Episode Behind the Scenes


This story was Shari Goodhartz's second TNG plot line after "Night Terrors".
Jeri Taylor and Pamela Gray came up with the science fiction angle of mental rather than physical assault.
Jeri Taylor on "Violations": "We had been doing so many political shows that the success of this one reminded us that maybe we could do more with the mental side of SF, exploring the bizarre possibilities of psychological dramas."
Memory flashbacks were generated for every major character before Troi, Riker and Beverly were chosen.
Originally, a flashback scene alluded to the yet-unexplained trouble Ensign Ro experienced on Garon II (see "Ensign Ro").
Shari Goodhartz had originally had Miles O'Brien being the victim.
Robert Wiemer sought permission from Rick Berman to use the different camera angles and tricks, including wide angle lenses and rolling camera cranes.
The Riker/Troi flashback scenes caused a stir from fans who were disappointed that later episodes did not continue the rekindled intimacy between the two.

If you have some more behind the scenes information, send it in.