Data: "If you had an off switch, Doctor, would you
not keep it a secret?"
Crusher: "I guess I would." |
"It's Data, Mom. I heard you know how to turn him on."
Crusher: "This is very serious !"
Wesley: "So just tell me to, 'Shut up, Wesley', and
I will."
Crusher: "You're being very unfair, Wes."
[to Lore]
"How sad, dear brother.
You make me wish I were an only child."
"Data, you all right ?"
Data: "Yes sir, I'm fine."
[Data twitches]
Picard: "Then get rid of that damn twitch and put
on the correct uniform."
Data: "Yes, Captain." |
[examining Data]
Crusher: "And these small projections?"
Data: "An android alarm clock. Is that amusing?" |
"Lesson Number One in becoming more human. You must
observe all human customs." |
"I have more than I ever dreamed possible, brother..." |
"The troublesome little man-child. Are you prepared for
the kind of death you've earned, little man?"
Lore: "Back off or I'll turn your little man into a
torch! I promise him exquisite pain!" |
"Shut up Wesley!" |
"Have you got a cold?"
Data: "A cold what?" |