STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Dark Page" #40277-259 Written by Hilary Bader Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT AUGUST 26, 1993 STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Dark Page" CAST PICARD LWAXANA TROI RIKER HEDRIL DATA KESTRA BEVERLY MAQUES TROI MISTER TROI WORF VOICE (O.C.) GEORDI Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. CREWMEMBERS CAIRN STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Dark Page" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE TEN FORWARD CORRIDOR TURBOLIFT TROI'S OFFICE SICKBAY MAQUES' QUARTERS BEVERLY'S OFFICE OBSERVATION LOUNGE ARBORETUM STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Dark Page" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE HEDRIL HEAD-ril MAQUES MAKE-wheeze EL'NAR el-NAR STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: The Next Generation "Dark Page" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it travels at impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 47254.1. A delegation of the Cairn have just come on board. This telepathic species has no concept of spoken language, and is being instructed in its use by... an old friend. 2 INT. TEN FORWARD The SENIOR STAFF is holding a reception for the Cairn. They are tallish humanoids, intelligent looking -- with small protrusions on the sides of their heads that suggest increased cranial capacity. PICK UP PICARD and LWAXANA TROI in mid-conversation. Lwaxana is wearing an outfit that is unusually subdued for her. LWAXANA I don't know what they'd have done without me. First, I had to learn how they communicate. It was an absolutely exhausting process... PICARD It must have been. LWAXANA Quite different from Betazoid telepathy. We transmit words... with the Cairn... (shakes her head at the enormity of it) ... it's images. A flood of them, all at the same time. It's overwhelming... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: PICARD I can imagine... LWAXANA It's actually a very efficient way of communicating. If two Cairn were having this conversation it would have been over minutes ago. This gets Picard's attention. PICARD Really? LWAXANA But of course they realize they'll want to communicate verbally if they join the Federation. (beat) Do me a favor... introduce yourself to one of them and engage him in conversation -- they need the practice. PICARD I'd be happy to. He moves off and Lwaxana looks around, spots -- 2A GEORDI AND DATA who are talking with a light-haired Cairn girl of about eight, HEDRIL. GEORDI ... it's called a VISOR. It lets me see things. When Hedril speaks, her voice has a slight ELECTRONIC EDGE to it -- as do all the Cairn's voices. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - TEASER 3. 2A CONTINUED: HEDRIL Like my vocal enhancer. (touches her throat) It lets me make sounds. At this point Mrs. Troi swoops down on them. LWAXANA I see you've met my star pupil. (puts her arm around Hedril) Hedril has picked up spoken language much faster than the others. DATA It is often the case that children learn languages more easily than adults. LWAXANA Deanna was quite good at languages when she was little. (beat) Where is Deanna? GEORDI (looking around) Should be here someplace... Mrs. Troi bends down to Hedril. LWAXANA Hedril, darling... She stops, staring at Hedril with a curious expression. Hedril waits patiently, then -- HEDRIL What? Mrs. Troi comes out of her reverie. LWAXANA Go find your father, dear. I want to talk to him. Hedril darts off and Mrs. Troi puts her face in her hand for a moment. Data and Geordi are concerned. DATA Mrs. Troi, are you all right? STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - TEASER 3A. 2A CONTINUED: (2) She looks up at them, a little vague. LWAXANA Yes... yes... just a little tired. This constant telepathy with the Cairn... (summoning a smile) I'm fine, really. She gives them a reassuring smile and moves off toward Riker and Worf, who are standing alone, chatting. LWAXANA Aren't you going to mingle, Mister Woof? Worf has given up on correcting her. WORF I do not care for telepaths. They make me... uneasy. LWAXANA Don't worry -- The Cairn couldn't read your thoughts even if they wanted to. Your brain isn't sophisticated enough. Worf reacts and Riker can't help but smile. LWAXANA (continuing, to Riker) Neither is yours, dear. They can only communicate with other telepaths. (beat) Has either of you seen Deanna? RIKER (looking around) She was working, but she said she'd be here -- ah -- speak of the devil. Troi walks up to them. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - TEASER 4-5. 2A CONTINUED: (3) TROI Sorry I'm late. I lost track of the time. LWAXANA Deanna, dear, come with me. I want you to meet the senior diplomat of the Cairn delegation. She sees Hedril leading a Cairn man, MAQUES, toward them. LWAXANA Maques... (re Troi) This is the beautiful daughter I've been telling you about -- Deanna. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - TEASER 6. 2A CONTINUED: (4) Maques smiles... a nice smile, sincere. MAQUES Pleased to... He stops, can't remember the rest of the greeting. With a self-deprecating smile he decides to try another, simpler one. MAQUES Hello. TROI Hello. Troi helps him out by finishing for him. TROI (continuing) Pleased to meet you. He smiles. MAQUES Yes, that is it. Pleased to meet you, Deanna. They share a smile. Lwaxana seems pleased. LWAXANA Well, I'll just let you young people chat... She moves away with Hedril, Deanna giving her a brief look. Then, making the most of it... TROI Well, Maques... what do you think of the Enterprise? There is a brief hesitation as Maques struggles for words -- still a very difficult concept for him. MAQUES It is... -- (he thinks) -- beautiful... comfortable, also. TROI I'm glad you think so. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - TEASER 7. 2A CONTINUED: (7) MAQUES There is another word... a word that describes it... but... I cannot remember. He gives a small shrug, and Troi smiles encouragingly. TROI You've learned a great deal in a very short time. I'm sure it won't be long before your words will do justice to your thoughts. Maques acknowledges, then -- MAQUES Your Mother has... told me... of your need. TROI Need? He can't remember the word, holds up a finger to ask for a moment. MAQUES A moment... (remembers) Husband. You need a husband. Troi's face blanches. MAQUES (continuing) I need a wife. He smiles matter-of-factly. Troi looks over his shoulder and sees her mother watching them hopefully. As Troi glares at her we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 3 INT. CORRIDOR Troi, now in uniform, is heading for her office. LWAXANA (O.C.) Deanna! Troi turns and sees her Mother, waits for her to catch up. LWAXANA Good morning... (beat) So what did you think of Maques? TROI Why did you do that, Mother? You embarrassed both of us. LWAXANA (dismissing this) He's really very sweet. And lonely. Poor man, a widower, raising a child alone. TROI Please, Mother... don't start. They reach a Turbolift door. LWAXANA I just think it's time for you to settle down. If your Father were still alive I'm sure he'd say the same thing. The door OPENS and they join an N.D Crewperson inside. 