Episode Quotes


Picard: "Why her?"
Worf: "Sir, I believe she was the intended target of the abduction."
Riker: "Why would they want to take a Federation hostage? Their fight doesn't involve us."
Worf: "It does now."
Picard: "History has shown us that strength may be useless when faced with terrorism."
Alexana Devos: "How do I combat an enemy that fails to register on any scanner, until they're literally standing in front of you, pointing a phaser at your head?"
Riker: "You don't sound very optimistic."
Alexana Devos: "I know my enemy, Commander. They don't leave much room for optimism."
Finn: [to Beverly] "What's the point of not eating? You're the only one who's suffering. Do I look like it's bothering me? ... Okay, it's bothering me."
Alexana Devos: "Believe it or not, I always considered myself moderate."
Riker: "What changed your mind?"
Alexana Devos: "Being stationed here for six months. Watching the body count grow. The three assassination attempts on my life."
Riker: "Well, that'll change your point of view."
Alexana Devos: "In a world where children blow up children, everyone's a threat."
Picard: "Beverly, it is our obligation to think of escape."
Crusher: "He's prepared to kill you."
Picard: "An excellent reason to escape."
Alexana Devos: "Already another one to take his place. It never ends."
Riker: "He could've killed you. He didn't. Maybe the end begins with one boy putting down his gun."

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