (2) DATA If you attempt to ignite a petroleum product on this ship at zero-hundred hours -- it will activate the fire suppression system, which will seal off this entire compartment. O'Brien looks at him blankly. O'BRIEN Sir... that was just an expression. Data reacts. DATA An expression of what? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT THREE 34. 34 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN (groping) A figure of speech... I was trying to tell him that... we were going to be working late... DATA Ah. Then "to burn the midnight oil" implies late work? O'BRIEN That's right. DATA I am curious. What is the etymology of that idiom? How did it come to be used in contemporary language? O'Brien isn't sure to what to make of this man. O'BRIEN I... don't know, sir... Picard finally comes to O'Brien's rescue. PICARD Commander Data, welcome aboard -- it's good to see you. Data turns and sees Picard for the first time. They shake hands. Picard smiles at him warmly, genuinely glad to see him and have someone he can completely rely on. Data isn't sure why this man he has just met is smiling so warmly at him. DATA It is... good to see you, too, sir. PICARD I could use your help with the infusor array. DATA Certainly. They move to a wall panel near the warp core and open it. Picard points to a conduit. PICARD As you can see, we're having difficulty with the plasma conduits... STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT THREE 35. 34 CONTINUED: (4) Data eyes the panel. DATA (re: panel) This will require a completely new field induction subprocessor. (beat) It appears that we will be required to... ignite the midnight petroleum, sir. Picard glances at him, smiles slightly. Suddenly, we hear Beverly's voice -- BEVERLY'S VOICE Jean-Luc... what's going on? Picard turns, and as he does the SCENE CHANGES TO: 35 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE - PRESENT Picard standing in his bathrobe near the desk. Beverly and Riker are standing in the doorway, looking at him, puzzled. Picard is momentarily disoriented -- tries to orient himself to the here and now. PICARD It happened again. Beverly reacts. BEVERLY A time shift? PICARD Yes... Beverly immediately grabs a tricorder and scans Picard's head. RIKER What happened? PICARD It's still a little vague, but I can remember more this time. I think the more I shift between time periods, the more memory I retain... (MORE) STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT THREE 36. 35 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) (thinks) First, I was in what appeared to be the future... years from now. Then I was in the past again... right before our first mission... Beverly reacts to the tricorder readings. RIKER (to Beverly) What is it? BEVERLY (off tricorder) I just scanned his temporal lobe and compared it to the scan I performed just a few minutes ago. There's a thirteen percent increase of acetylcholine in his hippocampus. (to Picard) Within a matter of minutes, you accumulated over two days worth of memories. They all react... there's now real confirmation of what Picard's been saying. OFF Picard's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 36 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - PRESENT Picard, Riker, Worf, Data, Troi, Geordi, Beverly. Midconversation. PICARD (to Troi) Counselor, do you remember the first day I came aboard the Enterprise? TROI Yes. PICARD What happened after the welcoming ceremony? TROI There was a reception in Ten Forward... I introduced you to Worf and the other senior officers... PICARD Do you have any memory of me calling for a Red Alert in spacedock? Do you remember Starfleet diverting us from Farpoint to the Neutral Zone to investigate a spatial anomaly? TROI No... They consider this. DATA It would appear that there is a discontinuity between the time periods you have described. Events in one time period would seem to have no effect on the other two. They try to make sense of this. RIKER And yet in both the past and the present -- there's a report of the same anomaly in the Devron System. It's hard to believe that's a coincidence. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 38. 36 CONTINUED: PICARD For all I know, there may be one in the future, too. GEORDI Maybe the anomaly is some kind of... temporal disruption. BEVERLY (to Picard) But how is all this related to your time shifting? PICARD These are good questions. And I suspect I might find some answers when I return to the past... but for now we're facing a potentially dangerous threat from the Romulans. (beat) All departments should submit combat readiness reports by oh eight hundred hours tomorrow. Dismissed. Everyone rises to go and heads for the door. Riker catches Troi's attention. RIKER (to Troi) Looks like it's going to be a late night... want to get some dinner first? Troi hesitates, glances at Worf. There's an awkward moment. Riker looks a little puzzled, not sure what's going on. TROI Actually, I... (re: Worf) I mean... we have plans. And in that moment, Riker suddenly realizes that Troi and Worf's relationship has progressed further than he ever realized. He's caught off-guard here, but tries to respond casually and naturally. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 39. 36 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Oh... I see. Well then... see you tomorrow morning. WORF Goodnight, sir. RIKER Worf... Worf and Troi EXIT to the corridor. Riker looks after them once they've gone. Clearly, the scene has disturbed him -- he's not sure how he feels about this. Finally, he turns and EXITS to the Bridge... 37 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT - CONTINUOUS Riker ENTERS. Beverly is standing near the aft console, watching Picard as he gives Data orders. The ship is at Yellow Alert. PICARD (to Data) ... and I want continuous subspace sweeps. We might detect a temporal disturbance. DATA Aye sir. Riker and Picard move toward the Command area. PICARD Wil... this time shifting... when it happens, I experience a moment of disorientation. If this should happen during a crisis, I want you to be ready to take command immediately. Riker is still distracted by what just happened with Worf and Troi. He doesn't respond right away. PICARD Number One? RIKER Sorry, Captain. Be prepared to take command. Aye sir. Picard looks at him, notes his distraction. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 40. 37 CONTINUED: PICARD Speaking of disorientation... are you all right? Riker tries to shrug it off. RIKER Just a little distracted. I'm fine. Picard doesn't quite believe this, but decides not to pursue the matter. PICARD You have the Bridge. I'll be in my Ready Room. Riker moves to sit down as Picard heads for the Ready Room. 38 ANGLE ON BEVERLY She watches Picard exit, a look of concern on her face. OFF her expression... CUT TO: 39 INT. READY ROOM - PRESENT Picard sitting at his desk. The door CHIMES. PICARD Come. Beverly ENTERS, walks directly to the replicator. BEVERLY (to replicator) Milk, warm -- dash of nutmeg. We HEAR the replicator work. Beverly takes a way a glass of milk and hands it to Picard. PICARD What's this? BEVERLY A prescription. A glass of warm milk and eight hours uninterrupted sleep. PICARD Beverly... STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 41. 39 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Doctor's orders. You're exhausted. I don't know if you've slept in the past or the future... but I know you haven't slept in the present. (lightly) Get some rest, or I'll have you relieved and sedated. PICARD (lightly) Yes, sir. They exchange a smile. Beverly puts her hand on his in a friendly gesture, but then leaves it there a beat longer then necessary, and gives it a little squeeze. She looks concerned. He looks up at her with a little bit of surprise. PICARD (continuing) What's wrong? Beverly thinks, and for a moment, it seems as if she might say something... but she decides against it... she turns and heads for the door. Picard stands up. PICARD (continuing) Beverly. She stops, takes a moment, then finally turns around and looks at him. BEVERLY As a physician, it's often my job to give people unpleasant news... to tell them that they need surgery or that they can't have children... (beat) Or that they might be facing a difficult illness... She breaks off, looks away from him. Picard moves to her, touched by her concern. PICARD You said yourself it's only a possibility. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 42. 39 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY But you've been to the future... you know it's going to happen. Picard takes a beat, then looks up at her again. PICARD I prefer to think of the future as something that is not written in stone. A lot of things can happen in twenty-five years. She looks at him for a moment, smiles... then leans over and kisses him on the lips. They pull apart after a beat. She looks into his eyes. BEVERLY (quiet) A lot of things can happen. Beverly turns and EXITS. Picard watches her go, a thoughtful look on his face... then he picks up the glass of milk and takes a sip... moves to the couch and stretches out. He's exhausted. He closes his eyes... his breathing deepens... he begins to drift off... GEORDI'S VOICE Sir? Wake up... sir? The SCENE CHANGES TO: 40 INT. DATA'S LIBRARY - FUTURE - LATE AFTERNOON Geordi is gently waking Picard, who is sleeping on Data's sofa. Picard blinks open his eyes. PICARD Yes... yes, what is it? Have we reached the Neutral Zone? GEORDI The Neutral Zone? Picard looks around, realizing what time period he's in... PICARD Sorry... I was... in the past again... (beat) What's going on? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 43. 40 CONTINUED: GEORDI Data's arranged for us to run some tests on you in the bio-metrics lab. We're ready to go if you are. PICARD No... no, we don't have time for that. We have to get to the Neutral Zone. GEORDI Why? PICARD In the other two time periods... Starfleet reported a... uh... some kind of... spatial anomaly in the... in the... (beat) ... in the Devron System! The Devron System in the Neutral Zone! Geordi sighs -- the old man's ravings are starting to get a little out of hand. GEORDI Sir... PICARD (thinking) If the anomaly was in the past... it might be here, too. We have to go find out... GEORDI Just because you've seen it in two other time frames, doesn't mean it's going to be here. PICARD But if it is -- that means something! Damnit, Geordi -- I know what we have to do! Geordi puts aside his own frustration. GEORDI Okay... but first of all, there is no Neutral Zone, remember? Picard thinks. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 40 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (struggling) Right... right. Klingons... in this time period, the Klingons have taken over the Romulan Empire... GEORDI And the relations between us and the Klingons aren't real cozy right now. Picard struggles to his feet, irritated. PICARD I know that. I haven't completely lost my mind, you know. Picard pulls up short at his own tone, tries to take the edge out of his voice. PICARD (continuing) Sorry, Geordi... it's hard for me to concentrate... and remember things... I don't mean to take out that frustration on you... GEORDI It's okay... (beat) Well, if we're going to the Devron System, we're going to need a ship. PICARD I think it's time to call in some old favors... (beat) Contact Admiral Riker at Starbase Two-four-seven. CUT TO: 41 EXT. CAMBRIDGE - FUTURE - LATE AFTERNOON (MATTE) As seen earlier. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 42 INT. DATA'S LIBRARY - FUTURE - LATE AFTERNOON (OPTICAL) A short time later. Where the hearth and fire were seen earlier there is now a large VIEWSCREEN and a computer console. Picard is talking to Admiral Riker on the viewer. Riker is twenty-five years older, his hair almost completely gray. His attitude is now that of a seasoned and experienced Starfleet Admiral... but there's something more. He's more brittle, less easygoing than the Riker we used to know... something's changed in him. He regards Picard fondly but with a hint of tolerance. The power relationships have changed here -- while Riker respects Picard he is no longer beholden to him. Mid-conversation. Data and Geordi are standing nearby. RIKER Jean-Luc, you know I'd like to help... but frankly, what you're asking for is impossible. The Klingons have closed their borders to all Federation starships. PICARD Wil... if this... spatial anomaly really is in the Devron System... RIKER I saw a report from Starfleet Intelligence on that sector this morning. There's no activity... there's nothing unusual happening in the Devron System. PICARD I don't believe that! Maybe their long-range scanners are flawed... we have to go there, see for ourselves! Riker is reluctant to turn him down flat... he looks for a way to ease out of it. RIKER Data, what do you make of all this? Data considers. He no longer makes decisions based purely on logic, but compassionately takes feelings into account, too. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 45A. 42 CONTINUED: DATA I am not certain. I cannot disprove what the Captain is saying. (beat) And he is convinced he is travelling back and forth through time. Riker eyes him. Clearly Data is siding with the Captain. Riker feels he has to do something. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 42 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Right. (beat) Look, I've got the Yorktown out near the border... I'll have them run some long range scans of the Devron System... if they find anything, I'll let you know. PICARD That's not good enough. RIKER (firm) It's going to have to be. I'm sorry. That's all I can do. Riker out. The transmission ENDS. Picard steps back from the Viewscreen, frustrated and angry. Data turns to the computer console. DATA (to computer) Computer -- restore holographic image. The Viewscreen and computer console VANISH and are REPLACED by the fireplace and roaring fire. PICARD (angry) Damn him anyway... after all we've been through together... he's been sitting behind that desk too long. GEORDI Well... I guess all we can do is wait to see if the Yorktown finds anything. DATA There is another option. Picard looks hopeful, but Geordi is exasperated -- he was hoping that Riker had put an end to all this. DATA (continuing) We could arrange passage aboard a medical ship. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 42 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Medical ship? DATA Yes. There was an outbreak of Terrellian Plague on Romulus. The Klingons have been allowing Federation medical ships to cross the border. PICARD (excited) Yes... yes... Geordi is a little chagrinned, but opts not to fight about it. GEORDI (resigned) So now all we need is a medical ship. PICARD I think I can arrange that. (to Data) Find the USS Pasteur. I have some pull with the Captain. (beat, then concerned) At least, I used to... CUT TO: 43 EXT. SPACE - MEDICAL SHIP - FUTURE (OPTICAL) A small and sleek VESSEL with the 24th century equivalent of "Red Cross" markings. The ship is orbiting Earth. 44 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE - FUTURE The Bridge of a futuristic medical ship. Picard, Geordi and Data (who's now dressed in travel clothes) ENTER from a Turbolift. ENSIGN CHILTON is at the Conn. Someone is sitting in the Captain's chair and is turned away from them. The chair swivels to face them and we REVEAL -- STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 44 CONTINUED: Captain Beverly Picard. She smiles and rises. BEVERLY Well... this is a page out of the past. I never thought I'd see any one of you on a starship again. (shaking hands) Data, Geordi... There is an awkward beat as Beverly and Picard look at each other -- there is a tension in the air. At the exact same moment, Beverly moves to hug him, but Picard holds out his hand to shake hers. Then they both see what the other is doing, and they switch -- Beverly starts to shake his hand and Picard moves to hug her. They both finally drop their hands and smile at each other, embarrassed and amused at their own awkwardness. PICARD Let's just... choose one. They move toward each other and gently hug for a moment. There is a tenderness between them... then they separate and there's the awkwardness again. PICARD Well. Did you get my message? BEVERLY Yes. Jean-Luc... going into Klingon territory -- it's insane. (shakes her head) But I never could say no to you. PICARD Ah. So that's why you married me. She smiles at him. These are two people who still retain a fondness for each other in spite of not having been able to make marriage work. BEVERLY Now... the first order of business is to get clearance to cross the Klingon border. GEORDI What about Worf? Isn't he still on the Klingon High Council? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT FOUR 48A. 44 CONTINUED: (2) DATA I'm not sure. Information on the Klingon political structure is hard to come by these days. However, at last report Worf was governor of H'atoria, a small Klingon colony near the border. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT FOUR 49-49A 44 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Worf... yes, that's it... that's the answer. Worf. He'll help us. Let's make it so. As Beverly considers this -- CHILTON Captain Picard? PICARD (overlapping) Yes? BEVERLY (overlapping) Yes? They give each other a look. Chilton addresses Beverly. CHILTON (beat) Captain, McKinley Station is signalling. They want to know when we'll be docking. BEVERLY Tell McKinley that we've been called away on a priority mission. We won't be docking. CHILTON Aye, sir. Picard smiles at Beverly. PICARD Kept the name, eh? BEVERLY (smiling) I've prepared quarters for you on Deck Five if you'd like some rest. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/16/94 - ACT FOUR 50. 44 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD I'm fine. I don't need any rest. BEVERLY (to Chilton) Nell, please escort the Ambassador to his quarters-- PICARD I can find my way around a starship! Picard addresses the group, building a head of steam. PICARD You're all treating me like an invalid, but I assure you I've got a few years left. I don't need to be led around and I don't want to be patronized. BEVERLY You're right. I'm sorry. Disarmed, he starts for the Turbolift. PICARD I'll go have a rest. The doors close behind him. Once he's gone, Beverly turns to Geordi and Data with a slightly sad expression. BEVERLY How long since he's had a neurological scan? GEORDI I'm not sure, but don't waste your time suggesting it. He says he's not taking "any more damn tests." BEVERLY Do you believe he's moving through time? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT FOUR 50A. 44 CONTINUED: (5) Geordi looks down -- it's clear he doesn't believe the Captain. BEVERLY (continuing) I don't know if I do, either... but -- he's Jean-Luc Picard. And if he wants to go on one more mission, that's what we're going to do. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT FOUR 51-51A 44 CONTINUED: (6) Beverly moves to the Captain's chair. BEVERLY (to Chilton) Ensign Chilton, set course for H'atoria. CUT TO: 44A OMITTED 45 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - TURBOLIFT - FUTURE Picard standing in the moving Lift. PICARD We'll find the anomaly... I know we will... The Lift stops. The doors open and Picard steps out. And as he does, the SCENE CHANGES TO: 46 INT. BRIDGE - PAST Picard walking out of a Turbolift onto the Bridge. He hesitates only for a moment, quickly orienting himself. He moves to the Command Area. Tasha, Worf, O'Brien, Data and Troi at their stations. PICARD Report. O'BRIEN We're nearing the coordinates you gave me, sir. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 52. 46 CONTINUED: PICARD (to Data) Is there anything unusual in the vicinity? DATA How would you define unusual, sir? Every region of space has unique properties that cannot be found anywhere else. Picard thinks, remembers what happened originally. PICARD There should be a... "barrier" of some sort nearby. A large plasma field... highly disruptive. Tasha works. TASHA Nothing, sir. Frustrated, Picard looks down at O'Brien's console again. PICARD It's the right time... right place... he should be here... O'BRIEN Who, sir? Picard straightens up and looks around the Bridge. PICARD (calls out) Q! We're here! This has gone on long enough! What sort of game are you playing? There is no answer. The Bridge crew exchange looks among themselves -- they're definitely starting to wonder about this guy. PICARD (continuing, to Troi) Counselor, do you sense an alien presence? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 03/10/94 - ACT FOUR 53. 46 CONTINUED: (2) TROI No, sir. 46A thru OMITTED 46B 47 ANGLE - WORF AND TASHA WORF (sotto, to Tasha) What is a... "Q"? TASHA (sotto) It's a letter of the alphabet, as far as I know. 48 PICARD is getting more and more frustrated. PICARD (quiet) This is not the way it's supposed to happen... (to all) Maintain position here. I'll be in my Ready Room. Picard EXITS to the Ready Room... 49 INT. READY ROOM - PAST - CONTINUOUS As Picard steps through the doors, the SCENE CHANGES TO: 50 INT. COURTROOM (OPTICAL) Picard is suddenly in front of the screaming crowd, as seen in "Farpoint". The crowd is looking down the hallway that leads into the courtroom. Out of the darkness, riding on his FLOATING CHAIR -- Q appears, dressed in his judge's robes. The crowd ROARS in approval at the sight of him. Q holds up a hand and they fall silent. He looks toward Picard. Q Mon Capitan... I thought you'd never get here. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT FIVE 54. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 51 INT. COURTROOM Picard facing Q, as before. PICARD Q... I thought so. What's going on? Q It's Judge Q to you. And isn't it obvious what's going on? Picard looks around at the courtroom, the unruly crowd. PICARD The last time I stood in this courtroom was seven years ago... Q (mocking) "Seven years ago... " How little you mortals understand time. Must you be so linear, Jean-Luc? PICARD (doggedly) You accused me of being the representative of a barbarous species... Q I believe my exact words were "a dangerous, savage, child-race." PICARD But we demonstrated that mankind has become peaceful and benevolent. You agreed, and let us go on our way. (looking around) Why do I find myself back in this courtroom? Q You'd like me to connect the dots for you. Lead you from A... to B... to C... so your puny mind can comprehend. Q shakes his head wearily, vexed by man's limitations. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/25/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 51 CONTINUED: Q How boring. They would be so much more entertained if you tried to figure this out... Q thinks for a moment. Q (continuing) I'll answer any ten questions that call for a "yes" or a "no." (beat) Well? Picard takes a breath, looks around the courtroom again. This is the only way he can get information. PICARD Are you putting mankind on trial again? Q No. PICARD Is there any connection at all between the trial seven years ago... and whatever's going on now? Q Hmmmmm... I would have to say... yes. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/25/94 - ACT FIVE 56. 51 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD The spatial anomaly in the Neutral Zone -- is it related to what's happening? Q Oh, most definitely yes. PICARD Is it part of a Romulan plot? A ploy to start a war? Q No... and no. Five down. PICARD That's only four -- Q (ticking on his fingers) "Is it a Romulan plot?" "Is it a ploy to start a war?" Those are separate questions. PICARD Did you create the anomaly? Q (laughs merrily) No, no, no. You're going to be so surprised when you realize where it came from -- if you ever figure it out. PICARD (trying another tack) Are you responsible for my shifting through time? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/28/94 - ACT FIVE 56A. 51 CONTINUED: (2) Q I'll answer that if you promise you won't tell anyone. (whispering) Yes. PICARD Why? Q Oh, I'm sorry. That's not a "yes or no" question. You forfeit the rest of your questions. He regards Picard with scorn. Q (continuing) I expected as much. You're such a limited creature... a perfect example of why we've made our decision. Picard gives him a questioning look. Q The trial never ended, Captain. We never reached a verdict. But, now we have: you're guilty. PICARD Guilty of what? Q Of being inferior. Q looks at Picard with unconcealed contempt. Q Seven years ago I said we'd be watching you. And we have been. Hoping your ape-like race would demonstrate some growth... give some indication that your minds have room for expansion. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/29/94 - ACT FIVE 56B. 51 CONTINUED: (3) Q's tone now is serious, threatening. Q And what have we seen instead? You spending time worrying about Commander Riker's career... listening to Counselor Troi's pedantic psychobabble... indulging Data in his witless exploration of humanity... PICARD We have journeyed to countless new worlds... made contact with new species... expanded man's understanding of the universe... Q In your own paltry, limited way. You have no idea how far you still have to go. PICARD We are what we are, Q -- and we're doing the best we can. It's not for you to set the standard by which we're judged. Q Oh, but it is. And we have. Time may be eternal -- but our patience is not. PICARD (tight) Having rendered a verdict... have you decided upon a sentence? Q Indeed. It's time to put an end to your trek through the stars... to make room for other, more worthy species. PICARD We're to be denied travel through space? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT FIVE 56C. 51 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD Q... even you could not be capable of such an act -- Q I? There you go again, blaming me for everything. Well, this time I'm not your enemy. I am not the one who causes the annihilation of mankind. (beat) You are. PICARD Me... STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT FIVE 57. 51 CONTINUED: (5) Q That's right. You're doing it right now... you've already done it... and you will do it yet again. PICARD What sort of meaningless doubletalk is that? Q sighs. Q He doesn't understand. I have only myself to blame, I suppose. I believed in you... I thought you had potential... but apparently I was wrong. (beat) May whatever God you believe in have mercy on your soul. This court stands adjourned. Q raises a hand and there is the crash of a GONG. The SCENE CHANGES TO:: 52 INT. READY ROOM - PRESENT Picard sits up on the couch suddenly, the SOUND of the gong slowly fading away. He realizes what's happened. He heads for the door of the Ready Room and EXITS to the Bridge. 52A INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT Picard steps onto the Bridge and addresses Riker. PICARD (to com) Commander, assemble the Senior Staff and go to Red Alert. (beat) We have a bigger problem than we thought. OFF his face... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SIX 58. ACT SIX FADE IN: 53 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) at warp. 54 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, Geordi, Beverly, Troi. Midconversation. GEORDI I don't believe him. This has to be another one of Q's games. He's probably listening to us right now, getting a big laugh out of watching us jump through his hoops. PICARD I think that this time, we have no choice but to take him at his word... which means that in some fashion, I will cause the destruction of humanity. BEVERLY But didn't Q say you already had caused it? TROI And that you were causing it now... DATA Given the fact that there is an apparent discontinuity between the three time periods the Captain is visiting, Q's statement may be accurate, if confusing. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SIX 59. 54 CONTINUED: A beat. Picard looks frustrated. PICARD So what should I do -- just lock myself in a room in all three time periods? RIKER No. Maybe not acting is what causes the destruction of mankind. What if you were needed on the Bridge at a key moment, and weren't there? TROI We can't start second-guessing ourselves. I think we have to proceed normally... deal with each situation as it occurs... PICARD Agreed. (beat) I've been thinking about my conversation with Q. He admitted that he was responsible for my shifting through time... The others listen carefully, wondering where the Captain is going with this. PICARD (continuing) It occurred to me... that perhaps Q is giving me a chance to save mankind somehow. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/16/94 - ACT SIX 60. 54 CONTINUED: (2) Astonished looks all around. RIKER What makes you say that? PICARD Q has always shown a certain... fascination with humanity... and specifically with me. I think he has more than a casual interest in what happens to me. DATA That is true. Q's interest in you is very similar to that of a master and a beloved pet. Picard shoots him a dirty look. DATA (continuing) That was only an analogy, Captain. PICARD If I weren't traveling through time... I would never have realized that the anomaly in the Neutral Zone appeared there in the past as well. (beat) Assuming that's an important piece of a larger puzzle, my ability to shift through time may be the key to understanding what's going on. COM VOICE Bridge to Captain Picard. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SIX 61. 54 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Go ahead. COM VOICE We're approaching the Neutral Zone, Captain. Looks all around. PICARD On our way. Everyone heads for the door... 55 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT - CONTINUOUS Picard, Riker, Data and Worf ENTER and move to their positions. Beverly, Geordi and Troi EXIT to the Turbolift. The ship is still at Red Alert. PICARD All stop. Initiate a long range scan. DATA (working) There are four Warbirds holding position on the Romulan side of the Neutral Zone, Captain. WORF The Federation Starships Concord and Bozeman are holding position on our side. RIKER Face-off. The question is, who's going to move first? PICARD We are. Mister Worf, hail the Romulan flagship. Worf works. WORF The Warbird Terix is responding. PICARD On screen. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 03/10/94 - ACT SIX 62. 56 ANGLE ON MEDICAL SHIP VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The image of an aged Worf appears on the viewer. WORF Captain Picard. CUT TO REVEAL THAT WE ARE -- 57 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) The older Picard is standing next to the Captain's chair. Beverly and Chilton are at their stations. Data and Geordi look on. Picard blinks for a moment, steadies himself against Beverly's chair as he adjusts to the abrupt time shift. BEVERLY (to Worf) Hello, Worf. It's been a long time. WORF Doctor... it is good to see you again. BEVERLY Did you have a chance to read our request? WORF Yes. But you must realize... I am no longer a member of the High Council. BEVERLY You are the Governor of the H'atoria Colony. WORF (with contempt) It is merely a ceremonial position given me when the house of Mogh was forced from power. PICARD Worf, surely you still have some influence. We must get into the Neutral Zone. Worf hesitates. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/16/94 - ACT SIX 63. 57 CONTINUED: PICARD Can't you at least grant us permission to cross the border? WORF I must refuse. It is for your own safety -- the Neutral Zone is extremely volatile. (beat) If Admiral Riker had given you a starship with a cloak, you would have been safe. I cannot believe he refused to help you. PICARD I don't care what kind of ship we're in -- the important thing is to get to the Devron System -- WORF I am sorry, but my first duty is to the Empire. I must adhere to regulations. PICARD Maybe I'm just an old man who doesn't understand... but the Worf I knew cared more about things like loyalty and honor than he did rules and regulations. (beat) But then, that was a long time ago. Maybe you're not the Worf I knew. Worf suddenly explodes in a fit of rage. He throws everything off his desk with a powerful sweep of his arm. WORF (a curse) Dor-sHo GHA! His eyes flash and he points an accusatory finger toward Picard. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/16/94 - ACT SIX 63A. 57 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (continuing) You have always used your knowledge of Klingon honor and tradition to get what you want from me. PICARD (right back at him) That's because it always works. Your problem, Worf, is that you really do have a sense of honor... you really do care about things like loyalty and trust. Don't blame me because I know you too well. Worf glares at him... then -- WORF Very well. You may cross the border. But only if I come with you. I am familiar with the Neutral Zone. Picard smiles at him. PICARD Terms accepted. The transmission ENDS. BEVERLY (to Chilton) Inform Transporter Room Two to beam the Governor aboard. Beverly turns to Picard with a serious look on her face. BEVERLY I just want to make one thing clear, Jean-Luc. If we run into any serious opposition, I'm taking us back to Federation territory. We aren't well armed and we wouldn't last long in a fight. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SIX 64. 57 CONTINUED: (3) CHILTON Governor Worf is aboard, Captain. BEVERLY All right. Ensign, set course for the Devron System. Warp thirteen. She raises her hand to give the order to engage, then pauses for a moment... looks to Picard and smiles. BEVERLY Once more, for old time's sake? Picard smiles, knowing exactly what she means. He raises his hand in the old familiar way, and then the SCENE CHANGES TO: 58 INT. BRIDGE - PAST Picard sitting in the Captain's chair, hand raised. PICARD Engage. O'Brien turns around in his chair, a little confused. O'BRIEN Engage to where, sir? Picard glances around, quickly orients himself. PICARD Set course for the Devron System, and engage at warp nine. TASHA The Devron System is inside the Neutral Zone, sir. PICARD I'm aware of that, Lieutenant. Carry out my orders, Chief. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. Tasha, Worf and Troi exchange concerned looks. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 03/10/94 - ACT SIX 65. 58 CONTINUED: TROI (quiet, to Picard) Captain... may I have a word with you in private? PICARD Of course. (to Tasha) Lieutenant, contact Farpoint Station. I want to talk to Commander Riker. TASHA Aye, sir. They stand and head for the Ready Room... 59 INT. READY ROOM - PAST - CONTINUOUS Picard and Troi ENTER. TROI Captain, I just want to voice my concerns about the way the crew is responding to your... unexpected orders. PICARD They don't trust me... they think I'm behaving erratically. TROI Some do... others are confused... it takes some time for a new crew to get to know their Captain, and for him to know them. PICARD I understand that. But I know what this crew is capable of, even if they don't. TROI I'm happy to hear you say that. It may do them good to hear it, as well... (beat) It would also help if they knew what was going on. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SIX 66. 59 CONTINUED: Picard takes a moment. PICARD I know it's difficult operating in the dark, Counselor. But for now, I think it's the only choice. Troi looks a little unconvinced. TROI Perhaps if you could at least indicate why -- TASHA'S COM VOICE Yar to Captain Picard. I have Commander Riker for you, sir. PICARD Put him through in here. Troi reacts to Riker's name -- and we see that this is a Troi who has not resolved her feelings about Riker. Picard sits down at the desk and activates the desktop monitor. 60 ANGLE ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) (STOCK) The image of YOUNG WIL RIKER appears. 61 ANGLE ON PICARD In the b.g., we can see that Troi reacts to the sight of Riker on the monitor. PICARD Commander. I just wanted to let you know we'll be delayed in picking you up at Farpoint Station. RIKER'S COM VOICE I see. May I ask how long? PICARD I'm not sure. I'll keep you updated. Please inform Doctor Crusher and Lieutenant La Forge of our delay. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/25/94 - ACT SIX 67-67 62 ANGLE ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) (STOCK) YOUNG RIKER Understood. The transmission ends. 62A OMITTED 63 RESUME Picard turns to Troi. PICARD Is there anything else, Counselor? Troi doesn't answer right away -- something is clearly troubling her. TROI Actually... there is, sir. I've been debating whether or not to mention it... but perhaps... (becomes more resolute) It's about Commander Riker. Picard, of course, knows all about their relationship... he even knows how it will run its course in the future. But he plays it out as if this is the first he's heard of it. PICARD What about him? TROI Well... I think you should know that we... have had a prior relationship. PICARD I see. Do you anticipate this interfering with your duties? TROI No, sir. It was several years ago. And it's well behind us both. But I thought you should know... Picard takes a beat. PICARD I appreciate your telling me... but I'm sure the two of you will find a way to... deal with the situation. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT SIX 68. 63 CONTINUED: Picard says this with confidence... but Troi isn't so sure. Picard moves to the replicator. PICARD (continuing) Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. COMPUTER VOICE That beverage has not been programmed into the replication system. Picard reacts. He turns to Troi with a smile, as if to make a remark... and as he does, the SCENE CHANGES TO: 64 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) Picard standing in front of the Viewscreen. TOMALAK, the Romulan Commander, is on the viewer. TOMOLAK So Captain... how long shall we stare at each other across the Neutral Zone? PICARD There is another alternative, Tomolak. We're both here for the same reason. We could each send one ship into the Neutral Zone to investigate the anomaly in the Devron System. Tomolak considers this. TOMOLAK Has Starfleet Command approved this arrangement? PICARD No. TOMOLAK (smiles) I like it already. (beat) Agreed. One ship from each side... but I warn you -- if another Federation starship tries to enter the Zone... STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/17/94 - ACT SIX 69. 64 CONTINUED: PICARD You needn't make threats. I think we're all aware of the consequences. TOMOLAK Very well. I'll see you in the Devron system. The transmission ENDS. PICARD (to Conn Officer) Set course for the Devron system. Warp five. Engage. CUT TO: 65 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. 66 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) A short time later. DATA Sensors are picking up a large subspace anomaly directly ahead. PICARD All stop. On screen. The Viewscreen now shows the SPATIAL ANOMALY -- a large mass of color and light. There is an ethereal quality to the Anomaly... it's beautiful and frightening all at once. They all react to the sight. PICARD (to Data) Full scan, Mister Data. DATA Aye, sir. Data begins to work his console. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SIX 70. 67 ANGLE ON OPS CONSOLE As Data's HANDS work the console. MOVE TO REVEAL WE'RE IN: 68 INT. BRIDGE - PAST (OPTICAL) Data is working his console, O'Brien is at Conn. DATA We are approaching the Devron system, Captain. Sensors are picking up a large subspace anomaly directly ahead. Include Picard in the command area. Tasha, Troi and Worf at their stations. Picard adjusts to the time shift. PICARD All stop. Put it onscreen. The Viewscreen now shows the distinctive SPATIAL ANOMALY as seen before. But this time, it's much BIGGER on the screen. Picard reacts to this. PICARD (continuing, to himself) It's bigger in the past... TROI Sir? PICARD Nothing. Full scan, Mister Data. DATA Aye, sir. Picard stands and moves to the Viewscreen, peering at the Anomaly. 69 OMITTED 70 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE - FUTURE Another angle. Picard glances around, orienting himself. Beverly in Command, Chilton at Conn, Data and Geordi are working at an aft console. Worf is looking on. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SIX 71. 70 CONTINUED: PICARD On screen! On screen! Let's see it! The others react as though he's saying something very strange. 70A ANGLE ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Nothing but the starfield. 70B INT. MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE - FUTURE DATA As you can see, sir -- there's nothing there. Beverly and the others exchange a look... they expected this all along. OFF Picard's frustrated and perplexed expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT SIX STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SEVEN 72. ACT SEVEN FADE IN: 71 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE - FUTURE A few minutes later. Beverly looking over Data's shoulder at the aft science station. Picard nearby. Chilton at Con. Worf is working at nearby console. Geordi looking on. DATA Still nothing, Captain. I've conducted a full sensor sweep out to one light year from the Pasteur. No temporal anomalies, no particle fluctuations... nothing. PICARD Have you scanned the entire subspace bandwidth? GEORDI Yes. The subspace barrier is a little thin in this region of space, but that's not unusual. PICARD I don't understand. I've already seen it in the other two -- the other two time periods. Why isn't it here? Worf suddenly looks up from his console with concern. WORF (to Beverly) Captain. I have been monitoring Klingon communication channels... several warships have been dispatched to this sector to search for a... renegade Federation vessel. Reactions. Picard looks at Beverly. PICARD You're not thinking about leaving? BEVERLY Jean-Luc, there's nothing here... PICARD There should be -- there has to be! (MORE) STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SEVEN 73. 71 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) (to Data) Data, there must be some other way to scan for temporal disturbances... something that's not covered in a normal sensor sweep. DATA There are several methods of detecting temporal disturbances, but we're limited by the equipment on the Pasteur. This ship is designed primarily for medical emergencies. BEVERLY Jean-Luc, we've done all we can... we should head back to Federation territory. DATA (still thinking) However, it may be possible to modify the main deflector to emit an inverse tachyon pulse, which could scan beyond the subspace barrier. PICARD Very good! Make it so! BEVERLY Wait a minute... Data, how long would this take? DATA To make the modifications and search the entire Devron System will take approximately fourteen hours. Beverly thinks for a moment. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT SEVEN 74. 71 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY All right. Data, begin modifying the tachyon pulse. Ensign Chilton, lay in a course back to the Federation. If we haven't found anything in six hours, we're heading back at maximum warp. CHILTON Aye, sir. PICARD Six hours may not be enough. We have to stay here until we find it -- no matter how long it takes! BEVERLY (to Chilton) Carry out my orders. (to Picard) May I see you for a moment? Beverly heads for her Ready Room. Picard follows... 72 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - READY ROOM - FUTURE CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Beverly and Picard ENTER. PICARD Beverly, I can't believe you're not willing to stay here until -- Beverly turns to him, her eyes flashing with anger. BEVERLY Don't you ever question my orders on the Bridge of my ship again! Picard is taken aback for a moment, but blusters a response. PICARD I'm just trying to... there are larger concerns here... don't you understand that -- STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SEVEN 75. 72 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I understand that you would never have tolerated that kind of behavior back on the Enterprise -- and I won't here. I don't care if you're my ex-Captain or my ex-husband. Picard looks flustered and angry for a beat... but finally has to back down and concede the point. PICARD You're right... I was out of line... it won't happen again... (beat) But, you have to understand... the stakes here are enormous. Q has said all of humanity will be destroyed... BEVERLY I know. And that's why I'm willing to stay here a while longer and keep looking. (beat) But I also want you to consider the possibility that none of what you're saying is real. PICARD What... ? BEVERLY Jean-Luc, I care for you too much not to tell you the truth. You have advanced Irumodic Syndrome. I have to consider the possibility that all of this is in your mind. (beat) I'll stay here six hours... and then we're heading home. She moves to him, softens her tone. BEVERLY And I want you to remember, if it were anyone but you... we wouldn't be here at all. Beverly turns and EXITS. Picard thinks for a moment... realizes that he's pushed his friends about as far as he can. After a beat, Q APPEARS. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/16/94 - ACT SEVEN 76. 72 CONTINUED: (2) He's a parody of an OLD MAN -- bags under the eyes, scraggly gray hair, baggy ill-fitting clothes. He's leaning on a cane and holding a hearing trumpet to one ear. Q (aged voice) Eh? What was that she said, sonny? I couldn't quite hear her... Picard turns and reacts to the sight in irritation. PICARD Q... what's going on here? Where's the anomaly? Q ("mishearing") Where's your mommy? I don't know... PICARD Stop this foolishness and answer me! Q There is an answer, Jean-Luc. But I can't hand it to you. Although you do have help... Picard realizes Q may be telling him something important. PICARD What help? Q You aren't alone, you know... what you were... and what you will become... are always with you. PICARD My time shifting... the answer does lie there... (beat) Just tell me one thing... this anomaly we're looking for... is that what destroys humanity? Q You're forgetting, Jean-Luc. You destroy humanity. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT SEVEN 77. 72 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD By doing what? When? How are you -- Suddenly, the SCENE CHANGES TO: 73 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT Picard standing near the Ops station, leaning on the same cane we just saw in Q's hand. Riker and Worf at stations. Picard glances at the cane and tosses it aside. PICARD (to Data) Report, Mister Data. DATA (off console) The anomaly is two hundred million kilometers in diameter. It is a highly focused temporal energy source which is emitting approximately the same energy output as ten G-type stars. PICARD What is the source of that energy? DATA I am uncertain. Sensors have been unable to penetrate the anomaly. Picard thinks, remembers something from the future time period. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT SEVEN 78. 73 CONTINUED: PICARD What if we modified the main deflector to emit an... inverse tachyon pulse. That might scan beyond the subspace barrier... give us an idea what the interior of this thing looks like. Data thinks for a moment, a little surprised. DATA That is a most intriguing idea, Captain. I do not believe a tachyon beam was ever put to such use. I had no idea you were so versed in the intricacies of temporal theory. PICARD I have some friends who are quite well versed in the matter. Make it so. DATA Aye, sir. Data stands. DATA I believe we can make the necessary modifications in Main Engineering. Picard nods. As Data heads for the door... CUT TO: 74 INT. ENGINEERING - PRESENT Later. Data and Geordi working at consoles. GEORDI We can get more power if we reroute the primary EPS taps to the deflector array... DATA Agreed. Data works. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SEVEN 79. 74 CONTINUED: DATA Initiating tachyon pulse... 75 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) A thin, oscillating BEAM emits from the deflector dish and begins SCANNING the anomaly. 