Episode Behind the Scenes


Brannon Braga on "Realm of Fear": "In some ways it's my most personal show to date, because I relate to Barclay - it comes from the heart!"
The transporter "creatures" were designed by Dan Curry and built by modelmaker and sculptor Carey Howe. Curry donned green tights to operate the creatures as a hand puppet against a green screen and credited his tai chi for the slow and graceful movement he exhibited.
Since Season 2, O'Brien had sported the rank of full Lieutenant, however here he only bears a single black centered pip to aid with the plot point that Barclay outranks him.
In "real screen time", Barclay is in the transporter beam for 105 seconds, not just 30-40 as was intended.
The U.S.S. Grissom model from Star Trek III turns up again here as the U.S.S. Yosemite.
Talarian hook spiders were designed as a tip of the hat to TNG's own "Suddenly Human".
Crusher's cardio stimulator is a smaller version of McCoy's from TOS's "Journey to Babel".
O'Briens reference to Zayra IV was designed to honor Zayra Cabot, Jeri Taylor's secretary.

If you have some more behind the scenes information, send it in.