Episode Quotes


Beverly: "They are not removable, are they, Data ?"
Data: "Removable?"
Beverly: "Your ears."
Data: "No, doctor. They are fully integrated components."
Dokachin: "He probably figures that we don't get to see a lot of handsome women out this way and someone like you might get a little more co-operation from me. .. He's probably right. What was the name of that ship? T'Pau ?"
Picard: "A defection?"
Brackett: "If it is, the damage to Federation security would be immeasurable."
Picard: "The man is dying. And it's my honor to tell him that his son may have betrayed the Federation."
Beverly: "Your right eye is point zero zero four higher than the left."
Picard: "Nobody's perfect, Doctor. But--"
Beverly: "If you want a proper fit to your prosthetics, trust your tailor."
Perrin: "Mint tea. It's been years since I had any. Vulcans have some kind of strange concoction they call 'mint'. You'd never recognize it."
Picard: "The only benefit to the Klingon Empire...would be our gratitude."
B'Ijik: "That is what you want me to tell him?!"
Picard: "Yes. And, please add that, if he is unable to provide us with a ship, then I am sure there are others in the Klingon Empire...who would be willing to help me. And then, they would have our gratitude."
B'Ijik: "I see."
Picard: "Also, please tell Gowron that I am *immensely* gratified that he is prospering so well. A tribute to his skilled leadership."
Picard: "I have come on an urgent mission from the Federation. I am looking for Ambassador Spock."
Spock: "Indeed! You have found him, Captain Picard."
K'Vada: (to Romulan Data) "Be careful, android! Some Romulan beauty might take a liking to you! Lick that paint right off your ears."

Have we missed a great quote from this episode? If so, please send it in!