Episode Behind the Scenes


Jeri Taylor on the Worf/Troi romance - "It's been kinda fun, but it infuriates some people. Some people are so upset that we didn't put Riker and Troi together and just get it over with, and how dare we introduce this!"
Brannon Braga on the Worf/Troi romance - "I think most people didn't pick up on the relationship we were trying to evolve, which was good - we wanted that surprise when we find out they're married. This is a couple that only has relationships in alternate realities and timelines ... even as creatures. They make normal couples look boring by comparison!"
The Wesley Crusher role was first written for Tasha but was felt redundant due to season three's "Yesterday's Enterprise".
Worf's party song was originally meant to be "Happy Birthday" translated into Klingonese until the producers learned the brodcast fee required by the copyrighted song's royalty holders.
The shuttle Curie was originally called Borges after one of Braga's favorite authors.
During the alternate realities, Troi's entire past wardrobe from the series is used barring the buttoned down Farpoint version.
Starbase 47 is actually the redressed cryocapsule / relay station from "The Neutral Zone" and "Aquiel".
Ron Moore ended up having to create hundreds of Enterprise on Brannon Braga's request using a technique of motion control technique of rotating and lighting the model from different distances and angles - "I don't know how many Enterprises are on the screen, but it's a good deal more than a hundred!"

If you have some more behind the scenes information, send it in.