STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Redemption II" #40275-201 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by David Carson THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1991 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JULY 1, 1991 STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/15/91 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Redemption II" CAST PICARD ADMIRAL SHANTHI RIKER CHRISTOPHER HOBSON DATA SELA BEVERLY LARG TROI KULGE GEORDI KURN WORF GOWRON MOVAR O'BRIEN LURSA GUINAN B'ETOR TORAL Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES KLINGON HELMSMAN ENSIGN CRAIG STARFLEET ADMIRAL N.D. STARFLEET CREW Non-Speaking N.D. KLINGONS KLINGON GUARD 2 KLINGON THUGS N.D. KLINGON BRIDGE CREW KLINGON COUNCIL MEMBERS ROMULAN GUARD STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Redemption II" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM USS EXCALIBUR OBSERVATION LOUNGE USS SUTHERLAND USS EXCALIBUR BRIDGE STARBASE USS SUTHERLAND FLEET LEAVING SPACEDOCK BRIDGE ROMULAN WARBIRD ROMULAN WARBIRD COMMAND CENTER 3 ROMULAN SUPPLY SHIPS KLINGON BIRD OF PREY KLINGON BIRD OF PREY BRIDGE 2 KLINGON SHIPS KLINGON HOME WORLD GREAT HALL KLINGON CITY (MATTE) DURAS HOME NIGHTCLUB STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Redemption II" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE CH pronounced as in chew or artichoke Akagi ah-KAH-gee Bah BAH (gutteral "H") Berellian ber-EL-ee-'n Beta Lankal bay-tah lan-KAL B'Etor be-TOR DaH DAH Duras DYUR-as Gamma Eridon gam-uh AIR-ih-don GhoS GOZ Hegh'ta heg-TA Hermes HER-meez K'Tal Ka-TAL Kulge (ryhmes with bulge) Kurn KURN Larg larg Lursa LUR-suh Mempa MEM-pah Mogh MOHG Qapla' Khap-LA Shanthi SHAWN-tee STAR TREK: "RedemptionII" - REV. 7/3/91 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE CONTINUED: Sela SEE-lah tachyon TACK-ee-on Tian Nan Men TEE-IN-ah-men Toral TO-ral STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Redemption Part II" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) Hold a beat on the starry blackness... suddenly a BIRD OF PREY comes tearing across the scene with DISRUPTOR FIRE bursting all around it from o.c. ships. The Bird of Prey takes a hit. 2 INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE The ship ROCKS with the hit. KURN in command, WORF at tactical, along with a HELMSMAN, and N.D. FIRST OFFICER, & ENGINEER at their stations. The bridge is smoky... a couple of consoles have blown out and there are one or two dead Klingons on the deck. The mood is tense and urgent. WORF Aft shields buckling! KURN (to Engineer) Transfer auxiliary power to shields! The ship is ROCKED again. WORF Aft shields are gone! Kurn doesn't respond... his expression is hardening. Worf sizes up the situation... sees no point in a hopeless struggle, but Kurn seems to be contemplating just that option. Worf moves to Kurn. WORF (quietly) We cannot win. We must withdraw. Kurn's head snaps around. He keeps his voice low, but there is real fire in his eyes. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/8/91 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: KURN Keep your place! Worf has no choice but to acquiesce. He returns to the tactical station as the ship is ROCKED again. All eyes turn to Kurn. He waits a beat... KURN (to Helmsman) New course... three zero seven... mark two seven five. HELMSMAN (shocked) But sir---! KURN (Do it!) GhoS! The Helmsman works his console. 3 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) - KLINGON SHIPS The Bird of Prey is being pursued by TWO KLINGON SHIPS. The Bird of Prey is heading directly for a star in the b.g. 4 INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The ship is ROCKED AGAIN. The star looms larger and larger on the viewscreen. WORF We are entering the star's corona... we will reach the photosphere in thirty seconds. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/8/91 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: KURN (to Helmsman) Stand-by to enter warp on my command, course two five zero mark zero one five. WORF Shields failing... outer hull temperature exceeding design limits... Kurn doesn't answer. WORF (continuing) Captain! Kurn is watching the viewscreen... waiting for the right moment... KURN Maintain course... WORF They're closing on us! KURN (to Helmsman) Stand-by... Kurn waits... waits... then... KURN (continuing) DaH! (Now!) 5 thru OMITTED 8 9 EXT. SPACE - BIRD OF PREY (OPTICAL) The Bird of Prey is heading directly into the star. Just as it is about to enter the star, the ship turns, goes into WARP SPEED, and heads away. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/8/91 - TEASER 4. 10 NEW ANGLE - TWO KLINGON SHIPS (OPTICAL) They were following the Bird of Prey too closely. They try to turn away at the last second, but it's too late and they fly right into the blazing sun and are DESTROYED. 10A INT. BIRD OF PREY - BRIDGE Worf and the others have new respect for Kurn, who brought off this daring gamble. 10B thru OMITTED 12 12A EXT SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Hanging in space. A starbase is visible in the background. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45020.4. We have arrived at Starbase Two-thirty-four, where I have taken the opportunity to make a proposal to Fleet Admiral Shanthi. 12B INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE PICARD and RIKER are seated across the table from FLEET ADMIRAL SHANTHI and a N.D. STARFLEET ADMIRAL. Shanthi is the head of Starfleet, and is a woman of African descent in her late fifties with an almost regal bearing. She is listening to Picard while the N.D. Admiral looks on with disapproval. PICARD There have been three major engagements in the last two weeks... all of them won by ships loyal to the Duras family. SHANTHI None of which is our concern, Jean-Luc. The Klingon civil war is, by definition, an internal matter of the Empire. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - TEASER 4A. 12B CONTINUED: PICARD Agreed. But if the Duras are being aided by the Romulans, then it becomes very much our concern. Picard takes the plunge and forcefully lays out his views as Shanthi watches him more closely STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - TEASER 5. 12B CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (continuing) The Romulans have been trying to destroy the Federation/Klingon Alliance for over twenty years, and at the same time, the Duras have been secretly conspiring with the Romulans. (beat) Doesn't it strike you as odd that the Duras are able to field such an overpowering force against Gowron? That they outmatch him at almost every turn? SHANTHI Some would call it good leadership. Picard refuses to let up... he's arguing with passion and conviction. PICARD And some would say they must be getting help. (beat) The Romulans have always been willing to take enormous risks in order to gain any advantage over the Federation. (with force) Can we seriously believe that now, with the future of the entire Klingon Empire hanging in the balance, they are content to simply stand by and watch? There is a pause as Picard waits for a reaction. SHANTHI What is it you propose, Captain? Riker suppresses a grin in the b.g.... the captain's got her. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/2/91 - TEASER 6. 12B CONTINUED: (3) PICARD We must stop the flow of supplies and equipment from the Romulans to the Duras family. (beat) I propose we take a fleet of ships to the Romulan/Klingon border. We'll take no offensive action, but we'll be in a position to expose any Romulan shipments that try to cross the border. SHANTHI (musing) A blockade... (beat) But how will you overcome the Romulan cloaking device? PICARD My chief engineer has developed a system that should help us nullify that advantage. Each ship will send out an active tachyon beam to the other ships in the blockade fleet. In theory, any cloaked vessel that tries to pass between our ships should cross one of those beams and be detected. Shanthi studies him silently for a moment and considers his plan. SHANTHI I'll have to clear this with the Federation Council... (beat) In the meantime, assemble your fleet, Captain. With that, Shanthi and the N.D. Admiral EXIT. Picard and Riker move to follow them and Riker quietly speaks to Picard on their way out of the room. RIKER (quietly) Nicely done... I hope you know what you're doing. