Episode Behind the Scenes


Patrick Stewart, enjoying the more action-oriented role, did several of his own stunts in this episode.
Michael Piller on Starship Mine - "It was very violent, but it's good to have one of these kind in the mix of stories."
Director Cliff Bole was denied extras in the Starbase reception scene due to cost, and asked Wendy Neuss for background small talk among the regular cast.
The matte shot of Arkaria Base was originally used as the Darwin Genetics Research Station in "Unnatural Selection" and is reused again later for the season finale "Descent, Part I".
The Remmler Array model, built by Greg Jein was an eighteen inch miniature and had to be composited with the four foot Enterprise model.
The baryon sweep effect was created using an actual laser to scan the ship.
Dan Curry's shuttle model is the same that was used in "11001001" complete with disposable Gillette razor handles for the nacelles.
The Bajoran female terrorist Kiros was played by Gate McFadden's stunt double Patricia Tallman.
Arlee Reed (Waiter) is script coordinator Lolita Fatjo's husband.
Tim Russ (Devor) is well known for his role as the Vulcan Tuvok in Trek spinoff Voyager.

If you have some more behind the scenes information, send it in.