STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Loud as a Whisper #40272-132 Written by Jackie Zambrano Directed by Larry Shaw THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1988 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - draft 11/4/88 CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Loud as a Whisper" CAST PICARD RIVA RIKER 1ST LEADER/WARRIOR TROI SCHOLAR/ARTIST WORF WARRIOR/ADONIS/PERSON DATA CULTURED WOMAN GEORDI 2ND LEADER/WARRIOR PULASKI WESLEY TRANSPORTER CHIEF Non-Speaking Non-Speaking CREWMEMBERS BOY SOLDIERS/COMBATANTS STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - DRAFT 11/10/88 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Loud as a Whisper" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM PLANET RAMATIS 3 TURBOLIFT TRANSPORTER ROOM PLANET SOLAIS 5 GUEST QUARTERS MOUNTAIN TOP OBSERVATION LOUNGE SICKBAY MAIN ENGINEERING CORRIDOR PLANET RAMATIS ANTEROOM LARGER ROOM STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Loud as a Whisper" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE RIVA REE-va SOLAIS So-LAY-is RAMATIS RAH-mah-tis STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Loud as a Whisper" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship glides through space, planets and stars. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 42411.2. The Enterprise has been unexpectedly diverted to the Ramatis star system. The two sides of a bitter little planetary conflict have petitioned Starfleet to transport to their world a mediator they have mutually selected. Our orders are transportation only -- no interference, no responsibilities. It is a mission much to my liking. 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER has the Command position. WESLEY has the Conn, DATA is at Ops, n.d. CREWMEMBER at Tactical. The other positions are occupied by n.d. crewmembers. RIKER Reduce to half impulse. WESLEY Reducing velocity to one-half impulse. Riker walks to the captain's Ready Room door. The CHIME signals Riker's presence. From inside, CAPTAIN PICARD calls out. PICARD (O.S.) Come. The door opens. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - TEASER 2. 3 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Riker enters. Spread across and above Picard's desk is a complicated arrangement of three-dimensional shapes -- some on the surface, others seemingly suspended in air. PICARD Ah, Number One. Look at this. Ever since we left the Lima-Sierra system, I have been puzzling over how the third planet could maintain such an orbit, when it is theoretically impossible, but consider this. Riker moves closer, whereupon Picard activates the display. The shapes GO INTO MOTION. They then STOP. RIKER There's no degeneration? PICARD Exactly! RIKER Why? PICARD I haven't got that worked out. RIKER Perhaps this facsimile lacks mass. PICARD Yes, somewhat, but if this is an accurate representation -- would it not explain what happened in that system? Riker moves closer. RIKER (as he studies the display) Perhaps. Picard comes back to business. PICARD Well, not a matter of great moment -- just a knot I had to untie. Now... What was it you wanted to see me about? STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: RIKER Captain, we have arrived at Ramatis Three. Picard gets to his feet as he speaks: PICARD Ah -- well -- time to leave. 4 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) entering orbit near the silver and blue planet of Ramatis Three. 5 INT. MAIN BRIDGE as before. Picard and Riker come onto the bridge. RIKER Standard orbit, Mister Crusher. WESLEY Standard orbit. Together they head for the turbolift. RIKER Data, you have the bridge. Data leaves Ops and is immediately replaced by an n.d. FEMALE CREWMEMBER. He takes the Command position. 6 ANOTHER ANGLE as Riker and Picard enter the turbolift, the doors close. 7 INT. TURBOLIFT RIKER I am still uncomfortable about your leading this away team. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - TEASER 4. 7 CONTINUED: PICARD This is not an away team in the strictest sense. I consider this more of a ceremonial function. For me not to go, could be construed a lack of respect, or that I do not regard the mission as significant. Transporter Room Five. The turbolift heads for Deck Seventeen. RIKER Considering the importance of this mission and the lives which are at stake... I don't want to do anything which would have a negative affect on this negotiation, however... PICARD I appreciate your concern, Number One, but, I'm sure it will go quite smoothly. RIKER We have come a great distance for this mediator. PICARD They asked for the best and that person, from all reports, is Riva. The turbolift arrives. Riker and Picard step off. 7A INT. CORRIDOR as they walk along. RIKER I've never heard of him. PICARD I'm not surprised, he hasn't mediated for several decades. RIKER That's a long time to be out of the saddle. Let's hope he's not rusty. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - TEASER 5. 7A CONTINUED: PICARD Yes, for all our sakes... let's hope Riva is at the top of his game. They turn and enter the Transporter Room. 8 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) TROI and WORF are waiting. They step onto the platform. TRANSPORTER CHIEF Coordinates have been input. PICARD Very good, Lieutenant. Worry not, Number One -- this will be a simple ceremonial greeting, and right back to the Enterprise. RIKER I'm sure. PICARD Energize. And the away team -- with Picard as their leader -- VANISHES. 9 INT. RAMATIS - ANTEROOM (OPTICAL) as the away team STACKS UP. 10 ANOTHER ANGLE - INT. RAMATIS - ANTEROOM A handsome BOY greets the away team, and motions for them to follow him. 11 ANOTHER ANGLE as they reach a vestibule which leads to a larger room. The boy leads them toward a larger room. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - TEASER 6. 12 INT. LARGER ROOM They enter. There is no one in the room. At the far end is a raised dais. The design of the room is geometric -- the decorations eclectic. As the away team looks around, they realize their young guide has disappeared and they are all alone: Off their reactions: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 13 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around the planet Ramatis. 