Episode Trivia


The Enterprise was scheduled for a terraforming mission to Doraf I, but is recalled to Starbase 234.
Qualor II is the site of a Federation surplus depot. It is operated and controlled by the Zakdorn (see "Peak Performance").
Picard has met Spock once before (see "Sarek"), but his knowledge of the famous Vulcan comes mainly from historical records.
Spock publicly attacked Sarek over his position regarding the Cardassian war.
The Vulcan equivalent of mint tastes nothing like the Earth equivalent.
Vulcan ships are made of dentarium alloy, which is designed for space travel.
A Ferengi cargo shuttle went down in the Hanolin Asteroid Belt.
Gowron is re-writing Klingon history to gain personal recognition (see "Reunion" and "Redemption").
The Romulan Senator Pardek attended the Khitomer Conference and has entered into trading negotiations with the Barolians.

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