Worf: "Mrs. Troi. I must protest your unauthorized
presence on the bridge." Lwaxana: "What does that little one do, Mr. Woof?"
[Poking at the console] Worf: "PLEASE Madam, that is a torpedo-launch
initiator! .. And it is .. Worf, not Woof."
Data: "It is true that the intellectual efficiency
of higher order beings does diminish proportionally with
the deprivation of nutritious fuel and .."
Lwaxana: "I am suddenly... suddenly not sure of
myself... and it is a feeling I am not at all used to... I
don't think I like it very much, Little One..." Troi: "Not sure of yourself?" Lwaxana: "My life has been full. Now and then it's
even overflowed a little, I'll admit. But I
enjoy...living. Now I am asking myself -- is it possible
that I've been wrong to encourage Timicin
to choose life?" Troi: "You were honest with him, mother... how
could you be anything else?" Lwaxana: "Maybe I want him to live... just to keep
me company."
"If you boys don't eat something you're going to be
sick and who's that going to help? I've made some
irresistible Mantickian pate. Mister Homn will lay it out
for us." [to Timicin] "Mister Homn is my valet. He doesn't
say much." Geordi: [mutters] "How can he?" Data: "It is true that the intellectual efficiency
of high order beings does diminish proportionately when
the deprivation of rest or nutritious fuel is..." Geordi: "All right, all right; don't you start."
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