14 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker once again has the Command position. RIKER Captain, this is the Enterprise. PICARD'S COM VOICE We have arrived safely, Number One, and for the most part, we've been ignored... ah... 15 thru OMITTED 16 17 INT. RAMATIS - LARGER ROOM The away team in the larger room. PICARD ... some of the local citizenry are beginning to assemble. I'll keep you informed. RIKER'S COM VOICE I would appreciate it. 18 ANOTHER ANGLE - LARGER ROOM Slowly, without any apparent signal, HUMANOIDS begin to casually assemble. They enter the room from portals, scattered along the walls, talking quietly among themselves in an unrecognizable, and mostly unheard, language. 19 ANOTHER ANGLE There are three of them... each a distinctive personality and physical archetype -- the SCHOLAR/ARTIST, the WARRIOR/ADONIS, a CULTURED WOMAN. These "types" show no emotion, and if they are aware of the away team, they do not acknowledge them. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT ONE 8. 20 ANOTHER ANGLE a MAN enters from behind the away team. By his dress, his carriage and his presence he is someone in authority. This is RIVA -- he appears to be around thirty earth years, pleasant looking, with an open friendly countenance. 21 PICARD AND TROI as Riva passes them. He pauses, studying first Picard -- his appraisal is open, his gaze penetrating. Because of his vast experience in different and unusual situations, Picard has the wisdom to wait for Riva to make the first move. Riva then turns his attention on Worf, then to Troi, then leaves her with a warm flirtatious smile. TROI (she responds with a smile, and a nod) Riva. 22 ANOTHER ANGLE - ROOM Riva walks onto the dais, those he passes offer a greeting. WARRIOR/ADONIS eeennniYOO. It is obviously a term of respect as well as a greeting. Riva responds with a slight wave of his hand. TROI He is a well-liked leader. Their affection is genuine, as is his. PICARD Well, if they respect him on Solais, as much as they do here -- we could be looking forward to a successful mission. 23 ANOTHER ANGLE Riva takes his place on the dais, the CHORUS gathers in front of him. Riva pauses, comfortable -- relaxed -- very pleasant. His expression is bemused -- as though he is expecting good news. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT ONE 9. 23 CONTINUED: PICARD Counselor? TROI I've never seen anything like this before and I'm a little uncertain about how to proceed. (smiles) There is a wonderful feeling of well being, emanating from here. The man on the dais, makes a very slight motion -- (through all this the Chorus never turns to face Riva. Their method of communication we do not understand and will never understand. It is part of their long history.) WOMAN Please -- come closer. The away team takes a couple of steps closer. WOMAN (continuing) Before I start, is there anything you need? Refreshments, food. PICARD No. But thank you for asking. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Then -- (with a gesture to Picard) Proceed. Picard hesitates - then... PICARD Greetings from the United Federation of Planets. I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard, of the USS Enterprise. This is Counselor Troi, and Lieutenant Worf. Riva remains impassive. He again studies the away team. Then he makes a slight MOVE with HIS HANDS. And the Chorus SPEAKS. WARRIOR/ADONIS GREETINGS! STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT ONE 10. 23 CONTINUED: (2) SCHOLAR/ARTIST Welcome to Ramatis. WOMAN I have been expecting you. The away team is surprised. The Warrior/Adonis member of the Chorus, takes a step closer to Troi, and gives her a blinding smile. WARRIOR/ADONIS You're empathic. TROI Yes. WARRIOR/ADONIS Then, although you already know my feelings toward you, allow me to put them into words. I am looking forward to this journey, now more than ever, because it gives me the chance to spend time in your company. Warrior/Adonis smiles, then all expression leaves his face. TROI (she speaks to Riva, not Warrior/Adonis) I am flattered. And I too, look forward to learning more about you. 24 PICARD He looks the Chorus over, then turns to Troi for advice. TROI (quietly to Picard) There's a very different kind of communication here, Captain. PICARD Yes, so I see. I think there are facets to Riva about which we were not informed. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT ONE 11. 24 CONTINUED: WOMAN Precisely. It is a process which has developed over the centuries and one I find quite harmonious. PICARD So Riva the famous mediator is... ? WARRIOR/ADONIS Deaf. (with great conviction) Born, and hope to die. PICARD (indicating Chorus) And you all speak for Riva? CHORUS Yes. SCHOLAR/ARTIST I not only convey his words, but his emotional intent as well. TROI The members of the Chorus, serve as "translators," and each represents the archetypes of man's personality. SCHOLAR/ARTIST I am the scholar. I represent the intellect. I speak in matters of judgment -- philosophy -- logic. Also, I am -- the dreamer. The part which longs to see the beauty beyond the truth which is always the first duty of art. I am the poet... Riva makes a slight movement and the Scholar/Artist -- shuts up and steps back. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT ONE 12. 24 CONTINUED: (2) WARRIOR/ADONIS Artists tend to ramble, they live too much in the future, they neglect the moment. I am Riva's libido. I am his passion. I am the anarchy of lust. The romantic -- the (with a little self-deprecating nod to Troi) ... lover. Also, I am as he. (indicates Worf) The definition of Riva's honor... the perfect line which never wavers. PICARD (to the Woman) And you... WOMAN I represent that part of Riva which binds all the others together. I am harmony -- wisdom -- balance. PICARD (to the Woman) Remarkable. How did this... Riva flashes anger. WARRIOR/ADONIS Speak to me! The away team is surprised by the outburst. Worf instinctively steps forward. PICARD What?! Again Riva gestures aggressively. WARRIOR/ADONIS Speak directly to me! TROI (so Riva cannot read her lips) He's prodding you to get a reaction. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT ONE 13. 24 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (to Riva) The uniqueness of this presentation provoked my inadvertent breach in protocol. No insult was intended. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Then... none is perceived. PICARD I was curious about how this unique form of communication came about. WOMAN The gene for hearing is not present in our planet's ruling line. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Not that unusual, indeed it is similar to the English Tudor monarchs of your planet Earth, all who had hemophilia. Or the leaders of Fendaus Five, who were without limbs. WARRIOR/ADONIS Throughout time, many of the galaxy's greatest contributors have been similarly "special." PICARD (to Riva) Your ability to read lips -- is very impressive. WOMAN Thank you. PICARD Your "translators" do not see you, yet they are able to accurately convey your thoughts. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT ONE 14. 24 CONTINUED: (4) SCHOLAR/ARTIST My Chorus is so attuned -- they can "hear" my hands and translate to you. It is a relationship which has developed over centuries -- their ancestors provided the same service to my ancestors. TROI Your way of communication is most distinctive, Riva. The Warrior/Adonis shifts his place on the steps, closer to her. WARRIOR/ADONIS It takes a fine mind to appreciate that, Counselor Troi. TROI (indicates Warrior/Adonis) This part of you does not seem to speak very often. Riva's eyes dance in flirtation. WARRIOR/ADONIS Only when the spirit moves me. His gaze is intense, very male. Troi lowers her eyes. PICARD Riva -- if you are ready -- the situation at Solais Five is very critical. We should not delay. SCHOLAR/ARTIST I will prepare for departure immediately. PICARD Are you all -- I mean -- Riva, did you plan to take these people with you? WARRIOR/ADONIS (challenging) Is that a problem? STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT ONE 15. 24 CONTINUED: (5) PICARD No, it's just that we didn't know you would all be coming. Riva descends the steps, toward Troi. WARRIOR/ADONIS (to Troi) How long will my journey to Solais take? TROI More than two of your days. WARRIOR/ADONIS (Riva comes up and beside them) Then, until duty calls, this will indeed be a pleasant trip. 25 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) The away team, now including Riva and his Chorus, move slightly to the side. Worf touches his communicator. WORF With your permission, Captain. PICARD Make it so. WORF Enterprise, this is the away team, seven to beam up. Riva, the Chorus, and the away team BEAM UP to the Enterprise. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 26 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Ramatis. 27 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker has the Command Chair, Data is at Ops, Wesley has the Conn. PULASKI and GEORDI are also on the bridge. Riker is anxious to get underway, and relieved when he hears: TRANSPORTER CHIEF'S COM VOICE The away team, plus four, is on board. RIKER Acknowledged. Ensign, set your course for Solais Five. Wesley inputs the coordinates. WESLEY Course is set. RIKER Velocity -- warp eight. WESLEY Warp eight -- aye. RIKER Engage, Mister Crusher. WESLEY Yes, sir. 28 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) stretches into warp. 29 ANOTHER ANGLE - MAIN BRIDGE The turbolift opens, Picard leads the others onto the bridge. Worf goes immediately to his position. Riker stands, ready to greet his guest. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 17. 30 ANGLE ON THE AWAY TEAM AND RIVA They enter, cross to Riker. Picard begins the introductions. PICARD Riva, may I present-- RIKER (indicating the Chorus) What's this? PICARD These three -- speak for Riva. Riker also reacts with surprise. RIKER You mean, the most respected negotiator in the Federation -- is deaf? Amazing. SCHCLAR/ARTIST (to Picard) First, Captain, let me say that it is an honor to be on board such a fine vessel. (continuing) Now... please continue with the introductions. PICARD This is my first officer, Commander Riker. SCHOLAR/ARTIST It is an honor to meet you. PICARD Lieutenant Commander Data. Riva looks Data up and down. Then smiles. SCHOLAR/ARTIST It is a pleasure to meet such a unique individual. DATA Thank you... Riva responds with a nod. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 18. 30 CONTINUED: PICARD And our chief medical officer, Katherine Pulaski. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Doctor. PICARD This is Lieutenant La Forge. GEORDI Pleased to meet you, sir. Riva touches his VISOR gently. WOMAN What is that you're wearing? GEORDI A VISOR. It modifies the electromagnetic spectrum and carries the readings to my brain. WOMAN And without it, can you see? GEORDI No. Without it I'm as blind as a post. WOMAN Your VISOR serves the same purpose as my Chorus, which "hears" my thoughts and translates them into sound. GEORDI Yes. SCHOLAR/ARTIST And you don't resent it? GEORDI The VISOR or being blind? SCHOLAR/ARTIST Either. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 19. 30 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI They are both part of me, and since I like who I am, why would I resent either being blind or wearing the VISOR? SCHOLAR/ARTIST What is your position on this ship? GEORDI Engineering officer, sir. Riva feels a kinship with Geordi and it shows in his movements. He puts a friendly hand on Geordi's shoulder. WOMAN (to Geordi) It's a blessing to understand we are special... (then including everyone) ... each in his own way. GEORDI My feeling exactly. WOMAN Please call me Riva. GEORDI Okay. And you can call me Geordi. PICARD I will have you shown to you quarters, then at your convenience I have prepared a briefing on the Solari wars? I offer the hospitality of my ship during this journey. We will provide whatever is necessary to make you comfortable or to facilitate your mission. WOMAN Thank you. Riva turns to Troi. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 20. 30 CONTINUED: (3) WARRIOR/ADONIS Perhaps, if it is not inconvenient, Counselor Troi could escort me. (then to Picard) With your permission. Picard nods his approval. TROI This way. They watch as Troi, Riva and the Warrior/Adonis exit. RIKER What about you? WOMAN At times like this -- we become an encumbrance. SCHOLAR/ARTIST ... so if you have a room for us, we'll wait until Riva makes contact. PICARD Exactly how will he do that? WOMAN The headband that he wears -- it transmits his thoughts, and emotions to us. PICARD So that's how it work. SCHOLAR/ARTIST No magic -- just technology. PICARD Worf, could you provide an escort. Worf nods to an n.d. crewmember. The Woman and the Scholar/Artist, follow the crewmember to the turbolift. RIKER He's not what I expected. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 21. 