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - TEASER 7. 12B CONTINUED: (4) PICARD (quietly) So do I, Number One. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/2/91 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: 13 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship in orbit near the starbase. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45021.3. Convincing Starfleet Command to establish a blockade was relatively painless. Implementing that plan is proving more troublesome. 14 INT. READY ROOM Riker, DATA, and GEORDI are standing before Picard, who is studying some PADDs they've brought him. They contain lists of available ships. RIKER Starfleet is stretched pretty thin across the quadrant. There are only twelve ships within one day's travel of this position. GEORDI The only other ships available are either in spacedock for repairs or still under construction. Most of them don't even have full crews yet. RIKER But we could probably pick up seven... maybe eight more ships. Picard ponders the PADD for a moment. PICARD Mister La Forge, will we be able to implement your tachyon detection grid with twenty ships? STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT ONE 9. 14 CONTINUED: GEORDI (dubious) It's possible... (beat) But the more ships, the bigger the net we can throw. Picard drops into deep thought for a long beat... then picks up the PADD. PICARD (decisive) I want to add the Tian Nan Men, the Hermes, and the Sutherland to join us whether the yard superintendent thinks they're ready or not. Mister Data, select a group of experienced officers from the Enterprise to augment the crews of those ships. DATA Yes, sir. PICARD (to Riker) Will, I want you to command the Excalibur. Her crew was reassigned when she put in for repairs. Geordi, you'll serve as his first officer. Riker and Geordi give him confident nods. PICARD (continuing, to everyone) I want the fleet to be underway by oh nine hundred tomorrow. Thank you, gentlemen. Riker and Geordi EXIT, but Data remains behind with a slightly puzzled look on his face. PICARD Yes, Data? DATA May I ask a question of a... personal nature, sir? STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT ONE 10. 14 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Yes. Data thinks for a beat. DATA Why have I not been assigned to command a ship in the fleet? Picard is caught off-guard and is quite frankly embarrassed. PICARD Well... I felt that you were needed here. (beat, then curious) Why do you ask? DATA You have commented on the lack of senior officers available for this mission. I believe that my twenty-six years of Starfleet service qualify me for such a post. (beat) However, if you do not believe the time has arrived for an android to command a starship, then perhaps I should address myself to improving--- PICARD Commander... I believe the starship Sutherland will need a captain. I can think of no one more suited to the task than you. Picard holds out his hand and Data shakes it. DATA Thank you, Captain. Data EXITS. Hold on Picard a beat... CUT TO: 15 EXT. KLINGON CITY (MATTE) The Klingon Home World. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/2/91 - ACT ONE 11. 16 INT. KLINGON NIGHTCLUB If the Hell's Angels owned a posh country club, it would look something like this. The club is designed for food, drink, and merriment, Klingon-style. The room is filled with N.D. KLINGONS and the atmosphere is loud and raucous, with only a thin veneer of civility... like a controlled riot. Some groups of Klingons can be seen drinking foul concoctions and laughing uproariously... two large Klingons continue to hit each other in the face and laugh loudly following each blow as if that only made the joke funnier. 17 ON WORF As he ENTERS, carrying a PADD. In contrast to everyone else, he glowers around at the scene of revelry. A couple of Klingon women give him the eye as he passes, but his interest lies elsewhere. He finally spots Kurn sitting at a table with a Klingon captain named LARG. He moves toward them. 18 NEW ANGLE Kurn and Larg are drinking and laughing loudly as Worf approaches. KURN You always did have fools working for you, Larg... now you don't have as many! Kurn slams the table and roars in laughter. Larg is having a good time as well. LARG You were lucky, Kurn... but luck always runs out. Someday I will stand over your broken corpse and drink to the victory of the Duras! Larg laughs a hearty laugh and throws the flagon against a wall. Kurn and Larg now notice Worf. Kurn is pleased to see his brother. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT ONE 12. 18 CONTINUED: KURN (stands and claps Worf on shoulder) Ah, Worf... good. (indicates Larg) This piece of baktag is Captain Larg. He commanded the squadron that tried to destroy us yesterday. Worf doesn't quite know how to react, so he simply looks at Larg. LARG (stands) The infamous Worf, son of Mogh. (pretends to looks Worf over) What are you wearing? That's the uniform of a Klingon. Larg laughs and Worf starts to move toward him, but Kurn lays a gentle, yet firmly restraining, hand on his shoulder. Kurn's smile never fades, and although there is laughter in his voice, it also contains just a hint of warning. KURN (to Worf) The Capital City is neutral ground... and Larg's men are all around us. (beat, then pointed to Larg) As are mine. Larg and Kurn continue to smile at each other for a minute. They're duelists who've met away from the field of honor... tomorrow they'll happily kill each other. LARG Good to drink with you, Kurn. (pounds the pitcher of drink on the table) May you die well. KURN Die well, Larg. Larg moves away and Kurn watches him carefully, never taking his eyes off Larg until he's safely away. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT ONE 13. 18 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (disapproving) You drink with our enemy... They sit down. Kurn takes another long pull on his drink and then leans in closer to Worf. KURN (indicates room) How many are Gowron's men... how many are Duras? Does it matter? When we meet in battle we'll fight to the death, but here... we're all warriors... all Klingons. Worf nods... he understands the concept, but it still runs against his personal grain. Kurn is relaxed, thoroughly enjoying himself, but Worf can't seem to unwind like his brother... he's a little too tightly wrapped for that. Worf seeks refuge in professionalism. WORF (reading PADD) The repairs on the Hegh'ta are proceeding. The port stabilizers are--- KURN Is there nothing in your heart but duty? WORF It is my responsibility to oversee the repairs aboard ship. KURN We all have responsibilities and duties... (with joy) But we are warriors fighting in a great war! Think of it... you and I will fight battles others can only dream of... our time for glory is here. This is not the time to worry about stabilizers. (stands and shouts to the crowd) It is a time to celebrate... for tomorrow we may die! STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/2/91 - ACT ONE 14. 18 CONTINUED: (3) The crowd ROARS its approval. The room is filled with screaming Klingons for one insane moment... KURN (to Worf) Come... let the sons of Mogh live this night as if it were our last! Worf hesitates for a moment... then tosses aside the PADD. Kurn clasps his brother on the shoulder, and leads Worf over to the table where a Klingon game is being played which is a combination of wrestling and head-butting. 19 NEW ANGLE A different part of the club. LURSA and B'ETOR are sitting at a table, watching Worf with interest as he competes against another Klingon at the far table. B'ETOR Worf is not like his brother. LURSA No. He tries to be... but he is still unsure of himself. B'ETOR (lascivious) Perhaps he needs something to help restore his... confidence. LURSA (smiles at her) I think he'll find our offer appealing. B'ETOR I'll make sure he does. B'Etor smiles to herself and then looks at Worf with obvious sexual hunger. