Episode Behind the Scenes


The episode originally ran nine minutes over and had to be severely cut due to slow pacing issues.
Marina Sirtis had been pleading for years for more Troi action sequences. Her plan backfired though when she was suspended from a harness for the flying sequences - she is deathly afraid of heights.
Jeri Taylor claimed the Troi flying scenes were a "terrible production mistakes". Rob Legato was slightly more to the point, describing them as "horrible".
Brian Tochi (Kerry Lin) was Ray Tsingtao in classic Trek's "And the Children Shall Lead".
Mike Okuda's Brattain plaque identifies the ship as Miranda Class, NCC-21166, built at the Yoyodyne Division over 40 Eridani-A (Vulcan).
The Brattain was a redressed Reliant miniature from Star Trek II and was incorrectly labelled "Brittain".
TNG's staff names can be seen in the explosives manifest that Data and Troi examine. Included are Mooride Polyronite IV (Ron Moore), Takemurium Lite (David Takemura), Neussite 283 (Wendy Neuss), Bio-Genovesium (Cosmo Genovese) and Hutzelite (Gary Hutzel)

If you have some more behind the scenes information, send it in.