Episode Quotes


Keiko: "I'm having contractions."
Worf: "I believe that is not uncommon in late months of pregnancy."
Keiko: "No, I mean CONTRACTIONS. I am going into labor."
Worf: "You can not. This is not a good time, Keiko."
Keiko: "It's not open for debate. Like it or not, this baby is coming."
Worf: [to Keiko] "You are doing very well. I am sure the child will arrive soon."
Data: "That is not the correct port."
Riker: "Sorry."
Data: "You must hurry, Commander, the containment field has dropped to 16%."
Riker: "I am trying. You need a bigger head."
Worf: [to Keiko] "Congratulations. You are fully dilated to ten centimenters. You may now give birth."
Worf: "Computer simulation was not like this. That delivery was very orderly."
Keiko: "Well, I'm SORRY!"
Worf: "Push, Keiko. Push hard. Push, Keiko! Push, push, PUSH!"
Keiko: "I AM PUSHING!!!!"
Riker: "You just can't stay away from the big chair, can you ?"
Troi: "I don't think I am cut out to be captain. First officer maybe, I understand there aren't many qualifications."

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