30 CONTINUED: (4) PULASKI Perhaps being "special" is in part responsible for his success. He has a most disarming quality. He doesn't just ask questions to be polite -- he actually wants to hear the answers. 31 INT. GUEST QUARTERS (OPTICAL) The doors open and Troi ushers Riva and the Warrior/Adonis in. This should be very interesting -- the Warrior/Adonis does all the talking, but the eye contact -- the heat -- is totally and completely between Riva and Troi. The Warrior/Adonis is there... but his presence is not felt. WARRIOR/ADONIS Much of what we do is similar. TROI Yes -- I suppose in a way it is. WARRIOR/ADONIS We have both learned how to allow people to examine feelings hidden deep within their psyche. In fact, being here with you is provoking an emotional revelation. TROI (lightly) You mean something I am doing is uncovering an emotion buried in your psyche. WARRIOR/ADONIS Not that deep. TROI Oh, exactly what are you feeling? WARRIOR/ADONIS Can't you tell? TROI Some of it -- but... STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 22. 31 CONTINUED: WARRIOR/ADONIS I feel that soon, perhaps after the briefing by your captain, you will be hungry, and perhaps we could dine together and compare... experiences. Troi smiles. TROI I would like that. WARRIOR/ADONIS As will I. They hold the look for a beat -- and the heat between them builds. TROI Will you... (meaning the translator) ... be with us? WARRIOR/ADONIS Until we find our own method of communication. TROI I look forward to that time. WARRIOR/ADONIS As do I. With a look Troi turns and exits. 32 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) The members of the Chorus should not be like bumps -- just standing there waiting for Riva to pull their string. They can move. The Warrior/Adonis can get a cup of Fagomerian Tea -- the Woman can be busy with her hands -- doing some twenty-fourth century needlepoint (she could appear disinterested in all of this talk of war). The Scholar/Artist can have a PADD and be working out some equation which is important only to him. Also it is important that the delivery NOT be too stylized or stilted. PICARD Commander Data, would you please update the situation. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 23. 32 CONTINUED: DATA The factions on Solais Five are historical enemies. So many have died that both societies are on the verge of extinction. WARRIOR/ADONIS Enough. Thank you, Captain, but there is no need to continue. The specific issues of the conflict have no relevance. RIKER So none of the background we have prepared would be helpful in understanding why they continue to fight? SCHOLAR/ARTIST The portfolio will indicate that the conflict is over a piece of land, or wealth, or some other tangible asset. But, we both know that is not the case. RIKER A war which has been fought for this long has become very personal. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Exactly. The basis for peace must also be personal. WARRIOR/ADONIS This is an historic confrontation. (to Data) Correct? DATA The factions have been at war for fifteen centuries. SCHOLAR/ARTIST What's changed? DATA I do not know what you mean. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 24. 32 CONTINUED: (2) SCHOLAR/ARTIST They have been killing each other for a long time, now they want to talk peace. So something about this situation has changed. What's the new piece to the puzzle? PICARD That piece of information could be very useful. Data. DATA Unknown. RIKER Perhaps they are running out of people to kill. In any case, for whatever reason -- peace is now preferred. That should make your job easier. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Well, if not easier, at least possible, because they are motivated. WARRIOR/ADONIS But it doesn't matter. I'll find something. I always do. PICARD Always? WARRIOR/ADONIS To date, I have never failed. Now, unless there is something else... PICARD No. This is for your benefit. The Woman puts away her "needlework," stands and speaks for the first time. WOMAN Then... thank you for your time and effort... if you'll excuse me... STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 25. 32 CONTINUED: (3) WARRIOR/ADONIS I believe I have to get ready for a dinner appointment. PICARD Then, by all means, meeting is adjourned. As Riva and the others leave, Riker and Picard: RIKER Our mediator is very... (he pauses to pick the correct word) ... self assured. PICARD Cocky is the word I would have used. RIKER It's all right if he can deliver, and we'll know that soon enough. 33 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) streaks along at warp speed. 34 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard sits in his Command Chair. Riker is beside him. Data is at Ops, Worf is at Tactical. WESLEY We are approaching Solais Five. RIKER Half impulse. WESLEY Slowing to one-half impulse. 35 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) comes out of warp. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 26. 35A INT. GUEST QUARTERS Riva and Troi are sharing a meal. The Warrior/Adonis is off to one side out of Troi's line of vision. TROI We have arrived. WARRIOR/ADONIS Then we don't have much time. Troi agrees. TROI No. WARRIOR/ADONIS This has been very pleasant. TROI For me as well. I'm impressed, by how you deal with what some would consider a handicap. WARRIOR/ADONIS It's not a handicap at all. Unless you mean having me here. Troi glances from the Warrior/Adonis to Riva. TROI I did not mean that specifically, but, yes, I would consider you a disadvantage. With that the Warrior/Adonis gets to his feet and exits. Troi and Riva are now alone. For a beat they are quiet. TROI (continuing) How do we communicate? I can feel your emotions, but don't we need words? He signs something. TROI (continuing) I don't understand. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 27. 35A CONTINUED: He signs gracefully with his whole being, hands, eyes, body. Troi follows along. TROI (continuing) Is that dream? He crosses his fists over his heart. TROI (continuing) Love. She does the same, self-conscious with the intimate gesture. RIVA (signing) Stronger. Like you mean it. Repeats the motion, eyes never leaving hers. She echoes him, meeting his gaze. RIVA (continuing; signing) Butterfly. Troi makes the same gesture. TROI Is that a butterfly -- or is that desire? Together their hands fly in the air. They laugh like kids. Riva's hands float, alight on hers. 36 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) On the viewscreen is the brown planet of Solais Five. RIKER Standard orbit. WORF Captain! STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 28. 