Episode Behind the Scenes


This episode comes harks back to the time when Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner were asked during the filming of "Masks" whether they could suggest any hanging character threads that had the potential to be turned into stories. Stewart suggested the unsatisfied vengeance of DaiMon Bok, and Jeri Taylor latched on to the idea.
Michael Piller originally named Picard's son Cristof, which was then changed by Echevarria to Daniel and subsequently Jason at Patrick Stewart's request to avoid using his real son's name.
Sadly, a line was cut where Picard realises Ferengi such as Bok can buy their way out of prison and DaiMon Birta responds "He paid his debt to society".
Lee Arenberg (Prak in "Force of Nature" and Gral in DS9's "The Nagus") took over Frank Corsentino's role of Bok ("The Battle") after the original actor couldn't be located, while Peter Slutstker (Birta) played Dr. Reyga in "Suspicions".
This episode has the first TNG mention of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
After Picard's mentioning of the Stargazer's bridge crewman Vigo in "The Battle", Nick Sagan intended to make Miranda Vigo the sister of the weapons officer.
Sagan, a huge baseball fan, named Security Officer Garvey after Steve Garvey, whilst Jason's Forrester Trent syndrome was named for original "The Battle" writer Larry Forrester and Trent Reznor of the rock band Nineinch Nails.
The Ferengi Probe was created by Dan Curry using an underground sprinkler sleeve.

If you have some more behind the scenes information, send it in.