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/2/91 - ACT ONE 15. 20 EXT. SPACE - THE SUTHERLAND (OPTICAL) A Nebula-class ship in spacedock. 21 INT. SUTHERLAND - BRIDGE A smaller bridge than that of the Enterprise. N.D. CREWMEMBERS are hurrying around the bridge trying to get the ship ready to go. Panels and consoles are open, tools and boxes litter the floor and everything has a rushed, unready look to it. LT. COMMANDER HOBSON is berating some unfortunate N.D. ENGINEER just as Data ENTERS from the turbolift. HOBSON You've got to keep that mixture above ninety percent or we'll never leave orbit. The Engineer nods unhappily and then EXITS. Hobson turns to see Data for the first time. They look at each other for a moment. DATA I am Lieutenant Commander Data. Everyone on the bridge stops what they're doing to look with curiosity at Data. HOBSON Lieutenant Commander Christopher Hobson. Data takes no notice of Hobson's iciness and moves quickly to the business at hand. DATA By order of Starfleet, I hereby take command of this vessel. Please note the time and date in the ship's log. HOBSON (tight) Yes, sir. DATA (to com) Computer, what is the status of the dilithium matrix? STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT ONE 16. 21 CONTINUED: Data waits, but there is no acknowledgment beep from the computer and Data looks at Hobson for an explanation. HOBSON The audio pick up circuits aren't functioning. You can still access the computer manually. Data nods and moves to a console. Activity on the bridge resumes and after a beat, Hobson moves over to Data. 22 ON HOBSON AND DATA Data is working the console as Hobson moves to him. HOBSON Excuse me... sir? (Data looks up) I'd like to request a transfer. Data wasn't expecting that. He looks slightly puzzled. DATA May I ask why? HOBSON I don't believe I would be... a good first officer for you. DATA Your service record to date suggests that you would perform that function competently. Hobson tries not to be irritated at Data's turn of phrase. HOBSON That's not what I mean. (beat) I don't think that I would be a good first officer for you. DATA Why? STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/2/91 - ACT ONE 17. 22 CONTINUED: HOBSON Frankly, sir... I don't believe in your ability to command this ship. Data says nothing, his face impassive. Hobson has taken the plunge... might as well lay it all out. He speaks without anger, with a strictly professional concern... which only makes his assessment more damning. HOBSON (continuing) You're a fellow officer and I respect that... but no one would suggest that a Klingon would make a good ship's counselor or that a Berellian could be an engineer. They're just not suited for those positions. (beat) By the same token, I don't think that an android is a good choice to be captain. A beat as Data considers this. DATA I understand your concerns. (beat) Request denied. Data returns to working at the console and Hobson is momentarily nonplussed... but then he tries to resign himself to the task at hand and turns away to go back to work. 23 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE O'BRIEN at tactical, N.D. CREWMEMBERS at ops and conn. Picard ENTERS from the ready room. O'BRIEN The Endeavor has cleared the dock, Captain. All ships standing by. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT ONE 18. 23 CONTINUED: PICARD Good. (to conn ) Course one one eight mark three five seven, full impulse power (to O'Brien) Signal the fleet to get underway. We'll enter warp once we're clear of the system. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. Picard sits in command. PICARD Engage. 24 EXT. SPACE - THE FLEET (MATTE) The Enterprise leading the fleet out into deep space. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 25 EXT. KLINGON CITY (MATTE) The Klingon Home World. 26 INT. DURAS FAMILY HOME SELA (the Mysterious Woman from Part One) is arguing with B'Etor while MOVAR (the Romulan General) and TORAL (the Klingon boy) look on. Sela's attitude is crisp, dispassionate... very Romulan. B'Etor is very deferential to Sela... she clearly fears her. B'ETOR The Romulan convoy is late. We need those supplies. SELA Gowron has suffered another loss near the Mempa system. His forces will not threaten you in that region for some time. B'ETOR (hesitates) But if Gowron tries to--- SELA (without raising her voice) The convoy will arrive in due course. Sela ignores her and picks up a PADD. B'Etor looks angry at her peremptory dismissal, but she won't challenge Sela. Lursa ENTERS. She appears concerned, but not panicked. LURSA (to Sela) A Federation fleet has just left Starbase Two-thirty-four... they've set course for Klingon territory. MOVAR How many? LURSA At least twenty starships. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT TWO 20. 26 CONTINUED: SELA Who's commanding this fleet? LURSA Picard. TORAL What does it mean? Is the Federation going to enter the war? Should we attack them before they get here? SELA (irritated) Silence the child, or send him away. Toral bristles, but doesn't protest as B'Etor shuts him up with a gesture. There is a long beat... then Sela makes a decision. SELA Movar, I want you to return to Romulus immediately. (picks up PADD and taps in something) Have all available ships rendezvous at these coordinates in two days. She hands the PADD to Movar. He glances at them. MOVAR Yes, Commander. Movar EXITS. LURSA Twenty ships aren't enough to wage a war... Starfleet must be bluffing. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/15/91 - ACT TWO 21. 26 CONTINUED: (3) SELA Perhaps... On Sela's thoughtful expression... CUT TO: 27 INT. KLINGON GREAT HALL GOWRON is seated in the Leader's chair. Worf and Kurn stand before him. Kurn is holding a PADD. A Klingon named KULGE, and a couple N.D. KLINGONS are standing in the b.g. Kurn is finishing a report and Gowron is very unhappy. KURN Our forces in the Mempa sector are now in full retreat. They will have to regroup near Beta Lankal. Gowron suppresses a curse. GOWRON (angry) We destroyed their supply bases in that sector three weeks ago! How can they continue to fight? KURN They must be getting help. Kulge's insolent voice is softly heard from the back of the room. KULGE Maybe they have better leaders. Gowron's eyes narrow. He knows that dissension can spread quickly... he slowly stands. Kulge glances around the room... there might be support for him here, but no one's going to openly back him yet. Kulge decides to go for it... he steps forward. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT TWO 21A. 27 CONTINUED: KULGE (continuing, louder) I say you have failed as our leader, Gowron. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/15/91 - ACT TWO 22. 27 CONTINUED: (2) Gowron gives a predatory smile and slowly takes off his cloak. Worf can't believe what's going on and he tries to intervene. WORF There is no time for this! We must make plans before those forces reach Beta Lankal! Gowron and Kulge ignore him as they each start to square off in the center of the room and everyone else makes room for them. Worf turns to Kurn for some kind of support. WORF (continuing) How can we oppose the Duras when we continue to fight among ourselves? KURN (simply) Gowron must answer a challenge to his authority. Gowron and Kulge have each pulled their knives and are about to go at it. The other Klingons are yelling and cheering them on. Worf feels things flying out of control. WORF (to Kulge) Stop this! (to everyone) Are we to fall upon each other like a pack of Ferengi? The enemy is the Duras! We are at war! Gowron and Kulge ignore Worf. Kulge makes a move toward Gowron and then Worf moves quickly to Kulge and grabs hold of his knife hand. Gowron seizes the opportunity that Worf's intervention has provided and he lunges for Kulge. Worf is still holding Kulge's arm and so Gowron is able to sink his knife deep into Kulge's chest. He crumples to the ground. Worf is shocked, but he's the only one. GOWRON (quietly) Now the war can continue. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/2/91 - ACT TWO 23 27 CONTINUED: (3) Gowron moves back to the chair and everyone else ignores the body of Kulge. Worf stands over the corpse... He is torn by guilt, anger, and confusion over what he should do or should have done. CUT TO: 28 OMITTED 29 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE Picard in command, O'Brien at tactical, Troi next to Picard. O'BRIEN We're crossing into Klingon territory, Captain. PICARD Signal the fleet to maintain yellow alert until further notice. O'BRIEN Aye, sir. The ship's condition goes to YELLOW. PICARD (moves to tactical) Begin long-range scans of the Romulan border. O'BRIEN (works console) No uncloaked ships within sensor range... a few subspace anomalies, but nothing firm. PICARD (looking at console) Those anomalies could be cloaked ships. O'BRIEN Could be, sir. A beat as Picard studies the display. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT TWO 23A. 29 CONTINUED: PICARD Open a channel to the Excalibur. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/2/91 - ACT TWO 24. 29 CONTINUED: (2) O'Brien taps a few buttons. RIKER'S COM VOICE Excalibur, Riker here. PICARD Deploy the fleet, Will. It's time to spread our net. RIKER'S COM VOICE Yes, sir. CUT TO: 30 EXT. SPACE - THE SUTHERLAND (OPTICAL) The ship on impulse power. 31 INT. SUTHERLAND - BRIDGE Data in command, Hobson moving back and forth between consoles, keeping an eye on things. Again, there should only be one or two N.D. CREWMEMBERS present. Ship's condition is YELLOW. Hobson is containing his resentment of Data for now -- but it's there, beneath the surface. HOBSON (to Data) We've arrived at the designated coordinates, Captain. DATA All stop. Notify the flagship that we have assumed station. Hobson nods and then an ALARM BEEP gets his attention. HOBSON (moving to console) Starboard power coupling has overloaded. We've got a radiation leak on decks ten through twelve. Data moves to look at the monitor as well. DATA Why are auxiliary back-ups not functioning? STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT TWO 25. 31 CONTINUED: HOBSON (frustrated) There wasn't enough time to test all the back-ups before leaving the yard. (beat, then to N.D. Crewman) Terry, I want you down in engineering working on a new coupling. The Crewman EXITS and Hobson begins working the console. Data watches the monitor with concern. DATA You have taken the phaser and torpedo control units off-line. But Hobson isn't listening... he's taken charge here and is giving orders to the two N.D. Crewmembers. HOBSON Keith, you and I'll start bringing the coolant levels down in--- DATA Mister Hobson, it is inappropriate for you to determine a course of action without consulting the commanding officer. Hobson deliberately uses this opportunity to put Data in a bad light and make him seem petty and small-minded. HOBSON I was trying to safeguard the lives of people on those decks, but you're right. (to all) Belay those orders, everyone. (works console) The phasers and torpedos are back on-line. What should we do, sir? STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT TWO 26. 31 CONTINUED: (2) Everyone is looking at Data. Hobson knows there's only one course of action possible. DATA Take the phasers and torpedo units off-line and begin repairs on the starboard power coupling. HOBSON Thank you, sir. (to all) You heard the Captain, everyone. Hobson EXITS along with a couple Crewmembers, leaving Data alone on the bridge... the initiative and command authority seems to have left with Hobson. Data is disturbed by the realization that he has a real problem here. CUT TO: 31A INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard is at the aft science station watching two monitors. One screen shows a schematic display of the fleet, while the other shows Riker and Geordi on the bridge of the Excalibur. RIKER We're ready, sir. PICARD Mister La Forge, how long do you think it will take the Romulans to detect the tachyon field once it's activated? GEORDI (thinks) Not long... Romulan sensors are as good as ours. Picard files that fact away for the time being. PICARD Very well. Energize the network. Geordi bends to a console, taps commands. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT TWO 27. 32 thru OMITTED 33 34 ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) The screen at aft science station shows a schematic display of the fleet dispersed along the border. Suddenly, thousands of beams suddenly connect the ships of the fleet, forming a huge web. 35 OMITTED 36 RESUME SCENE (OPTICAL) RIKER Captain, the tachyon network is active. PICARD Acknowledged. O'BRIEN (quickly) Captain, the net has picked up five cloaked ships... they're stationary... about five thousand kilometers directly ahead. PICARD (nods) They've probably been sitting there watching us for some time now. 36A INT. ROMULAN WARBIRD - COMMAND CENTER (OPTICAL) The Romulan version of a ready room, it serves as more than a mere office. There are monitors and consoles which allow the commander to control the activities of the ship or of a fleet without actually being on the bridge. There is a single chair with a display console before it. Sela and Movar are watching one of the monitors which has a schematic display of the Federation fleet on it. MOVAR (reading console) There is an increase in tachyon emissions from the Federation ships. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/8/91 - ACT TWO 27A. 36A CONTINUED: Sela reaches down and taps a key. The monitor now shows the tachyon beams which form the network. (The image should be similar but not identical to the graphic seen earlier on the Enterprise bridge.) Sela studies the image for a beat. SELA (nods in understanding) They're using the beams as a detection field... MOVAR If we try to cross it, they'll see us... even if we're cloaked. Sela thinks for a beat. SELA Issue orders to begin work on a way to penetrate this field. (beat, then firm) In the meantime, we'll have to convince Captain Picard he should leave. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT TWO 28. 36B INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE O'Brien is watching his console. O'BRIEN New readings... (urgent) Romulan ship decloaking! 37 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & ROMULAN SHIP (OPTICAL) A WARBIRD DECLOAKS in front of the Enterprise. 38 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE As before. O'BRIEN Shall I raise shields? PICARD Not yet. Beat. O'BRIEN They're hailing us, sir. PICARD On screen. 39 ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The image of Sela comes on the screen. 40 ON PICARD AND TROI- INTERCUT AS NEEDED (OPTICAL) They are completely taken by surprise. Picard stares at this seeming ghost from the past. PICARD Tasha? Sela waits for a beat... lets him wonder for a moment... then... STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/2/91 - ACT TWO 28A. 40 CONTINUED: SELA No, Captain. I am Commander Sela. (beat) The woman you knew as Tasha Yar... was my mother. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT TWO 29. 40 CONTINUED: On Picard's expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 41 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Continuous action. Picard still looking at Sela on the viewscreen. SELA Deploying an invasion fleet along our border is a clear act of aggression, Captain. It will not be tolerated. You have twenty hours to recall your ships and return peacefully to Federation territory. The transmission abruptly ends. Picard stares at the screen for a moment, not sure what to believe. CUT TO: 42 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & ROMULAN SHIP (OPTICAL) The two ships hanging in space. 43 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Troi, and BEVERLY. PICARD Then you believe her, Counselor? TROI I'm not saying we should accept her claim at face value... but I sensed no deception from her. She really believes that she is the daughter of Tasha Yar. BEVERLY Regardless of what she believes, Sela cannot be her daughter. I've reviewed all of Tasha's medical records, and there is no indication that she was ever pregnant. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT THREE 31. 