37 ANGLE ON WORF WORF I'm reading laser activity in the Solari Solar System! Riker jumps to his feet. Picard leans forward, intense. RIKER How concentrated is the activity? WORF It is localized -- and very intense. RIKER So much for the cease-fire. PICARD Open hailing frequencies. WORF I can establish voice only. PICARD This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard, commander of the Federation starship USS Enterprise. A CRACKLING VOICE is HEARD, but is unintelligible. PICARD (continuing) If you continue to violate the rules by breaking the cease-fire, I will abort this mission. A pause, then: FIRST LEADER'S COM VOICE You have no jurisdiction here, Picard. Where is Riva? PICARD Riva is in charge of the summit. I command the ship that brings him. I will not endanger my ship under any circumstances. SECOND LEADER'S COM VOICE Riva gave his word we would speak to no one else. Now who breaks the rules? Where is Riva? STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 29. 37 CONTINUED: PICARD (formal) I shall summon him for you. Picard turns to Data. PICARD (continuing) Get Riva now! 37A INT. GUEST QUARTERS Riva and Troi are still enjoying each other's company. RIKER'S COM VOICE Counselor Troi. Have Riva report to the bridge immediately. TROI They need you on the bridge. Now! 38 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) as Riva, his Chorus and Troi enter. Riva's confidence now carries a touch of arrogance. PICARD The cease-fire has been broken. Riva takes charge of the situation. SCHOLAR/ARTIST I'm sure I can resolve that. Put them on the viewscreen. He stands in front of the Main Viewer. PICARD On viewscreen. Distorted IMAGES of FIRST LEADER and SECOND LEADER appear on the viewscreen. WORF The quality of the transmission is very poor. SCHOLAR/ARTIST It is sufficient. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 30. 38 CONTINUED: He turns his attention to the viewscreen. The spotlight is on him, he clearly relishes his position and power. WARRIOR/ADONIS (stands right behind Riva) Brothers! Your bravery as fighters is known, now you must demonstrate your courage in a new way -- cease hostilities -- allow us to meet. There is a pause as everyone watches the staticky viewscreen, then: WORF The laser fire has ceased. RIKER But for how long -- these Solari don't seem likely candidates for peace. SCHOLAR/ARTIST (to Picard) I will need to see a topographical overlay of the battle area in order to pick a site for the meetings. Then I will need your help in creating the proper setting. PICARD We are here to provide whatever service is necessary. 39 PICARD, RIVA AND DATA - LATER They are back at Science One looking at a display of the planet surface. SCHOLAR/ARTIST There -- beam us down to that hilltop and inform the factions to join us. The time for killing has come to an end. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT TWO 31. 39 CONTINUED: Riva and his Chorus leave the bridge. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT THREE 32. ACT THREE FADE IN: 40 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Solais Five. 41 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Riva is there with his Chorus -- Worf and Riker, both of whom are carrying phasers. RIKER Set phasers on stun. SCHOLAR/ARTIST You won't need those. RIKER I'm sure we won't. Worf and Riker check their weapons, then: RIKER (continuing) Energize. They BEAM OUT. 42 EXT. SOLARI PLANET - DUSK (OPTICAL) Riker, Worf, Riva, and his Chorus MATERIALIZE onto a flattened mountain top... which is the middle of the war zone. The area is battle scarred; devoid of any life or vegetation. Riva looks around the area. WARRIOR/ADONIS Yes. This will do. SCHOLAR/ARTIST It is important that we set this up properly. Riva moves to the middle of the flattened area. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Commander. If it be possible -- I would like torches -- there -- there - there -- and there. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT THREE 33. 42 CONTINUED: RIKER (touches his communicator) Engineering, this is the away team. 42A INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Geordi has been waiting for this call. GEORDI Yes, Commander. RIKER'S COM VOICE We are going to need your help. GEORDI Yes, I thought you might. 42B EXT. PLANET As before. RIKER We are going to need torches -- head high. (to Riva) ... and what else? WARRIOR/ADONIS I would like a table and chairs -- (he points) ... right here. RIKER Describe it. WARRIOR/ADONIS Round, about three meters in diameter, and if possible made out of indigenous rock. RIKER Did you copy that, Geordi? 43 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING As before. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT THREE 34. 43 CONTINUED: GEORDI I did. There should be no problem replicating a table like that. I have the coordinates -- I'll send down the torches, and get right on the table. 44 EXT. MOUNTAIN TOP (OPTICAL) Riva is very relaxed. His confidence is high. He continues his survey of the area. RIKER How long before the emissaries arrive? SCHOLAR/ARTIST It shouldn't be too long. Off to the side, four torches MATERIALIZE. The Warrior/Adonis and Worf move to set them up. 44A ANGLE WORF as he plants one of the torches in the ground and looks out over the battle-scarred land. He scans the horizon. Riker comes up behind him. WORF They are coming. 44B SCENE The Warrior/Adonis and Worf light up the torches. Riva has moved to the center of the flattened area. RIKER How long will it take for these negotiations? Riva has to chuckle. SCHOLAR/ARTIST From that question, you must think they will go quickly. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT THREE 35. 44B CONTINUED: RIKER Actually, until this moment I never thought much about it at all. Before Riva can answer. WORF Commander. Riker turns. Worf indicates the imminent arrival of one GROUP of SOLDIERS. SCHOLAR/ARTIST (to Worf and Riker) The first few minutes will be very tense. Please... (the Scholar/Artist turns and gives Riva a puzzled look, almost like they have a bad phone connection, then turns back and continues) ... ah... stay calm, and do not respond even if you are provoked. RIKER (with a glance at Worf, who can be provoked by an ambiguous greeting) We will do our best. 45 SCENE The first group of soldiers appear. They are fearsome looking. They come up the rise and pause. One -- the leader -- holds his position while the other two ease off to either side. FIRST LEADER Who is Riva? Riva moves forward. He is the picture of confidence, calm, assurance. WOMAN I am Riva. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT THREE 36. 45 CONTINUED: Before the introduction can be completed, the other COMBATANTS appear. They enter even more cautiously than the first. They have already spread out. Their weapons are down but at-the-ready. The second leader edges forward. 46 WORF Has his hand on his phaser -- ready to take control of the situation. 47 RIVA He looks at each leader and nods a welcome. 48 LEADER ONE He gives Riva a sideways look. His eyes never leave the other warrior. 49 LEADER TWO For him it is the same. 50 SCENE Riker and Worf are on their guard. This is a very tense situation. The opposing groups eye each other like the natural enemies they are. Each expects the other to break the truce. WOMAN Be at ease. I commend you both. To come here shows not only courage, but wisdom. Please -- give this conference a chance. SCHOLAR/ARTIST (to the leaders) I have no magic. You have been fighting all your lives. You know only... Suddenly the Scholar/Artist stops. His face turns to a mask of confusion. He turns to look at Riva. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT THREE 37. 51 RIVA He is stunned. Something is wrong -- something is very wrong! 52 SCENE The soldiers, feeling the sudden increase in tension -- react instinctively. RIKER Riva -- what is it? FIRST LEADER This is a trap. The soldiers dash to positions of cover. Worf draws his phaser and prepares to defend them. RIKER (without hesitation) Enterprise -- beam us up. Now! 53 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) As the away team -- Riva and his Chorus are BEAMED back onto the Enterprise. 54 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around the planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log. 55 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, and his staff are there with Riva. Picard has in his hands the "device" which Riva has been wearing. PICARD So... communication between Riva and his Chorus was aided by this device. Without it... TROI Without it, he is mute. Picard turns it over in his hands. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT THREE 38. 55 CONTINUED: PICARD (to Riva) Can you fix it? He shakes his head, "no." PICARD (continuing) Can it be fixed? Riva motions frantically, "I don't know." The possibility frightens the hell out of him. 56 ANGLE ON TROI She crosses to them, speaks softly to the captain. TROI We must calm him. PICARD Lieutenant La Forge. See what you can learn about this. If it's possible to repair it, I need to know. Geordi takes the "device." GEORDI Right away. Picard follows Geordi out the door. 56A INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard is there with the Chorus. They have lost their sense of purpose. SCHOLAR/ARTIST This is astounding. Nothing like this has ever happened. PICARD I need your help. WARRIOR/ADONIS But what can we do? It's Riva... STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT THREE 39. 56A CONTINUED: SCHOLAR/ARTIST We don't know anything. We just say what he tells us. PICARD We need to communicate with him. They have no answers. PICARD (continuing) Surely you know sign language. SCHOLAR/ARTIST No. WARRIOR/ADONIS We've never needed it. PICARD And he neither reads nor writes. WOMAN He's never had to. SCHOLAR/ARTIST Riva knows sign language. He learned it on a mission to the Plaeties system. The parties there were so paranoid they would not allow us to accompany him. WOMAN Captain -- what's going to happen? I feel so strange. I've never been without him before... never. I feel like I'm losing my mind. PICARD You'll be all right. Stay here. I'll send someone to look after you. Please... try to stay calm. Picard exits. For a beat we HOLD on these poor lost souls. 57 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE As before. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT THREE 40. 57 CONTINUED: PULASKI Deafness for all intents and purposes has been eliminated except for a few isolated situations like this. If I can help you medically -- will you allow it? Riva stares at her for a moment. Picard enters. This is not an easy decision. Then, probably with his duties on his mind, he nods "yes." PICARD Riva knows sign language. Riva nods. DATA Captain. There are just in the Federation, eighty-one different variations of signing. PICARD (to Data) Find a way to communicate with him. (to Worf) Take him to Sickbay. Doctor do what you can. The Klingon helps Riva to his feet. Picard sees the panic in his face, tries to reassure him. PICARD (continuing) You are not alone. We will solve this together. He seems small and fragile as Worf leads him away. PICARD (continuing) If Riva does not mediate this summit successfully, the Solari will destroy each other. RIKER But if he can't speak, and can't use his Chorus, he's useless. Captain, you should mediate. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT THREE 41. 57 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD It is not me they want. They believe in Riva. The problem is, he no longer believes in himself. Picard gets up, crosses to the door. PICARD (continuing) Keep me posted of Riva's progress. I'll be in my quarters. RIKER Yes sir. PICARD We have to find a way to talk to him. Picard exits. Off Riker's reaction: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FOUR 42. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 58 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Solais Five. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 42111.8. We are monitoring increased military activity on Solais Five. I fear that we will be unable to keep the Solari from destroying themselves without Riva and still he is silent. 59 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - AT SCIENCE ONE (OPTICAL) Data is at a computer terminal running programs which depict various forms of signing. Riker comes up behind him. RIKER How's it going? DATA I have eliminated all but five distinct forms of signing. I will learn them all. 60 ANGLE ON DATA (OPTICAL) Eyes on the computer. DATA Computer. Show me gestural language -- designation M-nine. As information appears on the screen, Data signs, hands moving slowly. His hands move slowly as he get the hang of it. Worf steps over to watch. WORF Interesting. A technique of communication which is both silent and covert. It could be very useful. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FOUR 43. 60 CONTINUED: Data reads the computer screen and carries on a conversation at the same time. DATA As a language -- the use of gestures and hand signals pre-dates the spoken word in most cultures. The major exception being the Leyrons of Malkus Nine who actually developed a written language first. Worf grunts. While, Data focuses on the computer, phenomenal memory absorbing it all. DATA (continuing) Computer - continue presentation. The display on the CRT changes. DATA (continuing) Increase. The information speeds up. So do Data's hands. DATA (continuing) Increase. Everything moves faster. DATA (continuing) Increase. And faster. DATA (continuing) Increase. The screen's a blur. Data's hands are flying. Off Worf's reaction: 61 INT. SICKBAY Troi watches Pulaski put Riva through a series of tests. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FOUR 44. 61 CONTINUED: TROI He's very frightened. All his life he's been in control. For once, he doesn't have the answers. As Pulaski shakes her head. PULASKI Since Riva has never had hearing, his brain cannot accept auditory information. TROI Which means? PULASKI There is no immediate medical solution available. Riva watches Pulaski, despair on his face. TROI (to Riva) Let's see how Geordi is coming. 62 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING - ANGLE ON GEORDI carefully trying to disassemble the device as Troi and Riva enter. GEORDI I've never seen anything like this before. It transmits Beta waves, but I can't figure exactly how. I wish I had thought to run a test while it was still functioning. TROI (to Riva) Can you help? Riva makes a powerless gesture: "How?" GEORDI If he could tell me anything, anything at all. Riva shakes his head, it won't work. Buries his face in his hands. The anguish of not being understood. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FOUR 45. 62 CONTINUED: GEORDI (continuing) Well, I'll continue to work on it. Then responding to Riva's anguish. GEORDI (continuing) I know what you must be going through. I can imagine what it would be like to lose my VISOR. But... we'll find something. Don't give up. Troi cocks her head, reading Riva, it makes her sad. TROI Too late. I think he already has. No interpretation necessary for the sign Riva makes. He has given up. 63 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM The CHIME SOUNDS. PICARD Come. Troi enters. PICARD How is our mediator? TROI The same. Unreachable. Picard's face is etched with concern. PICARD What can we do to help him? TROI I can't do anything. It's up to him. Confidence is faith in oneself, it can't be given by another. Picard takes a long moment to absorb this, then nods. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FOUR 46. 63 CONTINUED: PICARD You're right, of course. Troi leans across the table, puts her hand over his. The CHIME SOUNDS again. PICARD (continuing) Come. Data enters. DATA Captain, I have reviewed and stored five distinct signing languages. 64 ANGLE ON DATA He turns to demonstrate his new ability. DATA This is blue. This is a blue ocean. This is a blue ocean at sunset. This is two people walking along the beach by a blue ocean at sunset. This is two happy people in love walking along the beach by a blue ocean at sunset. This is -- He'd go on forever if someone didn't say -- PICARD Enough! (beat) Let's talk to Riva. 65 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Data, Troi, and Riva. PICARD Good news. Data has learned your language. He can translate for you at the summit. Data repeats Riva's signed reply. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FOUR 47. 65 CONTINUED: DATA (translating) It will not work. I need my words. Riva responds sharply. DATA (continuing; translating) There -- that is what I mean. Your translation is literal. You say words. I do not need just words -- I need nuance, and subtlety... the shadings my Chorus enable me to communicate. PICARD But your ability is unchanged. All that's different is the method of transmission. Riva's body language says it all. DATA (translating) No! I cannot! Troi situates herself behind Picard. TROI (softly) It's not working. Go another direction. Picard's expression changes. Body language becomes forceful, angry. PICARD Data can understand you. Use him as your Chorus. Let him express your words. DATA (translating) No -- it is not the same thing. Data is unacceptable... PICARD You've got to take advantage of what you've got... STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FOUR 48. 65 CONTINUED: (2) Riva looks at him for a moment. DATA (translating) What I have got. I have got nothing. Do you not understand - I cannot do it. PICARD You're right. Maybe you are all show. Riva's eyes flash in anger. PICARD (continuing) You hide behind your Chorus. (in his face) You're a fake. 66 CLOSER ON PICARD AND RIVA Riva takes a threatening step towards Picard. Catches himself, signs with a smirk. DATA (translating) You are attempting to provoke me. Picard nods, hopeful. DATA (continuing; translating) It is not going to work. 67 ANGLE ON PICARD Disappointed. PICARD That's too bad. A lot of people are going to die. 68 ANGLE ON RIVA in complete turmoil. Bolts from the room. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FOUR 49. 69 PICARD He pauses for a moment. Then gets up: PICARD Data. The android rises, then he and Picard exit in pursuit of Riva. 70 INT. GUEST QUARTERS Picard finds Riva. He gently touches Riva's shoulder. Riva turns -- he tries weakly to smile. PICARD We will return you to Ramatis. Riva nods -- resigned -- very disappointed. PICARD (continuing) ... but, first I am going to attempt to settle the conflict on Solais. Riva signs -- Data interprets: DATA (translating) You. PICARD We have come this far -- it would be difficult for me personally to leave without making the attempt. DATA (translating) It could be dangerous. Picard nods. PICARD Help me. Throughout this exchange, Riva's mood will begin to lighten. As he communicates with Picard, the very act of self-expression slowly restores his self-esteem. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FOUR 50. 