Episode Quotes


Picard: "Didn't anybody here build ships in bottles when they were boys?"
Worf: "I did not play with toys."
Data: "I was never a boy."
O'Brien: "I did, sir."
Picard: "Thank you, Mr. O'Brien... Proceed."
Geordi: "As a woman, what's the first thing you look at ?" [in a man]
Guinan: "His head."
Geordi: "His mind. Of course."
Guinan: "No, his head. I am attracted to bald men."
Geordi: "Seriously?"
Guinan: "Seriously."
Geordi: "Why ?"
Guinan: "Maybe because a bald man was kind to me once. When I was hurting. Took care of me."
Geordi: "I just don't get it, Guinan. I can field strip a fusion reactor. I can realign a power transfer tunnel. Why can't I make anything work with a woman like Christy? It's like ... I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say."
Guinan: "You're doing fine with me."
Geordi: "You're different."
Guinan: "No, you're different."
Geordi: "But I'm not trying now."
Guinan: "That's my point."
Geordi: "Commander. We should be going like a bat out of hell."
Geordi: "Great, another woman who won't get personal with me on the Holodeck"
Dr. Brahms: "I am not used to having people question my judgement."
Geordi: "And I'm not used to dying."
Geordi: "Don't go away. I mean, Computer, save program."
Worf: "Admirable. They died at their posts."
Picard: "Ensign Crusher, I relieve you."
LaForge: "You worked in a lab on a static model. This is a working machine.
It's got tens of thousands of light years on it."

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