Episode Behind the Scenes


This episode was based on a brief mention of Picard's artificial heart back in season two's "Samaritan Snare".
None of the writers could remember where the whole "Q - white light" premise came from. However soon after the episode aired, they had a very disillusioned letter from James Mooring who had pitched the exact same idea after submitting a spec script. Of course, the writers immediately attempted to make amends, Jeri Taylor recalls - "I talked to him, Ron talked to him, and they paid him. He was very happy. All he wanted was acknowledgement of this, and we apologized profusely. I hope it restored his faith in our integrity, because we would never do anything like that intentionally."
Both Starbase Earhart and the Bonestall Facility were populated with aliens from spinoff DS9. However, writers were cautious to avoid using the Ferengi before their established first contact date. However, you may pick out an Antican and Selay, who seem to be getting along great, obviously before the two races conflict.
Prop Master Alan Sims says a lot of the old coins and tableware seen in the episode were from a Paramount vault of Ten Commandments props.
Penny was named for an older woman Ron Moore dated.

If you have some more behind the scenes information, send it in.