Episode Quotes


[to Claire Raymond]
: "Welcome to the twenty-fourth century."
"Sonny" Clemens: "What do you guys do? I mean, you don't drink, and you ain't got no TV. It must be kind of boring, ain't it?"
"Sonny" Clemens: "Well, we won't be inviting these Romulans to our party, will we?"
Data: "No. That would not be .. appropriate."
"Sonny" Clemens: "Duty calls ... hey, I understand ... come back later - you and me can find us a couple of low-mileage pit woffies, and help them build a memory."
Data: "What is to be done with them?"
Riker "I don't know."
Data: "Query sir - 'low-mileage-pit-woffie' ?"
Riker: "This time you have me, Data. I haven't a clue."
Data: "These are not like any other humans I have ever encountered. I find them fascinating."
Riker: "From what I have already seen of our 'guests', there is very little to redeem them. In fact, it makes me wonder, how our species ever survived the twenty-first century."
[to Picard on Worf]
: "Silence your dog, Captain."
Tebok: "Matters more urgent caused our absence. Now, witness the result. Outposts destroyed, expansion of the Federation everywhere. Yes, we have indeed been negligent, Captain, but no more."
Tebok: "Your presence is not wanted. Do you understand my meaning, captain? We ... are back."
Picard's closing words for the season
Picard: Picard: "There's still much to do, still so much to learn."

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