Episode Trivia


Nelvana III is the sight of the supposed Romulan battle fleet.
The Valley of Chula, the fire falls at Gath Gal'thong and the Apnex sea are all major geological features on Romulus.
"Pahtk" and "Tohzah" are Klingon curses. "Veruul" is a Romulan insult.
The Romulans measure heat in onkians.
Picard and Data are rehearsing Henry V Act 4 Scene 1.
Data plans to study the acting performances of Olivier, Brannagh, Shapiro and Solnock but Picard suggests he use an amalgamation of styles.
Admiral Alidar Jark was responsible for the Norkan Outpost massacre according to Admiral Haden.
The Battle of Cheron (see also the original series episode "Balance of Terror") is regarded as a humiliating defeat for the Romulans.
The Treaty of Algeron prohibits Federation Entry into the Neutral Zone (and also researching cloaking technology as discovered later in the series).

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