43 CONTINUED: PICARD Besides, Tasha would have been a child when this woman was born. TROI Sela could have been cloned. BEVERLY Or had her appearance surgically altered... PICARD But why? What possible advantage do the Romulans think they would gain? No one has a good answer for that. Picard thinks for a moment. PICARD (continuing) As it now stands, I don't see how this has any impact on our present strategy. We'll continue the blockade and leave the next move to them. Beverly and Troi EXIT, leaving Picard alone. 43A ON PICARD As he moves to the windows and looks out at the stars. Camera follows and closes on him. After a beat... GUINAN (o.s.) Am I intruding? 43B NEW ANGLE As Picard turns to find GUINAN standing quietly at the door. Picard is a little surprised. PICARD Not at all. Is something wrong? STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT THREE 31A. 43B CONTINUED: GUINAN Word travels fast. I heard that Tasha Yar's daughter is on the Romulan ship. Picard doesn't want to give this rumor any credence. PICARD I think the Romulans have created what they hope will be a distraction... something to keep us off balance. Guinan eyes him, gauging his tone. GUINAN Is that what you really think? Or is there some part of you... that wonders? Picard says nothing, but she has touched something. GUINAN Because part of me does... She moves toward him for a silent moment... picking her way cautiously through what she knows will sound far-fetched. GUINAN How much do you know about what happened to the last ship named Enterprise? A frown. Curious question... but he searches his memory. PICARD The Enterprise C? It was lost... at the battle of Narendra Three... while defending a Klingon outpost from the Romulans. GUINAN And... the survivors? He regards her, perplexed. Where is this leading? But Guinan is an old and trusted friend. He'll follow along. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT THREE 31B. 43B CONTINUED: (2) PICARD There were stories... that there might have been prisoners, taken back to Romulus. But those were just rumors. She moves still closer to him, struggling with thoughts, feelings, memories... all of them a jumble that makes no sense. And yet... GUINAN There were survivors. And one of them was Tasha Yar. Picard stares at her. Is she out of her mind? STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT THREE 32. 43B CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Guinan... that was twenty-three years ago... Tasha was still a child... GUINAN I know. But I also know she was on that ship -- and she wasn't a child. (beat) And Picard... you sent her there. PICARD How could you know these things? Guinan turns away from him, frustrated, struggling to make sense of all this. GUINAN I don't know how I know. I just do. (turning back to him) I remember it. She moves close again, her mind grasping at the elusive imagery. GUINAN I can see her.. in my mind... asking me a question... (shaking her head) And then it's gone... PICARD Tasha died... a year before you came to the Enterprise. You never met her. GUINAN I know that... but I also know I'm right. Picard isn't sure what to make of all this, but he tries to take a more pragmatic approach. PICARD If you have nothing more than a vague intuition... STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/8/91 - ACT THREE 33. 43B CONTINUED: (4) GUINAN That's all I have. But I listen to it... and you should do the same. Picard doesn't know what to say. He's been through enough with Guinan not to dismiss what she says. She senses his resistance lessening. GUINAN You can't just dismiss this. If I'm right... if you did send Tasha Yar on that ship... then, in a way, Picard... you're responsible for her daughter. A long beat as Picard absorbs this. Then -- PICARD I think... it's time I met Commander Sela. Guinan nods, a faint smile of relief on her lips. CUT TO: 44 EXT. KLINGON CITY (MATTE) The Klingon Home World. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT THREE 34. 45 INT. KLINGON NIGHTCLUB As seen before. The place is as rowdy and raucous as ever. Worf and Kurn are in deep discussion at a table. WORF We are at war! Gowron should forbid any challenges until we are victorious. Kurn looks at his brother as if he'd lost his mind. KURN A Klingon does not... postpone a matter of honor. WORF A Klingon should place the good of the Empire above his own pride! Kurn's had about enough of this. His temper starts to build. KURN So now Gowron no longer suits you... perhaps you mean to challenge him for the leadership of the Council? WORF (irritated) No. KURN (hot) Then do not speak of this again! (beat) I did not wish to follow Gowron... you came to me and insisted we support him against the Duras family. The time for debate is over! Kurn stands. The two brothers look at each other for a beat. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT THREE 35. 45 CONTINUED: KURN (continuing) We are Klingons. He is our leader. If that is not enough for you, then perhaps you made the wrong choice when you put on that uniform. Kurn EXITS, and Worf is forced to think about where he is and what he's doing. 46 NEW ANGLE Including TWO KLINGONS who've been watching Kurn and Worf all this time. After Kurn leaves, they glance at each other and then move toward Worf. They move casually behind him... trying not to attract attention... then they try to jump Worf. There is a scuffle. Worf struggles gamely, but cannot overcome the two strongarms. They manage to overpower him, knocking him unconscious. They drag him out of the nightclub, and the crowd simply considers it an everyday occurence in the club. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 47 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard is waiting near the windows. Sela and an N.D. SECURITY GUARD ENTER. Picard nods to the guard, who then EXITS. Sela immediately strides into the room, looking around, pacing like a jungle cat, covering the room as though marking territory. She is lithe, genial, confident -- and definitely going for the upper hand. SELA Well, Captain... what is this "urgent matter" we need to discuss? PICARD I'm afraid you misinterpret our presence here. I want to reassure you that we have no hostile intentions. Sela's eyes twinkle with amusement. SELA Ah. Then I can report to my superiors that a fleet of twenty-three Federation starships is on our border for... humanitarian reasons? (a smile) I doubt they are so gullible. PICARD It is most certainly our intent to prevent any external power from interfering in Klingon affairs. SELA Nor do we have any plan to do so. (beat) But Captain... if for any reason we chose to enter Klingon territory... how would you stop us? With our cloaking devices we can slip by you at will. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FOUR 37. 47 CONTINUED: Picard smiles at this. She is clearly looking for information. PICARD Then why not send your ships across? SELA You sound eager for us to try... perhaps you've discovered a method of detecting our ships... He eyes her, expression noncommittal and lets her statement hang in the air. Sela is not quite sure what he has or what he knows, and continuing to fence with him might simply reveal her hand. She decides to change tacks. She sprawls into a chair and gives him a lazy smile. SELA However... I don't think you asked me here to discuss our military situation. She holds his look, challenging. But it isn't easy to regain the advantage from Jean-Luc Picard. He smiles back at her, sits easily. PICARD All right. Why did I invite you? She leans toward him confidently. SELA You want the answer to the only real question on your mind... how could Tasha Yar be my mother? He leans right back into her. PICARD It's been suggested that Tasha was aboard the Enterprise-C when it was destroyed twenty-four years ago. She was one of the survivors. You are obviously the product of a union between her and a Romulan. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FOUR 38. 