4 INT. TURBOLIFT They fall silent in front of the crewperson. After a moment, Lwaxana continues TELEPATHICALLY. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT ONE 9. 4 CONTINUED: LWAXANA (V.O.) But you'll do exactly what you want... Troi shoots her a look. LWAXANA (V.O.) (continuing) Just like always... TROI Stop it, mother. The Crewperson reacts to Troi's seemingly out-of-the-blue statement. Troi realizes and falls silent. After an awkward moment, the lift stops and the DOOR opens. Troi EXITS but her mother just stays where she is, looking despondent. TROI (continuing) Are you coming? But Lwaxana covers her face with her hands as if to hide tears. Troi's face registers concern; she takes her mother by the arm and leads her out of the turbolift. 5 INT. CORRIDOR The Turbolift door closes and Troi puts a comforting hand to her mother's shoulder. TROI What's wrong... ? Lwaxana looks at her, her eyes intent with feeling. Suddenly she clutches Troi to her, hugs her tight. LWAXANA You're so precious to me. You're all I've got. If something happened to you I don't know what I'd do... Troi doesn't know what to make of her mother's abrupt mood swing, but she does know that right now what she needs is to be comforted. TROI Nothing's going to happen to me... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT ONE 10. 5 CONTINUED: Troi's comforting words help Lwaxana pull herself together. LWAXANA You'd better go... TROI My first appointment isn't for a few minutes... why don't we talk for a while? LWAXANA I'm fine... I'm just tired from working with the Cairn and it's making me emotional. TROI Are you sure? LWAXANA Go on... I'll see you later... Troi hesitates. Lwaxana manages a smile. LWAXANA (continuing, shooing her away) Go on. She moves off down the corridor. Troi watches for a beat, then heads for her office. 6 INT. TROI'S OFFICE As Troi ENTERS. To her surprise, Maques is waiting for her. TROI Maques... MAQUES I wanted to... apologize... for yesterday. TROI You don't have to -- MAQUES My words... they were... confused. TROI It wasn't your fault. My mother misled you. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT ONE 11. 6 CONTINUED: MAQUES Not in everything... she has an image of you... in her mind -- (gestures to his temple) -- she shared it with me... Troi nods that she understands. MAQUES (continuing, smiles) You are even more beautiful... Troi accepts the compliment with a smile. Maques leans forward, concentrates on choosing his words. MAQUES (continuing) The way my people communicate... It is... direct. Nothing is hidden. TROI Yes. MAQUES Your Mother is... the first... to learn our telepathy... TROI You mean you've never had telepathy with someone who wasn't Cairn? MAQUES No... He struggles to articulate his thoughts. MAQUES To communicate with her is... very different. TROI In what way? MAQUES Always... there is a part of her... a part of her that is... dark. Troi is unsure what he means by this. TROI Dark? STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT ONE 12. 6 CONTINUED: (2) Maques seems frustrated by his inability to make himself clear. MAQUES A part of her that... can not be seen. Do you understand? TROI I'm not sure... (she considers) Did you ask my Mother about this? MAQUES She called it... a moment... (remembering the word) Privacy. TROI (realizing) Of course. Troi thinks how to put this. TROI You said that among the Cairn, nothing is hidden. We value honesty, but we don't always share everything we're thinking and feeling. MAQUES This is... privacy? TROI Yes. MAQUES It is... normal? TROI For us, yes. MAQUES If this is your way... I am... relieved. TROI (smiles) It is our way. He smiles at her and stands. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT ONE 12A. 6 CONTINUED: (3) MAQUES I will leave now. TROI I'm glad you stopped by. MAQUES I am glad to have stopped also. He bows slightly and EXITS. Troi feels better about the incident with Maques, but what just happened with her mother is still very much on her mind. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT ONE 13. 7 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it moves at impulse. 8 INT. TEN FORWARD Troi and Riker are sitting at a table. The usual compliment of N.D.'s, including TWO N.D. Cairn. TROI I was all set for another round of arguing when all of a sudden she just... fell apart. RIKER She's been under a lot of stress, preparing the Cairn to meet with the Federation Council. TROI It's more than that. I've been sensing very... erratic emotions from her. Even the clothes she's wearing seem unusual -- very subdued. He sees she's worried, takes her hand. RIKER Maybe you better have a talk with her -- LWAXANA (O.C.) Commander -- 9 NEW ANGLE Including Mrs. Troi, who stands behind them. Her face is intense and her eyes bore in to Riker. LWAXANA Take your hands off her. Her words carry a barely controlled anger. Riker is stunned. He pulls back from Troi. RIKER Mrs. Troi -- STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT ONE 14. 9 CONTINUED: LWAXANA Don't "Mrs. Troi" me. TROI Mother! LWAXANA Why don't you leave her alone? If it weren't for you she'd be married by now. TROI (standing) That's enough. A few heads turn their way. LWAXANA I'm warning you, stay away from her! TROI You're coming with me -- Troi takes her firmly by the arm and starts to lead her away -- everyone in the room can't help but look. Off Riker's face... 10 INT. SICKBAY Where Troi watches as BEVERLY examines Lwaxana, who is calm now and full of regret. LWAXANA I don't know what got into me. Please tell Wil how sorry I am. Troi indicates that she will. Beverly finishes a scan and turns to Troi. BEVERLY She's fine, except her psilosynine levels are a little low. LWAXANA Psilosynine? TROI That's a neurotransimitter involved in telepathy. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT ONE 15. 10 CONTINUED: BEVERLY It's been depleted by your work with the Cairn. You're going to have to avoid telepathic communication for a while. LWAXANA I can't -- We only have three days left and the Cairn still have so much to learn. BEVERLY I'm sorry, but you're going to have to take some time and rest. Lwaxana is about to continue her objections when Troi offers: TROI Maybe I can help with the Cairn. LWAXANA You're only half-Betazoid, dear. And you don't have any experience with their form of telepathy. TROI Then I won't use telepathy; we'll work verbally. Lwaxana considers this for a beat. LWAXANA I suppose we could do that... (beat) And if they don't understand something I'll explain it to them telepathically. TROI No, you'll work verbally too. The point is for you to rest. Besides, it'll be good for them to have to figure things out with words. LWAXANA Well... I suppose you're right. Troi smiles, pleased that her mother has agreed... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT ONE 16. 11 INT. ARBORETUM A thicket with trees, shrubs and flowers. Nearby is a small POND. A couple of N.D Crew Children are playing near the pond. Troi ENTERS leading Maques, Hedril, and TWO N.D. Cairn. Lwaxana trails behind -- she seems more calm and relaxed. TROI This is the ship's arboretum. HEDRIL Arbor means tree. TROI Very good, Hedril. People like to come here to relax, enjoy themselves in a natural setting. Maques inspects a nearby ROSE BUSH, reaches to touch it and is pricked by a thorn. He looks at his thumb, then back at the rose -- perplexed. TROI (continuing) "Flowers of all hue, and without thorn the rose... " The Cairn look at her, curious what she might mean. TROI (continuing) That's from an old earth poem by John Milton. MAQUES Please... what is a... poem? Troi realizes they have no idea. TROI Poetry is... an art-form that uses words, put together in new and unexpected ways -- sometimes in rhyme. Maques nods as if he understands. Encouraged, Troi continues: STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT ONE 17. 11 CONTINUED: TROI (continuing) Milton was speculating that in Heaven, roses wouldn't have thorns. The Cairn look at her, unsure. HEDRIL Heaven... ? Troi realizes she's just getting in deeper. TROI Heaven is... it's a... She can't quite figure out how to phrase this. Before she can continue, Lwaxana catches Maques' eye and transmits a telepathic message. MAQUES I see. Yes, thank you. "Heaven." Troi realizes what happened and turns toward her mother. TROI Mother, you're supposed to be avoiding telepathy. LWAXANA I was just trying to help, dear. But Lwaxana now looks drawn, tired. TROI You don't look well. Lwaxana glances at a nearby BENCH. LWAXANA I'm just tired -- maybe I'll sit down... Troi decides not to make too much of this, and Lwaxana goes and sits on the bench (during this Hedril slips away to play with the other children). Troi turns back to the Cairn, who watch with some concern. TROI Don't worry... she'll be fine... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT ONE 18. 11 CONTINUED: (2) Everyone relaxes -- their eyes turn to the pond, where Hedril is now playing. Suddenly she slips and falls into the pond. Since it's only inches deep there's no harm done -- she's just wet. She gets up and keeps playing as if nothing happened, and Maques just smiles and shakes his head. Suddenly one of the Cairn reacts to something behind Troi. Troi turns and sees that her mother is lying on the ground next to the bench, seemingly unconscious. TROI Mother! She rushes to her, tries to wake her -- TROI (continuing) Mother... ? When Lwaxana doesn't answer, Troi activates her combadge. TROI (continuing) Troi to Sickbay... medical emergency in the arboretum... Off Troi's worried face... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 12 INT. SICKBAY Lwaxana lies unconscious on a Sickbay bed, Picard and Troi stand off to the side. Beverly is removing the CORTICAL STIMULATOR PADS from Lwaxana's forehead. She seems stumped, but tries to break her news to Troi gently. BEVERLY She's not responding to cortical stimulation. I'm not sure what more I can do... Troi takes this hard. TROI I don't understand... she was fine just yesterday. BEVERLY I've never seen anything like this. It's almost as if her brain has... shut itself down. PICARD Is there any physiological cause? BEVERLY I'm running a sub-neural scan, but as far as I can see there's no tissue damage, no neuro-chemical imbalance, no sign of infection -- nothing. PICARD Yet her neural activity is practically non-existent. BEVERLY The only exception is in the paracortex -- activity there is almost off the scale. TROI The paracortex is the Betazoid telepathic lobe. (concerned) She communicated with Maques telepathically just before she fell... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/31/93 - ACT TWO 20. 12 CONTINUED: PICARD Might there be some side-effect of Cairn telepathy that we're not aware of? BEVERLY It's a possibility. PICARD (to Troi) I think you and I had better have a talk with Maques. Troi acknowledges, and with a last glance toward her mother's still form, she and Picard EXIT. 13 INT. MAQUES' QUARTERS Troi and Picard are talking with Maques. MAQUES I am very... (searches for word) apologetic -- for what has happened to your Mother. Troi acknowledges his sentiment. PICARD Maques, is it possible that your telepathic communications with Mrs. Troi harmed her in some way? Maques reacts -- struggles to find the words with which to respond. MAQUES No... I tried to... to explain... before. He looks at Troi to see if she understands -- sees that she doesn't. It's frustrating for him, he can't express his complex thoughts. MAQUES (continuing) Bad thoughts... they hurt her... TROI What thoughts, Maques? Take your time... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT TWO 21. 13 CONTINUED: MAQUES Inside her... the dark place... TROI I don't understand. MAQUES She is... what are the words... I don't have the words... Maques looks at Troi, locks his eyes onto hers. Suddenly a great, swirling WHITE NOISE can be heard -- Troi covers her ears as if to block out the sound, but it only grows louder. Picard, who seems not to hear anything, reacts to what looks like an attack on Troi by Maques. PICARD Counsellor -- Her eyes are locked on Maques' -- it's as if she's unable to look away. PICARD (continuing, to Maques) Stop it! Picard steps toward him -- suddenly the noise STOPS. TROI It's all right, Captain. Troi tries to clear her head. TROI (continuing) I'm fine... He was just trying to communicate with me telepathically. Maques looks at her hopefully. MAQUES Do you understand now? TROI I... I'm not sure... But her face tells us that he's told her something important. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/26/93 - ACT TWO 22. 14 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly, Troi and Picard. TROI He communicated so much to me that at first it was just a jumble of images. BEVERLY Have you been able to sort any of it out? TROI I think so... during his telepathic contact with my Mother, Maques sensed what he calls a "dark place." Picard and Beverly register curiosity. TROI He tried to tell me about it before, in my office. I misunderstood, I thought he was talking about thoughts she was keeping private. What he meant was that something was happening in her meta-conscious mind. BEVERLY Meta-conscious? TROI It's a part of the Betazoid psyche. A kind of... filtering mechanism to protect us from psychic trauma. PICARD Is Maques suggesting that Lwaxana's meta-conscious is damaged somehow? STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/26/93 - ACT TWO 23. 