76 INT. ENGINEERING - PRESENT As before. Data and Geordi watch the monitors. GEORDI Okay... the pulse is holding steady... we're starting to receive data from the scan... DATA It will take the computer some time to give us a complete picture of the anomaly's interior. I suggest we -- Geordi reacts to a sudden stab of pain in his VISOR. GEORDI (in pain) Whoa... DATA What is wrong? GEORDI I'm not sure... oh... it's like somebody put an ice pick through my temples... (beat) My VISOR's picking up all kinds of electromagnetic distortions. Geordi staggers a little. DATA (to com) Data to Sickbay. Medical emergency in Main Engineering. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SEVEN 80. 77 INT. SICKBAY - PRESENT (OPTICAL) A while later. Geordi sitting on a bio-bed with his VISOR off. Beverly and Picard are looking at Geordi's eyes. They're not as they usually appear; the iris shows faintly. Data is working on a monitor in the b.g. BEVERLY Look at his eyes... you can see the difference yourself. PICARD (peering) Yes... I can see the iris... Beverly picks up a scanning DEVICE and scans his eyes. BEVERLY (off scanner) This is amazing. The DNA in his optic nerves is being regenerated... She lowers the device and looks at Picard. BEVERLY It's as if he were growing new eyes. GEORDI I guess that's why I started to feel pain... my optical cortex was falling out of alignment with my VISOR. PICARD How is this possible? BEVERLY It shouldn't be possible at all. There's no medical explanation for the spontaneous regeneration of an organ. Ogawa, still pregnant, approaches holding a PADD. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT SEVEN 80A. 77 CONTINUED: OGAWA Doctor... we've just gotten reports from two crewmembers who say they have injuries... which are healing themselves. Picard reacts to this bizarre news. Data looks up from his monitor. DATA I believe I may have a partial explanation, Captain. They move to where he is working. The monitor shows a complex Okudagram of the ANOMALY with various pieces of sensor information. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT SEVEN 81. 77 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (continuing) I have completed my analysis of the anomaly. It appears to be a multi-phasic temporal convergence in the space-time continuum. BEVERLY In English please. DATA It is, in essence, an eruption of... anti-time. PICARD Anti-time? DATA A relatively new concept in temporal mechanics. The relationship of anti-time to normal time is analogous to the relationship of anti-matter to normal matter. PICARD (catching on) So if time and anti-time were to collide... DATA They would annihilate each other... creating a rupture in space. I believe this is what has happened in the Devron System. (MORE) STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/15/94 - ACT SEVEN 82. 77 CONTINUED: (3) DATA (continuing) The rupture may be sending out waves of temporal energy which are disrupting the normal flow of time. BEVERLY Then it's possible the DNA molecules in Geordi's optic nerves aren't regenerating themselves... They might be reverting to their original state. PICARD You mean his eyes are getting... younger? DATA For all intents and purposes, yes. Picard considers this for a moment. PICARD So the temporal anomaly has certain... rejuvenating effects. It certainly doesn't sound like the destruction of humanity. (beat) Data, what could have caused this collision between time and anti-time? 78 ANGLE ON DATA Who is sitting in his chair at Ops, looking confused. DATA Anti-time, sir? MOVE TO REVEAL WE'RE IN: 79 INT. BRIDGE - PAST Picard is standing on the Bridge, talking to Data. Picard quickly moves to Data's console and begins entering information rapidly. Tasha, Worf, O'Brien and Troi at their stations. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SEVEN 82A. 79 CONTINUED: PICARD (to Data) I believe that if we modify the deflector to send out an inverse tachyon pulse, you'll find that the anomaly is a rupture between time and anti-time. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT SEVEN 83. 79 CONTINUED: (2) Data watches Picard work the console for a moment. DATA That is a fascinating hypothesis... how did you formulate -- PICARD It would take too long to explain. Begin the modifications and send out the pulse. Once you've done that, start working on a theory as to what could have caused this rupture. DATA Aye, sir. Data begins working. Picard thinks for a moment. PICARD Mister O'Brien... how big is the anomaly? O'BRIEN (works) Approximately four hundred million kilometers in diameter, sir. PICARD I still don't understand why it's larger here... O'Brien gives him a puzzled look -- he doesn't know what the hell Picard is talking about, but decides not to pursue it. Worf suddenly reacts to something on the aft console. WORF Captain... there are five Terrellian transport ships holding position in the Devron system. TASHA We're being hailed by the lead ship. PICARD On screen. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT SEVEN 84. 80 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Which now shows a Terrellian pilot named ANDRONA. ANDRONA Enterprise, you are a welcome sight. We've been receiving threats from the Romulan Empire ever since we entered the Neutral Zone. I'm glad to see you're here to protect us. PICARD Why have you come here? Androna's expression brightens a little. ANDRONA We heard about the Light... from a merchant ship who told us about the power it has to heal illness... to rejuvenate the elderly... and we had to come here. The others on the Bridge look a little confused... they've never heard about any of this. PICARD We can't really be certain that the... Light... has this power. And there may be dangers, side effects we're not aware of... STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SEVEN 85. 80 CONTINUED: ANDRONA I have five ships full of sick and dying people, Captain. If there's even a chance it's true, I can't turn back now. PICARD It would be safer for all concerned if you left the Neutral Zone... and let us investigate the phenomenon more fully. ANDRONA No. I've come too far. Picard is frustrated, but has no authority to order them away. PICARD I warn you that if the Romulans should decide to intervene, I may not be able to protect you. ANDRONA I understand. We'll take that risk. (beat, then smiles) Good luck, Captain. The Transmission ENDS. Picard thinks for a moment, then heads for the Ready Room. PICARD (to Tasha) You have the Bridge, Lieutenant. I'll be in my Ready Room. TASHA Aye, sir. Picard EXITS briskly to the Ready Room. 81 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - READY ROOM - FUTURE Picard is moving briskly toward the door. The ship suddenly SHAKES and Picard is nearly knocked off his feet. The ship goes to RED ALERT and Picard heads for the Bridge. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT SEVEN 85A. 82 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE - FUTURE - CONTINUOUS Beverly in command, Chilton at Conn. Worf, Data, and Geordi working aft consoles. Picard ENTERS from the Ready Room. PICARD What's going on? BEVERLY We're under attack. The ship is ROCKED again. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT SEVEN 86. 82 CONTINUED: CHILTON (off console) Shield strength down to fifty-two percent. Minor damage to the port nacelle. WORF Two Klingon attack cruisers have decloaked to port and starboard. They all react to this grim news. 83 EXT. SPACE - MEDICAL SHIP & KLINGONS - FUTURE (OPTICAL) The Pasteur is surrounded by TWO KLINGON ATTACK CRUISERS. FADE OUT. END OF ACT SEVEN STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT EIGHT 87. ACT EIGHT FADE IN: 84 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE - FUTURE As before, ship at Red Alert. The ship is ROCKED again. BEVERLY (to Chilton) Warp speed -- get us out of here! Chilton works. CHILTON Warp power is off-line, sir. Another JOLT. BEVERLY (to Chilton) Heading one-four-eight, mark two-one-five. Full impulse. 85 EXT. SPACE - MEDICAL SHIP - FUTURE (OPTICAL) The Pasteur is trying to get away from the two Klingon attack cruisers, which continue to fire on the medical ship. 86 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE - FUTURE The ship is ROCKED more violently. CHILTON (off console) Impulse power is fluctuating... shields down to thirty percent. PICARD (to Worf) Weapons status? WORF These phasers are no match for their shields. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT EIGHT 88-88A 86 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Geordi, we need warp power -- now. Geordi works a console. GEORDI Sorry, Captain, they're just too much for us. I can't keep the phase inducers on-line -- Another JOLT. CHILTON (off console) Shields down to nine percent. One more hit and they'll collapse. BEVERLY Open a channel. (beat) This is Captain Beverly Picard. We're a medical ship on a mission of mercy! Break off your -- The ship is ROCKED again. A grim moment. BEVERLY (continuing) Worf, signal our surrender. Worf works a console for a moment. WORF (to com) Tos Vah'cha Worf, do'lo jegh! (This is Governor Worf, we surrender!) The ship is ROCKED violently. Chilton's console EXPLODES, throwing her BACKWARD to the ground. Picard rushes to her, but it's too late -- she's dead. Picard reacts. WORF (off his console) Our shields have collapsed. We're defenseless. Beverly and Picard exchange a look. Beverly sits back in her seat, steels herself. They all wait for what seems to be certain death. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/10/94 - ACT EIGHT 89. 86 CONTINUED: (3) DATA (off console) Captain, there's another ship de-cloaking -- bearing two-one-five mark three-one-oh... (beat) It's the Enterprise! 87 EXT. SPACE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) Suddenly, the ENTERPRISE-D DE-CLOAKS -- the ship is travelling vertically. FOLLOW it as it swoops up towards the medical ship and the two Klingon attack cruisers. 87A INT. MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) DATA They're hailing us. The group looks up at the Viewscreen to see Riker. RIKER I had a feeling you weren't going to listen to me. Stand by while I try to get the Klingons' attention... 87B EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND KLINGON SHIPS - FUTURE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise FIRES on the attack cruisers with a furious volley of PHASERS and TORPEDOES. One of the Klingon ships EXPLODES. 88 INT. MEDICAL SHIP - BRIDGE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) As before. The shaking has STOPPED. WORF The Enterprise is drawing their fire. BEVERLY Damage report. GEORDI Our warp core's badly damaged... there's a breach in progress. Picard reacts to this with a look of sudden dread. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT EIGHT 89A. 88 CONTINUED: PICARD Warp core breach... that may be it. We have to stop it! Picard moves to look at Geordi's console. DATA The Klingon ship is disengaging. (beat) Admiral Riker is hailing us. They look at the Viewscreen. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT EIGHT 90. 88 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Our sensors indicate your ship has a warp core breach in progress. Prepare for emergency beam-out. Suddenly, the entire Bridge crew DEMATERIALIZES. CUT TO: 89 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) Riker in command, Gaines at Tactical. The Enterprise has seen a few technological updates over the years. The Captain's chair is now slightly higher than it used to be, and there are other changes in evidence. Picard, Beverly, Worf, Data, Geordi and other N.D.s from the Pasteur MATERIALIZE on Bridge. GAINES (to Riker, off console) All the Pasteur crew is safely aboard, Admiral. RIKER Raise shields. Where are the Klingons? GAINES They're still moving off, sir -- half a light year away. RIKER They'll be back... Riker turns to the others, a look of irritation on his face. RIKER (to Picard) As I said -- I figured you weren't going to take no for answer. (MORE) STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/25/94 - ACT EIGHT 91. 