Episode Review


"Not good is a galactic understatement!" And that it is in reference to Admiral Mark Jameson. One thing I find interesting about this episode is that it has got to be the episode of TNG's season one that I have seen the most. Reason being, for some reason, it always seems to be running on Spike TV when I decide to turn it on when nothing else is on.

Anyway, I like this episode for some reason. I honestly don't know why. One thing I liked is the makeup they used on Jameson. By that I mean the way he was made up for his changing ages. However I thought the way they made him up for the "looking 20 years younger" stage was kind of funky. I think it was the hair.

Anyway...what else...well, the story started out kind of slow, but built up as the show progressed. One lesson we learn is forever young comes at a high price. You can't fight nature. Also, I felt this was a very "single character episode." It pretty much focused on Jameson, Picard, and Crusher with a little Data and Troi thrown in here and there.

One thing I must say is I think Jameson's "interpretation" of the prime Directive needs a little work. Giving advanced weapons to an uncivilized or less advanced society is like giving a beer to an alcoholic. You know what's going to happen. I must say though, throughout the show, that Karn-ass guy kind of annoyed me.

We have a nice little action scene when they enter the tunnels too! Always cool. Well, that's pretty much it. Overall, It's a good episode that I think most of use Trek fans would enjoy, if you haven't seen it already. I'll give it 4 star rating.


out of 5