Episode Trivia


Picard is going to visit the ancient ruins in the Hatarian System.
A magnesite deposit in the Kalla system is belongs to the Pakleds (see "Samaritan Snare").
Stellar Dynamics are making a detailed study of the Vodrey Nebula.
The magnesite ore is being sold to a Yridian trader in the Ufandi system.
Future-Alexander claims he met a man in the Kember system who gave him the ability to travel 40 years back through time.
The Enterprise is holding its position until its rendezvous with the Kearsarge in four days.
The first Rite of Ascension covers fighting skills and knowledge of the teaching of Kahless. The ceremony must take place before the age of 13 or a Klingon cannot truly become a warrior.
Kor'tova candles represent the fires that burn within the heart of a warrior. Lighting one declares the subjects willingness to become a warrior.
The Festival of Kot'baval is celebrated on the Klingon outpost on Maranga IV. It involves a reconstruction of the 12 day fight between Kahless and Molor (see "Rightful Heir").
Ya'nora kor is to challenge a parents fitness to raise his son.
There is a Klingon training academy at Ogat.
Alexander was three years old when his mother died (see "Reunion").
Worf's brother has no male heir.
Alexander has never been to Qo'noS.
The Duras sisters were seen on Deep Space Nine trying to sell bilitrium explosives months ago (see DS9's "Past Prologue")
Riker is the only man to win triple Dabo on Quark's tables on DS9.

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