
Captain Picard decides to try out
the new holodeck enhancements in the form of a Dixon
Hill detective story. However, when an alien probe
causes malfunctions, Picard and his team find themselves
in a real life and death struggle. |
The Big Goodbye |
TNG Season 1, Episode 12
Tracy Tormé
Joseph L Scanlan
First Aired Jan 11, 1988
Stardate 41997.7

BACK TO TNG EPISODE GUIDE | Season 1 Episodes: Encounter at Farpoint, The Naked Now, Code of Honor, The Last Outpost, Where No One Has Gone Before, Lonely Among Us, Justice, The Battle, Hide and Q, Haven, The Big Goodbye, Datalore, Angel One, 11001001, Too Short a Season, When the Bough Breaks, Home Soil, Coming of Age, Heart of Glory, The Arsenal of Freedom, Symbiosis, Skin of Evil, We’ll Always Have Paris, Conspiracy, The Neutral Zone