14 CONTINUED: TROI He feels that whatever is wrong with her is centered there. If he's right... that may mean that she's suffered some kind of trauma that her meta-conscious can't tolerate. BEVERLY Did your Mother mention anything that happened to her lately, something that might have been traumatic for her? TROI No. Nothing like that. They seem to have come to a dead-end. BEVERLY Maques could be wrong about this. There's still a chance that the sub-neural scan will pinpoint an physiological cause for your Mother's condition, something I'll be able to treat. Troi looks at her, hopeful. BEVERLY The results won't be in until morning; maybe we should all get some rest. TROI (to Beverly) I'd like to stay here with her... I'm going to try to contact her telepathically. BEVERLY All right. Beverly puts a comforting hand to Troi's shoulder, then she and Picard EXIT to the corridor. Troi EXITS to Sickbay. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT TWO 23A. 15 INT. SICKBAY as she crosses toward her mother's bed. The lights are DIMMED for sleep, and Lwaxana is now in a hospital gown. Troi pulls up a stool and sits next to her mother. She looks down at her still features for a long moment. She takes her hand, and then we hear her speak TELEPATHICALLY. TROI (V.O.) Mother... can you hear me... ? But there is no answer. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT TWO 24. 15 CONTINUED: TROI (V.O.) (continuing) Please come back to me... please... After a moment, Troi hears a voice responding in her mind, very faint -- it's hard to tell who's voice it is. VOICE Help me... TROI (V.O.) Mother... ? She hears it again. VOICE Help me... TROI (V.O.) How? How can I help you? But there is no response. Troi leans in close to her. TROI Tell me, Mother. Please. Whatever telepathic connection they had seems to have been lost. Troi looks down at her, anguished. 16 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it moves at impulse. 17 INT. SICKBAY Hours later. Troi has curled up on a bed near her mother's. After a moment, we hear the SOUND of the door to Sickbay opening... footsteps approaching. A FIGURE approaches Lwaxana's bed, stands over her, looking down. We hear the rush of WHITE NOISE that accompanies Cairn telepathy... The noise wakes Troi with a start... she sees the FIGURE over her mother and bolts up in bed. TROI Computer, lights! STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT TWO 25. 17 CONTINUED: The LIGHTS COME UP and we see that the figure is Maques... his eyes locked on Lwaxana with intensity... Troi stands and the ON-DUTY NURSE comes rushing in at all the commotion... TROI (alarmed) What are you doing? She and Maques face each other... Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT THREE 26. ACT THREE FADE IN: 18 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Troi, and Beverly are trying to find out what Maques was doing in Sickbay. He's a little rattled by what happened and it's affecting his speaking ability. PICARD What were you doing in Sickbay, Maques? MAQUES Helping... trying to help Lwaxana... Troi clearly believes him, wants to know more. TROI How... what were you trying to do? MAQUES I was... she is... But he can't find the words. He suddenly gets very agitated, as if he's come to a realization but can't express it. MAQUES (continuing) You, Deanna. Maybe you -- TROI I don't understand. MAQUES You must... how can I explain... His frustration mounts. Troi leans toward him. TROI Tell me, telepathically. Maques and Troi lock eyes... after a moment we hear the rush of WHITE NOISE. Troi is better prepared this time, and is less affected. It's over in just a moment, and Troi turns to Picard -- ready to explain what Maques has told her. TROI (continuing) Maques believes my Mother's psyche has... collapsed in on itself -- that for some reason, she's retreated into her meta-conscious mind. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT THREE 27. 18 CONTINUED: PICARD Was he trying to contact her telepathically? TROI Yes. He was able to access images being generated by her meta-conscious mind. But he couldn't make any sense of them... MAQUES I did not... understand... TROI He saw faces he didn't recognize, events he couldn't interpret. BEVERLY If we could decipher those images, it might help us determine whether or not your Mother's condition was induced by some traumatic event. Troi indicates her agreement. TROI Maques believes he can provide a... telepathic "bridge" that will allow me to access her meta-conscious. If he can, I might be able to find out what happened to her. PICARD If you succeed, would you be able to use that information to help your Mother? TROI I'm not sure. But I do know that some part of her wants to be helped. When I tried to contact her telepathically, I heard a voice calling out to me. Picard takes this in. PICARD If her psyche has... "collapsed in on itself," could accessing her mind pose any danger to you? Troi doesn't want to have to admit it: TROI There's no way to know. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT THREE 28. 18 CONTINUED: (2) Picard doesn't like the sound of this. TROI (continuing) Sir, I'd like to try... Picard studies Troi's face for a moment... then decides to go ahead and let her try. 19 INT. SICKBAY Picard watches as Beverly and a NURSE set up for Troi's attempt to contact her mother. Troi lies on a bed next to her mother's, and Maques stands between them. Biomonitors are ON LINE for both Lwaxana and Troi. BEVERLY (to Picard) I'll be monitoring her through the whole procedure. If anything goes wrong, Maques can break the telepathic link. Beverly steps away, nods to Maques. MAQUES (to Troi) Your Mother -- part of her is... very frightened. She may... resist you. TROI I understand. Maques looks at Lwaxana for a long moment -- the WHITE NOISE can be heard, far off, faint. He then turns and looks into Troi's eyes. The WHITE NOISE intensifies. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT THREE 29. 20 TROI'S POV Looking up at Maques -- his eyes locked on hers. 21 RESUME SCENE as Maques stands between Troi and Lwaxana. The WHITE NOISE grows in volume until it becomes hard to take. Suddenly it stops and we simultaneously cut to: 22 INT. AN ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) where Troi finds herself standing alone. But the corridor looks nothing like we're used to seeing -- it's dark, the perspective is strange... surreal -- as if we're looking at it through a distorted lens. We hear the SOUND of water dripping... ECHOING as the drops land. Troi scans the corridor trying to locate the source of the sound... but it seems to come from everywhere. Suddenly we hear a WOLF'S GROWL -- dangerous, menacing... Troi has to fight off her fear, takes a moment to calm herself. Her resolve is strengthened when she suddenly hears the VOICE she heard before, coming from behind her. VOICE Help me... She whips around to see if anyone's there... nothing. She's not sure if it was her mother's voice or someone else's... TROI (unsure) Mother... ? She hears the VOICE again, coming from the other direction. VOICE Help me... She turns and this time sees a SHADOW disappear around the corner. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT THREE 30. 22 CONTINUED: She moves toward it, rounds the corner... but no one is there. She starts down the corridor, which is darker than the last. The SOUND of dripping water echoes louder as she makes her way down it. Then, very faint, she hears Picard's VOICE, coming from nowhere specific. PICARD (V.O.) Counselor... can you hear me... ? TROI (unsure) Captain... ? Picard comes around the corner in front of her. His manner is calm and he wears a gentle smile. PICARD Deanna... Doctor Crusher is concerned that your para-cortical readings have become erratic. TROI Are you... talking to me from Sickbay? PICARD Yes. I want you to sever your connection to your Mother. Troi remembers what Maques said -- that everything she encountered would be part of her mother's mind. TROI Why don't you ask Maques to do it? Picard smiles. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT THREE 31. 22 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD I'm asking you. Troi reacts -- that's not an answer. Picard is suddenly much firmer. PICARD (continuing) That's an order, Counselor. Troi regards him evenly. TROI You're not Captain Picard. Picard looks into her eyes -- when he speaks, it is in LWAXANA'S VOICE, a voice filled with pain. PICARD/LWAXANA Leave me alone... please... Troi takes a breath, then moves past him and continues down the corridor, determined to find her Mother... the WOLF GROWLS again... ominous. As she makes her way down the corridor the dripping SOUND grows LOUDER. 23 thru OMITTED 24 25 NEW ANGLE revealing that a large WOLF is blocking her path. It looks at her with piercing eyes, its intentions unreadable... Troi is determined to get past it. She takes a cautious step forward, but the Wolf lets out a warning growl. TROI (to herself) This isn't real... none of this is real... But the sound of her voice only provokes the creature. Its growl becomes more menacing, and it suddenly lunges at her... Troi turns and runs... and the Wolf comes after her -- STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT THREE 31A. 26 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Troi runs down the corridor, the Wolf just a few yards behind her, vicious and intent... She rounds a corner and ENTERS the nearest door, which closes behind her. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT THREE 32. 27 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Troi's face registers recognition and astonishment when she sees a dark-haired man, her FATHER. He's about thirty-five and wears an old-style Starfleet uniform with Lieutenant's pips. TROI Daddy... ? He smiles warmly, opens his arms to her. MISTER TROI Deanna... Overwhelmed by the emotion of seeing him, she starts to move into his arms... but she stops... refusing to give in to what she knows isn't real. The room around her is a strange combination of Troi's Enterprise quarters and a home on Betazed. Instead of her personal belongings, the room is set up for a child -- there's a DOLL HOUSE, some other more HIGH-TECH TOYS. It is beautiful and calm, in sharp contrast to the nightmarish nature of the corridors. Instead of stars, a VIEW OF A BETAZED LANDSCAPE can be seen through the windows. MISTER TROI Look at you... you've become a beautiful woman... This is a heartbreaking event for Troi. Her beloved father, taken from her at such a young age, whom she has missed so much... but he's not real. TROI Don't do this... MISTER TROI I'm sorry I had to go away when you were so little... I didn't want to... TROI You're not my father... you're a part of Mother's mind... Mister Troi smiles gently, neither denying nor admitting to what she's saying. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT THREE 33. 27 CONTINUED: Troi looks around her, at the room, the beautiful view. She's looking for some clue as to what it all might mean. TROI What is this place? MISTER TROI It's our house near Lake El'nar, on Betazed. We used to live here. Deanna -- let's not waste this chance. I want to hear everything that's happened to you... But Troi is wandering the room, looking at the toys. TROI Did I live here? MISTER TROI For a while... when you were a baby. You were such a beautiful baby... Your mother and I loved you so much... TROI I don't remember these toys... MISTER TROI I'll bet you don't remember me singing you to sleep at night, either... but I did. Troi turns to him, unexpectedly moved. TROI I do remember... I always felt safe when you sang to me... He smiles. He's full of warmth, and love. It's irresistible. MISTER TROI There was one song you always asked me to sing... you couldn't fall asleep unless you heard it.... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT THREE 34. 27 CONTINUED: (2) Troi is caught in the moment. Tears sting at her eyes. TROI (a whisper) Down in the valley... MISTER TROI (singing very softly) Valley so low... hang your head over.... hear the wind blow -- Troi wills herself away from the seductive moment. TROI No... no... you're trying to keep me here... keep me from finding something... MISTER TROI (sadly) Your Mother doesn't want to see you, Deanna. TROI I have to help her... MISTER TROI If you want to help her... leave. Let her have peace. She begins backing toward the door. TROI But... she called out to me.... she does want my help. Her father extends his arms to her, gentle, persuasive. MISTER TROI Stay with me... just a little while... it's been so long -- we'll never have this chance again. Troi knows this is true... and it's anguishing. It takes all her will to keep from going to him, feeling his strength and his protection, letting him salve all her concerns. But those feelings are the trap, and she must not give in to them. With difficulty, knowing she'll never see him again -- STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT THREE 35. 27 CONTINUED: (3) TROI Goodbye, daddy. She turns and EXITS, leaving him behind, sadness in his eyes. 28 INT. CORRIDOR As she returns to the dark and surreal part of her mother's mind. The dripping SOUND resumes. Troi looks around, unsure which way to go. She decides to return in the direction she came. She approaches the intersection of the two corridors, rounds a corner. 