70 CONTINUED: DATA (translating) How? Picard is driving this in a specific direction. PICARD We all earn our reputations. Yours is that of a very successful negotiator -- a mediator. DATA (translating) And you want to know the trick. PICARD If there is one - yes. DATA (translating) Captain, there is no secret. What I do is help one person -- one group -- express themselves to the other. PICARD Simple enough to say - difficult to accomplish. DATA (translating) The real trick is getting them to listen. To understand. To turn a disadvantage to an advantage. PICARD Then why can't you turn your disadvantage into an advantage? Riva studies Picard for a long moment. Then a smile comes to his face. DATA (translating) That is an interesting thought... (to Picard) I do not understand -- what thought is he referring to? Riva stands. He reaches out and shakes Picard's hand. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FOUR 51. 70 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (continuing, translating) Thank you. PICARD I will contact those down on the planet. Tell them to prepare to begin discussions immediately. Off Data's reaction: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 71 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Solais Five. 72 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Riva is there with Picard and Data, both of whom are carrying phasers. PICARD Set phasers on stun. Data and Picard check their weapons, then: PICARD (continuing) Energize. They BEAM OUT. 73 EXT. SOLARI PLANET (OPTICAL) Picard, Riva, and Data MATERIALIZE onto the flattened mountain top... Riva will sign and Data will interpret. Data does not have to sign because Riva, after all, can read lips. Riva looks around the area, then signs to Data. DATA (speaking for Riva) Could you relight the torches, to let them know that I am back. 73A PICARD He moves to the nearest torch and relights it. Then gazes for a moment out over the battlefield. 73B SCENE Data has lighted another of the torches and is walking toward the third. Riva moves to the middle of the flattened area. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FIVE 53. 73B CONTINUED: DATA (continuing to speak for Riva) I would like the table right here. PICARD (to Data) Make it so. DATA (touching his communicator) Main Engineering, this is Commander Data. 74 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING - ANGLE ON GEORDI GEORDI Go ahead, Data. DATA'S COM VOICE You can beam the table down now. 75 EXT. MOUNTAIN TOP (OPTICAL) Riva is very relaxed. His confidence is back. PICARD It could be a while before the emissaries arrive. They will be more cautious after the last incident. DATA (speaking for Riva) You can leave whenever you choose. I will get a message out when I am ready to leave. (to Picard as Data) Captain -- I do not understand what is going on here? Without his interpreters, how can he mediate? The table MATERIALIZES while they talk. PICARD Riva is going to teach them sign language. Riva steps forward. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FIVE 54. 75 CONTINUED: DATA (speaking for Riva) Yes -- it is turning a disadvantage into an advantage. Learning how to sign will actually become part of the process of them learning how to live together in peace. PICARD As they learn how to communicate with Riva, they will be learning to communicate with each other. DATA (speaking for Riva) ... and that is the first and most important step in any relationship. (to Picard as Data) Captain, although it took me only moments to learn sign language, it will take them months. PICARD Time well spent. DATA (speaking for Riva) These people have been fighting all their lives, they know only hatred, suspicion, fear. Even with my Chorus -- I could not have changed those attitudes in a day. We have a chance, and they want the talks to be successful or they would not have called me. Riva steps over to the table and sits down. 75A PICARD AND DATA (OPTICAL) They move off to the side. PICARD Enterprise -- two to beam up. (to Riva) Good luck. DATA (translating for Riva) And to you. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FIVE 55. 75A CONTINUED: Picard and Data DISAPPEAR in the TRANSPORTER BEAM. Leaving Riva all alone on the empty mountain top - waiting. 76 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Solais Five. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 42111.8. Personal comment. I am confident that Riva can help the Solari achieve a lasting peace. We will deliver his Chorus to Starbase Seven-One-Three so they can be returned to Ramatis. 77 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker has the Command Chair -- Picard is not on the bridge. RIKER Take us out of orbit. 78 OMITTED 78A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) leaving orbit. 79 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM The CHIME SOUNDS. PICARD Come. Geordi enters. GEORDI Sir? PICARD Yes, Mister La Forge, something on your mind? STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FIVE 56. 79 CONTINUED: Being Geordi, he gets right to the point. GEORDI Sir, I know my VISOR gives me a unique way of seeing that's valuable to the ship, but if something happened and I didn't have it -- PICARD What makes you unique isn't your blindness or your VISOR -- (searching for the words) To be special we don't need to do a damned thing. Just be what we are. (beat) There's only one Geordi La Forge. And I wouldn't want to run my ship without him. A big grin spreads across Geordi's face. GEORDI All right! (more controlled) I mean, thank you sir. PICARD Dismissed. Picard watches with a bemused, paternal expression as Geordi exits. 80 OMITTED 81 INT. SICKBAY Geordi's in the examining chair. PULASKI Optic nerve laser welding. A difficult operation. It might not work. But if it did, it would open up a whole world for you. STAR TREK: "Loud as a Whisper" - 11/10/88 - ACT FIVE 57. 82 CLOSE ON GEORDI He takes off his VISOR. Eyes exposed, face full of fear and hope. GEORDI I'll think about it. 83 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The bridge crew in their positions. Business as usual. RIKER Set course, two-two-four, mark, three-nine. WORF What is our destination? PICARD Alpha Delta Beta. A routine transport mission. DATA I thought this was supposed to be a routine transport mission. Out of the mouths of babes. Picard and Riker exchange a knowing smile. PICARD Engage! 84 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving away to another adventure. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END