89 CONTINUED: RIKER (Cont'd) (then to Worf) But I thought you would have more sense. I can't believe you let a defenseless ship cross into hostile territory without an escort. Worf won't take this from Riker. Angrily -- WORF If you had not turned down the Captain when he came to you for help, none of this would have happened. Unlike you, I still have a sense of loyalty and honor... Picard steps in before this can escalate any further. PICARD We don't have time for this. The Pasteur's core is going to breach. RIKER (to Conn Officer) Move us away. Full impulse. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/25/94 - ACT EIGHT 92. 89A EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & PASTEUR - FUTURE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise backs away from the Pasteur. After a beat, the medical ship EXPLODES. 89B INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE - FUTURE Everyone reacts. RIKER All right. Let's get out of here. PICARD No... we can't... we have to save humanity... RIKER (to Gaines) Engage cloak. GAINES (off console) Our cloak isn't functioning. We took a direct hit to the starboard plasma coil. Engineering reports seven hours until we can cloak again. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT EIGHT 93. 89B CONTINUED: RIKER We'll have to do this the old-fashioned way. Lay in a course back to the Federation. Warp thirteen. Picard reacts strongly to this. As he argues with Riker, we see Beverly move to a COMPARTMENT in the b.g. and take out a medical kit... prepare a hypospray... PICARD (to Riker) Wil, don't leave! We have to stay here -- find the cause of the temporal anomaly... RIKER Captain, we can't stay... Picard is frantic to convince Riker to stay -- but his mental condition is getting worse and his desperation sounds almost like hysteria. PICARD We have to! Everything depends on this! We can't leave now -- please listen to me! Beverly moves up behind him and applies the hypospray. And as Picard collapses into Riker's arms, the SCENE CHANGES TO: 90 INT. CORRIDOR - PRESENT Picard nearly bumps into a crewman as he turns a corner. He hesitates for a moment, then continues walking towards Sickbay... 91 INT. SICKBAY - PRESENT Picard ENTERS. Beverly is tending to Ogawa, who is lying on a bio-bed. Ogawa is wearing a patient's gown and no longer appears to be pregnant. She looks distraught -- she's been crying. Ogawa's N.D. HUSBAND is standing by her, holding her hand, trying to comfort her. Geordi is in the b.g., lying on another bio-bed.  STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT EIGHT 94. 91 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Jean-Luc. (to Ogawa) I'll be right back, Alissa. Ogawa nods as Beverly takes Picard aside and speaks to him quietly. BEVERLY (sotto) Alissa lost the baby. Picard reacts. BEVERLY I think it's the same thing that happened to Geordi. Somehow, the temporal energy from the anomaly caused the fetal tissue to revert to an earlier stage of development. It was as if the unborn child began to... grow younger... until finally the DNA itself began to break down. Picard looks over at Ogawa. PICARD How is she? BEVERLY Physically, she's fine. For now. But if this temporal reversion continues, I don't think any of us are going to be fine for much longer. PICARD So this is affecting the entire crew... BEVERLY (nods) Our cellular structures appear to be coalescing... reverting to earlier structures. (MORE) STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT EIGHT 95. 91 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY (Cont'd) In some cases, this has caused old injuries to be healed... but that's only a temporary effect. Eventually, this could kill us all. OFF Picard's reaction... CUT TO: 92 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) The ship holding position near the ANOMALY. We can still see the ENERGY BEAM scanning the anomaly. 93 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - PRESENT Picard, Data, Riker, and Troi at the table. This is the end of a staff meeting. PICARD We also have to find out how widespread this effect is. (to Troi) Send an inquiry to Starbase Twenty-three -- they're the nearest outpost -- have them begin checking their personnel for any signs of temporal reversion. TROI Aye, sir. PICARD Mister Data, how long until we've completed the tachyon scan? DATA Approximately one hour, forty-five minutes. PICARD Good. Once it's completed, I want you to find a way to dissipate the anomaly without making things worse. Give me a risk analysis on whatever solution you come up with. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/16/94 - ACT EIGHT 96. 93 CONTINUED: DATA Aye, sir. PICARD Dismissed. Everyone except Picard EXITS. Picard moves to the table and picks up a PADD from the many scattered on the table. He walks to the window, taking a few steps as he reads the PADD. From offcamera, we hear Q's voice -- Q'S VOICE That's a pretty big decision, Jean-Luc... Picard turns to see that Q is standing in the room. He is dressed in his Starfleet uniform. Q Tinkering with an anomaly you know nothing about... trying to collapse it... isn't that risky? PICARD Why? Will that cause the destruction of mankind? Q (pondering) Maybe... (beat) On the other hand, maybe leaving it alone would be the wrong thing to do... He approaches Picard, intense, intimidating. Q It's a big decision, all right... Perhaps it would help to get a different perspective... Abruptly, the scene CHANGES to: STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/17/94 - ACT EIGHT 97. 94 EXT. PRIMORDIAL EARTH - DISTANT PAST (OPTICAL) Picard and Q are standing on a craggy ledge overlooking a vast expanse of LAVA, VOLCANIC GASES and CHURNING SEAS. Picard reacts, looks around for a moment. (NOTE: Picard still in present-day uniform; Q in his Starfleet uniform). Q Welcome home. PICARD Home? Q Don't you recognize your old stomping grounds? This is Earth -- France. About... oh... three and a half billion years ago. Give or take an eon or two. (sniffs the air) Smells awful, doesn't it... all that sulfur and volcanic ash... I really must speak to the maid. PICARD Is there a point to all this? Q smiles and points to the sky. Q Look -- STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/29/94 - ACT EIGHT 98. 94 CONTINUED: Picard looks up -- 95 NEW ANGLE - THE SKY (OPTICAL) Instead of a starfield, the sky is FILLED with the SPATIAL ANOMALY seen throughout the show. But here it is HUGE -- filling the entire sky from horizon to horizon. 96 RESUME Picard reacts. PICARD The anomaly is here, at Earth... ? Q At this point in history, the anomaly has filled this entire quadrant of your galaxy. Picard considers this, thinking aloud. PICARD The further back in time... the larger the anomaly. Q (suddenly sees something) oh, oh -- come here, there's something I want to show you! Q kneels down and Picard comes over to see what he's looking at. Q is peering down into a small muddy POND. The water is murky, but there should be no suggestion of algae, fungus, or anything living. Q (re: pond) See this? This is you. Picard looks annoyed, thinks Q is toying with him. Q (continuing) I'm serious. Right here, life is about to form on this planet for the very first time. A group of amino acids is about to combine and form the first protein. (MORE) STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/21/94 - ACT EIGHT 99-101 96 CONTINUED: Q (Cont'd) The building blocks of what you call "life". Despite himself, Picard is a little intrigued. He can't help but peer closer into the pond. Q (continuing) Strange, isn't it, Jean-Luc? Everything you know... your entire civilization... it all begins right here in this little pond of goo. It's appropriate somehow, isn't it? (beat) Too bad you didn't bring a microscope -- this is quite fascinating. They look into the water. Q (continuing) Here they go... the amino acids are moving closer... closer... closer... (reacts) Ohhhh! Nothing happened! (to Picard) You see what you've done? Picard thinks for a moment, then looks up at the sky. PICARD You mean I caused the anomaly... and the anomaly... in some way... disrupted the beginning of life on Earth. Q's eyes bore into Picard. Q Congratulations. The SCENE CHANGES TO: 97 INT. BRIDGE - PAST Picard in command. Off his reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT EIGHT STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT NINE 102-104 ACT NINE FADE IN: 98 INT. BRIDGE - PAST Picard, Tasha, Worf, Data and O'Brien at their stations. Troi ENTERS, looking very concerned. TROI Captain, I've just spoken to Doctor Selar... she said that twenty-three children on board have contracted some kind of illness. Their tissues appear to be... reverting to an earlier stage of development. (beat) She thinks it has something to do with the anomaly. Picard turns to Tasha. PICARD Inform Starfleet Command that we believe the anomaly has toxic effects. Tell them I'm ordering the Terrellian ships back to Federation territory, but that we're staying here. TASHA We are? PICARD Yes. We have to find a way to collapse this anomaly. (to Troi) Counselor, prepare to evacuate all civilians and non-essential personnel to the Terrellians ships. TROI Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT NINE 105. 98 CONTINUED: PICARD Data, O'Brien, you're with me. Picard, O'Brien, and Data head for a Turbolift. CUT TO: 99 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE - PAST (OPTICAL) The ship near the LARGE ANOMALY. The tachyon pulse is scanning the anomaly. 100 INT. ENGINEERING - PAST Picard, O'Brien and Data working at the pool table. PICARD Let's concentrate on how this anomaly was initially formed. Speculation? DATA Temporal ruptures in the spacetime continuum are rarely a naturally occurring phenomenon. It is therefore most likely that this anomaly was caused by an outside catalyst. O'BRIEN Like a warp core explosion... PICARD I think I can rule out a warp core explosion. DATA Our tachyon pulse has been unable to penetrate the anomaly completely. If we had information about the center of the phenomenon, we might have a basis for speculation. PICARD Can you find a way to scan the interior? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT NINE 106. 100 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I've tried everything I know of... there's just too much interference. There's nothing on board that'll do the job. PICARD Do you know what could? Data thinks. DATA In theory, a tomographic imaging scanner capable of multiphasic resolution would be able to penetrate this much interference. (beat) The Daystrom Institute has been working on such a device, but it is still only theoretical. Picard looks down at a screen on the pool table... 101A ANGLE ON OKUDAGRAM - PRESENT (OPTICAL) A graphic showing various sensor information. CUT TO REVEAL WE'RE IN: 101B INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT Picard is looking at a graphic at one of the aft stations. Data is sitting nearby. PICARD Data... do we have a tomographic imaging scanner on board? DATA Yes, sir. PICARD Can you use it to scan the interior of the anomaly? DATA Possibly. Data works for a moment. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT NINE 107. 101B CONTINUED: DATA (continuing, off console) There is a great deal of interference... but I am getting some readings. (beat) This is very unusual... PICARD What is it? DATA It appears that our tachyon pulse is converging with two other tachyon pulses at the center of the anomaly. The other two pulses have the exact same amplitude modulation as our own pulse. It is as if all three originated from the Enterprise. Picard suddenly has a revelation. PICARD Three pulses... from three time periods... all converging at one point in space. DATA Captain, what are you suggesting? Before Picard can answer, THE SCENE CHANGES TO: 102 thru OMITTED 103 104 INT. GUEST QUARTERS - FUTURE Old Picard suddenly sits up in bed. He's wearing nightclothes. He looks around the room for a moment, orienting himself. He gets out of bed, taps a control on a nearby table. