Episode Trivia


Riker devolves into an Australopithacine. Deanna becomes an aquatic creature, Spot an iguana, Barclay an arachnid and Picard a lemur. As for Worf, it's probably best to draw a parallel with the "Alien" creature!
Deanna's DNA is found to be in a state of ribocyatic flux.
Rebecca Smith is the Enterprise's new tactical officer. Riker took a walk with her in the Arboretum and ended up impaled on a Cypirion cactus.
Barclay believes he is suffering from Terellian death syndrome or Symbaline blood burn. In fact, he has a strain of Urodelan flu. Beverly tries to treat it with a synthetic T-Cell as the T-Cells in Barclay which would normally combat the flu are dormant..
Alyssa and Spot are both pregnant. Data doesn't know who the father is. Spot has escaped from her quarters on several occassions and Data intends to DNA test the twelve male cats on born.
The Enterprise weapons and tactical systems are being upgraded. The photon torpedo targeting has been improved and the explosive yield has increased by 11%.
Picard thinks he is a reasonably qualified shuttle pilot (see "In Theory").
Troi likes Ongilin Caviar.

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