The Phyrox Plague has
been eradicated on Cor Caroli V. The Enterprise's mission
there has been classified by Starfleet. |
The U.S.S. Hood is
engaged terraforming the planet Browder IV. |
There are at least two
planets in the Mizar system. Mizar II is colonised. |
There are at
least nine planets in the Bolarus system. Bolarus IX is
colonised. |
Picard visited
the Chalnoth home planet of Chalna twelve years ago. |
Picard put his
life at stake for the Wogneer creatures in the Ordek
Nebula. |
Mention is
made of Picard's encounter with the Mintakans in "Who
Watches the Watchers?". |
The Mizarians
are a pacifist race. They have been conquered several
times, and refuse to fight back. |
The Bolians
are Federation members who have an uneasy truce with the
Moropa. |
The Chalnoth
are an anarchic race who Picard encountered on the U.S.S.
Stargazer twelve years ago. |
The Picard
Duplicate sings the ancient drinking song "Heart of Oak". |
quarters are on Deck 9. |