Episode Behind the Scenes


This story was developed during the writers' Mexian retreat.
Michael Piller on "The First Duty": "I thought [Wesley] should choose the truth, and Ron [Moore] thought he couldn't go back on his friends. Ultimately, I gave the order to go with the truth - that's what I'd want my kids to do - but I think it shows how much we can get into these characters when we find ourselves debating the points they're arguing."
Ray Walston (Boothby) famous for his role in "My Favorite Martian" says the that during his days of shooting, the cast and crew approached him with the old character's schtick of head antenna and finger-wiggling "levitation".
The exterior view of Starfleet Academy matted into the 24th Century Starfleet environs were location scenes filmed at the Tillman Water Reclamation Plant in Van Nuys, the same site that provided the exteriors for Rubicun III in "Justice".
Dan Curry added the Academy flag flying at half mast in the exterior matte painting.
The Starfleet Academy triangular seal was adapted by Mike Okuda from a design by Joe Senna, and features the sun behind the Golden Gate Bridge in the logo's centre. An animated version was considered but ultimately not used.
Okuda uses the Romulan Numerals MMCLXI as the founding date for the Federation (2161).
The motto "Ex astra, scientia" means "From the stars, knowledge". Okuda took it from the Apollo 13's motto "Ex luna, scientia".
The sensor log tapes used in the inquiry were computer generated by Dan Curry's team.
Wesley's dorm room includes models of the Apollo command service module and Kirk's original Constitution-class Enterprise.
The cadets' collar pips are the same as the longer pins adorning the movie-era uniforms' white sleeve cuffs.
The inquiry's hearing bell was also used in classic Trek's "Space Seed" and "Court Martial".

If you have some more behind the scenes information, send it in.