Episode Trivia


The Enterprise crew should have attended a diplomatic conference on Atalia VII but instead diverted to Deep Space 4.
The Enterprise travels to Kea IV and Indri VIII which has been attacked by a Klingon biogenic weapon, destroying the atmosphere.
The Indri system was first identified by the Federation nearly 60 years ago. It's eighth planet was L-Class supporting plant but not animal life.
Ruah IV is Class-M and has many animal life forms including a genus of proto-hominids.
Loren III is capable of supporting life.
Gul Ocett is tricked into going to the Rahm-Izad system.
The Enterprise finally sets course for the second planet of the Vilmoran system. The planet was once inhabited but now only supports lichen.
Kurl is a long way outside Federation space. Galen recently retrieved some a Kurlan Naiskos from the 3rd Dynasty (12,000 years ago). The civilization was 300 years ahead of its time.
Ya'seem is an archeological location comparable to Troy and was discovered by the Klingon woman M'Tell.
The Enterprise is in the midst of the Volterra Nebula analyzing several dozen protostars in a stellar nursery.
The information dealing Yridians (see "Birthright") attacked Galen's shuttle.
B'aht Qul is a Klingon challenge of physical strength.
Tash-Koh-Tah refers to Klingons dying together as brothers.
The Sataaran of Sothis III (same as those in "Conundrum" ?) disdain mysteries.
"Dream not of today" is the night blessing of the Yash-El.
Data's upper spinal support is made from a polyalloy.
Data's skull is composed of cortenide and duranium.
17 people on the Enterprise are from non-Federation planets.

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