29 ANGLE - TROI as she stops in her tracks, shocked by something she sees. 30 NEW ANGLE Revealing what she sees -- it is Hedril, standing some five yards down the corridor, looking at her with huge, accusing eyes. Strangely, she doesn't look Cairn -- whatever the anatomical differences are between us and them are not evident -- she has the dark eyes of a Betazoid. TROI Hedril... ? Suddenly Mrs. Troi steps out into the corridor. Her face is tense. TROI (continuing) Mother... Troi is about to take a step toward her, but her mother suddenly cries out in pain and anger. LWAXANA Get away from here! She rushes threateningly toward Troi -- STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT THREE 36. 31 INT. SICKBAY - CONTINUOUS as Troi starts awake. TROI No! Off Picard and Beverly's reactions we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 32 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Beverly, Data and Troi are talking with Maques and Hedril. The little girl seems a little afraid about having to face these strangers, and Troi tries to put her at ease. TROI I asked your Father to bring you here because I wanted to talk to you about something. (beat) You know that Lwaxana is sick, don't you? HEDRIL Yes. She looks scared and worried. HEDRIL (continuing) Is it my fault? TROI No... not at all. But... I believe my Mother has been thinking about you. Do you know why? HEDRIL I make her sad. Troi reacts. TROI Why do you say that? STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT FOUR 38. 32 CONTINUED: HEDRIL Because it's true. TROI (to Maques) Do you have any idea why Hedril would make my Mother sad? MAQUES No. Troi smiles at Hedril to let her know she's done well. TROI Thank you for coming to talk to us. I'll see you later, all right? She gestures to Maques that he can take her away. As they reach the door, Hedril stops and turns around. HEDRIL I hope your mother gets better. TROI Thank you, Hedril. So do I. Maques and Hedril EXIT. TROI I just don't understand how she fits in to all this... BEVERLY I still haven't been able to find a physiological cause for what's happened to your Mother. That makes me think that Maques was right, that her condition was precipitated by some traumatic event. PICARD Could this event have involved Hedril? TROI I don't think so. My Mother never mentioned her. BEVERLY Does your mother make personal logs... or keep a journal? STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FOUR 38A. 32 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Yes, she does. I'll contact Mister Homn on Betazed and ask him to transmit a copy as soon as possible. Maybe there's a clue there... DATA Perhaps we are being too literal. In my recent study of dream analysis, I learned that people who appear in a dream can sometimes represent different aspects of the person who is dreaming. TROI That's right... a child might represent vulnerability. Maybe Hedril depicts some fragile part of my mother. PICARD A part that she's protecting... (explaining) ... you said everything you encountered when you were in her mind was a barrier of one kind or another... TROI Yes... you, the wolf, my father... as though she were summoning all her defenses to keep me away. Troi looks around the room, frustrated and overwhelmed by her inability to put together all the parts of this puzzle. TROI But away from what? What is she protecting? But no one in the room has any answers. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/26/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 33 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it travels at impulse. 34 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS Troi has her mother's VALISE on a table and is going through her things. It is a difficult thing to have to do, and her face shows it. She picks up a few objects... a piece of jewelry, flamboyant as only Lwaxana can be... a small carved figure of uncertain origin... and then, in the bottom, a small round box. Deanna lifts it, opens it, and sees -- 34A INSERT - THE BOX Inside lies a small curl of dark hair, tied with a bit of ribbon. 34B BACK TO SCENE (OPTICAL) Troi smiles at this memento of herself and closes the box. Then she uncovers a photograph... it's Mister Troi in his uniform. She is gazing at it when the door CHIMES. TROI Come in. The door OPENS and Picard ENTERS. PICARD (a greeting) Counselor... TROI Hello, Captain. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FOUR 39A. 34B CONTINUED: PICARD I've just been in Sickbay. Doctor Crusher feels your mother's condition is deteriorating... her neural functions are getting weaker. Troi accepts this grim news. PICARD Have you had any luck here? TROI No, nothing. I've gone through her belongings... and read her journal from the last five years... (a bit wry) ... and other than the fact that I'm not married yet, nothing bad seems to have happened to her. Picard sees the photograph in her hand. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 34B CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Is this your Father? TROI Yes... Picard studies the picture. PICARD He had a kind face... TROI (nods) I remember when he died, my Mother had to go through all his things and pack them away... I was seven... and I remember thinking that he'd be mad when he came home and saw what she'd done. (beat) I didn't understand that he wasn't coming back... She looks down at her mother's belongings, her eyes wet with emotion, wondering if she'll have to do the same thing. PICARD Deanna... your Mother might still come out of this. TROI If we can't figure out what's wrong with her -- I don't think she will. She looks around her mother's quarters, at the belongings, the computer screen which holds her journal. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 34B CONTINUED: (3) TROI But I don't know what to do. I've talked with Mister Homn, who's known her for years. I've checked her medical records. I've made enquiries to the government on Betazed and I've contacted several of her close friends. If she suffered some kind of psychic trauma, there's just no evidence of it. Picard glances at the computer screen. PICARD You said you'd reviewed her journals for the past five years. Perhaps we should go further back. TROI There's a lot to review. My mother's kept a journal since she was first married... PICARD Well, let's start at the beginning. He sits at the computer, which shows a series of file numbers and dates. He works the controls. PICARD The first entry seems to be Stardate 30620.1. TROI That's the year they were married. Picard fiddles at the controls some more, a puzzled expression coming over him. PICARD This is odd... there's a seven year gap. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FOUR 42-42A 34B CONTINUED: (4) Troi considers the dates. TROI It starts about a year after my parents were married... PICARD And if I'm not mistaken, it ends a few months after your birth. Troi acknowledges he's right. As Picard continues to work the console: TROI My Mother has always been so diligent about her journal -- why would she have stopped making entries for so long? Picard reacts to something he's found. PICARD She didn't. The files were deleted. Troi reacts. PICARD (continuing) By your Mother... almost thirty years ago. Troi considers what this might mean. TROI I don't understand any of this... She rises, faces Picard with resolve. TROI (continuing) Captain, I have to go back in to my mother's mind. That's the only way we're ever going to get any answers. Off Picard's reaction we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT FIVE 43. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 35 INT. SICKBAY Troi is lying on the bed next to her mother's. Maques and Beverly are preparing for her to go back into Lwaxana's mind. Picard stands next to Deanna. BEVERLY Deanna... you understand that if your para-cortical readings go too high again, I'll have to tell Maques to sever the connection. TROI I know. She turns and nods to Maques. He stands between Troi and Lwaxana, establishes the telepathic link as before. The rush of WHITE NOISE builds to a crescendo and suddenly stops. CUT TO: 36 INT. AN ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) dark and ominous as before. From behind her, Troi HEARS the menacing growl of the Wolf. She turns at the sound and is astonished to see Hedril standing just feet away from the animal, whose fangs are bared at Troi. Hedril stares at her -- her Betazoid eyes unsettling, intense. TROI Hedril, be careful... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 44. 36 CONTINUED: But Hedril reaches and strokes the animal as if it were a pet. When she speaks, her voice does not have the distinctive mechanical edge that the Cairn normally have. HEDRIL Who is Hedril? With that she and the Wolf turn and run off down the corridor. TROI Wait! I want to talk to you -- But "Hedril" and the Wolf continue away. Troi hurries after them -- the Wolf bounds ahead, but the advantage of size lets Troi catch up with Hedril. She's almost within reach of Hedril's fleeing form when the girl rounds a corner... a split second later Troi rounds the same corner and is stunned to see that the corridor is gone; there is nothing before her but the starry blackness of SPACE. Troi stops short... Hedril seems to have disappeared into the void. Troi doesn't know what to do. Then, from somewhere in the starscape before her, she hears the VOICE that has been calling to her. VOICE Help me... Troi decides she must move on. Steeling herself against her natural fears, she jumps into the nothingness... CUT TO: 37 INT. ARBORETUM - CONTINUOUS as Troi finds herself standing near the pond. She looks around, puzzled to find herself here. It isn't the pleasant environment we saw earlier -- it's dark, spooky. The dripping SOUND continues its eerie echo... Troi listens and realizes that the pond is the source of the dripping sounds. She looks around for some sign of where Hedril has gone, but there's nothing. Then, from somewhere near the pond, she HEARS the voice again. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 45. 37 CONTINUED: VOICE Help me... She moves toward the pond, comes to its edge. She looks down at its placid surface but sees nothing in the murky water... 38 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Before Troi's astonished eyes a reflection takes shape... but it's not her face... it's Hedril's. Troi leans closer, tries to read the little girl's expression, but a STONE SPLASHES into the water and its RIPPLES obscure the image. Troi turns to see who has thrown the rock -- but all she catches is a glimpse of a FIGURE disappearing behind some foliage. Troi steels herself and follows. 39 ANOTHER PART OF THE ARBORETUM Troi comes upon Lwaxana, standing staring out into the distance, as if guarding this place and its secrets. Her face is filled with sadness. TROI (gently) Mother... ? Lwaxana turns and sees her. LWAXANA Go away. TROI No... I want to help you. Mrs. Troi shakes her head sadly, as if this were impossible. But Troi presses on, confronts her with what she knows. TROI (continuing) Why did you delete parts of your journal? Mrs. Troi is disturbed to hear that Troi knows this. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 45A. 39 CONTINUED: TROI (continuing) Did something happen to you -- something you don't want me to know about? Lwaxana's eyes fill with pain. LWAXANA Leave me alone... please... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT FIVE 46. 39 CONTINUED: (2) But Troi won't give up. TROI Who is Hedril, Mother? Why is she here? Lwaxana won't answer, her face is anguished. TROI (continuing) Is Hedril me -- when I was a little girl? LWAXANA No -- I would never let anything happen to you... never. Troi reacts to what this implies. TROI Did you let something happen to someone... ? Mrs. Troi turns away, won't answer. TROI (continuing) Was it here, at El'nar? Lwaxana answers almost despite herself. LWAXANA You were just a baby... TROI Tell me; whatever it is we can face it together. LWAXANA (anguished) I can't... TROI You can... we can. Lwaxana seems exhausted, as if she can't fight it off anymore. HEDRIL (O.C) Help me... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 46A. 40 NEW ANGLE The arboretum is now sunny and bright. Troi turns at the sound of her voice and sees that "Hedril" has appeared behind them. She is trying to put a leash on a small DOG that is trying to struggle from her grip... HEDRIL Help me, papa... Troi's father, now in civilian clothes, is sitting on a blanket near Hedril, taking food out of a container. It is a family picnic, and a BABY lies sleeping in a portable carrier. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 47. 40 CONTINUED: LWAXANA (to Troi) Please... don't make me go through this again... MISTER TROI (to Hedril) Here... He leans over and takes the dog by the collar, attaches the leash. MISTER TROI (continuing) Now hold on to him, don't let him run off. HEDRIL I won't... Hedril looks straight at Lwaxana and speaks to her directly. HEDRIL Mommy, can we go play by the water? Lwaxana can't help but answer. LWAXANA No, Kestra... stay here with us... Troi reacts to the unfamiliar name. HEDRIL Please? The baby starts crying -- LWAXANA Kestra, you woke your sister. TROI (to herself) Kestra... ? Mrs. Troi steps forward and kneels down to comfort the baby. LWAXANA Don't cry, Deanna... mommy's here.. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 47A. 40 CONTINUED: (2) Troi realizes -- Kestra is her sister, a sister she never knew about. But she has to put aside her shock, do nothing that might derail her mother. HEDRIL Please, mommy? STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 40 CONTINUED: (4) MISTER TROI No, Kestra... we're going to eat in just a few minutes... Mrs. Troi tries to comfort the squalling baby. LWAXANA What's wrong, little one... what's wrong... ? Lwaxana is now completely inside the memory, seems unaware that Troi is watching nearby. Try as she might, she can't comfort the baby. The dog starts to tug at his leash, growling playfully -- which seems to delight Hedrill/Kestra. LWAXANA (to Mister Troi) She's teething, Ian... where's her ring... ? MISTER TROI In your bag, I think... LWAXANA Mommy's going to make it all better... Mrs. Troi starts rifling through the bag with one hand. LWAXANA (to Mister Troi) I can't find it -- are you sure it's in here? Mister Troi starts looking around as well. Behind them, Hedril/Kestra is having trouble keeping hold of the dog. The animal's growl grows deeper and more guttural -- it's impossible for such a tiny animal to make such a SOUND, and we recognize it as the growl of the WOLF Deanna heard before. As she looks down at the baby, Lwaxana's face darkens at the sound and we cut to: 40A NEW ANGLE The arboretum is suddenly dark and ominous again -- Mrs. Troi now sits alone on the grass. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 48A. 40A CONTINUED: LWAXANA (to Troi, anguished) No, I don't want to see this again -- I can't -- TROI What happened, Mother. What happened next? Lwaxana's face is anguished -- LWAXANA I don't remember -- TROI You have to. You can't hold it back -- it's killing you. Lwaxana looks at Troi for a long moment... and finally gives in to it... LWAXANA The dog got away... she ran after him... we didn't notice... until it was too late... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 41 thru OMITTED 42 43 SCENE CHANGE - THE ARBORETUM is sunny again. Troi finds herself near the edge of the pond. Lwaxana and Mister Troi are sitting huddled together by the water's edge -- he is drenched and exhausted. They look out at the water in shock -- they're devastated, numb. The dog barks by the water's edge, insistent (baby Deanna is nearby in her carrier). MISTER TROI (anguished) The current was too strong... Mrs. Troi can do nothing but stare out at the water. LWAXANA Kestra... 44 ON TROI as she watches, her eyes wet with emotion. She steps toward her mother. 45 NEW ANGLE -- THE ARBORETUM (OPTICAL) has gone dark again. Her mother is alone by the water's edge, crying softly. Deanna kneels next to her, tries to comfort her. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 45 CONTINUED: LWAXANA Why did I look away... why wasn't I paying attention... ? TROI You have to forgive yourself, Mother... you have to let go... LWAXANA How can I? I let her die... Troi regards her for a moment, wondering how best to help her. TROI It was a terrible tragedy -- the worst thing that can happen to any parent... I know you feel responsible... but it was an accident... She searches for the words to reach her mother. TROI And what you're doing isn't fair to Kestra... Mrs. Troi looks up at her, not certain what she means. TROI I saw a little girl who was sweet and happy... she must have brought a great deal of joy into your lives... LWAXANA She woke up every morning with a smile... TROI Then isn't it better to remember her like that? (beat) I've just found out I had a sister I never knew... I'd like to remember what was good and joyous about her... to celebrate her life, not mourn it... Mrs. Troi is beginning to hear what Deanna says, but isn't sure if she can do what her daughter is asking. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 50A. 45 CONTINUED: (2) LWAXANA But when she died... the pain was so awful... TROI I know. And you shut it away inside you all these years. But hiding it didn't make it go away. It's still there, hurting you... and it will stay there unless you can forgive yourself and move on. LWAXANA How? How can I do that? TROI Kestra was here, a few moments ago. Talk to her... LWAXANA No -- TROI Do it. Tell her how you feel. (beat) I'm here with you. I'll help you. Lwaxana stares at her for a moment, suddenly the child to Troi's comforting maternal presence. She draws that strength, then -- KESTRA (O.C.) Mommy... They turn to see a little girl of about eight standing nearby. It's KESTRA -- she has dark hair and Betazoid eyes. She looks at her mother -- there is no hint of accusation in her eyes, just the love of a child for her mother. LWAXANA Kestra... Mrs. Troi hesitates. She seems at once frightened and enthralled. LWAXANA Oh, Kestra... my precious one... I'm so sorry... STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 50B. 45 CONTINUED: (3) Kestra moves toward her mother, who opens her arms to her. The little girl hugs her mother with everything she has... Troi watches as her mother reconciles herself with what happened. After a long moment, Kestra gently pulls back from her mother. KESTRA I have to go now... LWAXANA I know... Lwaxana lets her go. Kestra looks up into her mother's eyes, then slowly, slowly, she begins to VANISH -- until there's nothing left but a memory. Lwaxana reaches a hand to Troi, who takes it, and we... CUT TO: STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - REV. 08/27/93 - ACT FIVE 51. 46 INT. SICKBAY Lwaxana's eyes open, and a moment later, Troi's. They turn to each other, and both smile when they realize that their hands are clasped across the space that separates their two beds. 47 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it moves at impulse. 48 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS Lwaxana and Troi are sitting on the couch, talking quietly. LWAXANA Kestra always wanted to help take care of you... she was never the slightest bit jealous of all the attention you got. TROI She sounds very sweet... LWAXANA I made your father promise never to speak of her... it was a terrible thing to ask... but he went along with it. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 51A. 48 CONTINUED: TROI If it hadn't been for your work with the Cairn, the strain of the telepathic contact, you might have been able to repress the memory forever. LWAXANA And if it hadn't been for you -- I might have died trying to keep that dreadful secret. Mother and daughter share a warm moment, then Troi stands and gets something from her desk. TROI (continuing) I contacted Mister Homn and told him you were all right. He asked me to give you something. Troi hands her mother a PADD. STAR TREK: "Dark Page" - 08/26/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 49 INSERT - THE PADD'S SCREEN It's a picture of Mister Troi and Kestra. She's about eight, holding Deanna when she was a baby. She is beaming at the camera. 50 RESUME SCENE as Lwaxana smiles, her eyes wet with tears. LWAXANA I remember the day I took this... TROI Mister Homn said he saved it... in case someday you wanted to remember her... Troi watches as Lwaxana clutches this unexpected treasure to her breast... LWAXANA I wish you could have known her, Deanna. I wish you two could have grown up together... TROI Tell me about her.. I want to know everything. Lwaxana smiles that she will... Off this moment we... CUT TO: 51 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it moves away we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END