Episode Trivia


Ventax II was once a highly polluted technological world, but after the native Ventaxians "sold their souls" to Ardra a thousand years ago, they are now a largely agrarian society.
The Ventaxians first contact was with a Klingon vessel seventy years ago.
Ardra is known as Mendora in the Berrusian cluster, Torak to the Drellians, Fek'lhr Guardian of Gre'thor and the Devil. She has apparently 23 aliases in this sector alone.
Data is continuing his study of acting (see "The Defector"), staging the famous Marley ghost scene from "A Chistrmas Carol" and discussing acting method with Picard who quotes from P.T. Barnum - "There's a sucker born every minute".
Q is mentioned by Beverly.
The ruins of Ligillium and the hidden Zaterl emerald are used by Picard as bait for Ardra.

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