47 CONTINUED: (2) This takes Sela aback. She is completely unprepared for Picard to have any of this knowledge. She is losing a bit of her assurance. SELA But... you know that's impossible. She would have been a child when that battle occurred... PICARD And yet you claim that it is possible -- that Tasha Yar was your mother. She flushes. She finds herself on the defensive without quite knowing how she got there. SELA Yes... she was on that ship twenty-four years ago. (beat) She was sent there... by you... from the future. Picard is hearing what Guinan suggested to him... but he cannot reveal his amazement. He wants to keep her talking -- to explain this bizarre set of circumstances. SELA She was among those few who survived. They were all to have been executed after their interrogation. But a Romulan general saw her... and he became... enamored with her. So a bargain was struck: their lives would be spared if she became his consort. (beat) I was born a year later. Picard has listened intently... mind straining to grasp the imponderables. There are still unanswered questions... but he is beginning to believe that this young woman with the proud bearing and quick intelligence is Tasha's daughter. Still, he challenges. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FOUR 39. 47 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD I want to meet her. SELA Who? PICARD Your mother. Is she still alive? A contemptuous look crosses Sela's face. She returns to Picard, sits near him. SELA One night... when I was four... she came to me, bundled me up and told me to stay quiet as we left the compound. (beat) I realized she was taking me away... away from my home, away from my father... so I cried out. For a brief moment, she cannot hold his eye. There are complex, ambivalent feelings warring in her. But she continues... SELA My father had offered her life. He had given her a home, given her a daughter. How did she repay him? With betrayal. And then, looking at him again... SELA They executed her. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FOUR 40. 47 CONTINUED: (4) There is a sense of something else in her attitude... a vulnerability perhaps... some conflicting emotions just beneath the surface. But then she draws herself up, her face a Romulan mask again. SELA Everything in me that was human... died with my mother that day. All that is left... is Romulan. Never doubt that. PICARD Doubts? I'm full of them. Nothing in my experience can assure me that what you say is true... but I do know one thing: it will not affect my judgment in our next encounter. She turns to the door, then back to him: SELA You have fourteen hours, Captain. I suggest you use them wisely. And she exits to the security guard who is waiting outside the door. Picard stares after her, mind reeling from the profound complexities of this strange encounter. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT FOUR 41. 48 INT. DURAS FAMILY HOME - CLOSE ON WORF He is unconscious. B'Etor moves into view... grabs a mouthful of Worf's hair... runs her fingernails across his cheek... makes a low, throaty sound. Worf slowly comes around... is almost turned on... then sits bolt upright as he realizes what's going on. 49 NEW ANGLE Revealing Worf on a couch in the Duras home. B'Etor is all but on top of him, while Lursa looks on from a nearby chair. B'ETOR Something wrong? Worf takes a moment to get his bearings as B'Etor retreats to the other end of the short couch. LURSA Welcome, Worf... son of Mogh. WORF (to Lursa) What do you want? LURSA The same as you... personal honor... and glory for the Empire. WORF (with contempt) Your family has never valued honor. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT FOUR 42. 49 CONTINUED: B'ETOR You knew only our brother... we are not like him. B'Etor runs a hand over his arm. Worf throws her a look of warning and she retreats again, but she's enjoying this. LURSA Our brother made many mistakes... one was to make you an enemy. B'ETOR We would rather be your friends. WORF Then you should not have opposed Gowron. B'ETOR (dismissive) Gowron is nothing. LURSA Toral is Duras' only son and he will be the next leader of the Council... in your heart, even you know that. (beat) But Captain Picard was right about one thing... Toral is not ready to rule the Empire. B'ETOR But we are... with your help. Worf looks from one to the other... he's curious as to what this is all about. WORF My help? LURSA Toral needs guidance... B'ETOR ... a firm hand... STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - 7/1/91 - ACT FOUR 43. 49 CONTINUED: (2) LURSA ... a father figure. That could be you. (beat) If you were mated to B'Etor. Worf is surprised as B'Etor gives him a lascivious look. B'ETOR (heavy with sexual meaning) The rewards... could be greater than you can imagine. LURSA When the forces that follow you and your brother are united with ours... nothing will stand in our way. B'ETOR The Empire would be ours to rule together. LURSA Join us, Worf... and we will usher in a new era for our people. Worf takes a beat to digest all this. WORF (with anger) An era where honor has no meaning... where Klingons trade loyalties in dark rooms... and where the Empire is ruled... from Romulus. Lursa's expression hardens... then a BEEP interrupts them. B'Etor crosses the room and presses a button which activates a monitor. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT FOUR 44. 50 NEW ANGLE - INCLUDING MONITOR (OPTICAL) Sela appears on the screen. SELA Enough, Lursa. You've failed. I need to know the strength and capabilities of the Federation fleet. I don't have time for this. The door OPENS and a LARGE N.D. ROMULAN ENTERS, carrying a phaser. SELA (continuing) Turn him over to the guard. B'Etor can have him back when they've finished with him. The transmission ends and Worf looks at the burly Romulan as he gestures to Worf with the phaser. CUT TO: 51 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard talking to Gowron on the viewscreen. PICARD In thirteen hours we will be forced to either withdraw from the border or fight the Romulan fleet. Neither of those alternatives is acceptable. We must expose their involvement before the deadline. GOWRON What is it you propose? PICARD If you launch a massive attack now, the Duras forces will need supplies... Lursa and B'Etor will call for help... the Romulans will try to run the blockade... and we'll be ready for them. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT FOUR 44A. 51 CONTINUED: GOWRON (nods in understanding) And once the Romulan connection has been exposed... support will fall away from Lursa and B'Etor. (beat) Very well... I will make preparations. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/8/91 - ACT FOUR 45. 51 CONTINUED: (2) GOWRON (cont'd) (beat, then off-hand) One thing more, Picard. Worf has been captured by the Duras. I hope he dies well. Qapla! Gowron ends the transmission. Hold on Picard as he digests this information... CUT TO: 51A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE & EXCALIBUR (OPTICAL) The two ships hanging in space. 52 OMITTED 53 INT. READY ROOM Picard and Riker are studying PADDs and displays on the desk. PICARD When Gowron begins his attack, we'll make our move. (points to display) The Excalibur will fall back with "engine problems." You will take the Hornet and the Akagi to this position... which will open a small gap in our detection net. RIKER (nods) And if the Romulans already know about the tachyon field, they should try to run the blockade at that point. PICARD Exactly. (indicating display) But when they try to send their ships through, the Enterprise and the Tian Nan Men will swing around, close the gap and catch them in the act. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/8/91 - ACT FOUR 46. 53 CONTINUED: RIKER (impressed) Very nice. (beat) I'd better get back. They shake hands. A brief moment between men who have served together a long time and may not see each other again. PICARD Good luck, Will. RIKER Good luck, Captain. Riker EXITS. Picard studies the display... frowns as he considers what could go wrong. CUT TO: 54 EXT. SPACE - ROMULAN WARBIRD (OPTICAL) The Warbird hangs in space. 55 INT. WARBIRD - COMMAND CENTER (OPTICAL) Sela is looking at a console as Movar ENTERS. MOVAR We've just received an urgent message from Lursa and B'Etor. Gowron's forces have attacked in three sectors. The Duras are... nearing defeat... SELA (disgusted) You mean they were caught unprepared and now they're crying for help. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FOUR 47. 55 CONTINUED: She contains the anger boiling to the surface and thinks for a beat. SELA (continuing) Have the science sections found a way to circumvent their detection grid yet? MOVAR We think so. Movar moves to a monitor and punches up a schematic diagram of the Federation fleet and the tachyon field. MOVAR (continuing, indicating screen) Just before we cross the border, we'll send out a massive tachyon pulse. A burst that large should cause enough interference to disable a part of the network. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FOUR 47A. 55 CONTINUED: (2) Sela nods in approval. Suddenly there is an ALARM BEEP and one of the Federation ships on the display begins to move. MOVAR One of their ships is moving off the blockade line. SELA (checking sensors) It's warp drive is failing. Now, on the display, other ships begin to adjust. As they do, there is a shift in the threads of the tachyon net, and a hole appears in it. MOVAR Picard is redeploying the fleet to compensate for the missing ship... (now seeing hole) There's a gap opening in the net! SELA He doesn't have enough ships to maintain the network... MOVAR If we act quickly we can move through. (beat, as she does not respond) Commander? SELA No. I don't think so. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FOUR 48. 55 CONTINUED: (3) MOVAR But it's what we've been waiting for. SELA Yes... I know... and so does Picard. He's giving us exactly what we need and he expects us to take it. Sela pauses for a moment... her mind working furiously. SELA (continuing) No... we won't step into Picard's trap. We will disable part of his network... She taps in a few commands at the console, bringing up a display showing the position of Data's ship. SELA (continuing) Here, where they're weakest... We'll direct the energy burst right at the ship with the android Captain. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE 57A INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE Picard in command, O'Brien at tactical. A beat as O'Brien reads his console. O'BRIEN Sir, the detection net is picking up activity from the Romulans... fifteen cloaked ships... spreading out along the border. PICARD Signal the fleet to stand by. O'Brien works his console. 57B INT. WARBIRD - COMMAND CENTER Sela and Movar watching a monitor. Sela waits for a long beat... SELA Now. Movar touches a key. 58 ON ROMULAN MONITOR (OPTICAL) The screen shows the schematic of the Federation fleet... suddenly one end portion of the tachyon field is disrupted by an intense surge of energy. 59 RESUME SCENE As before. SELA (urgent) Come to course zero eight zero mark two nine five! 59A INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) As before. There is an ALARM and O'Brien works his console quickly. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FIVE 50. 59A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN There's a disruption in the tachyon detectors! O'Brien and Picard move quickly to the aft science station, where a monitor shows the tachyon field and the disruption in a similar graphic to the one seen on the Romulan ship. O'BRIEN (continuing, gesturing) It's localized to this segment of the net... PICARD Open a channel to the Sutherland. O'Brien taps commands. DATA'S COM VOICE Data here, sir. PICARD We're reading a disruption of the tachyon net in your area. DATA'S COM VOICE Yes, sir. The Romulans have released a high-energy burst. The net is no longer effective in a radius of ten million kilometers around the Sutherland. O'BRIEN Sir... I've lost track of three ships already... and the rest of the convoy is moving toward the disruption. Picard absorbs this... realizes what Sela has done. PICARD That's where they're going through. (beat) Send a signal to the fleet... all ships to fall back and rendezvous at Gamma Eridon. We'll try to reestablish the net before they get there. O'BRIEN (moving to tactical) Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT FIVE 50A. 60 EXT. SPACE - THE SUTHERLAND (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. 61 INT. SUTHERLAND - BRIDGE Data in command, Hobson at tactical. Hobson is reading a message on his console. HOBSON ... all Federation ships proceed at maximum warp to Gamma Eridon. DATA Acknowledge the signal. (to Conn Officer) Lay in the course and engage at warp nine point three. ENSIGN CRAIG Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FIVE 51. 61 CONTINUED: The Conn Officer works the console. Data thinks for a couple of beats... then moves to a science station and quickly begins tapping in commands. 62 OMITTED 63 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Hobson moves to join Data. Hobson peers at the information on the screen but it's moving by too rapidly for him to comprehend. HOBSON (curious) What are you doing? DATA In disrupting the detection net, the Romulans may have caused a residual tachyon signature to form around their own ships. HOBSON But we have no way of detecting it. Data continues to look at the monitor for a beat... then makes a decision. He moves back to command. DATA (to Conn Officer) All stop. ENSIGN CRAIG Aye, sir. All stop. HOBSON (shocked) What? The fleet's been ordered to Gamma Eridon. DATA The tachyon signatures will not last long. By the time the fleet is redeployed, it will be too late. Begin to reconfigure sensors to detect ionized particle traces. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FIVE 51A. 63 CONTINUED: HOBSON This entire area's been flooded with tachyon particles. We'll never be able to find what you're looking for. DATA I am aware of the difficulties. (beat) Please bring the phasers back on-line. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT FIVE 52. 63 CONTINUED: Hobson's anger finally boils over, and he moves to Data. HOBSON That will flood three decks with radiation! DATA We will initiate radiation protocol when necessary. HOBSON You don't give a damn about the people whose lives you're about to throw away. We're not just machines that you can--- Data doesn't raise his voice very high... he doesn't need to. There is the ring of authority in his voice... he's taken command. DATA (interrupting) Mister Hobson! (evenly) You will carry out my orders or I will relieve you of duty. A tense moment... but Hobson backs down. HOBSON Yes, sir. Hobson moves back to the tactical console. 64 OMITTED 65 INT. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE as before. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FIVE 53. 65 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Sir... the Sutherland isn't heading for the rendezvous point. She's come to a full stop. PICARD Hail the Sutherland. 66 INT. SUTHERLAND BRIDGE Hobson reads a message on the monitor. HOBSON The Enterprise wants to know the reason we've stopped. Hobson looks toward Data to respond, but Data ignores him. DATA Display sensor schematic. 66A INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) DATA Begin sensor sweep, maximum range. A number of blotches appear on the screen. HOBSON Are you going to answer the Enterprise? DATA Computer, overlay display with tachyon emissions. A series of new blotches show up on the screen. Data studies them for a moment. DATA (continuing) Highlight any tachyon signatures which show subspace inertial displacement. A large section of blotches is highlighted on the screen. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FIVE 53A. 66A CONTINUED: DATA Concentrate a sensor sweep in that area. New splotches appear. HOBSON (tight) Sir. This is pointless. Those readings could be anything. There's no way for us to prove the Romulans are out there. Data is thinking furiously... he makes a decision. DATA Reconfigure the photon torpedo warhead yields. Set for a high- energy burst at level six. HOBSON At level six? But that won't even--- DATA Do it. Hobson works his console with frustration. HOBSON Torpedoes ready. (sees something else on console) Another message coming in... it's Captain Picard! Hobson hits a key. PICARD'S COM VOICE Mister Data, you were ordered to rendezvous with the fleet at Gamma Eridon. Acknowledge. DATA Stand by, Captain. (steady, to Hobson) Mister Hobson, prepare to fire. HOBSON Didn't you hear that? Picard wants us--- STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/8/91 - ACT FIVE 53B. 66A CONTINUED: (2) Data gives him a sharp look and Hobson bites his tongue. Data concentrates on the screen. DATA Fire. 67 EXT. SPACE - THE SUTHERLAND (OPTICAL) The ship FIRES photon torpedoes. 