Episode Trivia


Data states that the Klingon Cruiser Pagh is on undesignated maneuvers in the Pheben Solar System.
Tranome Sar is the site of a great battle between the Klingons and the Romulans.
The sub-microscopic bacterial colony attacks the molecular bonds in tritanium. This effects both the Enterprise and the Pagh. However, Mendon discovers that the bacteria can be destroyed by using a tunnelling neutrino beam.
Benzites belong to "geostructures". Mendon and Mordoc (see "Coming of Age") belong to the same geostructure.
Benzites are very methodical, and don't believe it is appropriate to report a problem until a solution has been found. Eagerness to please is a Benzite trait.
The internal politics on Klingon ships are briefly discussed here - according to Worf, junior officers advance by "assassinating their superiors".
First appearance of many Klingon delicacies which go on to make reappearances throughout Next Generation and especially Deep Space Nine. Among them are the famous gagh (described as "serpent worms"), rokeg blood pie, bregit lung, heart of targ and pipius claw - yum!
Ensign Mendon is picked up at Starbase 179.
The ship's phaser range is seen here for the first time (see also "Redemption").

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