Episode Quotes


Picard Duplicate: "As far as I know, I am perfectly healthy."
Picard: "The replica was convincing?"
Riker: "Very convincing, but ... not perfect."
Picard: "Not perfect in what way?"
Riker: "Well, sir. I find it hard to believe that you are that good a singer."
Picard: "Singer? ... I look forward to reading you report. At least I think I do."
Picard Duplicate: "Oh, cheer up, my lads, 'tis to glory we steer."
Tholl: "I've never even heard of the Moropa. My race has no enemies."
Picard: "None? In the last three hundred years of Mizarian history, your planet has been conquered six times!"
Tholl: "And we've survived by not resisting. Mizarians value peace above confrontation."
Tholl: "I'll bet half the names in the Chalnoth language mean 'fighter'."
Picard Duplicate: "Will you dine with me tonight?"
Beverly: "In Ten-Forward?"
Picard Duplicate: "How about my quarters? More intimate."
Beverly: "You're full of surprises today, Jean-Luc."
Picard Duplicate: "I take that to be a yes."

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