68 ON ROMULAN SHIPS (OPTICAL) The torpedoes streak out at what seems to be empty space. They explode, and in so doing they illuminate THREE ROMULAN SHIPS. We can't actually see the ships, just the telltale tachyon signatures that surround them... the effect is similar to seeing several Christmas trees suddenly lit up in space. 69 INT. ROMULAN WARBIRD - COMMAND CENTER (OPTICAL) Movar and Sela watching a monitor in astonishment. The monitor shows the illuminated Romulan ships as seen above. MOVAR They have discovered us! Sela's expression clouds... this is a very difficult decision to make. After a long beat... STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/8/91 - ACT FIVE 54. 69 CONTINUED: SELA Reverse course. Order the fleet back to Romulan territory. MOVAR (upset) Commander! The Duras need this convoy. Without these supplies, they cannot win! SELA (firm) We've been exposed. It's over. MOVAR But what should I tell Lursa and B'Etor? Beat. SELA Tell them... they're on their own. 69A thru OMITTED 69B 70 INT. SUTHERLAND - BRIDGE As before. Data studies the tactical console with Hobson. HOBSON They're changing course... heading back to Romulan space. DATA The reconfigured particles from the photon torpedoes illuminated the tachyon signatures surrounding the Romulan ships... Hobson smiles and looks at Data with newfound respect. Data shows no reaction, as usual. DATA Make a full report to the flagship. Take the main phasers off-line and begin radiation clean-up on the affected decks. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT FIVE 54A. 70 CONTINUED: HOBSON Yes, sir... (beat) ...Captain. A beat between the two of them. 71 EXT. KLINGON CITY (MATTE) The Home World. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT FIVE 55. 72 INT. DURAS FAMILY HOME Toral is waiting nervously as Lursa and B'Etor ENTER, their faces grim. Toral looks to them for an answer. A glance between the sisters before B'Etor provides a simple explanation. B'ETOR Defeat. Toral is horrified. TORAL How? Where are the Romulans? LURSA (bitter) They never came. An EXPLOSION IS HEARD in the distance. Lursa and B'Etor react. 73 NEW ANGLE The Romulan Guard seen earlier ENTERS with Worf. Worf looks like hell... they must have really worked him over because he can barely stand. Lursa looks him over quickly. LURSA (to Romulan, re: Worf) Kill him. As Lursa and B'Etor move to the far side of the room, the following happens very quickly: AN EXPLOSION IS HEARD from very close outside the door, startling everyone. Worf uses this momentary distraction to dispatch the Guard with a few well-placed blows to the knees and stomach. 74 ON LURSA & B'ETOR (OPTICAL) The sisters don't care about Worf, the Guard, or Toral, they're bitter over the defeat and just want to get the hell out of here. Lursa pulls a small device from a pocket and activates it as Toral moves to join them, but he doesn't move quickly enough and the sisters DEMATERIALIZE in a transporter beam. Toral is shocked that they've left without him. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/9/91 - ACT FIVE 56. 74 CONTINUED: TORAL No!! At that moment, the door bursts open and a couple of heavily armed N.D. KLINGONS ENTER with Kurn close behind. Kurn goes to his brother... Worf almost collapses, but Kurn catches him before he falls and Worf is able to steady himself against the wall. Kurn finally notices Toral. KURN (mocking) Toral... next Leader of the Empire. (smiles) Gowron is looking forward to seeing you again. Toral tries not to show the terror gripping him... but he's not quite successful. CUT TO: 75 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship drops out of warp. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's personal log, supplemental. It is with a profound sense of relief that I have ordered the fleet back to Federation territory following the news of Gowron's victory. 76 INT. ENTERPRISE - READY ROOM Picard at his desk, looking over a report on his terminal. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) We have arrived at the Klingon Home World, where I will present the High Council with a full report on our encounter with the Romulans. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/8/91 - ACT FIVE 56A. 76 CONTINUED: PICARD (V.O.) (cont'd) (beat) I am also... anxious to learn of Worf's fate. The door CHIMES. PICARD Come. Data ENTERS. DATA Sir, I wish to submit myself for disciplinary action (off Picard's look) I disobeyed a direct order from a superior officer. Although there was a positive outcome as a result of my actions, I have learned that... the ends cannot justify the means. PICARD No, they can't. (thoughtful beat) However... the excuse "I was only following orders" is the epitaph of too many tragedies in our history. Starfleet does not want officers who will blindly follow orders without analyzing the situation. (beat) Your actions were appropriate for the circumstance, and I have noted that in your record. Data turns to leave. PICARD Mister Data... Data stops. PICARD (less formal) Nicely done. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/15/91 - ACT FIVE 57. 76 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Thank you, sir. Data EXITS. Hold on Picard as he allows himself to smile slightly at how well Data has learned. CUT TO: 77 INT. KLINGON GREAT HALL Gowron is in the leader's chair, and the KLINGON COUNCIL is now standing beside him. Picard stands before the Council. Gowron is looking at a Starfleet PADD. GOWRON (looks up at Picard) The Council appreciates your report, Captain. The information on the Romulan supply ships will prove very useful. (beat) Before you leave, there is one last matter to attend to. Gowron nods to someone o.c. 77A NEW ANGLE As Kurn and Worf ENTER. Worf looks much better than we last saw him, but there are still some scars visible, and he has a slight limp. Worf straightens at the sight of Picard, and the two men share a silent moment of reunion. But there is still other business to attend to... GOWRON (continuing) Bring him! STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/15/91 - ACT FIVE 58. 78 NEW ANGLE As a KLINGON GUARD ENTERS with Toral. The boy keeps his head up, determined to go out like a Klingon. KURN Toral, son of Duras... you stand convicted of treason. Toral musters his courage. TORAL The Duras family will one day rule the Empire! GOWRON (smiles) Perhaps... but not today. (beat) Worf... Worf steps forward. GOWRON (continuing, to Worf) This child's family wrongly took your name and your honor from you... (beat) In return, I give his life... to you. Gowron hands Worf a knife and steps back. Toral tries to steady himself as everyone watches. 79 ON WORF He struggles... is this what being Klingon really means? Worf looks up at Picard, who is watching to see what he will do. Worf and Picard share a silent moment... Worf looks from the captain to the knife in his hand... finally drops the knife to the ground. A buzz of confusion goes around the room. Kurn moves quickly to his brother. KURN (quiet, urgent) What's wrong? Kill him! WORF No. STAR TREK: "Redemption II" - REV. 7/3/91 - ACT FIVE 59. 79 CONTINUED: KURN (incredulous) This is our way... the Klingon way. WORF (with glance at Picard) I know... but it is not my way. (beat, to Gowron) This boy has done me no harm... and I will not kill him for the crimes of his family. GOWRON (shrugging) Then it falls to Kurn. He gestures to the knife. But before Kurn can move-- WORF No. You gave his life to me... and I have spared it. Gowron frowns... he's puzzled, but decides not to push Worf. GOWRON As you wish. Worf moves toward Picard. 80 OMITTED 81 ON WORF & PICARD Worf and Picard look at each other for a beat... WORF Permission to return to duty, sir? Beat. PICARD Granted. They EXIT together, never looking back. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END