Episode Quotes


Data: "I am designed to exceed human capacity, both mentally and physically."
Troi: "Hello, Timothy. Are you ready to go?"
Timothy: "Yes, Counselor, I am ready."
Troi: "How are you feeling?"
Timothy: "I am functioning within established parameters."
Beverly: "Transfer circuits are functioning properly."
Timothy: "Within established parameters?"
Beverly: "Absolutely. Input processing, pattern recognition, all within established parameters."
Data and Timothy: "Thank you, Doctor."
Data: [Timothy yawns] "Perhaps you should return to your quarters."
Timothy: "I'm fine. The servo mechanisms in my mouth are designed to approximate human movements."
Data: "I would gladly risk feeling bad at times if it also meant that I .. could .. taste my dessert."
Data: "Timothy, androids do not lie."
Data: "Sir, drop the shields."
Riker: "That's suicide, Data."
Data: "Captain, DROP the shields!"
Timothy: "This is great. How is yours?"
Data: "The complex polysaccharides, in reaction with the carbon dioxide, produces an unusual combination of texture and effervescence."
Timothy: "But how does it taste? Is it good?"
Data: "I am not capable of tasting in the manner you suggest. However, I can analyze the composition of a dessert, then make comparative conclusions about its possible effect on the human palate. But I neither like it, nor dislike it."
Timothy: "Oh, I didn't realize that."

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