Episode Quotes


Pulaski: "They died of natural causes."
Picard: "Natural causes? What in Nature could cause that?"
Pulaski: "For the record, Captain, they died of old age."
Pulaski: "Commander Data has a way with computers."
[to Data]
: "As androids go, you're in a class by yourself."
[to Pulaski]
: "God knows, I'm not one to discourage input, but I would appreciate it if you would let me finish my sentences once in a while!"
[Data performs a medical scan on Pulaski]
Data: "All systems are functioning within normal specifications, Doctor."
Pulaski: "The manufacturer will be pleased to hear it."
Pulaski: "The quarantine of Darwin Station must be maintained for ever."
Troi: [on Pulaski and Picard] "Maybe your problem is that the two of you aren't all that different."
Pulaski: "What do you mean?"
Troi: "Let's just say you're both well established personalities."
Picard: "I'm concerned about our CMO. She's absolutely obsessed with the medical viewpoint. She doesn't seem able to step back and see the overall picture."
[Troi has trouble suppressing a smile.]
Picard: What's the matter?
Troi: "Nothing, Captain. Perhaps you and the CMO just need to give each other a little more time."
Pulaski: "Why should I be concerned about having my atoms spread across the galaxy? I imagine that's what's going to happen every time I use the damn thing."

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