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT NINE 107A. 104 CONTINUED: PICARD Computer, where's Admiral Riker? COMPUTER VOICE Admiral Riker is in Ten Forward. Picard heads for the door, a determined and driven look on his face. 104A INT. CORRIDOR - FUTURE - CONTINUOUS Picard steps out into the Corridor in his nightclothes. He takes a step down the Corridor... then stops, looks back the other way... is he heading in the right direction? He turns around and goes the other way down the Corridor. CUT TO: 105 INT. TEN FORWARD - FUTURE (OPTICAL) Riker, Beverly, Geordi and Data are at a table. Worf is sitting alone at a separate table on the other side of the room. Mid-conversation. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/17/94 - ACT NINE 108. 105 CONTINUED: Geordi looks around the room. GEORDI The ship has held up pretty well over the years. RIKER They were going to decommission her about five years ago... but one nice thing about being an Admiral is getting to choose your own ship. Beverly glances over at Worf. BEVERLY (to Riker) Wil... how long is this thing between you and Worf going to go on? RIKER It's been going on for twenty years now... doesn't look like it's going to end any time soon. DATA I suspect the last thing Counselor Troi would have wanted is for the two of you to be alienated. BEVERLY I agree. It's time to put this behind you. RIKER I tried -- at Deanna's funeral. He wouldn't talk to me. GEORDI Might have been tough for him then... he took her death pretty hard. RIKER Yeah, well... he wasn't the only one. BEVERLY I know. But in his mind... you were the reason he and Deanna never got together. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/17/94 - ACT NINE 108A. 105 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER I didn't do anything to stand in his way -- BEVERLY (beat) Didn't you, Wil? Riker looks at her, regretful. RIKER Did I? She doesn't answer. He looks down, acknowledging. Okay, maybe he did. RIKER (continuing) I just... never could admit it was over. I kept thinking one day we'd get together again... and then... she was gone. (beat) You think you've got all the time in the world, until... Riker stares down at his drink. Deanna's death is still with him, too. RIKER Yeah. But he doesn't trust himself to say more. CUT TO: 106 INT. CORRIDOR - FUTURE Picard is walking through the ship with a slightly confused expression. He pauses at an intersection... isn't sure which way to go... he's drawing curious looks from passing crewmembers... Picard finally chooses a direction and goes down the Corridor. He stops outside a set of doors and then OPENS them. We can see the Transporter Room inside. Picard stops... turns and looks panicked and despairing... he's lost on his own ship. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT NINE 109. 106 CONTINUED: Follow Picard as he tries to find his way... but it's no use... he's completely lost. Finally he stops a passing ENSIGN. PICARD Ensign. How... do I get to Ten Forward? ENSIGN Two decks up, sir. Section zero zero five. PICARD Thank you. Deeply embarrassed, Picard heads for a Turbolift. CUT TO: 107 INT. TEN FORWARD - FUTURE (OPTICAL) Riker, Beverly, Data, and Geordi at their table as before. Beverly suddenly reacts to something offcamera. BEVERLY Oh, my god. She stands and we MOVE TO REVEAL that Picard has just ENTERED the room in his nightclothes. He moves directly to Riker's table. PICARD Wil! I know what's happening... I know what causes the anomaly... we have to go back! Riker reacts in surprise. RIKER Jean-Luc... the only place you're going back to is bed. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT NINE 110. 107 CONTINUED: PICARD Damnit Wil, I know what's happening. We're causing the anomaly... with a... with the tachyon pulse... it happened in all three time periods. We do it in all three time periods! BEVERLY Jean-Luc, you better come with me. Beverly tries to take his arm, but Picard jerks away from her. PICARD Leave me alone! I'm not crazy. The tachyon pulses... they -- they were used in the same spot -- in all three time periods... don't you see? When the tachyon pulse used the -- I mean, when the Pasteur used the tachyon pulse, we set the -- you know -- we... started everything... we set it in motion. Words fail Picard... his mental faculties preventing him from giving them a clear picture. PICARD It's like... the chicken and the egg! You think it started back then... but it didn't... it started here in the future... that's why it gets larger in the past... DATA I think I understand what the Captain is saying. If I'm not mistaken, he is describing a paradox. PICARD Yes! Yes, exactly! Data takes a beat, thinking of the possibilities. DATA Intriguing... it is possible we could've created the very anomaly we have been looking for. Data begins to pace... he's the very image of a professor at work. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT NINE 111. 107 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Let us assume for the moment, that the Captain has indeed been travelling through time. Let us also assume he has initiated an inverse tachyon pulse at the same coordinates in space in all three time periods. (beat) In that case, it is possible that the convergence of three tachyon pulses could've ruptured the subspace barrier and caused an anti-time reaction. Geordi is beginning to catch on. GEORDI I see where you're going. And because anti-time operates in the opposite way normal time does, the effects would run backwards through the spacetime continuum. PICARD Yes! That's why the anomaly was larger in the past. It was growing as it travelled backward through time. A beat as they absorb this. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT NINE 112. 107 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER All right... let's say for the moment, you're right. What do we do about it? PICARD Go back. Go back to the Devron System. DATA He may be right. If we return to the Devron System now, we might see the initial formation of the anomaly. Everyone looks at Riker... waiting to see what he'll do. After a long beat, Riker hits his combadge. RIKER Riker to Bridge. Set course for the Devron System. Maximum warp. GAINES' COM VOICE Aye, sir. Riker stands. Everyone except Worf heads for the doors. Riker stops and looks back. RIKER Worf... we could use a hand. Worf takes a beat... considers... then decides to help out, but it's not clear if there has been a reconciliation. They EXIT. FADE OUT. END OF ACT NINE STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 113. ACT TEN FADE IN: 108 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) coming out of warp. 109 INT. BRIDGE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) Riker, Picard, Beverly, Data, Worf, Geordi, Gaines. Gaines at tactical, N.D.s man the other stations. Data and Geordi at aft stations. Picard is back in his travel clothes. GAINES Entering the Devron System, sir. RIKER All stop. DATA (off console) Sensors are picking up a small temporal anomaly off the port bow. Reactions. RIKER On screen. The VIEWSCREEN now shows a very small version of the ANOMALY seen throughout the show. Picard looks vastly relieved. PICARD I was right... GEORDI (off console) It's an anti-time eruption. It seems to have formed in the last six hours. PICARD We've got to stop it here... so it won't be able to travel back through time... STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 114. 109 CONTINUED: RIKER All right, Data -- we need a solution and we need it fast. DATA (off console) The anomaly is being sustained by the continuing tachyon pulses from the other two time periods. I suggest they be shut down. PICARD (serious) The next time I'm there, that's the first thing I'll do. RIKER Isn't there more we can do here... seal the rupture somehow? DATA (still working) I am investigating the options. As Picard MOVES toward Data, the SCENE CHANGES TO: 110 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT Picard MOVING toward Geordi and Data at the aft consoles, as in Act Nine. (Note: Picard is at different locations in all three time periods, allowing for straight-cut transitions during the fast pace of Act Ten.) PICARD (quickly) Data, disengage the tachyon pulse. DATA Sir? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 115. 110 CONTINUED: PICARD Just do it. The convergence of tachyon pulses from the three time periods is what causes the anomaly. DATA Aye, sir. Data works. 111 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) The ship holding position at the anomaly. We see the tachyon beam TURN OFF. 112 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT As before. PICARD Report. Is there any change in the anomaly? 113 ANGLE ON DATA - PAST sitting at Ops. DATA No, sir. MOVE TO REVEAL: 114 INT. BRIDGE - PAST Picard in command. Data, Tasha, Worf, Troi, O'Brien at their stations. PICARD Disengage the tachyon pulse. The others exchange a look. O'BRIEN We haven't finished the scan, sir. PICARD I know that. But it's imperative that you disengage it immediately. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 115A. 114 CONTINUED: DATA (works) Aye, sir. Disengaging. Picard stares at the Viewscreen (not seen). PICARD Why isn't the anomaly affected? O'BRIEN (puzzled) Why would it be, sir? THE SCENE CHANGES TO: STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 116. 115 INT. BRIDGE - FUTURE Picard sitting in the command chair. Everyone else as seen before. PICARD (to all) I've shut off the tachyon pulses in the other time periods -- but the anomaly didn't change. This draws a few curious looks from the others -- but everyone now accepts that Picard is indeed travelling through time. DATA (off console) It remains unaffected here as well. BEVERLY What do we do? GEORDI The only way to stop this thing is to repair the rupture at the focal point where time and anti-time are converging. RIKER How do we do that? DATA It would require taking the ship into the anomaly itself. Once inside, we may be able to use our engines to create a static warp shell. GEORDI (onto the idea) Yeah, yeah... and the shell would act like an artificial subspace barrier -- separating time and anti-time... DATA Collapsing the anomaly and restoring the normal flow of time. (turns to Picard) But this would have to be done in the other two time periods, as well. Picard considers. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/17/94 - ACT TEN 117. 115 CONTINUED: PICARD That could be a problem... the anomaly's so much larger in the other time periods... THE SCENE CHANGES TO: 116 INT. BRIDGE - PAST Picard finishing his sentence -- PICARD (continuing) ... It could be dangerous to take the ship in. Everyone looks at him. O'BRIEN Take the ship in where, sir? Picard takes a beat, then makes a decision. PICARD Into the anomaly, Chief. Lay in a course to the exact center. Transfer all available power to the shields. Shocked reactions around the Bridge. TASHA Sir... can you give us some explanation? PICARD No. I cannot. TASHA Captain, so far we've obeyed every order -- no matter how far-fetched it might have seemed. But if we're to risk the safety of the ship and crew... I think we have to ask you for an explanation. Picard looks around at the crew, which is staring intently at him, waiting to see how he'll handle this. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/14/94 - ACT TEN 118. 116 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) I know all of you have doubts about me... about each other... about the ship. All I can say is that even though we've only been together for a short time... I know that you are the finest crew in the fleet... and I would trust each of you with my life. (beat) I'm asking you to make a leap of faith -- and trust me. A quiet beat on the Bridge... then suddenly everyone starts working. The team has come together at last. TASHA Shields up, maximum strength. WORF Boosting field integrity on the warp nacelles. We may encounter shearing forces once we enter the anomaly. DATA I am preparing to initiate a static warp shell. O'BRIEN Course laid in, sir. TROI (off armchair console) All decks report ready, Captain. Picard looks at his crew -- he's proud of them and it shows. PICARD Chief... take us in. The SCENE CHANGES TO: 117 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT Picard at aft console command -- everything as before. Data turns to him from the aft console. