Episode Quotes


Kamala: "My emphatic powers can only sense a man of deep passion and conviction. So controlled, so disciplined. I'm simply curious to know what lies beneath."
Picard: "Nothing, nothing lies beneath. .. I'm .. I'm really quite dull."
Kamala: "What is it about me you fear? Do you find me unattractive?"
Picard: "I find you unavailable."
Beverly: "Penny."
Picard: "What?"
Beverly: "For your thoughts. Penny for your thoughts."
Picard: "Do you have one?"
Beverly: "I'm sure the replicator will have one on file."
Picard: "Beverly, you mind taking off your uniform for a moment?"
Beverly: "Captain!"
Picard: "I need to talk to a friend."
Worf: "You! What are you doing?"
Qol (a Ferengi): "This is a misunderstanding... I was looking for the barbershop... Apparently I made an incorrect turn -- and..."
Briam: "I was chosen for this mission for a simple reason... I am two hundred years old. The
temptations of a beautiful metamorph do not reach me so easily... and yet I would be lying
if I were to claim, that even at my age, they did not reach me at all. But you... you had to work
side by side with her for days... how could you resist her... ?"
Picard: "Ambassador, have a safe trip home."

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