Episode Behind the Scenes

TREKCORE > TNG > EPISODES > TRUE Q > Behind the Scenes

The episode was originally entitled "Q Me?"
The original plot involved Wesley Crusher, a teenage love affair and an unwanted pregnancy.
Matthew Corey (part-writer) on True Q - "It was kind of the mirror of three years ago when Michael Piller called me one day - after more than year of sending scripts to Star Trek and having them rejected - and them saying they wanted."
The Amanda character was originally to be called Samantha, a tip of the hat to Elizabeth Montgomery's character in "Bewitched".
The single biggest scene in this episode was cut for time and involved Troi who brought Amanda a vacationing crewman's dog named Henry to "dog site". A scene where she conjures up a puppy litter was cut for time.
The Warp Core breach was filmed by having FX man Dick Brownfield squirt liquid nitrogen onto the warp core over specially appliquéd flashing bulbs.

If you have some more behind the scenes information, send it in.