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 119. 117 CONTINUED: DATA Captain, I have an idea. If we take the ship to the center of the anomaly and create a static warp shell... PICARD (overlapping) ... a static warp shell, it could repair the barrier and collapse the anomaly. DATA (surprised) Yes, sir. PICARD Mister Data, you're a clever man -- in any time period. Picard moves down to the command area with Data and Geordi. PICARD (continuing) Lay in a course to the center of the anomaly. Prepare to initiate a static warp shell. As Picard moves, the SCENE CHANGES TO: 118 INT. BRIDGE - FUTURE As before. PICARD The other two Enterprises... they're on their way. RIKER Very well. (to con) Ensign... take us in. 119 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) The ship begins moving towards the anomaly... closer... closer... STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 120. 120 INT. BRIDGE - PAST (OPTICAL) As before. Tense. The crew is watching the ANOMALY on the Viewscreen -- it's getting closer. O'BRIEN We're entering the anomaly, sir. PICARD All hands brace for impact! The ship ROCKS violently. The lights FLICKER. TASHA The temporal energy's interfering with main power. Switching to... Another JOLT carries us to: 121 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) The ship is ROCKING. The anomaly has almost FILLED the Viewscreen. Lights flickering on and off here, as well. People hanging on. GEORDI ... auxiliary power. I'm having trouble keeping the impulse engines on-line! I've got power fluctuations all across the board! PICARD Maintain course and speed! (to Data) Mister Data, how long until we reach the center? DATA Another thirty seconds at least, Captain. The SCENE CHANGES TO: STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 121. 122 OMITTED 123 INT. BRIDGE - FUTURE The ship is SHAKING. GAINES We've entered the anomaly. The SCENE CHANGES TO: 124 INT. BRIDGE - PAST As before -- the ship SHAKING. DATA We have reached the center, sir. PICARD Initiate warp shell! Data works. SCENE CHANGES: 125 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT As before -- the ship SHAKING. DATA (working) Initiating static warp shell -- now. SCENE CHANGES: 126 INT. BRIDGE - FUTURE As before -- ship SHAKING. RIKER Is it having any effect? SCENE CHANGES: 127 INT. BRIDGE - PAST As before -- shaking. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 121A. 127 CONTINUED: DATA (off console) Something is happening... A new subspace barrier appears to be forming -- STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT TEN 122. 127 CONTINUED: (2) TASHA (urgent) Captain! Sensors are picking up... two other ships... Everyone looks at the Viewscreen -- 128 VIEWSCREEN - PAST (OPTICAL) which is filled with the roiling anomaly. But faintly through the energy, we can see the GHOSTLY IMAGES of TWO ENTERPRISES. The ships are drifting in the anomaly very close to each other -- in fact, they appear to be moving through each other. It's a startling sight. 129 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) The crew watching the exact same image on their Viewscreen -- two Enterprises. 130 INT. BRIDGE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) This crew watching the same image on their Viewscreen, It's an awesome moment. 131 INT. BRIDGE - PAST (OPTICAL) As before. DATA Captain, It appears to be working. The anomaly is beginning to collapse. I think that -- TASHA (suddenly) Sir -- the temporal energy is rupturing our warp containment system! WORF We must eject the core! PICARD No. We have to maintain the static warp shell for as long as possible! The ship SHAKES harder. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 123. 131 CONTINUED: TASHA We're losing containment! I can't stop it, it's going to -- Suddenly, the bridge is ENGULFED IS A BLAST OF FLAMES AND DEBRIS -- 132 INT. BRIDGE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) On the Viewscreen, one of the ghostly Enterprises EXPLODES -- destroyed. Reactions. PICARD (quickly, to Geordi) Transfer emergency power to the anti-matter containment system! The ship starts SHAKING more violently than ever. GEORDI (working frantically) I'm trying, sir... but there's a lot of interference... DATA (off console) The warp shell is definitely having an effect, sir. The anomaly is collapsing -- GEORDI The containment system's going -- I can't hold it -- PICARD Maintain position! Mister La Forge -- Scene CHANGES TO: 133 INT. BRIDGE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) As before -- shaking out of control. On the Viewscreen, we see the second Enterprise EXPLODE. Reactions to the sight. DATA Both of the other ships have been destroyed. At this moment, Q APPEARS standing next to Picard. He's wearing a GRIM REAPER's outfit, complete with scythe and hourglass. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - 03/10/94 - ACT TEN 123A. 133 CONTINUED: Q (to Picard) Two down... one to go. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/28/94 - ACT TEN 124. 133 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (to Data) Data, report! DATA The anomaly is nearly collapsed... GEORDI We're losing containment... The ship ROCKING, ROLLING! Q (calm) Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'll miss you. You did have so much potential. But I guess... all good things must come to an end. GEORDI Containment field at critical! I'm losing it -- 134 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE - FUTURE (OPTICAL) The anomaly COLLAPSES INWARD on top of the Enterprise -- the SCREEN WHITES OUT -- CUT TO: 135 INT. COURTROOM (OPTICAL) Silence. Picard standing alone in a now empty courtroom. He's dressed normally, present-day age. Picard is a little disoriented by the sudden silence. After a moment, Q's floating chair drops down into frame. Q is dressed in his Judge's robes again. He studies Picard. Q The Continuum didn't think you had it in you, Jean-Luc... but I knew you could. Picard looks at him. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/28/94 - ACT TEN 125. 135 CONTINUED: PICARD Are you saying it worked? We collapsed the anomaly? Q Is that all this meant to you? Just another spatial anomaly... just another day at the office? PICARD Q, did it work? Q You're here, aren't you? You're talking to me, aren't you? PICARD What about my crew? Q (mocking) "The anomaly... my crew... my ship." I suppose you're worried about your fish too. Well, if it puts your mind at ease, you've saved humanity once again. Picard regards Q briefly. PICARD Thank you. Q For what? PICARD You had a hand in helping me get out of this. Q I was the one who got you into it, Jean-Luc. That was the directive from the Continuum. (beat) The part about the helping hand... was my idea. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/28/94 - ACT TEN 126. 135 CONTINUED: (2) Picard looks around the courtroom. PICARD I sincerely hope this is the last time I'll find myself here. Q shakes his head. Q You just don't get it, do you, Jean-Luc? (leans in to him) The trial never ends. He smiles patronizingly. Q (continuing) We wanted to see if you had the ability to expand your mind and your horizons... and for one brief moment, you did. PICARD When I realized the paradox... Q Exactly. For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you'd never considered. That's the exploration that awaits you... not mapping stars and studying nebulae... but charting the unknowable possibilities of existence. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/17/94 - ACT TEN 126A. 135 CONTINUED: (3) The Chair begins to MOVE AWAY from Picard. PICARD What are you trying to tell me, Q? Q touches his hat in a half-salute. His chair is almost fully withdrawn. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/22/94 - ACT TEN 127. 135 CONTINUED: (4) Q You'll find out. (beat) In any case, I'll be watching... and if you're lucky, I'll drop by to say hello from time to time. (beat) See you out there. And he's gone. The SCENE CHANGES TO: 136 INT. CORRIDOR - PRESENT Picard stepping out of the Turbolift, dressed in his bathrobe. Troi and Worf are standing there, looking at him in surprise. We are back at the exact same moment we saw in the Teaser. Picard stares at them, then looks down at himself, sees his bathrobe... TROI Captain, are you all right? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT TEN 128. 136 CONTINUED: PICARD Worf... what's the date? WORF Stardate 47988. Picard smiles... overwhelmed with relief... he laughs. Troi and Worf exchange a puzzled look. TROI Is something wrong, sir? PICARD No, no... in fact, I think I'll go back to bed. I could use some sleep. Picard steps back in the Lift. Troi and Worf exchange a look... CUT TO: 137 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) at impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, supplemental. Starfleet Command reports no unusual activity along the Neutral Zone, and there is no sign of a temporal anomaly. It would appear that I am the only member of the crew to retain any knowledge of the events I experienced. 138 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS - PRESENT Riker, Data, Beverly, Troi and Geordi sitting at the table, playing POKER. Troi is raking in her winnings with a big smile. Beverly pushes back her chair and gets up. BEVERLY That's it for me. TROI There's always next time. Beverly smiles moves to an empty chair off to one side of the table. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/17/94 - ACT TEN 129. 138 CONTINUED: GEORDI That's four hands in a row. How does he do it? RIKER I cheat. Data's head snaps up in shock. RIKER (continuing) I'm kidding. Data collects the cards and begins shuffling at normal speed. Beverly looks thoughtful. BEVERLY I've been thinking... about all the things the Captain told us about the future. The way we changed and drifted apart... why would he tell us what's to come? GEORDI It sure goes against everything we've heard about not polluting the time line... DATA I believe, however, that this situation is unique. They all look at him. DATA (continuing) Since the temporal anomaly did not occur, there have already been changes in the way this time line is unfolding. The future we experience will undoubtedly be different from the one the Captain encountered. RIKER Maybe that's why he told us. Knowing what that future could bring... gives us a chance to change things now. He gives Worf a meaningful look. RIKER (continuing) So that some things never happen. Worf nods in understanding. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/31/94 - ACT TEN 129A. 138 CONTINUED: (2) The door CHIMES. RIKER Come in. Troi ENTERS. TROI Am I too late? RIKER Not at all. Have a seat. Troi sits, and Riker begins giving her chips. TROI What's the game? DATA Five card draw, deuces wild. The door CHIMES. RIKER Come. The doors open and Picard ENTERS. Everyone reacts in surprise, sits up at attention. STAR TREK: "All Good Things... " - REV. 3/11/94 - ACT TEN 130-130A 138 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (continuing) Captain. Is there a problem? PICARD No. I just thought I might... join you this evening. If there's room... Surprised but pleased looks go around the table. RIKER Of course. Picard takes a seat at the table. Data gives him the deck of cards. DATA Would you care to deal? STAR TREK: "All Good Things... "- REV. 03/31/94 - ACT TEN 131. 138 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD Oh... thank you. Picard starts to shuffle the cards. PICARD (continuing) I should have done this a long time ago. I was quite a card player in my youth, you know. TROI You were always welcome. Picard nods. His experience has left him with a new appreciation of his feelings for these people... his crew... his family... PICARD So. Five card stud, nothing wild. The sky's the limit. As Picard continues dealing, we PULL BACK for one final look at this family of characters... CUT TO: 139 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE - PRESENT (OPTICAL) The great ship moving off into the distance... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TEN END OF EPISODE END OF SEASON END OF SHOW